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冠词 人称代词 动词 名词 介词 形容词 序数词 Articles personalpronouns verbs nouns prepositions adjectives ordinal 冠词 一 选择题1 Thisis apple A aB anC theD two2 GreatWallistheLongestwallof world A the aB the anC a theD the the3 Thatis dog dogiscute A a aB three aC a theD three a4 Ihave dreamof man A a anB a aC one oneD a one 二 填空1 Yesterdayis Christmasday 2 Thisis dogandthatis cat 3 Thatis usefulword 4 Thisis uncomfortablebad 5 Thebookisunder chair6 manis goodperson 7 Sheis firstonein class 8 Idon tlikeapples applesaretoohard 9 oldwomanonthephotoismygrandmother 10 Jellyissweet 11 Does boylikeCocaCola 人称代词 一 用所给词的适当形式填空1 MayIknow you name 2 its isapig 3 Thatismybook thebookis me 4 Don tcut you 5 me amhappynow 6 Isthat yours brother No his isn t heis I friend 7 Thisisn tmykeys are their you 8 Whoishe Is him Mike 9 Isthathiscake Yes itis he 10 Let our go 11 Weareenjoy us 动词 一 在括号中选择正确的动词形式填空1 Helikes apples eat eating ate 2 Doyou dogs like liking eat 3 Canyou pictures drawing art draw 4 Thedog playingwithme like likes liking 6 Ilike basketballs kick hit playing play 7 helikeEnglish do does done 8 I movieseveryweek watches watching watch 9 Mymother likemeet don t do doesn t 10 Let s tennis play playing plays 二 选择正确的be am is are 动词填空1 He aboy 2 Myfather great 3 youjack 4 Where you 5 Thistest difficultforme 6 Thesedogs cute 7 Theseapples sourbutthatone sweet 8 Thosefootballs tooheavy 9 youateacher 10 He aforeigner 名词 将下列单词改为单数或复数形式 coke pigs money glass shoes fish leaf box people Tooth feet trashes Potato dictionary Hill knives child Woman boy baby 介词 一 在这个盒子上标上适当的介词 二 在横线上填上适当的介词 1 Mybirthdayis December21 2 thisyear wehavemanyclasses 3 Thebooks thebookcase 4 Thesugarare theglass 5 TheEnglishbookis thebag it s thesofa 6 Thewateris theglass 7 Wewatchmovies thecinema 8 Icome Beijing 9 IwatchTV TV 10 Hisbirthdayis may 11 Writealetter thepaper 形容词 一 写出适当的形容词 Thisappleisbigbutthatis IlikeEnglish itis forme Ican tfinishthistest itistoo butIcanfinishthattest itiseasy Mygrandmotheris butIamyoung 序数词 一 将下列基数词改为序数词 One two three five eight nine twelve twenty twentyone Bye


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