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英语 新目标 B 新课标 RJ 九年级全一册 Unit1Howdoyoustudyforatest Unit2Iusedtobeafraidofthedark Unit3Teenagersshouldbeallowedtochoosetheirownclothes Unit4Whatwouldyoudo Unit5ItmustbelongtoCarla 阶段综合测试卷一 Units1 5 单元复习 Unit6IlikemusicthatIcandanceto Unit7Wherewouldyouliketovisit Unit8I llhelpcleanupthecityparks Unit9Whenwasitinvented Unit10BythetimeIgotoutside thebushadalreadyleft 阶段综合测试卷二 Units1 10 单元复习 Unit11Couldyoupleasetellmewheretherestroomsare Unit12You resupposedtoshakehands Unit13Rainydaysmakemesad Unit14Haveyoupackedyet Unit15We retryingtosavethemanatees 阶段综合测试卷三 Units1 15 单元复习 专题复习一 情态动词专题复习二 被动语态专题复习三 定语从句专题复习四 宾语从句专题复习五 现在完成时专题复习六 过去完成时专题复习七 倒装句 专题复习 英语 新课标 RJ Unit1Howdoyoustudyforatest 英语 新课标 RJ 能力提升训练 Unit1 能力提升训练 单项选择 1 Weshouldtryourbest theproblem A solveB solutionC tosolveD solving 2 Shehasagoodsinging It verybeautiful A sound soundsB voice voicesC sound voicesD voice sounds C D 英语 新课标 RJ Unit1 能力提升训练 3 Lastyearmysistertriedtoloseweight 减肥 but puttingweightbackon A cutupB lookedupC endedupD madeup 4 Ihopeyoudon tmindmypointingoutyourmistakes A That sallright B You rewelcome C Ofcoursenot D It sapleasure C C Unit1 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 5 Nomatterwhathappens thedoctorswilldo best thesickperson A they helpB they tohelpC their helpD their tohelp 6 Don t tryagain Maybeyouwillbesuccessfulsoon A getupB giveupC pickupD lookup D B 英语 新课标 RJ Unit1 能力提升训练 完形填空TherearefourkeypointstostudyEnglish listening speaking readingandwriting Firstly weshouldbebravetotalkwithothers 1 English Bydoingthis wecan 2 ourspeakingandlisteningskills Secondly weshouldtryto 3 allkindsofEnglishprogrammesas 4 aspossible Inthisway wecangraduallyimproveour 5 英语 新课标 RJ Unit1 能力提升训练 Thirdly weshouldoftenreadEnglishbooks Whenwe 6 anewword weshould 7 itsmeaningthroughthecontext 上下文 first Thenlookitupinthe 8 tohaveacheck Ithinkitisagoodwayofreading Fourthly weshould 9 ourwritingskills Wheneverwehaveanyidea weshouldgetthepenandwriteitdownatonce ItisveryimportanttoavoidwritinginChineseway Aslongaswelisten speak readandwritemore wearesureto 10 remarkableprogress 英语 新课标 RJ Unit1 能力提升训练 1 A withB inC forD to 2 A raiseB findC improveD deal 3 A listentoB lookoverC meetwithD learnabout 4 A soonB manyC longD much 5 A pronunciationB spellingC voiceD sound B C A D A 英语 新课标 RJ Unit1 能力提升训练 6 A happentoB comeacrossC watchoutD gofor 7 A askB guessC understandD tell 8 A bookB notebookC examD dictionary 9 A useB trainC tryD practice 10 A makeB doC moveD develop B B D D A Unit1 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 根据汉语提示完成句子1 He 生气 himselfformakingsuchamistake 2 在 帮助下 hisparents hemadeanicemodelplane 3 MrsBrownneverstops 抱怨 prices 4 They 中断 afriendshipoftwentyyears 5 Youshouldlearnhowto 处理 yourproblems 6 Youshould 尽力 todotheworkwell wasangrywith Withthehelpof complainingabout brokeoff dealwith tryyourbest Unit1 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 7 Time 逝去 andgoodfriendshipsmaybelost 8 Icecan 变成 waterwhenheated 9 Ifyoukeeptellinglies you ll 以失去 告终 manyfriends 10 Sometimeswhenthey 因 很兴奋 something theyforgettheirmanners 11 Ipracticemylisteningskillsby 听录音带 12 Manystudentsenjoy 小组学习 goesby changeinto enduplosing getexcitedabout listeningtotapes studyingwithagroup Unit1 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 书面表达学英语的方法多种多样 但每个人的方法会有所不同 你有哪些好的方法和经验呢 请根据下表内容和所给问题 写一篇80 100词的短文 Unit1 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ Onepossibleversion LinTaolearnsEnglishbywatchingEnglishprograms studyinggrammarandaskingteachersforhelp Forme watchingEnglishprogramsisn trealistic AlthoughIknowalotofwords I mpooratEnglishlisteningandcanneverunderstandthewordsinprograms Ithinkstudyinggrammarwellisdifficult butIthinkit snecessarytolearnsomegrammar I msurethatIcanlearnitwell AndaskingteachersforhelpisreallyagoodwayoflearningEnglish Ioftenaskmyteacherquestions Ithinkaskingquestionsisveryusefultome 英语 新课标 RJ Unit1 易错点针对训练 易错点针对训练 单项选择 1 2012 黔西南 Mysisterisill Ihaveto herathome A lookatB lookupC lookafterD lookfor 2 2012 鸡西 LisaisalittlepooratChinese Ithinksheneeds iteveryday A practicetospeakB topracticespeakingC practicespeaking C B 英语 新课标 RJ Unit1 易错点针对训练 3 HowdoyoulearnEnglishwords makingflashcards A ToB ByC ForD With 4 Ifind hardforme theworkinsuchashorttime A it finishingB it s finishC it tofinishD its finishing B C 英语 新课标 RJ Unit1 易错点针对训练 5 Idon thaveapartnertoplaythetabletenniswith Why asportsclubtopracticealot A don tjoinB notjoiningC nottojoinD don tyoujoin 6 isagreatwaytolearnalanguage A StudygrammarB StudyinggrammarC StudiesgrammarD Studiedgrammar D B 英语 新课标 RJ Unit1 易错点针对训练 7 Alicehasn tbeentoCanada Nancyhasn t A alsoB neitherC eitherD too 8 Ifyoudon tknowthewords please inthedictionary A lookitupB lookupitC lookthemupD lookupthem C C 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2Iusedtobeafraidofthedark 英语 新课标 RJ 能力提升训练 Unit2 能力提升训练 单项选择 1 Wouldyouliketoplaycomputergameswithme Sorry Ihave playingthem A madeupB givenupC pickedupD gotup 2 Hecameintotheroom hisnoseredbecauseofcold A withB ofC forD to B A 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 能力提升训练 3 Excuseme what sthisfor It sacleanerandit topickupdirt A usesB isusedC isusingD used 4 mygreatsurprise thelittlegirlwonthegame A InB ToC OnD By B B Unit2 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 5 Whatdoyouthinkof filmaboutZhanTianyou It s goodfilm A the theB a theC the aD a a C 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 能力提升训练 完形填空 1 ofyearsago lifewasmuchharderthanitistoday Peopledidn thavemodernmachines Therewasnomodernmedicine 2 Lifetodayhasbroughtnew 3 Oneofthebiggestispollutionofourdrinkingwater 4 pollutionmakesustalklouderandbecomeangrymoreeasily Airpollutionisthemostseriouskindofpollution It sbadforalllivingthingsintheworld 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 能力提升训练 Cars planesandfactoriesallpolluteouraireveryday Sometimesthepollutedairissothickthatitislikeaquilt 5 acity Thiskindofquiltiscalledsmog 烟雾 Manycountriesaremakingrulestofightpollution Factoriesmustnowcleantheirwaterbeforeitisthrownaway Theymustn tblowdirty 6 intotheair 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 能力提升训练 Weneedtodomanyotherthings Wecanputwastethingsinthedustbinandnotthrowthemontheground Wecangotowork 7 orwithourfriendsin 8 car Iftherearefewerpeopledriving therewillbe 9 pollution Rulesarenot 10 Everypersonmusthelptofightpollution 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 能力提升训练 1 A HundredB OnehundredC HundredsD Twohundred 2 A alsoB aswellC tooD either 3 A problemsB questionsC stylesD inventions 4 A NoiseB DirtypaperC LitterD Water 5 A aroundB onC throughD over C D A A D 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 能力提升训练 6 A noiseB smokeC waterD wind 7 A byfootB onbusC bybusD bythebus 8 A sameB thesameC asameD different 9 A fewerB lessC afewD more 10 A muchB manyC goodD enough B C B B D Unit2 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 根据汉语意思完成句子1 约翰过去戴眼镜 John glasses 2 即使你不累了 也不要在大街上闲逛 youare tired youmustn thangoutinthestreet used to wear Even though no longer Unit2 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 3 老师们总为学生们所做的每一件好事感到自豪 Theteachersalways everythinggoodthestudentsdo 4 我从来没有放弃过帮助他们 Inever tohelpthem take pride in give up trying Unit2 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 书面表达李平在同班同学王朋的帮助下学习成绩有了显著提高 请就此写一篇短文 内容要点提示 李平过去经常上课迟到 不认真听讲 现在在王朋的帮助下认真学习 王朋关心 帮助李平 和他谈心 帮他复习功课 解决难题 Unit2 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 要求 1 短文应包括以上所有要点 但不要逐字翻译 也可写学习以外其他方面的内容 2 简短写出你对这一现象的感受 3 词数 不少于80 Unit2 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ Onepossibleversion LiPingisastudent Inthepast heusedtobelateforschoolanddidn tlistencarefullyinclass Andafterschool heoftenplayedcomputergamesorwatchedTVinsteadofdoinghishomework Sohislessonswereverybad Butnow hehaschangedalot WithhisclassmateWangPeng shelp hestudiesveryhardandhasmade Unit2 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ greatprogress WangPengoftenhelpshimworkoutproblemsandgooverhislessonsortalkswithhimaboutwaysoflearning Fromthis Iknowthatweshouldhelpandcareforeachotheraswellaslearnfromeachother It sveryimportant 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 易错点针对训练 易错点针对训练 单项选择 1 2012 黔东南 Ilikeplaying piano butmybrotherlikesplaying basketball A the theB a theC theD the D 解析 考查冠词的用法 乐器前加定冠词the 球类前不加冠词 故选D 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 易错点针对训练 2 2012 无锡 Ilikethedress butI m Ihaven tgotenoughmoney Don tworry Idon tmind yousomeifyoulike A afraid lendingB glad lendingC afraid tolendD glad tolend A 解析 考查形容词的辨析和非谓语动词的用法 minddoingsth意为 介意做某事 由Ihaven tgotenoughmoney 我没有足够的钱 和Don tworry 别担心 可知第一空填afraid 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 易错点针对训练 3 2012 南京 HowisSusan Oh shelivesabroad soI everseeher A hardlyB greatlyC clearlyD nearly A 解析 考查副词的辨析 greatly意为 大大地 clearly意为 清楚地 明确地 nearly意为 差不多 几乎 hardly意为 很少 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 易错点针对训练 4 Whydon tyoubuythebike Mary It stooexpensive Ican t it A sellB lendC keepD afford D 解析 考查动词的辨析 sell意为 卖 lend意为 借出 keep意为 保持 保留 afford意为 负担得起 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 易错点针对训练 5 MrWang aworkerbutheisanengineernow A usedtoB usedtobeC wasusedtoD wasusedtobe B 解析 本题考查和use有关的短语辨析 usedtodo表示 过去常常 beusedtodo表示 被用来 根据句意可知王先生过去是一名工人 但他现在是一名工程师 因此选B 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 易错点针对训练 6 There greatchangesinourhometowninthepasttwentyyears A areB wereC hasbeenD havebeen D 解析 此题考查therebe句型的现在完成时态 therehasbeen therehavebeen therebe句型是倒装结构 be与其后真正的主语保持数的一致 单数用therehasbeen 复数用therehavebeen 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3Teenagersshouldbeallowedtochoosetheirownclothes 英语 新课标 RJ 能力提升训练 Unit3 能力提升训练 单项选择 1 Ihadaveryunusual yesterday IsawaUFOlandinfrontofme A decisionB testC friendD experience 2 Thishouseisn t forus Weneedanotherone A bigenoughB enoughbigC smallenoughD enoughsmall D A 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 能力提升训练 3 WhenIamtired Ilikelisteningtomusic books A insteadreadB insteadtoreadC insteadofreadD insteadofreading 4 Heisn t stayoutlate A allowedtoB allowtoC allowedD allowing D A Unit3 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 5 Itiswarm Hefeels A sleepB sleepyC sleepingD slept 6 Ithinkweshouldgetupandgotobedearlyeveryday Iagree you A withB onC aboutD for B A 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 能力提升训练 完形填空Thetrafficproblemhasbecomeaseriousprobleminbigcities Streetsarealways 1 inthemorningoreveningandwecanseesomanycarsandbusesonthestreet What smore trafficaccidentshavemadethestreetbecomeoneofthemost 2 places Butwhyisthisproblembecomingmoreandmoreserious 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 能力提升训练 Onereasonisthatthestreetsareoldandmanyofthemwere 3 manyyearsago Buttherapidly 4 populationisthemainreason Morepeople means heaviertraffic Morepeoplehavetodrivecarsortakebuses Morespace 5 beusedtobuildhousesandfactories soit salmost 6 tobuildmorestreets Itmakesthetrafficproblemeven 7 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 能力提升训练 Howto 8 theproblem Herearesomeways Firstly strictrulesshouldbesetdowntomakepeoplemorecarefulonthe 9 sotherewillbefewertrafficaccidents Andthenthemostimportantthingisthatweshould 10 somemeasurestocontrolthepopulation 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 能力提升训练 1 A importantB crowdedC dirtyD empty 2 A famousB beautifulC dangerousD exciting 3 A builtB broughtC paintedD bought 4 A improvingB comingC goingD increasing 5 A needn tB can tC hastoD may B C A D C 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 能力提升训练 6 A possibleB impossibleC necessaryD unnecessary 7 A betterB nearerC shorterD worse 8 A learnfromB dealwithC careaboutD worryabout 9 A busB riverC trainD street 10 A takeB workC bringD get B D B D A Unit3 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 阅读理解Therearealotofschoolrulesaroundtheworld Forexample inAustralia Canada JapanandtheUnitedStates studentshavetowearuniforms andtheyarenotallowedtowearearrings SomeschoolsinJapanandothercountrieshaverulesabouthair Forexample studentsarenotallowedtochangethecoloroftheirhair IntheUnitedStates boyscannothavetheirhairgrowlong Unit3 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ ForsafetyatsomeUSschools studentsmusthaveapairofindoorshoesatschooleveryday Thismakessurestudentswon tfalloveronthewetfloorsandkeepstheschoolsclean GumchewingisnotallowedinmanyUSschoolbuildings asitisdifficulttocleanup Andifstudentschewguminclass theymaynotpaymuchattentiontotheirstudies Unit3 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ Inmostforeigncountries schoolstudentsareallowedtoworkpart time Butdifferently Japaneseschoolstudentsarenotallowedtoworkpart timeorchangethecoloroftheirhair Unit3 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 1 Inwhichcountriesshouldstudentsnotbeallowedtowearearrings A EnglandandJapan B AustraliaandJapan C CanadaandChina D TheUSAandFrance 2 ArestudentsallowedtochangethecoloroftheirhairinJapan A Yes theyaren t B No theyare C Yes theyare D No theyaren t B D Unit3 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 3 WhymuststudentshaveapairofindoorshoesatschooleverydayatsomeUSschools A Thismakesstudentsexercisemoreeasily B Thismakesstudentswon tfalloveronthewetfloors C Thiskeepstheschoolsclean D Thiskeepstheschoolscleanandmakesstudentssafe D Unit3 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 4 Whatmayhappenifstudentschewguminclass A Itisdifficulttocleanup B Studentswillfalloverintheclassroom C Studentsmaynotpaymuchattentiontotheirstudies D Theteacherswillbeveryangry C Unit3 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 5 Whatshouldn tthestudentsbeallowedtodoinJapan A Theyaren tallowedtochewgum B Theyaren tallowedtowearuniforms C Theyarenotallowedtoworkpart timeorchangethecoloroftheirhair D Theyarenotallowedtoeatintheclassroom C Unit3 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 根据汉语意思完成句子1 我们英语老师让我们尽可能多地讲英语 OurEnglishteacheraskedustospeakEnglish 2 学生应该被允许自己作决定 Studentsshould tomaketheirowndecisions 3 我们所有的人都想实现自己的梦想 Allofuswantto as much as be allowed achieve our dreams possible Unit3 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 4 彼得很高兴他通过了考试 Peterisveryhappythathe 5 父母们应该花费更多的时间和孩子们在一起 Parentsshould moretime theirchildren 6 汤姆会游泳 丹尼也会 Tomcanswim Danny passed the test exam spend with so can Unit3 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 7 他起得不够早 没有能够赶上校车 Hedidn tgetup tocatchtheschoolbus 8 我认为一些不良的爱好会妨碍你的学习 Ibelievesomebadhobbiescan ofyourstudies early enough get in the way Unit3 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 书面表达你校与加拿大某中学结成姐妹学校 加方校刊来信了解你校的课外活动情况及你们的建议 请你根据下面表格中提供的内容用英语写一篇80词左右的短文 文章的开头已给出 不计入总词数 参考词汇 interestgroup兴趣小组 EnglishCorner英语角 activity n 活动 Unit3 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ Onepossibleversion I dliketotellyousomethingabouttheout of classactivitiesinourschool Weusuallyhaveouractivitiesfrom4 50to5 50intheafternoon Wehavedifferentkindsofactivities Somestudentsareinterestedinsports Theyplaybasketballandfootball Therearealsosomeinterestgroupsinourschool suchasdrawing singinganddancing Andnowcomputeristhemostpopular Unit3 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ OnWednesdayafternoonswegotoEnglishCorner WeliketalkinginEnglishthere Wehopewecanspendmoretimeonsuchactivitiesandlesstimeonhomework 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 易错点针对训练 易错点针对训练 单项选择 1 Driversshouldn tbeallowed afterdrinking ortheywillbreakthelaw A driveB drivingC todriveD tobedriven C 解析 考查非谓语动词 allowsbtodosth意为 允许某人做某事 动词不定式作宾语补足语 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 易错点针对训练 2 2012 自贡 Whenareyougoingtohaveyourhair Thisafternoon A cutB tocutC cutting A 解析 考查过去分词的用法 have done意为 使 被做 过去分词作宾语补足语 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 易错点针对训练 3 Ifyou foryourfavoriteTVprograms youwillfeelsleepythenextday A stayupB setupC stayatD pickup A 解析 考查动词词组的辨析 stayup意为 熬夜 setup意为 建立 stayat意为 待在 留在 pickup意为 捡起 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 易错点针对训练 4 Ourteachersareverystrict us A withB toC onD in A 解析 考查介词的用法 bestrictwithsb意为 对某人要求严格 句意 我们的老师对我们很严厉 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 易错点针对训练 5 Ithinkdrinkingmilkeverymorningisgood ourhealth Yes Iagree you A to toB with toC at withD for with D 解析 考查介词的用法 begoodfor意为 对 有好处 agreewith表示 同意 句意 我认为每天早晨喝牛奶对健康有好处 是的 我同意你的说法 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 易错点针对训练 6 TonyandIaregoodfriends Weusuallylearnalot eachother A ofB fromC acrossD with B 解析 考查介词的用法 of意为 的 from意为 从 across意为 穿过 with意为 和 同 句意 Tony和我是好朋友 我们通常能从对方身上学到许多东西 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 易错点针对训练 7 Ithink shouldbeallowedtochoosetheirownclothes A fifteenyearsoldB fifteenyearsoldsC fifteen year oldD fifteen year olds D 解析 本题考查合成名词的复数形式 句子中本身不含名词 因此要选择合成名词fifteen year olds 相当于fifteen year oldkids 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 易错点针对训练 8 Thedoctorsdon tallowpeople inthehospital A besmokedB smokeC tosmokeD smoking C 解析 考查allow的用法 allowsb todosth 表示 允许某人做某事 英语 新课标 RJ Unit4Whatwouldyoudo 英语 新课标 RJ 能力提升训练 Unit4 能力提升训练 单项选择 1 I drathergotherethan athome A stayingB stayC tostayD stays 2 Whatwouldyoudoifyou onthemoon A liveB livedC havelivedD willlive B B 英语 新课标 RJ Unit4 能力提升训练 3 Yourfriendswouldprobablysaythatyou redifficultto Idisagree A getalongB comeupC getalongwithD comeupwith 4 Iwon tgotothepartyifJim togothere A invitesB won tinviteC isn tinvitedD won tbeinvited C C Unit4 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 5 Whenspringcomes flowerscome A inB outC upD to 6 HaveyouseentheCCTVnewsonTV Yes childrenhadagoodfestivalonthe Children sDay A millionsof sixtyB tenmillion sixtyC millionsof sixtiethD tenmillions sixtieth B C Unit4 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 7 Iwanttoknow he herenextMonday A that willcomeB if willcomeC if comesD if came 8 DidMaryvisitthatoldtownby lastweek A herB sheC hersD herself B D Unit4 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 9 Weshouldaskthedoctor advice A toB ofC forD in 10 Thetwogirlsstopped tomewhentheysawme A totalkB talkingC talkD talks C A 英语 新课标 RJ Unit4 能力提升训练 完形填空Ifyougoouttoeatwithsomeone youshouldbeclearwho spaying Iftheotherpersonsuggestsyou 1 lunchwithhimorher youmight 2 saysomethinglikethis I mafraidit llhavetobesomeplaceinexpensiveasIhavevery 3 money Theotherpersonmaysay OK I llmeetyou 4 McDonald s Thismeansthateachpersonpaysforhisownmeal Ifthepersonsays Oh no 英语 新课标 RJ Unit4 能力提升训练 I ll 5 youtolunchinalittlerestaurantIlikeverymuch itmeansthatthepersonintendstopaythebillfor 6 ofyou Ifyoufeelfriendlytowardthisperson thereisnoreasonwhyyoushouldn t 7 thisinvitationbysaying Thankyou Thatwouldbeverynice Ifapersoninvitesyoutohisorherhome itisunderstoodthatthepersonispaying ifyouinvitesomeoneoutforlunch youmustmake 8 clearbysaying Let shave 英语 新课标 RJ Unit4 能力提升训练 lunchtogethertomorrowatBurgerKing It s 9 me Americanwomenusedto 10 mentopayforallmeals buttodaymostwomenwillpayforthemselves 英语 新课标 RJ Unit4 能力提升训练 1 A hadB haveC willhaveD havehad 2 A simplyB friendlyC stronglyD easily 3 A smallB noneC fewD little 4 A onB toC atD for 5 A takeB bringC carryD see B A D C A 英语 新课标 RJ Unit4 能力提升训练 6 A eitherB bothC neitherD all 7 A receiveB makeC acceptD get 8 A youB yourselfC yourownD your 9 A forB toC fromD on 10 A expectB expressC makeD order B C B D A Unit4 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 阅读理解AStudentsinschoolhaveonethingincommon aninterestinsports Accordingtotheirdifferentaimsindoingsports theyfallintothreegroups Manystudentsgototheplaygroundwhentheyfeeltiredafterafewhoursofstudy Thesestudentsputmuchmorestressontheirstudyefficiency 效率 thanthefunofsports Theyjustwanttogobacktotheirclassroomfromthe Unit4 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ playgroundwithaclearerandquickermind Sotheydon tactuallycarewhethertheycanenjoythemselvesontheplayground Mostofthemchooselong distancerunning thekindofexercisewhichfewrealsportsmenlike Sothisgroupofstudentscanbewellregardedasstudy orientedparticipants 参加者 Studentsthatmakeupthesecondgrouparerealsportslovers Sometimestheyevenputasidetheirstudiesforamatch Theyparticipateinthesportthat Unit4 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ intereststhemmost notcaringwhetheritisgoodfortheirhealth Theymaybecalledfun orientedsportsparticipants Thethirdgroupwantbeautyfromsports Boyswanttobecomestrong girlswanttobeslimandgraceful Thosewhoconsidersportstheonlywayoflosingweightalsobelongtothisgroup Theyareverycarefulinchoosingthekindofexercisetheydo andareafraidthatcertainsportsmayinfluencetheirbodyshapes Thepropernameforthisgroupmaybebeauty orientedsportsparticipants Unit4 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ Nomatterwhichgroupwebelongto weallbenefit 受益 fromsports Ifyoulookaroundtheschoolyard youwillfindthatbookwormshavedisappeared andinstead therearehealthy strong cleverandmodernizedstudentseverywhere Unit4 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 1 Thecommoninterestofthethreegroupsis A studyB sportsC funD beauty 2 Thestudy orientedgroup A thinkthestudyefficiencyismoreimportantB enjoythemselvesontheplaygroundC chooselong distancerunningasrealsportsmendoD wanttostudysports B A Unit4 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 3 Whichofthefollowingbelongstothesecondgroup A Theycareifsportsaregoodfortheirhealth B Mostlytheyareinterestedinthesports C Theywanttohaveaclearerandquickermind D Theychoosethekindofexercisetheydocarefully B Unit4 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 4 Inthebeauty orientedgroup students A justwanttoloseweightB wanttobestrongC wantenoughexerciseD thinkbeautyisthemostimportant D Unit4 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ 5 Accordingtothepassage wecanfind allovertheschoolyard A studentsaregoodatsportsB bookwormshaveappearedC healthy strong cleverandmodernizedstudentsD studentsbelongtomanydifferentgroups C Unit4 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ B阅读短文 从A D中选出恰当的句子填入文中6 9处 然后回答第10题 Whatwouldyoudoifastrangergaveyousomemedicineandhesaiditwouldkeepyouslimorhelpyoudowellinexams Wouldyoutakeit Manymiddleschoolstudentshavelearnedtokeepthemselvessafebysaying no 6 Drugs 毒品 aredangeroustoyourhealth B Unit4 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ Becausemostofteensdon tknowmuchaboutdrugs theymightwanttotrythem Liu 16 wasagoodstudentbeforetryingdrugs 7 Hedecidedtohaveatry Aftertakingdrugsonlyonce hefounditveryhardtostop Liubegantospendallhistimeandmo


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