2019高考英语一轮基础练 Unit 10 Money(含解析)北师大版必修4.doc

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Unit 10 Money 阅读理解AIllegally traded endangered species that escape, forming secondary populations, offer hope to their long-term survival, a study suggests. This first came to my attention when I read a news story about the seizure of an illegal shipment of 23 yellow crested cockatoos(小葵花凤头鹦鹉), said Luke Gibson, a college teacher. He learned that the species was critically endangered, which surprised him.This encouraged Dr. Gibson and his colleague to investigate(调查)how a critically endangered species had bee self-sustaining outside of its natural range. They discovered 49 cases of a globally threatened species being established as a separate population, which they hadnt thought of, including the yellow-crested cockatoo in their city.This is a species which is primarily threatened by wildlife trade, he told BBC News. Poachers(偷猎者)go out into the forest in its native range in eastern Indonesia and capture the bird and then ship them off, usually up to our city where there is a strong demand for pet birds. This is what has fueled the decline of this species in its native range. But its really interesting because that same cause also had another effect: some of the people who were keeping this species here accidentally or intentionally released them.” As a result of enough of the birds set free, it allowed a new self-sustaining population to be established in this city.The government in of Dr. Gibsons city has made it illegal to capture the species, even though it is a non-native species. Because the city is affluent and relatively well educated, the cases of people breaking the law are extremely rare, explained Dr Gibson, unlike in its native range in Indonesia, where capturing birds forms a major source of ine.However, there can be downsides(缺点) to the newly established population of endangered species, such as a limited genetic pool, and suffering from novel diseases. It did also present a possible “very interesting” opportunity for conservationists, Dr. Gibson suggested. This would involve harvesting some of the newly established secondary population, which may provide a way to help slow global biodiversity loss.1.What was beyond Gibsons expectations according to the first paragraph?A. The high rate of wildlife trade.B. The preciousness of the birds.C. The fact that the birds nearly disappear.D. The news that the birds were poached.2.What happened unexpectedly when the birds were shipped abroad?A. They formed a separate population.B. They were kept as pet birds.C. They were traded illegally.D. They were killed for research.3.Which can replace the underlined word “affluent”?A. Peace-loving.B. Rich.C. Free.D. Environment friendly.4.For what purpose did the author write the passage?A. To appeal to everyone to stop the wildlife trade.B. To explain the challenge the wild birds are facing.C. To introduce a creative approach to wildlife conservation.D. To raise peoples awareness of protecting endangered species.【文章大意】本文为说明文。讲述的是一项研究表明逃跑的非法交易的濒危物种形成了次级群体,为它们的长期生存提供了希望,也呈现了野生生物保护的一种可能的方法。1.C 【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句话 He learned that the species was critically endangered, which surprised him.可知他没有料到的是这些鸟是非常濒危的物种,与C项一致,故选C。2.A 【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段最后两句话可知有些养这种鸟的人偶然地或者故意地放了它们,由此在这个城市里形成了单独的自我维持数量的鸟,故选A。4.C 【解析】观点态度题。根据最后一段最后两句话It did also present a possible “very interesting” opportunity for conservationists, Dr. Gibson suggested. This would involve harvesting some of the newly established secondary population, which may provide a way to help slow global biodiversity loss.可知本文作者是为了介绍野生生物保护的一种创新的方法,故选C。B(2017南宁二测)A new taxi service in Stockholm is offering its passengers a chance to relieve stress on the go.Theyve got psychotherapists(心理治疗师) occupying the back seats of the taxis, offering free consultations(咨询)The test was started by a pany called Taxi Stockholm, which claimed its the first project of its kind in the world.The idea was formed when the owners of Taxi Stockholm realized that people are more likely to talk about their problems on boring, quiet drives.They even have data to back_up the theory; according to spokeswoman Natalia Santos, around 70 percent of people said their taxi journeys were a good time for reflection and that they often found their minds wandering.“And when you think about it, the drivers can even bee like therapists,” she added.Mia Fahln, one of the psychologists on board, said that she would have to be flexible, because she wouldnt know exactly how long a trip could be.But she believed that a lot could be acplished from even a short 10minute journey.“A lot of people are lonely,” she explained.“There are so many single people in Stockholm.And a lot of the people I meet from abroad tell me theyre frustrated(挫败的) with Sweden.They say its really hard to make the acquaintance of people and that even when they try, the Swedes can be very quiet.”“Of course, youd not have to be lucky to catch these taxis, but if youre really excited about the idea, you could book a trip in advance.It will work out cheaper than seeing a regular therapist; an hourlong session with Fahln costs up to 1,200 kronor($165),” Natalia Santos said.When asked if this is all a publicity stunt (作秀) in the wake of their new petitors, taxiapp service Uber, Santos denied(否认) it.She said that the staff at Taxi Stockholm are actually quite optimistic about being able to help people through their service.【解题导语】本文主要讲述了瑞典一家出租车公司提供的特别服务:为乘客提供心理咨询。1What can we know about from Paragraph 1?AMost of the Swedes are suffering from stress.BDrivers at Taxi Stockholm offer good services.CTaxi Stockholm is the first to carry out the project.DPsychotherapists charge a little during the drives.C解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的最后一句“The test was started by a pany called Taxi Stockholm, which claimed its the first project of its kind in the world.”可知, Taxi Stockholm是世界上首家发起这项活动的公司。2What does the underlined phrase “back up” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?ASupport. BOppose.CImprove. DTest.A解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词后的 “according to spokeswoman.wandering”可知,他们甚至有支持该理论的数据,由此可推知back up与support意思最接近。3According to Mia Fahln, it may be hard to _Amake passengers feel happyBdeal with quiet passengersCadjust properly to different routesDperform well in a short journeyC解析:推理判断题。根据第四段的第一句“Mia Fahln, one of the psychologists on board, said that she would have to be flexible, because she wouldnt know exactly how long a trip could be.”可推知,Mia Fahln认为适应不同的路线有难度。4It can be inferred from the passage that Stockholmers _Aare too shy to show their emotionsBenjoy living a single and peaceful lifeCmay be concerned about the new serviceDare considered hard to approach by foreignersD解析:推理判断题。根据第四段的“And a lot of the people I meet from abroad tell me theyre frustrated(挫败的) with Sweden.They say its really hard to make the acquaintance of people and that even when they try, the Swedes can be very quiet.”可推知, 外国人想要与斯德哥尔摩人亲近并不容易。CIn the tiny village of Angelica, New York, the post office is more than a place to get mail or send packages. There youll find the heart of this lovely munity. Its where villagers meet and greet friends.When Angelicas post office was threatened with being closed in the 1980s,a villager,Pat, came up with a plan to save it. “At Christmas time I would hear on the news about towns named Snow or Bethlehem having celebrations,” says Pat, “Why couldnt we do the same thing with Angelica?”Pat, who is an artist,created a postal cancellation (邮戳) design featuring an Angelica angel.She drew her angels in a traditional fashion and submitted her suggestion to the U.S. Postal Service. Once approved, the drawing was carved into a cancellation stamp that could be used for one day only. The postmistress (女邮局局长) then had another idea to make the day even more special calling the post office Angel Station.The large increase in mail amount saved Angelicas post office from being closed and keeps the doors open today.Now its tradition that on the first Friday in December,people e to Angelica to mail their Christmas cards. Each year the amount of mail going through the Angelica Post Office increases during late November and early December. Stamp collectors from around the world have accepted the Angel Station cancellation, some sending mail from as far away as France.Because the stamp is destroyed each season, Pat draws a new angel that conveys seasons greetings from Angel Station every year. Post offices may close in other parts of the country, but this tiny one continues.1.What did Pat do to save the post office?A. She invented a new cancellation.B. She hosted Christmas celebrations.C. She gave the office a better name.D. She designed a special set of stamps.2.Which of the following can best describe Pat?A. Curious and friendly.B. Humorous and intelligent.C. Creative and warm-hearted.3.What can we learn about Angelicas post office from the passage?A. It was pletely closed in the 1980s.B. Its name has been changed many times.C. It is also the centre of local social life.D. Its stamp remains the same each season.【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了Angelica邮局及制作邮票的人Pat。1.A 【解析】细节理解题。 根据文中Pat, who is an artist,created a postal cancellation (邮戳) design featuring an Angelica angel.的描述可知为她发明了一个新的邮戳,故选A。3.B 【解析】推理判断题。根据文中Because the stamp is destroyed each season, Pat draws a new angel that conveys seasons greetings from Angel Station every year.的描述可知它的名字曾经被改过很多次,故选B。D(2017山西太原高三模拟)More and more people keep pets nowadays.The dog and the cat are lovable, beautiful and intelligent animals.A dog and a cat can teach us a lot about human nature.More than one owner of a dog has said that the animal understands everything he says to it.So a mother or father who has ever cared for pets is likely to be more patient and understanding with their children as well, and especially to avoid making negative or rude remarks in the presence of children, no matter how young.A cat can teach us a valuable lesson about how to be contented, how to calm down at ease, how to sit, whereas a dog can teach us lessons of loyalty and devotion.So theres plenty to be said in favor of keeping pets.But with all that in mind, I still say lets stop keeping pets.To be practical, I am suggesting that if we do not now have a pet we should not get one; second, if we now have a pet, we let it be our last one.I could never say that pets are bad.Im saying lets give up this good thingthe ownership of a pet.The purchase, the health care, the feeling and housing and training of a petI chiefly mean the larger, longlived petscost time and money.The caring of a pet costs from a dollar a week to a dollar or more a day.I would not for a moment deny it is worth that.But the_fact outside the walls of our home keeps breaking in on our awareness.Though we do not see the povertystricken people of India and Africa and South America, we can never quite forget that they are there.Now and then their faces are shown in the news, or in the begging ads of relief organizations.Probably we send a donation, whenever we can.The money and the time we spend on pets is simply not our own.Doing without pets and then sending the money saved to a relief organization would mean saving a lifeover the years, several human lives.To give what we would spend on a cat might not feed a child, but it would probably pay for his medical care or basic education.The point needs no longer laboring.That is all that needs to be said.【解题导语】本文讲述了作者对于养宠物的看法:在养宠物的过程中,我们会领悟到很多的道理;但是养宠物费时又费钱,我们应尽可能地把钱捐给那些穷人。1Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?APeople usually spend so much money on pets without rewards.BPeople have no money to solve the problem of poverty in the world.CTaking care of pets can help make us kinder.DThe author calls on people to stop raising pets at home because of diseases.C解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的 “A dog and a cat can teach us a lot about human nature.”“So a mother or father.patient and understanding”和第二段中的“A cat can teach us a valuable lesson about how to be contented, how to calm down at ease.loyalty and devotion.”可知,照顾宠物能够帮助我们了解人性, 变得更友好。故选C。2How are most pet owners different from others according to the passage?AThey can be more loyal and devoted.BThey tend to be more patient and caring.CThey seem to be contented and calm.DThey are likely to be busy and independent.B解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的 “So a mother or father who has ever cared for pets is likely to be more patient and understanding with their children as well, and especially to avoid making negative or rude remarks in the presence of children, no matter how young.”可知, 养宠物会让人更有耐心和更体贴。故选B。3What does the underlined part “the fact” refer to?AMore and more people like to keep dogs and cats.BNobody cares about the povertystricken people.CKeeping pets causes much waste of money and time.DMany people on earth are still suffering from poverty.D解析:推理判断题。根据画线词后面的“outside the walls of our home keeps breaking in on our awareness.Though we do not see the povertystricken people of India and Africa and South America, we can never quite forget that they are there.”可知,“the fact”指的是印度、非洲和南美洲还有很多人处于贫困之中。故选D。4What is the authors view about petkeeping?AKeeping pets can make us understand more about human and nature.BKeeping pets for a long time makes people feel lack of munication.CWe should stop keeping pets to donate the money to the poor people.DWe must keep all kinds of pets to protect man and the environment properly.C解析:观点态度题。根据第二段中的 “But with all that in mind, I still say lets stop keeping pets.Im saying lets give up this good thingthe ownership of a pet.”和第三、四段的内容可知, 作者认为我们应该停止养宠物, 把钱捐给那些穷人。故选C。 七选五(2017河南六市第一次联考)Every day, in hundreds of ordinary situations, actions speak far louder than words.We talk with our mouth, but we municate with our facial expressions, our tone of voice and our whole body.1_ When we can read what others are saying unconsciously, we can deal with thingsat work and at home before they bee problems.By understanding how to use body language, you can municate more effectively.Here is how:2._ Throughout the day, notice details about the way you speak, gesture and move.When standing, keep your shoulders straight, your body open and your weight balanced on both feet.Work on your handshake.3._ The handshake most likely to show confidence is firm and dry with strong but not too much pressure.Use eye contact.Eye contact is very important in forming an impression of someone.You should have the ability to keep direct eye contact if you want to be taken seriously.But some people feel unfortable when it is too strong.4._Be yourself.Nonverbal(非言语的)messages e from deep inside you, from your own sense of selfrespect.If you are fortable with yourself, it shows.5._ They always give others a deep impression.AUse hand gestures carefully.BPay attention to your body language.CA mirror can be useful to examine facial expressions.DPeople who know who they are have a relaxed way of talking and moving.EIn the business world, the handshake shows important messages about power.FUnderstanding body language is one of the most useful skills you can develop.GTo avoid this problem, change your focus so that you look at somewhere between the eyes and the chin.【解题导语】本文主要介绍了肢体语言的作用以及使用肢体语言的四条建议。1F解析:根据下文内容可知,本段主要介绍了读懂肢体语言的作用,故选F “理解肢体语言是你能发展的最有用的技能之一”。2B解析:通读本段可知,本段主要介绍了应当如何注意日常生活中的肢体语言;结合空后一句中的“notice”可以判断,选B项。3E解析:由空前一句可知,本段主要谈的是“如何握手”这一话题,所以选E项,E项介绍了生意场上正确握手的重要性。4G解析:由空前一句可知,如果你和某人的眼神交流过于直接,这种强烈的“直视”可能会让对方不舒服;据此可以判断,空处介绍的是避免此问题的方法,故G项正确。5D解析:根据空处的下一句可知,他们会给他人留下深刻的印象;据此可以判断,D项“那些知道自己是谁的人拥有能够让人放松的交谈和行为方式”符合语境。空后的They指代选项D中的“People who know who they are”。、七选五Everyone knows that fish is good for health. 1 But it seems that many people dont cook fish at home. Americans eat only about fifteen pounds of fish per person per year, but we eat twice as much fish in restaurants as at home. Buying, storing, and cooking fish isnt difficult. 2 This text is about how to buy and cook fish in an easy way. 3 Fresh fish should smell sweet: you should feel that youre standing at the oceans edge. Any fishy or strong smell means the fish isnt fresh. 4 When you have bought a fish and arrive home, youd better store the fish in the refrigerator if you dont cook it immediately, but fresh fish should be stored in your fridge for only a day or two. Frozen fish isnt as tasty as the fresh one.There are many mon methods used to cook fish. 5 First, clean it and season it with your choice of spices (调料). Put the whole fish on a plate and steam it in a steam pot for 8 to 10 minutes if it weighs about one pound. (A larger one will take more time.) Then, its ready to serve.A. Do not buy it.B. The easiest is to steam it.C. This is how you can do it.D. It just requires a little knowledge.E. The fish will go bad within hours.F. When buying fish, you should first smell it.G. The fats in fish are thought to help prevent heart disease.【语篇解读】本文向大家介绍了如何用简单的方法购买和烹制鱼。1.G 【解析】考查与首句语意的一致性。由空后的句意表示转折可知,转折前的句子在语意上应该保持一致,即说明吃鱼对健康的益处。故选G。2.D 【解析】考查句子的承上启下作用。空前一句提到对鱼的选购、储存和烹制并不困难,空后一句讲本文是关于如何以一种简单的方式购买和烹制鱼的,故选D这只需要一点点知识就能做好。3.F 【解析】考查主题句。段落的支撑细节始终围绕主题句展开,本段中第二、三句围绕如何通过嗅觉来鉴别鱼是否新鲜,因此可以判断F项正确。4.A 【解析】考查段落中句子间语意的连贯性和代词的正确使用。空前提到,浓烈的气味说明鱼已不新鲜,故不能买这种鱼。据此可知A项正确。


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