2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 题型技法指导专题六 简答题.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 题型技法指导专题六 简答题真题试做(xx湖南卷)A wise teacher once told me that every teenager needs to experience a notsofun first job from working at a grocery store to the fast food industry.Now I still remember my first day at a fast food restaurant three years ago.I wanted to save up money and buy my own car,so I applied everywhere I could that summer.The restaurant called me right away and I thought to myself,this is going to be easy.Within four hours of my first shift(轮班),I had angry customers who plained how slow I was.I watched in fear as a kid spilled his milk everywhere,and I heard the words that no 16yearold boy or anyone for that matter wants to hear:“Mike,theres a problem in the mens bathroom and you might want gloves for this one.”I realized right away that working at the restaurant was not going to be a picnic.The manager expected a clean environment and,particularly,fast service with a friendly smile.Over three years later I still work at that restaurant whenever I go home during vacations.I love my coworkers there and all the customers know who I am.Every morning the same senior citizens e in and get their morning coffees.They chat with us workers and joke around.Our smiles have just as much to do with them making us a part of their everyday lives as the coffee does.From my first job at the restaurant,I learned teamwork and devotion.I also learned staying positive no matter how rough things seem to get.I will forever carry the experience that I gained at the restaurant with me as I go forward in my life.81Why did the author apply everywhere that summer?(No more than 12 words)(2 marks)_82What did the manager particularly expect the workers to do?(No more than 14 words)(3 marks)_83Why does the author still work at the restaurant during vacations?(No more than 13 words)(2 marks)_84What did the author learn from his first job?(No more than 11 words)(3 marks)_考向分析阅读简答题要求考生在读懂文章的基础上,用不超过所规定的词数,简要地回答有关文章内容的问题。旨在考查在阅读理解的基础上用英语进行书面表达的能力。 分析历年湖南高考阅读简答真题,可归纳出其命题特点为:一、语篇特点:体裁多为说明文、议论文和应用文,也有记叙文。文章结构清楚,脉络清晰,易于把握。xx年高考英语湖南卷阅读简答题的语篇为新闻报道,主要报道关于北磁极移动的最新发现。文章第一段为全文主题段,指出北磁极正朝西伯利亚方向移动,下文接着分别介绍北磁极移动的原因、移动的速度及其影响。 xx年高考英语湖南卷阅读简答题为一篇关于国际冰雕锦标赛的说明文。首段提出主题:每年元月,来自世界各地的14支队伍前来瑞士参加国际冰雕锦标赛。之后分别介绍参赛队伍创作冰雕作品的方法与过程、冰雕作品的评奖细则以及参赛队伍对锦标赛的体会等。xx年高考英语湖南卷阅读简答题为一篇记叙文,文章首先简要介绍巧克力棒的发明者Milton SHershey在性格上令人敬畏的一面,而后通过“我爷爷”和Milton SHershey之间的一件事来体现Milton SHershey在性格上亲切和幽默的一面。xx年高考英语湖南卷阅读简答题也为一篇记叙文,讲述圣诞节送礼物的故事,文章生动有趣,同样情节分明,易读易懂。xx年高考英语湖南卷阅读简答题是一篇叙事性的文章,作者介绍自己的亲身经历。文章难度不大,考生容易掌握其大意。xx年高考英语湖南卷阅读答题是一篇记叙文,讲述作者在餐厅打工的经历,选材贴近学生日常生活,难度适中。二、选材特点:题材多为考生熟悉的日常话题和最新科技发现或发明,易于理解,文章简短,词数260340不等,易于考生利用7分钟左右的时间答好此题。xx年湖南高考阅读简答题的语篇共265词,报道自然科学的最新发现北磁极的移动;xx年阅读简答题的语篇共335词,介绍国际冰雕锦标赛;xx年阅读简答题的语篇共302词,叙述了一个体现Milton SHershey在性格上亲切和幽默的故事;xx年阅读简答题的语篇共300词,讲述感人的圣诞送礼故事;xx年高考英语湖南卷阅读简答题语篇共294词;xx年高考英语湖南卷阅读简答题语篇共292词。六篇选材均符合考生的认知特征和评判取向。三、设题特点:该题型原设三个小题,自xx年高考开始改设四个小题。该题主要考查考生获取与处理信息的能力以及用英语进行思维和表达的能力,设题考查方向有四种,即:词汇语义题(要求从文中找到一个与所给生词意义最近的代换词,考查考生联系上下文理解词义的能力);细节考查题(针对文章某个细节内容提问,要求用不超过所规定的词数回答问题);主旨大意题(针对文章主旨提问,一般询问大意、中心思想及文章标题,同样要求用不超过所规定的词数回答问题);逻辑推理题(针对文章内容要求考生经逻辑推理后,用不超过规定的词数回答问题)。估计今后几年湖南卷阅读简答题的难度会保持不变,会有一个较为稳定的时期。只要考生自己平时多进行训练,做好该题应该不成问题。解题步骤一、浏览试题,画出试题关键词通过读题,画出题目所需信息的关键词,一可预测文章内容,二便于在阅读文章时有的放矢地查读有效信息,节省阅读时间。可结合四个小题所涉及的内容来预测文章内容,如此带着预测,再结合寻找问题关键词的目的去阅读,自然就提高了阅读效率。二、带着问题速读文章,根据试题关键词定位答题信息在浏览试题、预测文章内容的基础上速读文章,其主要目的是为了找到答题所需信息,而所需信息肯定与试题关键词有关,故可采用略读阅读法,即:紧扣关键词,浏览全文,找出信息句。阅读时,与关键词无关的句子或段落要速读,而与关键词相关处要细读,因为试题关键词处不仅仅是答题的关键之处,也是揭示全文主题所在。三、推敲理解信息句,遣词组句答问题做好阅读简答题此步是关键。因为受词数限制,不能全部用原文信息句作答,而要深层次地推敲理解信息句,提炼概括出有针对性的语句作答。其主要方法有三:一是采用转换词性,采用代词、单词代短语,语句转换,提炼主要信息舍弃次要信息等方法精简语句;二是用概括性的语句归纳信息句;三是采用文章上下文中的有关提示语或信息句中的关键词作答,即:尽量用短文中出现的词组或短语,句子的用词也应以短文中出现的关键词为先。若必须要用自己的语言组织表达时,则要注意句子结构的精炼、完整和时态的正确。解题技巧一、词汇语义题 词汇语义题目的在于考查考生转述(paraphrase)或解释(explain)某个词或短语在特定场合下的特定含义的能力。其出题方式为:Find in the passage a word closest in meaning to the underlined word “.”重点考查动词、名词、形容词、副词等实词或动词短语。回答该题时所用词必须与问题中的原词在词性和词的形式上均一致,如,要么都是动词,且都为动词过去式或动词现在分词形式;要么都是名词,且都用名词复数形式。 解题时,要找出原词在文章中的同义词或近义代换词,一要注意理解原词在所在句的逻辑意义,如,解释什么与什么之间的关系,修饰什么事物等;二要注意破折号、同位语从句、定语从句、插入语等具有解释、说明作用的语言成分,以此推敲猜测原词的意义,借此帮助寻找文中的代换词。例如:xx年湖南高考英语卷第73题:Find in the passage a word closest in meaning to the underlined word “angling”分析画线词所在句“It has drifted across the Canadian Arctic and is now angling toward Siberia.”可知,angling在此陈述北磁极的现状,说明北磁极与西伯利亚之间的关系,即:北磁极正朝西伯利亚方向“angling”。借此分析给予的提示,不难找到信息句“the north magnetic pole is moving due to natural changes in the Earths magnetic field”和“the pole has been migrating at an average speed of about 10 kilometers per year”。由此推断,angling意为“moving/migrating”。二、细节设问题 这类题所占比重最大,以how,what,why提问的问题为主。一般说来考生在文章中找到答案出处并不太难,难的是如何处理、转换信息,从而归纳出问题的答案。因为简答题要求考生既要用最简短的语言,又不能原封不动地照搬原文的整句话。此外,在回答细节题时,一定要注意提问方式和答案的协调性。不同类型的问题要求有不同形式的回答,不能仅仅为了答案的简洁而忽略了问题与回答在形式上的对应。例如:就目的提问,就应该用表示目的的用语作答,例如使用for短语、不定式短语;就原因提问,答案就应当用because of短语或 because从句,也可用不定式短语作答;就事件的可能性提问,答案通常用简短而完整的简单句;提问词是what,多用名词或名词性短语、名词性从句来回答,提问词是how,则多用“by doing sth./by means of sth.”的形式回答。例如:xx年湖南高考英语卷第73题:What did Grandfather do in Hersheys factory?(回答词数不超过12个)是就事件的可能性提问,故可用简单句作答为:He pushed the vats of warm chocolate to a storage area.xx年湖南高考英语卷第73题:What kind of tools are the sculptors Not permitted to use?(回答词数不超过6个)根据第二段的有效信息句“The sculptors bring out their favorite tools that work best on hard iced snow,but they are not allowed to employ tools that use electricity.”用名词性短语作答为:The tools that use electricity.xx年湖南高考英语卷第81题:What reaction does Linda imagine the children will have?(No more than 5 words),根据第一段 “Linda wakes up,and tries to imagine the wideeyed surprise of children in another household as they unwrap the presents she carefully chose for them.”可用简单句作答为:They will feel greatly surprised。xx湖南高考英语卷第83题:What excuses did the author keep giving herself to stop?(No more than 9 words),可根据第四段I kept giving myself the excuse to stop.No one would be disappointed.No one would even know.来确定答案为:No one would be disappointed or even know.xx年湖南高考英语卷第81题:Why did the author apply everywhere that summer?(No more than 12 words),根据第二段第二句“I wanted to save up money and buy my own car,so I applied everywhere I could that summer.”可知答案为:He wanted to save up money and buy his own car.湖南省xx年高考考试大纲英语科补充说明提供的阅读简答题样题的75题:What is the villagers main purpose to rebuild their munity?(回答词数不超过6个)。此题提问目的,可用不定式短语回答:To keep their culture alive./To save their way of life.三、主旨大意题 此类题常见的提问方式有:What is the main idea of the passage/text?What is the passage/text mainly about?What is the best title for this passage/text?回答这类题的关键是要抓住文章的主旨句。而文章的主旨句大多出现在三个位置:文章首句,一段末二段首转折后的信息,文章末句。但考生应注意不可照抄原句,而需重新归纳、组织、概括(有的只需稍作归纳或对主题句作适当改写即可)。主旨句为判断句式,具有高度概括性。 其答案形式有两种:简单句式和词组式(多为名词词组或动词词组)。例如,xx年湖南高考英语卷第75题,全文主题句为首段中的“It has drifted across the Canadian Arctic and is now angling toward Siberia.”,由下文语义逻辑关系可以推断angling即为“移动”之意,再结合全文内容稍加归纳,可以判断答案为:The north magnetic pole is moving faster.答题形式为简单句式。再如:请根据某文首句“One thing Britain is famous for is pubs,and no trip to the UK would be plete without a visit to one of the thousands of pubs across the country.”回答问题:“What is the best title of the passage?(回答词数不超过5个)”。问题明显是主旨题,直接对应首句,该句是由系动词is构成的判断句,具有高度概括性,告诉读者整篇文章在围绕英国的pub进行论述,由此判断最佳标题为:Pubs in the UK。答案形式为名词词组式。四、逻辑推理题 逻辑推理题旨在考查考生根据已知信息进行合理推断的逻辑思维能力,要求根据字面意思,通过语篇逻辑关系,研究细节暗示,推敲作者态度,理解文章寓意后再作回答。提问方式通常为:Why.?What can be inferred/concluded from.? What is the authors attitude toward.?What does the author use the examples of.to show?逻辑推理题要求考生在理解整体语篇的基础上,掌握文章的真正内涵,进行合理的推断。具体地说,要注意:要吃透文章的字面意思,从字里行间捕捉有用的提示和线索,这是推理的前提和基础;要对文字的表面信息进行挖掘加工,通过分析、综合、判断等,进行深层处理,符合逻辑地推理;要忠实于原文,以文章提供的事实和线索为依据进行推断,切忌主观臆想,凭空想象,随意揣测;要把握句、段之间的逻辑关系,了解语篇的结构,把握作者的写作思路。例如,xx年湖南高考阅读简答题的75小题:Why did Team USA win the petition in xx?(回答词数不超过15个)。文章只是在倒数第二段提到美国队在xx年冰雕锦标赛上荣获冠军,但未直接提到获奖原因,而需考生作一定的逻辑思维推理:既然美国队的冰雕作品能获奖,自然是因为评委们认为他们的作品是最好的。评委们又是根据什么确认他们的作品是最好的呢?自然就想到了评奖细则。而文章第四段的“The judges then vote on creativity,technical skills,and visual impact of the designs.”就提到了评奖细则。由此可判断作答为:Because its sculpture was judged the best for creativity,technical skills and visual impact.再如xx年湖南高考阅读简答题的74小题:Why didnt Hershey fire Grandfather?(回答词数不超过10个),文中没有直接用一个句子说出我爷爷保住工作的原因,而是通过最后一段Hershey所说的话“Its not your fault,son.I need to watch where Im going.”来暗示Hershey没有解雇我爷爷的原因是因为他意识到错在自己而不是爷爷,由此可判断作答为Because he realized it was his own fault./Because he realized it was not Grandfathers fault/mistake.误区警示一、读懂问题上出错(xx湖南高考)What reaction does Linda imagine the children will have?(No more than 5 words)【错误透析】 They will feel greatly surprised.在高考阅卷时发现有的考生甚至连问题中的reaction是什么意思都不清楚。对问题中的关键词都不理解,怎么能谈得上对问题的全面了解呢?【解题指导】 读懂问题,查找线索。如解答词义题时,可注意找出原词在文章中的同义代换词,如果没有,还应注意破折号、同位语从句、定语从句、插入语等具有解释、说明作用的语言成分。考生可先读懂问题,后浏览全文,并在文中标出问题中的线索词,以保证其答案至少在内容上能够做到完整无缺。也有的考生对文章内容了解不详细,导致对问题答非所问。二、语言简练、准确,概括性上出错(xx湖南高考)81.Why did the author feel guilty?(No more than 9 words)【错误透析】 She had a quarrel with her husband.有的考生在回答本题时文字拖泥带水,表达不简练。甚至有的考生用词超过九个。 【解题指导】 语言简练、准确,概括性强。为了不至于忘掉字数限制,考生要采用一些小技巧进行形式上的浓缩,比如,可利用缩写,将could not 缩写为couldnt;尽量用词或短语代替句子,尽量用简单句代替复合句等。当然解决问题的关键是使自己的语言有概括性,比如:对同类现象找出共性,进行概括。三、抓关键词及主题句上出错(xx湖南高考)84.What did the author learn from his first job?(No more than 11 words) (3 marks)【错误透析】 He learned teamwork,devotion and staying positive in rough situations.本题是综合理解题。提问作者从他的第一份工作中学到什么,根据记叙文意义升华在尾段,定位到最后一段“From my first job at the restaurant,I learned teamwork and devotion.I also learned staying positive no matter how rough things seem to get.”答案受字数限制需要合并句子,修改为:He learned teamwork,devotion,and staying positive in rough situations.【解题指导】 学会抓关键词及主题句。一篇文章的关键词构成语篇的精髓,抓住了关键词,不仅有助于理解文章,而且表达上也能言简意赅,正确选用关键词比自己去组织答案要准确、简练得多,也省时省力。对于主旨类试题,第一步是找出概括文章中心思想的主题句,但还需将主题句重新归纳总结。否则,照抄原句是要扣分的。然而,并不是所有的主旨类试题都能在原文中找到主题句。对于原文中没有提供主题句的主旨题,就需要考生利用关键词自己归纳总结答案。四、提问方式和答案的协调性上出错(xx湖南高考)82.Why did Linda join the American Womens Club of Toronto?(No more than 10 words)【错误透析】 She joined it for fellowship and munity service.就目的提问,答案就应当用表示目的的用语,如for 短语,不定式短语。【解题指导】 注意提问方式和答案的协调性。不同类型的问题要求有不同形式的回答,不能仅仅为了答案的简洁而忽略了问题与回答在形式上的对应。就原因提问,答案就应当用because of 短语或because 从句;提问词是what,只能用名词或动名词短语、名词性从句来回答。掌握这一原则有助于增强考生回答题目的针对性。五、语言上出错(xx湖南高考)84.How is running different from jogging to the author?(No more than 10 words)【错误透析】 Running makes her feel good while jogging makes her look good.该题的回答用了两个动名词作主语,同时使用了make宾语宾语补足语的结构。回答准确,结构严谨。但有的考生将run用不定式,而jog又用动名词,前后表达形式不一致。【解题指导】 避免语言错误。组织答案要认真细致,避免使用不熟悉的句型、词汇或短语,尽可能利用原文中的关键词语回答问题。要避免语言形式错误,如拼写错误、标点符号错误、大小写错误,特别是回答问题时要注意首字母需大写。同时避免语法错误,要注意主谓是否一致、时态与原文是否对应等。总之,简答题基于理解,重在表达,简答题的答案要精炼概括,言简意赅,体现“简”与“准”二字。总而言之,阅读理解的简答题,对学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析和解决问题的能力提出了较高要求。它要求老师在平时注重对学生用英语进行思维和表达能力的培养,引导学生增加词汇储备,通过广泛的阅读及正确的方法培养良好的阅读习惯,提高阅读速度和理解能力。这具有很好的后效作用。(一)(xx湖南十二校联考)Almost everybody in America will spend a part of his or her life behind a shopping cart(购物手推车)They will,in a lifetime,push the shopping carts many miles.But few will knowor even think to askwho it was that invented them.Sylvan NGoldman invented the shopping cart in 1937.At that time he was in the supermarket business.Every day he would see shoppers pushing groceries around in baskets they had to carry.One day Goldman suddenly had the idea of putting baskets on wheels.The wheeled baskets would make shopping much easier for his customers,and would help to attract more business.On June 4,1937,Goldmans first carts were ready for use in his market.He was terribly excited on the morning of that day as customers began arriving.He couldnt wait to see them using his invention.But Goldman was disappointed.Most shoppers gave the carts a long look,but hardly anybody would give them a try.After a while,Goldman decided to ask customers why they werent using his carts.“Dont you think this arm is strong enough to carry a shopping basket?” one shopper replied.But Goldman wasnt beaten yet.He knew his carts would be a great success if only he could persuade people to give them a try.To this end,Goldman hired a group of people to push carts around his market and pretend they were shopping! Seeing this,the real customers gradually began copying the phony (假冒的) customers.As Goldman had hoped,the carts were soon attracting larger and larger numbers of customers to his market.But not only did more people ethose who came bought more.With larger,easiertohandle baskets,customers unconsciously bought a greater number of items than before.Todays shopping carts are five times larger than Goldmans original model.Perhaps thats one reason why Americans today spend more than five times as much money on food each year as they did before 1937before the ing of the shopping cart.1What was the purpose of Goldmans invention?(No more than 10 words)_2Why was Goldman disappointed at first?(No more than 7 words)_3How did Goldman manage to promote his shopping carts?(No more than 14 words)_4Use two adjectives to describe Goldmans qualities that contributed to his success.(No more than 3 words)_(二)Bill Gates was born on October 28th,1955.He and his two sisters grew up in Seattle.Their father,William HGates ,was a Seattle lawyer.Mary Gates,their late mother,was a school teacher.Gates attended public elementary school before moving on to the private Lakeside School in North Seattle.It was at Lakeside that Gates began his career in personal puter software,programming puters at age 13.In 1973,Gates entered Harvard University as a freshman,where he lived down the hall from Steve Ballmer,who is now Microsofts president.While at Harvard,Gates developed a version(版本)of the programming language BASIC for the first microputerthe MITS Astair.In his junior year,Gates dropped out of Harvard to devote his energies fulltime to Microsoft,a pany he had started in 1975 with his boyhood friend Paul Allen.Guided by a belief that the personal puter would be a valuable tool on every office desktop and in every home,they began developing software for personal puters.Gates foresight has led to the success of Microsoft and the software industry.He plays an important role in the technical development of new products.Much of his time is devoted to meeting with customers and staying in touch with Microsoft employees around the world through email.In the dozen years since Microsoft went public,Gates has donated more than $ 800 million to charities(慈善机构),including $ 200 million to the Gates Library Foundation to help libraries in North America make use of new technologies and the Information Age.1What does the underlined word “donated” in the last paragraph mean?(No more than 1 word)_2How does Gates spend much of his time?(No more than 8 words)_3Why did he drop out of Harvard?(No more than 8 words)_4Where did Bill Gates begin his career in personal puter software?(No more than 6 words)_(三)Dear daughter,You are a wonderful person and your mother and I think the world of you.It will not be long before you leave home to make your way in the world.Can I please give you some friendly advice?Here are some things that you should never do.1Never Look Down Upon Yourself.You are great and able to achieve great things so believe in yourself.When things go badly,never stop believing.Some girls get upset,blame themselves and lose selfesteem.All kinds of problems can follow.2Never Get Obsessed With Your Appearance.We think you look great(though some of the clothes you wear worry us!)Please be happy with the person you are and the body you have.Eat reasonably,take exercise and be healthy.Some girls show too much concern about losing weight or getting the perfect shape.You look fine.3Never promise Your Personal Safety.Never put yourself at serious risk.This means that you cannot trust people until you really know them and that sometimes you have to avoid things that look like they might be fun.Never get drunk or take drugs.Unluckily there are some bad people out there and it is best not to take risks.4Never Give Less Than Your Best.We are very proud of what you have achieved so far.You should be proud too.Keep doing well.Keep trying your hardest at everything you do.No one can ask for more than that.5Never Forget That Your Parents Love You.Whatever happens in life,your family will still be your family.Whatever difficulties you meet with,you can always talk to us and we will try to help.We are here for you.1What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 probably mean?(No more than 6 words)_2Why has the father written the letter to his daughter?(No more than 6 words)_3What does the father think of his daughters appearance?(No more than 12 words)_4What does the father advise his daughter not to do?(No more than 5 words)_(四)(xx湖南浏阳一中模拟)You have often heard it said,“Dont sweat the small stuff.” When it es to unnecessary worry,everything is small stuff;however,when it es to paying attention to details in your business or personal life,there are no small things.One of my favorite titles for a book is Elephants Dont Bite,which describes how big things are rarely what you have to worry about.Its the small details that trick us into making a mistake.Elephants dont bite,but mosquitoes always do.Think of your last good experience in a restaurant or on a flight.If you really examine what made this a good experience,you will discover that it was,quite likely,a series of small things or even one small extra detail.The unexpected kind greeting or warm “thank you” makes all the difference in the world.When I look at the list of my favorite restaurants,one of the details that will get an establishment on the list is to know and remember my name.The waiter or host may have simply checked the notebook before greeting me by name.However,it really doesnt matter as much that they know my name as it matters that they go to the extra effort to discover my name and greet me like a valued customer or friend.When its all said and done,we are each in the people business.We live in a consumer society,but what people value more highly than the goods and services they purchase are those that cannot be touched or felt,small things that add up to a great experience.To succeed personally or professionally,treat others as you would like to be treated.1What do the “elephants” and “mosquitoes” represent in Paragraph Two?(No more than 6 words)_2What does the writer think may make a restaurant special?(No more than 6 words)_3Why do people value those that can not be touched or felt in todays society?(No more than 10 words) _4According to the writer,how can we succeed in a consumer society?(No more than 10 words)_


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