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_but I am afraid I must be off now.See you. A I really enjoyed talking with you,_Did you do it yourself? Im glad you like it. My sister did it for me. B I like your new hair style._He teaches physics in a school. C. What is your father? _How many days do you want the car? C Id like to rent a car, please. _I cant make myself understood.- Take it easy. We are trying to help you.C Id like to have a Chinese interpreter._I hope I havent hurt you.- Its all right. A Oh, Im sorry._I think you have given me the wrong change.- Im sorry about that.B Excuse me, _Id like to place an order please.A Can I help you? _If it werent for the climate, Id like it here very much. A I hope youre enjoying your stay here._Im suffering from a stomachache. D Whats the matter with you?_Is it bothering you? A Oh, Im sorry._It will help you a lot.Thats a good idea. Lets make some. D Youd better have some coffee._Its Friday. A What day is it? _Ive caught a bad cold and got a sour throat. D What seems to be the problem?_Ive got an early start tomorrow morning. C Thanks anyway. _mind if I call you Albert? B_No, thanks. Im just looking around. Ill let you know if I want anything. C Can I help you?_Oh, well, Ill speak a little slower.D Im sorry I cant follow you. _Ok, please fill out this form. A I want to open a savings account._Ok, please fill out this form. A I wish to open a savings account._Please call me Mary. Thats my first name. B How shall I address you?_Ten yuan a kilo. C How much is the meat?_Thank you, I certainly will. C Please remember me to your mum. _Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week. B. How long have your parents been in Paris?_Yes, I think so. A Am I supposed to get over and see Caroline?_Yes. What size is that green T-shirt? D Anything I can do for you?_You too!A Merry Christmas!A table for two, please.-B This way, please. ABC Company, may I help you?- B This is Jack speaking. May I speak to Miss Jenny? Air China. May I help you? A Yes, Id like some information about morning flights from Beijing to LondonAllow me to introduce myself. Im Li Hua.A Im Todd Smith. Its nice to meet you. Are there any drugstores around here? B Yes, theres one on the left corner.Are you doing anything this evening? D I dont think so. Are you feeling better today, Jack? C Yes, thank you, doctor. But I still dont feel good.Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Smith? D Yes. But I still feel a little dizzy.Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Willis? D Yes, thanks, doctor. But I still feel dizzy. Are you fond of reading novels? D Yes. I like reading novels. Are you getting a new flat this year? _ I cant afford to pay my bills, let alone buy a new flat.。 B. You must be joking.Are you going on holiday for a long time?C No. Only a couple of daysAre you going on holiday?- A Not until next week. Are you near to your uncle and aunt? D Not particularly.Are you ready to order dessert, please? D Yes, Id like to have some chocolate cake.Bob, you have a very successful business! _- Thank you! D Well done!Bring me the bill, please.B Please wait for a moment, sir. Bruce was killed in a traffic accident._ I talked with him yesterday morning! D Is that so?Can I ask you a few questions?D Certainly. Can I borrow you digital camera for CCan I borrow your bike?BCan I borrow your camera for a couple of days? -Sure,here you are.Enjoy your journey.Can I do anything for you? D No, its OK. I can manage myself.Can I get you a cup of coffee? B Thats very nice of you.Can I get you a cup of tea?A Thats very kind of you. Can I help with your luggage? A No, thanks. I can manage it.Can I help you with the baggage? B Thank you.Can I help you with your luggage? A No, thanks. I can manage it.Can I help you, sir? B Yes. Id like to withdraw some moneyCan I help you, sir?. C Yes. Can I have a look at that sweater? Can I help you? C Id like to try on these shoes, please.Can I help you? -No, thanks. Im just looking around. Ill let you know if I want anything.Can I look at the menu for a few more minutes before I decide?Of course. _ sir. D Take your time.Can I speak to Mr. Brown, please?- Yes, _C Brown is speaking.Can I speak to Mrs. Rose?- _ Can I take a message for him? B I am afraid he is not in.Can you briefly describe yourself? B I am from Beijing.Can you come over for dinner with us? A Id like to, but I have a meeting tonight.Can you go out with us for dinner this evening ? BCan you go to the concert with us this evening? B. Id love to, but Im busy tonightCan you help me clear up the mess?- D No problem. Can you help me? B Sure. What is it?Can you mend the bike? D Sorry, I dont think so.Can you pass me the potatoes,Mom? D Dont you think you have had enough?Can you turn down the radio, please? B Im sorry, I didnt realize it was so loud.Carol, you look very well.- Thank you, Jane. You look wonderful too. C You think so? Thats encouraging. Come and join us tonight. A Thank you to invite me.Come and see me if you have time.D I will.Congratulations! You won the first prize in the English speech contest. C Thank you. Congratulations! You won the first prize in todays speech contest C. Thank youCould I borrow your bike?B Im sorry, its not at hand nowCould I borrow your car for a few days? C. Sure ,here your are. Enjoy your journey.Could I borrow your English Dictionary C Im sorry. Its not at hand now. Could I speak to Don Watkins, please? C. Speaking, please.Could I speak to Jane, please? C Im afraid youve got the wrong number.Could I speak to Mike please? BCould I use your reference book for a moment? C By all meansCould you be so kind as to turn down that rock “n” roll? I am preparing for tomorrows exam. C. Sure. Sorry to disturb you. Could you borrow me your English dictionary? CCould you buy some salt on your way home? A All right. Could you give me a helping hand? - _ - I want to clean my garage. B Sure. What can I do for you? Could you help me with my homework, please?- _I have to go to a meeting right now. D Sorry, I cant.Could you help me with my physics, please? D. Sorry I cant. I have to go to a meeting right now.Could you pass me the salt and pepper? B Ok, here you are.Could you run over to the store right away? We need a few things. D All right. What do you want me to get?Could you take a photo of me with the lake as the background? C By all meansCould you tell me where the nearest parking lot is?. C Sorry, Im a stranger here.David injured his leg playing football yesterday. Really? C. How did that happen? Dear Tommy, why dont you come on holiday with us? A Thats very kind of you. Id love to.Did you say you liked this novel? - _. I said its not bad.A Not exactlyDid you see the ad on the bulletin board?-A No. Whats it about? Do we have any assignment for next class? C I missed the class too. Do you commute to work?- No, I work at home. B How about you?Do you feel like going jogging with me?- _ D Id love to. Do you happen to have twenty dollars with you? - _ - I want to buy a notebook. C What for? Do you have an account with us?- Yes, _D the account number is 4566. Do you have any plan this year?- B I plan to go to the United States for further studies. Do you have to that TV on quite so loud? A Oh, Im sorry.Do you know the girl over there?- . C Its Sam, my teachers daughter.Do you know whats the weather like today? D Its sunny today.Do you know where I can find a supermarket?- B Around the corner. Do you know who called Tom?- A Yes, I called him. Do you like to play basketball?- C I am crazy about it.Do you mind if I ask for leave this afternoon?- _A Not at all, but why?Do you mind if I close the window? I feel a bit cold. C Go ahead. Do you mind if I open the window?- D Of course not. Do you mind if I play some music?- _-Ive finished writing my assignment. A Not at all. Go ahead.Do you mind if I read the text aloud here?- B No, I dont.Do you mind if I smoke here?- B Of course not. Do you mind my opening the window? B No, please go ahead.Do you mind my smoking here?B. Yes, I do. Do you mind turning off the TV? Im studying for the exam. C Sorry, I didnt know you were studying.Do you think I can borrow your bike for a few hours?- B Im sorry, but I really need it this afternoon.Do you think I could borrow your dictionary this weekend?- Sorry, but _ C Im going to need it myself.Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? C Yes, help yourself.Do you think its going to rain over the weekend?- D I believe not. Do you think our basketball players played very well yesterday? D They couldnt have done better.Do you think this is a nice place?- D Yes, I think so. Do you think Tom is ill? A No, I dont think so. Doctor, I dont feel well.C. Whats the matterDoes anyone mind if I open the window?- _ Im a bit cold. D Well, Id rather you didnt if you dont mind.Does No.20 bus stop at our school? B Im afraid not.Dont forget to phone me when you get home. Just to let me know youve arrived safely. B Have a nice trip.Excuse me , sir. Where is Dr. Smiths office? DExcuse me ,but can you tell me the way to the post office? B. Sorry, Im a stranger here.Excuse me ,how do I get to proter street from here?CExcuse me ,I am looking for the railway staion.DExcuse me, but can you tell me the way to the airport? B Sorry, Im a stranger here.Excuse me, but theres a problem with the heating.- _, we will solve it as soon as possible.A Sorry, I apologize for thatExcuse me, can I have a seat here? C.Yes ,pleaseExcuse me, can you tell me the way to the bus stop?- A Yes, go straight down this way to the end.Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the post office? A Sorry, Im a stranger here, too.Excuse me, could I try these jeans on ,please? CExcuse me, could you help to find my son? A Certainly.Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office? .D. Mm, let me think. Excuse me, could you tell me the time?- B Its three thirty by my watch.Excuse me, how much is the jacket? Its 499 Yuan. D. Would you like to try it on?Excuse me, I think there seems to be a mistake.- A Really? Im sorry. Let me check it again. Excuse me, is this the right direction for the school library? A Well, no, youre going in the wrong directionExcuse me, is this the Sales Department?- A Im afraid you have the wrong number. Excuse me, its urgent Id like to talk to your manager.- C Hold the line, please. Ill put you through.Excuse me, sir, could you tell me the way to Peoples Square? B Sorry, Im a stranger here, too.Excuse me, sir. Im writing a research paper on Chinese culture. Do you mind answering a few questions?- _B No, of course notExcuse me, sir. Where is Prof. Smiths office? D Sorry, I dont know.Excuse me, when is the next flight from Paris due to arrive?-A In half an hour. Excuse me, when will the 17:15 train arrive?- B Its been delayed one hour. Excuse me, would you like to try our specialty for today?- C Any difference? Excuse me,but can you tell me the way to the airport?BExcuse me,could I try these jeanson,please? CExcuse me,how do I get to Porter Street from here? CExcuse me. But Im a bit lost. Can I go from here to the Foxs? B Yes, go down 2 blocks and turn right.Excuse me. Could I try these jeans on, please?- Certainly. C The changing rooms are over there.Excuse me. Could you spare me a few minutes? - A Of course. Excuse me. How do I get to Porter Street from here?- _ Youd better ask someone else. C Im not from around here.Excuse me. I dont want to interrupt you but . C Its quite all right .Excuse me. Im looking for the railway station. Do you know where it is? D Im sorry. I am a stranger here, too.Excuse me. But I am a bit lost. Can I go from here to the Foxs? BExcuse me, can I have a seat here? C Yes, please.Firstly, allow me to introduce myself. My name is John Brown, manager of the company. C How do you do, Mr. Brown? Very happy to see you.Front desk. Can I help you?- This is Mr. Brown in 1218. D Can I get a wake-up call, please?George told me he could not come here because his mother was ill.- D What a pity! Good afternoon. Can I help you with something?- B Yes, Im interested in a handbag. Good afternoon. Can I help you?- C I need to buy a birthday present for my sonGood morning, have you .DGood morning, John . How are you doing?- C Not so bad. And you?Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please?- B Whos speaking? Good morning, miss. Can I help you?- Yes, Id like half a kilo of oranges, please. C Here you are.Good morning, sir. May I help you? C Yes, I need some sugar.Good morning. Can I help you?- _Im just looking around. B Yes, thank you.Good morning. Have you got a single room with a bathroom, please?-D Yes, we have. Good morning. What seems to be wrong with you?- _Ive got a headache and a high fever, too. D Well, I dont feel very well.Good morning.what seems to be wrong with you ? DGood night and thanks again. D Good night.Good-bye for now. - C See you. Great party, isnt it?-A Yeah, reallyHave a nice holiday!- .D The same to you.Have a nice holiday!- Yes,_.A The same to youHave a nice weekend! A The same to you. Have you a single room for tonight and tomorrow night with a telephone and shower?Have you any oranges and apples?- A Yes, madam, on the second shelf over there. Have you been to Paris?-B No, but I hope to go there sometime next yearHave you handed in your final paper?- D Not yet. How about you? Have you heard about Dana? She is going to get married with Graham! A Youre kidding!Havent seen you for ages! What are you busy doing now?_D. I am working part time in a bookshop, you know.Havent seen you for ages. _Ive been in California for the past month. A What are you up to recently?Hello, Amy. Hows everything?- A Just so-so.Hello, could I speak to Mike please? B Who is speaking?Hello, how are you? C Fine, thank you.Hello, I need to get in contact with Mr. Fox right away. D Hold on, please.Hello, Im Harry Potter.Hello, my name is Charles Green, but_.C. call me Charles.Hello, Id like to book a room for the nightsDHello, Id like to speak to Jack, please. B This is Jack speaking.Hello, Id like to speak to Mr. Wang.- Hes out to lunch now. D Would you mind calling back later?Hello, Im David Chen. Nice to meet you. B Nice to meet you too.Hello, is Mr. Carter in,please? BHello, is that police station? B Yes. Can I help you?Hello, may I speak to Mike? C Just a second, please.Hello, may I speak to Mr. Clinton? C This is Clinton speaking.Hello, may I speak to peter? BHello, may I talk to Jerry?Sorry, he is out of the office right now. D Would you like to leave a message? Hello, may I talk to the director now? A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment. Hello, may I talk to the manager now? A Sorry, he is busy at the moment.Hello, Peter. What do you do?- C I am a student from Bonn University. Hello, who is calling? B Hello, this is William from IBM.Hello. 4106-5946. C Hello. Is Cindy there?Hello. Could I speak to Justin, please? B Speaking.Hello. Could I speak to Pat, please? C Hold on, pleaseHello. Id like to book a room for the nights of the 15th and 16th. D At your service.Hello. Im looking for a flat, but I cant pay much. B How much do you expect?Hello. Is Jim there? A This is Jim. Whos speaking, please?Hello. Is Mr. Carter in, please?- No, Im afraid Mr. Carters out at the moment. B Can I take a message?Hello. May I speak to Peter? B Yes, speaking.Hey, Linda. You look so pale. Whats the matter?- C Im just getting over the flu Hey, Tom, whats up? B. Oh, not muchHi, is Mary there, please? A. Hold on. Ill get herHi, is Thomas there? C Hold on. Ill get him.Hi, Tom, how is everything with you?_, and how are you? B. Hm, not too bad.Hi, Tom, I think you did a good job. A Thank you. Hi, welcome back! Had a nice trip?_A. Oh, fantastic! Fresh air, and sunshine every day.How about a date to the movies tonight, Jane? B Im sorry. I have to drive my mother home tonightHow about a game chess? B Why not? How about going for a drive? D. A good idea.How about going to dinner at the Mexican restaurant tonight? C. Thats great! How are you feeling? Much better. A. Thanks for coming to see me. How are you going on with your English?- C I am going to take College English Test Band Four. How are you, Bob? Ted.B. Im fine. Thank you.How can I get.DHow did Mr. Jones get to the cinema?- C By car. How did Mr.Zhang go to the cinema? CHow did Tom learn Arabic?- D By taking a course. How did you enjoy the concert last night? _My favorite singer lost her voice and B What a disappointment! How did you feel about your interview yesterday?- _ I think the interviewer was impressed. D Couldnt feel any better.How did your interview go?- C I could not feel better about it. How do I get to the cinema? D Go down this street and turn left.How do I transfer calls?- C Let me show you How do you do? B How do you do?How do you enjoy your life after work? B I like to go out for a meal with my wife.How do you go to work?- C By train How do you like my new dress, dear?_-youve never been more beautiful. D It looks terrific on you!How do you like the movie we saw yesterday?- C Ive never seen a better movie than it. How do you like this dress?- _ B The price is reasonable.How do you like your major? A Dont like it very much.How is your headache? B Nothing serious.How long have you worked here?- _ C For about two yearsHow many languages does Peter speak?- _ C Four languages. How many students do you teach?- _ C About 50 How much is the book? D 3 dollars.How much is this blue tablecloth? B Ten dollars and thirty centsHow much is this necklace? C It costs fifty pounds.How often do you go dancing? _. C. Every other day. How tall is your sister?- D She is as tall as I am.How was your final exam?- C I am not sure How was your journey to Paris?-A It went very well.How was your trip to London, Jane? A. Oh, wonderful indeed How would you like to mail it? D By air mail, please.How would you like your hair done?- D Cut short.Hows your family? C Not too bad.Hows your mother doing? B She is very well.I am going to ask for a pay rise. C I think you may talk to your boss.I am not feeling very well. C Why dont you go to your doctor for help?I am planning to study abroad, and I want your advice. C What can I do for you?I am so sorry to interrupt you again. - B Its all right.I am terribly sorry! I broke the vase. - B Dont worry. I apologize for being late this morning. My alarm clock didnt ring.A Thats all right. These things often happen.I bought this $200 skirt at a 25% discount. C Its a good skirt. You are lucky.I bought this painting in my country. I hope you like it. C Thats exactly what I want!I cant catch up with the rest of the class. The subjects are difficult. B Dont worry. Ill help you.I couldnt have done it without you. B Its what I should doI couldnt have done it without you. B You are welcome.I didnt know my identity card was needed, sir. C Sorry, but thats no excuse.I didnt know this is a one-way street, Sir. D Sorry, but thats no excuse.I didnt mean to do t


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