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现在进行时 一 现在进行时的构成现在进行时由 be v ing 构成 be应为助动词 它应与主语的人称和数保持一致 动词后加 ing的规则 1 直接加 ing 2以 e结尾一般应去掉e再加ing writehopecarehavesaveproducebreathe writinghopingcaringhavingsavingproducingbreathing 3 重读闭音节加一辅音结尾的 最后一个字母需重复 runstopplansitcontrolbegincutswim runningstoppingplanningsittingcontrollingbeginningcuttingswimming 4特殊 die dying tie tying lie lying gettingputtingshopping getputshop 二 基本用法 肯定句式 主语 be am is are 现在分词 其它 否定句式 主语 be am is are not 现在分词 其它 说话时正在进行的动作 我们正在等你 Wearewaitingforyou Theyareplayingbasketballnow 现在他们正在打篮球 Listen SheissinginganEnglishsong 听 她正在唱英语歌 现阶段正在进行而说话时不一定在进行的动作 Weareworkinginafactorythesedays 这几天我们在一家工厂工作 他在写另一部小说 Heiswritinganothernovel nowatthepresentatthemomenttoday thisweekthesedays 一般疑问句 Be am is are 主语 现在分词 其它 特殊疑问句 疑问词 be am is are 主语 现在分词 其它 Aretheyplayingbasketballnow Wherearetheyplayingbasketballnow 3 现在进行时与alwaysusuallycontinuallyforever等副词连用时带有感情色彩 二 基本用法 Youarealwayschangingyourmind 你老是改变主意 Theboyisforeveraskingquestions 那个男孩老是问问题 Sheisconstantlyworryingaboutherson shealth 她不停地为她儿子的健康担心着 一般现在时 构成1 be动词 主语 be am is are 其它 如 Iamaboy 我是一个男孩 2 行为动词 主语 行为动词 其它 如WestudyEnglish 我们学习英语 1如果主语是名词复数和第一人称I we 谓语动词不用变化 仍然用动词原型表示 一动词的变化规则 我们通常7 30上学去 Weusuallygotoschoolat7 30 Myparentsgivetenyuantomysistereveryweek 我父母每星期给我妹妹十元钱 2如果主语是单数名词第三人称单数和不可数名词 谓语动词要变化 一动词的变化规则 1 一般情况下 直接加 s 2 以s x sh ch o结尾 加 es 3 以 辅音字母 y 结尾 变y为i 再加 es 写出下列动词的第三人称单数talk forget hope stop perform play say buy worry fly study like make take love recite become come drive shine write hike give see stop shop plan get sit let cut run forget begin wash watch finish teach fish reach go do 4 特殊变化的词be 是 am is arehave 有 hashave 二基本用法 1 表示事物或人物的特征 状态 如 Theskyisblue 天空是蓝色的 3 陈述客观事实 客观真理 顾名思义 客观的情况是 没有时间概念 的 也 不会在意动作进行的状态 例如 Thesunrisesintheeast 日出东方 Theearthgoesaroundthesun 地球绕着太阳转 Tenminustwoiseight 十减二等于八 Lighttravelsfasterthansound 光的速度比声音的速度快 TheUnitedStatesliesbythewestcoastofthePacificOcean 美国位于太平洋西岸 2 表示经常性或习惯性的动作 如 Igetupatsixeveryday 我每天六点起床 常用的时间词语always usually often sometimes twiceaweek 4 根据英文语法规定 当主句的谓语动词是一般将来时 那么时间或条件状语从句的谓语动词只能用一般现在时来表示将来要发生的动作 例如 I lltellhimthenewswhenhecomesback 他回来时 我将告诉他这个消息 Ifyoutakethejob theywilltalkwithyouingreaterdetails 如果你接受这份工作 他们将和你谈谈细节 用于一般现在时的副词 除了上面提到的一些表示频率的以外 常见的还有 now today nowadays等等 他是工人 Heisaworker Heisnotaworker Isheaworker 1 be动词 主语 be 其它 肯 主语 be not 其它 否 Be 主语 其它 他们放学后踢足球 theyplaybasketballafterschool theydon tplaybasketballafterschool Dotheyplaybasketballafterschool 2行为动词 主语 行为动词 其它 主语 don t doesn t 动词原形 其它 Do Does 主语 动词原形 其它 二 用括号内动词的适当形式填空 1 Heoften have dinnerathome 2 DanielandTommy be inClassOne 3 We notwatch TVonMonday 4 Nick notgo tothezooonSunday 5 they like theWorldCup 6 What theyoften do onSaturdays 7 yourparents read newspaperseveryday 8 Thegirl teach usEnglishonSundays 9 SheandI take awalktogethereveryevening 10 There be somewaterinthebottle 11 Mike like cooking 13 Myaunt look afterherbabycarefully 14 Youalways do yourhomeworkwell 15 I be ill I mstayinginbed 16 She go toschoolfromMondaytoFriday 17 LiuTao do notlikePE 18 Thechildoften watch TVintheevening 19 SuHaiandSuYang have eightlessonsthisterm 20 Whatday be ittoday It sSaturday 21Weoften play intheplayground 22 He get upatsixo clock 1has2are 3doesn twatch4doesn tgo 5Dolike6dodo 7Doread8teaches 9take10is 11likes13look islooking 14do15am 16goes17does18watches19have20is21play22gets 19 SuHaiandSuYang have eightlessonsthisterm 20 Whatday be ittoday It sSaturday 21Weoften play intheplayground 22 He get upatsixo clock 23 you brush yourteetheverymorning 24 What do heusually do afterschool 25 Danny study English Chinese math scienceandartatschool 26 Mikesometimes go totheparkwithhissister 27 Ateightatnight she watch TVwithherparents 28 Mike read Englisheveryday 29 Howmanylessons yourclassmate have onMonday 30 Whattime hismother do thehousework 1 DanielwatchesTVeveryevening 改为否定 2 Idomyhomeworkeveryday 改为一般疑问句 并作否定回答 3 Shelikesmilk 改为一般疑问句 并作肯定回答 4 Amylikesplayingcomputergames 改为一般疑问句 并作否定回答 5 Wegotoschooleverymorning 改为否定句 6 HespeaksEnglishverywell 改为否定句 7 Iliketakingphotosinthepark 对划线部分提问 8 JohncomesfromCanada 对划线部分提问 Danieldoesn twatchTVeveryevening Doyoudoyourhomeworkeveryday Yes Ido Doesshelikemilk DoesAmylikeplayingcomputergamesYes shedoes 9 Sheisalwaysagoodstudent 改为一般疑问句 作否定回答 10 SimonandDaniellikegoingskating 改为否定句 11 Doyouoftenplayfootballafterschool 肯定回答 12 Ihavemanybooks 改为否定句 13 GaoShan ssisterlikesplayingtabletennis 改为否定句 14 ShelivesinasmalltownnearNewYork 改为一般疑问句 15 IwatchTVeveryday 改为一般疑问句 16 Davidhasgotagoal 改为一般疑问句 17 Wehavefourlessons 改为否定句 18 Nancydoesn trunfast 改为肯定句 19 Mydogrunsfast 否定句 一般疑问句 20 Mikehastwolettersforhim 一般疑问句 否定句 21 IusuallyplayfootballonFridayafternoon 否定句 一般疑问句 划线提问 22 SunYangusuallywashessomeclothesonSaturday 否定句 一般疑问句 划线提问 23 Mingmingusuallywaterstheflowerseveryday 否定句 一般疑问句 划线提问 24 Tomdoeshishomeworkathome 否定句 一般疑问句 划线提问 四 改错 1 IsyourbrotherspeakEnglish 2 Doeshelikesgoingfishing 3 Helikesplaygamesafterclass 4 Mr WuteachsusEnglish 5 Shedon tdoherhomeworkonSundays 一般过去时 基本用法 1 在确定的过去时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态 Wheredidyougojustnow 刚才你上哪儿去了 2 表示在过去一段时间内 经常性或习惯性的动作 WhenIwasachild Ioftenplayedfootballinthestreet 我是个孩子的时候 常在马路上踢足球 以动词be work和therebe为例 一般过去时的肯定式 否定式 疑问句和简略答语构成如下 动词 肯定式 否定式 be I He She ItwasWe You Theywere work I You He She It We You They worked Therebe Therewas Therewere Therewasnot wasn t Therewerenot weren t be WasI he she it Yes I he she it was No I he she it wasn t Werewe you they Yes we you they were No we you they weren t work DidI you he she it we they work Yes I you he she it we they did No I you he she it we they didn t Therebe Wastherea any Yes therewas No therewasn t Werethereany Yes therewere No thereweren t 二 动词过去时的构成分规则 1 一般在动词末尾加 ed 如 pull pulled cook cooked 2 辅 元 辅 且重读 应双写末尾的辅音字母 再加 ed begdropfitplanregretstopprefertravel beggeddroppedfittedplannedregrettedstoppedpreferredtravelled 3 以 辅音字母 y 结尾的 变y为i 再加 ed study studiedcarry carriedTry triedcry cried 4 不规则动词 书中 Be动词 am is在一般过去时中变为was wasnot wasn t are在一般过去时中变为were werenot weren t Hewaselevenyearsoldlastyear 他去年11岁 Washeelevenyearsoldlastyear Hewasnotelevenyearsoldlastyear 句中没有be动词的一般过去时的句子 Jimwenthomeyesterday Jim昨天回家了 否定句 didn t 动词原形 Jimdidn tgohomeyesterday 一般疑问句 在句首加did 动词变回原形 DidJimgohomeyesterday 请用正确动词形式填空 1 I have anexcitingpartylastweekend 2 she practice herguitaryesterday No shedidn t 3 What Tom do onSaturdayevening He watch TVand read aninterestingbook 4 Theyall go tothemountainsyesterdaymorning 5 She notvisit herauntlastweekend She stay athomeand do somecleaning had Did practice did do watched read went didn tvisit stayed did 1Frankreadaninterestingbookabouthistory 一般疑问句 2 He scleaninghisrooms 划线提问 变换句型 DidFrankreadaninterestingbookabouthistory What shedoing 5 ThomasspentRMB10onthisbook 否定句 6 Myfamilywenttothebeachlastweek 划线提问 7 Ididn thaveanyfriends 一般疑问句 Thomasdidn tspendRMB10onthisbook Wheredidyourfamilygolastweek Didn tyouhaveanyfriends 8 IthinksheisLily ssister 否定句 9 Sallyoftendoessomereadinginthemorning 否定句 Idon tthinksheisLily ssister Sallydoesn toftendosomereadinginthemorning


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