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动名词与不定式作宾语的区别 Whenhetoldusthestory wejustcouldn tstoplaughing 停止做 OnthewaytothestationIstoppedtobuyapaper 停下来去做 Iremembertellingmymother 记得做过 Doremembertotellyourmother 记得去做 Iregretnothavingtoldherearlier 对作过的事表示后悔 IregrettosayImustleavetomorrow 遗憾地 动作正在发生或将要发生 Haveyouforgottenmeetingherbefore 忘记做过 Iforgottoposttheletter 忘记去做 I lltrypersuadingtheguard 试着 试验 Theangrymantriedtocalmdown 努力 Missingthetrainmeanswaitingforanhour 意味着 Wheredoyoumeantogoinyourvocation 计划 打算 其它常见用法 1 Itis was adj of forsb todo当形容词属于人的内在品质或表现时 用of 如clever foolish wrong nice brave 表示作某事对于某人来说如何 用for 如important necessary easy difficult possibleItwasverythoughtful 关心体贴的 ofhertocometoseemewhenIwasill It simpossibleforhimtogetridofhisbadhabits 2 常接不定式的形容词I manxious eagertoknowtheresult 渴望 He salwayswillingtohelpothers I mabletodoitbymyself Mygrandparentsarecontenttoliveinthecountryside 满足于 Pleasefeelfreetoaskquestions 随便 I mreadytogo He slikelytobelate 可能 1 Ittakes took sb time todosth Ittakestenminutestowalktothestation 3 Why not Whydon tyoudoWhynotgototheshowwithustonight 2 hadbetterdoYou dbetternotplayjokeonhim 4 wouldratherdoI dratherbetoldthetruththanbeliedto 固定句型 7 too to enough toI mtootiredtostayuplater Thepearisripeenoughtoeat 8 wouldprefertodoAratherthandoBIwouldprefertodosomethingusefuloutsideratherthanstayathome 9 donothingbutdo 只是 只能 Icoulddonothingbutwait Hedoesnothingbutasksillyquestions I mbusydoingmyhomework Doyouhaveanydifficultyinfindingajob Hespenttwomonths in finishingthestory Itisnousetryingtoexcuseyourself Itisnogoodcomplainingnow Don twastetimetalking There snotellingwhatwillhappen 说不好 Thereisnopointinexplaining 毫无意义 即时练习 1 Idon tallow inmydrawing room Idon tallowmyfamily atall A tosmoke smokingB smoking tosmokeC tosmoke tosmokeD smoking smoking 2 Ican thelp houseworkathomebecauseIambusy fortheentranceexamination A doing preparingB todo preparingC done toprepareD withdoing toprepare B B 3 IfIcanstopthem there I lldoit A goB togoC goneD going D 4 Weallthinkitmostfoolish thismistake A foryoumakingB ofyoutomakeC youtomakeD foryoutomake B 5 Thereused apostofficeatthecornerofthestreet A tobeB tobeingC tohaveD tohas A 6 He squiteused inallsortsofweather A flyB toflyC toflyingD toflied C 7 Yourshoesaredirty Theyneed badly A washB washedC towashD washing D 8 Theteacherspentalotoftime mewithmygrammar A helpB tohelpC helpedD helping D 9 Pleasecomeearly Don tkeepus forlong A waitB towaitC waitingD waited 10 Shesuggested foranoutingnextSunday A goB togoC goingD gone 11 Ihappened aboutthewell knownsinger A knowB toknowC knowingD known C C B 12 Wouldyourfriendsmind alittlemoresoftly A tospeakB spokenC speakingD speak 13 Theboywouldrather thesmallonethanthebigone A takeB totakeC takingD taken 14 Theshygirldoesn tlike atinpublic A laughingB tolaughC laughedD beinglaughed C A D 15 Ifirstconsidered tohim butthendecided him A writing seeingB towrite toseeC writing toseeD nottogo 16 Doyouconsideritbetter A notgoingB notgoC nothavinggoneD nottogo 17 Thedoctordideverythinghecould thepatient A saveB tosaveC savingD saved C D B 18 Thepupilsweremade thetextseveryday A reciteB toreciteC recitingD recited 19 Afterwehadfinished heproposedtosetoutimmediately A eatingB toeatC eatenD eat 20 Thequestionisdifficult butitisworth out A workB toworkC workingD worked B A C


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