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新编第二学期中考模拟考试九年级数学与英语试题合集数学一、选择题(本大题 10 小题,每小题 3 分,共 30 分)1. 5 的相反数是( )A5 B C D52一个几何体的三视图如图所示,则这个几何体是( )A三棱锥 B三棱柱 C圆柱 D长方体3已知某种纸一张的厚度约为 0.0089cm,用科学记数法表示这个数为( )A8.9105 B8.9104 C8.9103 D8.91024下列图案中既是中心对称图形,又是轴对称图形的是( )A B C D 5在某次数学测验中,随机抽取了 10 份试卷,其成绩如下:72,77,79,81,81,81,83,83,85,89,则这组数据的众数、中位数分别为( )A81,82 B83,81 C81,81 D83,826下列计算正确的是( )Ax4+x2=x6 B(a+b)2=a2+b2 C(3x2y)2=6x4y2 D(m)7(m)2=m57已知,如图长方形 ABCD 中,AB=3cm,AD=9cm,将此长方形折叠,使点 B 与点 D 重合,折痕为 EF,则ABE 的面积为( )A3cm2 B4cm2 C6cm2 D12cm28关于 x 的一元二次方程 kx2+3x1=0 有实数根,则 k 的取值范围是( )Ak Bk 且 k0 Ck Dk 且k09二次函数 y=ax2+bx+c,自变量 x 与函数 y 的对应值如表:x 5 4 3 2 1 0 y 4 0 2 2 0 4 下列说法正确的是( )A抛物线的开口向下 B当 x3 时,y 随 x 的增大而增大C二次函数的最小值是2 D抛物线的对称轴是 x= 10如图,在半径为 6cm 的O 中,点 A 是劣弧 的中点,点 D 是优弧 上一点,且D=30,下列四个结论:OABC;BC=6 ;sinAOB= ;四边形 ABOC 是菱形其中正确结论的序号是( )A B C D二、填空题(本大题 6 小题,每小题 4 分,共 24 分)11 的平方根是 12写出不等式组 的解集为 13等腰三角形的边长是方程 x26x+8=0 的解,则这个三角形的周长是 14. 如图,用圆心角为 1200,半径为 6cm 的扇形纸片卷成一个圆锥形无底纸帽,则这个纸帽的高是 cm.15如图,AB 是双曲线 y= 上的两点,过 A 点作 ACx 轴,交 OB于 D 点,垂足为 C若ADO 的面积为 3,D 为 OB 的中点,则 k 的值为 16如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点 A 在抛物线 y=x22x+2 上运动过点 A 作 ACx 轴于点 C,以 AC 为对角线作矩形 ABCD,连结BD,则对角线 BD 的最小值为 第 15 题图 第 16 题图三、解答题(一)(本大题 3 小题,每小题 6 分,共 18 分)17解方程: + =118如图,已知抛物线 y=x2+bx+c 经过 A(1,0)、B(3,0)两点(1)求抛物线的解析式和顶点坐标;(2)当 0x3 时,求 y 的取值范围;19一个不透明的口袋中装有 2 个红球、1 个白球、1 个黑球,这些球除颜色外都相同,将球摇匀先从中任意摸出 1 个球,再从余下的 3 个球中任意摸出 1 个球,请用列举法(画树状图或列表)求两次都摸到红球的概率四、解答题(二)(本大题 3 小题,每小题 7 分,共 21 分)20如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点 A 在 x 轴上,坐标为(0,3),点 B 在 x 轴上(1)在坐标系中求作一点 M,使得点 M 到点 A,点 B 和原点 O 这三点的距离相等,在图中保留作图痕迹,不写作法;(2)若 sinOAB= ,求点 M 的坐标21如图,某生在旗杆 EF 与实验楼 CD 之间的 A 处,测得EAF=60,然后向左移动 12 米到 B 处,测得EBF=30,CBD=45,sinCAD= (1)求旗杆 EF 的高;(2)求旗杆 EF 与实验楼 CD 之间的水平距离 DF 的长22已知:如图,在矩形 ABCD 中,M、N 分别是边 AD、BC 的中点,E、F 分别是线段 BM、CM 的中点(1)求证:ABMDCM;(2)判断四边形 MENF 是什么特殊四边形,并证明你的结论五、解答题(三)(本大题 3 小题,每小题 9 分,共 27 分)23如图,反比例函数 的图象与一次函数 y=kx+b 的图象交于点A、B,点 A、B 的横坐标分别为 1,2,一次函数图象与 y 轴的交于点 C,与 x 轴交于点 D(1)求一次函数的解析式;(2)对于反比例函数 ,当 y1 时,写出 x 的取值范围;(3)在第三象限的反比例图象上是否存在一个点 P,使得 SODP=2SOCA?若存在,请求出来 P 的坐标;若不存在,请说明理由24如图,AB 是圆 O 的直径,O 为圆心,AD、BD 是半圆的弦,且PDA=PBD延长 PD 交圆的切线 BE 于点 E(1)证明:直线 PD 是O 的切线.(2)如果BED=60, ,求 PA 的长(3)将线段 PD 以直线 AD 为对称轴作对称线段 DF,点 F 正好在圆O 上,如图 2,求证:四边形 DFBE 为菱形25在 RtABO 中,AOB=90,OA= ,OB=4,分别以 OA、OB 边所在的直线建立平面直角坐标系,D 为 x 轴正半轴上一点,以 OD 为一边在第一象限内作等边ODE()如图,当 E 点恰好落在线段 AB 上时,求 E 点坐标;()在()问的条件下,将ODE 沿 x 轴的正半轴向右平移得到ODE,OE、DE分别交 AB 于点 G、F(如图)求证 OO=EF;()若点 D 沿 x 轴正半轴向右移动,设点 D 到原点的距离为x,ODE 与AOB 重叠部分的面积为 y,请直接写出 y 与 x 的函数关系式第二学期中考模拟考试九年级数学试题答案一选择题(共 10 小题)1A;2B;3C;4C;5C;6D;7C;8D;9D;10B;二填空题(共 7 小题)11 ;121x3;1310;14 ;158 ;161;17. 解方程: + =1【解答】解:原方程可化为: =1,方程两边同乘(x1),得 3x=x1,整理得2x=4,解得:x=2,检验:当 x=2 时,最简公分母 x10,则原分式方程的解为 x=218. 如图,已知抛物线 y=x2+bx+c 经过 A(1,0)、B(3,0)两点(1)求抛物线的解析式和顶点坐标;(2)当 0x3 时,求 y 的取值范围;【解答】解:(1)把 A(1,0)、B(3,0)分别代入 y=x2+bx+c中,得: ,解得: ,抛物线的解析式为 y=x22x3y=x22x3=(x1)24,顶点坐标为(1,4)(2)由图可得当 0x3 时,4y019一个不透明的口袋中装有 2 个红球、1 个白球、1 个黑球,这些球除颜色外都相同,将球摇匀先从中任意摸出 1 个球,再从余下的 3 个球中任意摸出 1 个球,请用列举法(画树状图或列表)求两次都摸到红球的概率【解答】解:列表如下:红 红 白 黑红 (红,红) (白,红) (黑,红)红 (红,红) (白,红) (黑,红)白 (红,白) (红,白) (黑,白)黑 (红,黑) (红,黑) (白,黑) 所有等可能的情况有 12 种,其中两次都摸到红球有 2 种可能,则 P(两次摸到红球)= = 20. 【解答】解:(1)如图所示:点 M,即为所求;(2)sinOAB= ,设 OB=4x,AB=5x,由勾股定理可得:32+(4x)2=(5x)2,解得:x=1,由作图可得:M 为 AB 的中点,则 M 的坐标为:(2, )21. 【解答】解:(1)EAF=60,EBF=30,BEA=30=EBF,AB=AE=12 米,在AEF 中,EF=AEsinEAF=12sin60=6 米,答:旗杆 EF 的高为 6 米;(2)设 CD=x 米,CBD=45,D=90,BD=CD=x 米,sinCAD= ,tanCAD= = , ,解得:x=36 米,在AEF 中,AEF=6030=30,AF= AE=6 米,DF=BD+AB+AF=36+12+6=54(米),答:旗杆 EF 与实验楼 CD 之间的水平距离 DF 的长为 54 米22. 【解答】(1)证明:四边形 ABCD 是矩形,A=D=90,AB=DC,M 是 AD 的中点,AM=DM,在ABM 和DCM 中, ,ABMDCM(SAS);(2)解:四边形 MENF 是菱形;理由如下:由(1)得:ABMDCM,BM=CM,E、F 分别是线段 BM、CM 的中点,ME=BE= BM,MF=CF= CM,ME=MF,又N 是 BC 的中点,EN、FN 是BCM 的中位线,EN= CM,FN= BM,EN=FN=ME=MF,四边形 MENF 是菱形23. 【解答】解:(1)点 A、B 的横坐标分别为 1,2,y=2,或 y=1,A(1,2),B(2,1),点 A、B 在一次函数 y=kx+b 的图象上, , ,一次函数的解析式为:y=x+1;(2)由图象得知:y1 时,写出 x 的取值范围是2x0;(3)存在,对于 y=x+1,当 y=0 时,x=1,当 x=0 时,y=1,D(1,0),C(0,1),设 P(m,n),SODP=2SOCA, 1?(n)=2 11,n=2,点 P 在反比例图象上,m=1,P(1,2)24. 证明:(1)如图 1,连接 OD,AB 是圆 O 的直径,ADB=90ADO+BDO=90,又DO=BO,BDO=PBDPDA=PBD,BDO=PDAADO+PDA=90,即 PDOD点 D 在O 上,直线 PD 为O 的切线(2)解:BE 是O 的切线,EBA=90BED=60,P=30PD 为O 的切线,PDO=90在 RtPDO 中,P=30, ,解得 OD=1 PA=POAO=21=1(3)证明:如图 2,依题意得:ADF=PDA,PAD=DAFPDA=PBDADF=ABFADF=PDA=PBD=ABFAB 是圆 O 的直径ADB=90设PBD=x,则DAF=PAD=90+x,DBF=2x四边形 AFBD 内接于O,DAF+DBF=180即 90+x+2x=180,解得 x=30ADF=PDA=PBD=ABF=30BE、ED 是O 的切线,DE=BE,EBA=90DBE=60,BDE 是等边三角形BD=DE=BE又FDB=ADBADF=9030=60DBF=2x=60BDF 是等边三角形BD=DF=BFDE=BE=DF=BF,四边形 DFBE 为菱形25. 【解答】解:(1)作 EHOB 于点 H,tanABO= = = ,ABO=30,OED 是等边三角形,EOD=60又ABO=30,OEB=90BO=4,OE= OB=2OEH 是直角三角形,且OEH=30OH=1,EH= E(1, );(2)ABO=30,EDO=60,ABO=DFB=30,DF=DBOO=42DB=2DB=2DF=EDFD=EF;(3)当 0x2 时,ODE 与AOB 重叠部分的面积为ODE 面积= x2,当 2x4 时,ODE 与AOB 重叠部分的面积为四边形 GODF 面积= x2+2 x2 ,当 x4 时,ODE 与AOB 重叠部分的面积为 2 英语班级_ 姓名 _注意事项: 1、全卷共六大题。满分共 95 分,测试时间 85 分钟。2、答题前,务必将自己的班级、姓名、考号填写在答题卡规定的位置上。3、答选择题时,必须使用 2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如果改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后,再选择其它答案标号。4、答非选择题时,用黑色签字笔将答案书写在答题卡规定的位置上。5、所有题目必须在规定的答题卡上作答,在试卷上作答无效。一、听力理解(省略)二、单项填空(本大题有 20 小题, 每小题 1 分, 共 20 分)在每小题所给的四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案, 并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑。(请按题号填涂答题卡)26. How was dinner at Toms house?It was great. His mother is wonderful cook.A. the; the B. a; the C. the; a D. the; /27 Im getting fatter and fatter. Could you give me some advice on how to lose weight? Sorry. I dont know. Youd better ask those over there.Awoman doctors Bwomen doctorsCwoman doctor Dwomen doctors28Which TV program do you prefer, Running Man or Go Fighting(挑战极限)? . I like watching reality shows because they are relaxing.A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. All 29There are 300 students in Grade Nine. About of the students were born in 2002.A. four five B. four fifths C. fourth five D. fourth fifths30Class Five are having a party. Their teacher, Mr. Smith, is sitting them and talking happily with them.Abetween Bamong Cin Dduring31David is good at math. But he didnt get good grades this time because he was too .A. careful B. carefully C. careless D. carelessly32Dont disturb(打扰) John now. He for the Spelling Bee Competition(拼字大赛).A. prepares B. prepared C. will prepare D. is preparing33Your sweater so soft and comfortable. Where did you buy it? I want to buy one.Afeels Bsounds Csmells Dtastes34The magazines on the bookshelf are free for students. You keep one if you like.Aneed Bmust Ccan Dshould35Because of the terrible weather, we have to the sports meeting.Aput away Bput up Cput out Dput off36Both of the dresses are nice. But Id like to take the one to save money for an English dictionary.A. cheaper B. cheapest C. more expensive D. most expensive37. I my hometown for a long time. I really miss it. A. left B. have left C. went away from D. have been away from38Mum says that you can go out to play with your friends if your homework .Afinishes Bwill finish Cis finished Dwill be finished39Smoking is bad for our health. So, students are not allowed at school.A. smoking B. smoke C. to smoke Dnot smoking40Two days enough for me to finish the project. I need a third day.A. isnt B. is C. arent D. are41. The Chaohui Highway was fully open to traffic on December 28th. good news it is! A. What B. How C. What a D. How a42Have you heard of Paul Walker was the leading actor in Fast and Furious 7? A. which B. what C. who D. 43. Mother went on telling stories to her baby she was a little tired after working.A. because B. though C. so D. but 44 I wanted to know . It was because I had a small accident on my way to school. A. why were you late againB. why you were late again C. what you did on your way to schoolD. what did you do on your way to school45. Jeff, could you please tell me how to order a taxi through “Didi Taxi” (滴滴出行)? . A. It doesnt matter B. You are welcomeC. Take it easy D. Sure三、完形填空(本大题有 10 小题, 每小题 1 分, 共 10 分)通读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后在每小题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案, 并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑。A great way to limit(限制) your impact(影响) on the planet is to follow other animals way of eating. Squirrels(松鼠), 46 , eat nuts close to their tree houses. Elephants eat trees or plants that 47 around. What these animals are doing is eating in season and locally. We can do the same.Most of our favourite fruit and vegetables have their own natural seasons. Modern farming techniques make it 48 for us to eat all kinds of things any time of the year. However, 49 we eat our food in their natural seasons, we will save more energy.Eating locally means eating things that are grown close to your home. It will lower the impact that you and your eating 50 have on the environment. An easy way to 51 local produce is to shop at a nearby farmers market.One of the best things you can do is to grow your own food. It may seem like a lot of 52 but people and communities all over the country grow some or all of their own food.There are many 53 to grow your own food. By doing this, you can 54 where your food comes from. Besides, you can make sure that your food is fresher. It can 55 weeks for the food to get from the farm to the supermarket. By growing your own food, those weeks become just days, hours or even seconds. Now thats fresh!46. A. as a result B. in fact C. at least D. for example47. A. stay B. move C. go D. grow48. A. possible B. dangerous C. difficult D. boring49. A. whether B. if C. since D. while50. A. habits B. places C. tools D. reasons51. A. make B. get C. sell D. borrow52. A. health B. fun C. work D. service53. A. ideas B. messages C. advantages D. rules54. A. think about B. talk about C. worry about D. learn about55. A. spend B. take C. cost D. pay四、阅读理解(本大题有 15 小题, 每小题 2 分, 共 30 分) 阅读 A、B 两篇短文, 从每小题所给的四个选项中, 选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句 子的最佳答案, 并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑。AMrs. Clean House CleaningComing home to a house that is clean will make us feel very comfortable. Mrs. Clean House Cleaning is the most well-known, trusted name in home cleaning service. We have performed housekeeping services according to the withes of our customers.We are a husband-and-wife run company with a passion(热情) for our business. We started as a small cleaning group with two cleaners in 1997. In the past 20 years, we have grown into a company with over 200 cleaners, and we now service 30,000 customers each year.If you are not happy with our service, we will come back and clean till you are 100% satisfied because we have:*best cleaning service*great cleaning supplies & equipment()*environmentally friendly cleaning products*well-trained cleaners with police-checked background$20 OFF your first cleaning and $10 OFF the secondSet up your cleaning online:Tell us what you want us to do on our website and you will get our e-mail in reply.Call the officeCall our office to ask any questions you have and make an appointment(预约).Tel: 6665-5436No more time spent in cleaning the kitchen, bathroom and all the other areas of your home.With more time to do what you like, contract with Mrs. Clean House Cleaning, and your life will be completely changed immediately!56. The passage above is .A. a guide on cleaning B. an advertisement of a cleaning companyC. a guide on time saving D. an advertisement of a very clean house57. Owners of the company are . A. two friends B. two men C. a couple D. two neighbors58. Cleaners from this company .A. can be trusted B. without a passionC. are well known D. have unclear background59. If your first order with this company is priced 50 dollars, then you have to pay .A. 70 dollars B. 50 dollars C. 40 dollars D. 30 dollars60. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. There are 200 cleaners in this company.B. If the customers are not satisfied with the cleaning, they dont have to pay for it.C. Customers have three ways to make an appointment with this cleaning company.D. Customers can spare some time for their hobbies if they pay the company to do the cleaning.BEnglish has become a language that is most widely used in the world. So which country, not including English-speaking countries, speaks English best? And where does China rank (排名)?Swedish language education company EF published their 2016 English Proficiency Index (熟练度指标) this month. The Netherlands (荷兰) ranked first, followed by Denmark and Sweden. The rankings are based on English reading and listening test results of 950,000 people from 72 countries and areas.According to the index, the English proficiency in China is still low, ranking 39th. Out of the whole country, people in Shanghai are the best English speakers. They speak better English than Italians and French. Hong Kong and Beijing follow Shanghai as Chinas next best English-speaking cities.“Shanghai and Beijing rank high because they are international cities,” EF senior manager Christopher McCormick said. “However, across China, proficiency in English is different from east to west.”China has 400 million English learners, reported China Daily. However, the teaching of English in some areas is not very good. According to the Peoples Daily Online, there are seven primary schools in Shetianqiao town in Hunan, but only one English teacher. Many students still learn English by rote memorization.Sebastian Magnusson, an officer at the Swedish embassy (大使馆) in Beijing, gave some advice. Swedish people speak English well and Magnusson himself is also fluent in Chinese. He said TV programs, movies and even computer games could be learning tools. “Do not limit it to textbooks. What matters most is to use what youve learned,” Magnusson said.61. ranked first in the 2016 English Proficiency Index.A. Sweden B. The Netherlands C. Denmark D. The United Kingdom62. The underline words rote memorization probably mean _ in the passage.A. 死记硬背 B. 查漏补缺 C. 联想记忆 D. 分类记忆63. Which of the following is True according to the passage?A. Half of the Chinese population is learning English now.B. Chinese people have high English proficiency levels.C. Some Chinese schools are short of English teachers.D. Rote memorization is the best way to learn English.64. From Magnussons words, we can learn that .A. English is difficult for younger students to learnB. learning English from textbooks is not a good methodC. learners should put what they have learned into practiceD. learners should get help from their teachers and parents65. The passage is mainly about .A. which country speaks English best B. the English proficiency in China C. the English teacher in China D. the best English speakers in ChinaC配对阅读 左栏是五个人将要扔掉的废品的描述,右栏是七个废品处理的措施,请根据每个人的情况,为他们选择合适的措施,并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑。66. Johns mobile phone didnt work this morning because it was short of electricity. After checking it, he found something wrong with the battery(电池). He had to buy a new one and put the old one into a certain dustbin.67. Tim graduated from university. He had some useful books which helped him pass the exams. But now they are not valuable to him. He wanted to give them away to others.68. Betty was born in a rich family. She can buy any clothes she likes from shops. But she never wears them more than three times. She thinks it is a waste. So she wants to give them away to those who need them.69. Jacky is fond of drinking a bottle of beer each meal. Now he has collected many beer bottles. He hoped to make some money by selling them.70. Lucys sofa was broken last week. Today she bought a new set of sofa. She has no room for the old sofa and she would like to find a place to put it. A. Dont throw your old bottles here and there. In our park you have to put them into the dustbins(垃圾桶) around you. Remember not to break the bottles, or they may hurt you or the cleaners who go to collect them.B. This is the school library. You are allowed to do some reading here. If you have some books which you dont need, you can give them away to us. Well be thankful to your kindness.C. If you have old furniture you dont need, you can give it away to the charity(慈善机构). Maybe someone else needs it. Dont throw it into the dustbin.D. In our waste collecting shop, you can sell all the things you dont need, such as old newspapers, paper bags and bottles. We will offer you a very high price for your old things.E. The batteries can do great harm to the earth where you throw them. They will pollute the earth for a long time. So, dont throw your old batteries everywhere. Just put them into a certain dustbin which has the best way to deal with them.F. This dustbin is set here for the visitors to throw their waste, especially something that can be recycled. Batteries and something like them are not allowed to throw here.G. We are the students in the poor area in China. Now it is cold winter. We dont have enough clothes to keep us warm. If you have any clothes you dont need, please send them to us. We will thank for your help.五、短文填空(本大题有 10 小题, 每小题 1.5 分, 共 15 分)请用适当的词完成下面的短文, 并把所缺单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。Two years ago, I failed in the college entrance exam. It was a heavy shock(冲击) to my family and (71) . They always wanted me to go to a great university in (72) south of the country. I was eighteen and my family was poor. They thought that going to a good college could (73) _ my life. I was under stress(压力) and felt worried. I stayed at home and didnt want to see anyone.One night, I (74) _ that I went to college and was having an interesting lesson. All the students were laughing happily. I (75) _ up suddenly and found

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