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课时7 八年级(上)Units 1-2.语法与情景对话1.xx宜昌The living conditions in the countryside have improved greatly in recent years.The farmers are living a much life than before.A. happy B. happier C. happily D. happiest2.xx随州Have you seen the movie Baby Plan?Of course. I think its movie I have ever seen.A. funny B. funnier C. the most funny D. the funniest3.xx山西改编If your best friend tells you his secrets, its for you to keep them for him. By doing this, you can win others trust.A. special B. necessary C. possible D. needless4.xx东营Another person was hurt by the tiger in the zoo.What a pity! That is a lesson to us: we must take rules .A. quickly B. clearly C. carefully D. seriously5.xx随州The teacher asked the students to a story about a trip to the moon.A. give up B. turn up C. cut up D. make up6. Bill was be a/an who interviewed the football players in Rio xx Olympics.A. guest B. reporter C. tourist D. engineer7. This washing machine . It needs to be repaired.A. worked well B. broke down C. ran up D. found out8. There are many tall trees on sides of the river.A. both B. all C. either D. neither9. These three skirts are all beautiful, so the girl cant decide which one to .A. choose B. hope C. wonder D. care10. It was late. He opened the door so that he wouldnt wake his mother up.A. quietly B. heavily C. loudly D. angrily.完形填空xx苏州Humans are mammals(哺乳动物). Most mammals are born able to do many things.Some can walk within a few minutes of being born. They have to be able to run away if 1 is near. But human babies are born 2 . They need the care of adults to live.In the first month of life, babies cannot smile or sit up. They cannot even hold up their own heads 3 some help from grown-ups.In the next few months, babies grow a lot. They learn to roll over, support their heads, and 4 sit up while being held.Babies also have to learn to use their 5 . It takes months for them to learn to reach for objects. At around six months old many babies can 6 an object from one hand to another.Babbling is 7 a human baby learns to speak. Babies all seem to make similar sounds by babbling. They try to imitate(模仿) the sounds they hear from adults. It will take about nine months 8 a baby can say real words.Somewhere around a babys first birthday he or she may stand or walk with help. Soon the baby will 9 around on his or her own!The first year of a babys life is a time of growing and 10 . Growing sure takes a lot of work!1. A. foodB. dangerC. wasteD. peace2. A. carelessB. harmlessC. hopelessD. helpless3. A. ofB. forC. withoutD. by4. A. evenB. neverC. everD. still5. A. legsB. headsC. eyesD. hands6. A. keepB. moveC. holdD. make7. A. whyB. howC. whichD. where8. A. beforeB. sinceC. afterD. while9. A. lookB. showC. runD. sit10. A. speakingB. smilingC. cryingD. learning.阅读理解For thousands of years, poetry(诗歌) has been one of the favorite types of literature(文学) in China. There were many famous poets in Chinese history, and many of their poems are still read and loved today.Recently, a popular TV showChinese Poetry Competition attracts many people. Now lets interview some people and listen to what they said.I like Wu Yishu very much. She studies at the High School Affiliated(附属) to Fudan University in Shanghai. She came out on top. She can recite more than 2000 Chinese poems fluently. I really admire her knowledge of poems. She is tall and beautiful, and she always stays calm whether the questions are easy or hard.The woman that impresses me is Bai Ruyun. She comes from a village in Xingtai. She is a farmer. She is not rich and she is badly ill in hospital, but she has been so confident in herself since she began to read and recite Chinese poems.Among the competitors(选手), I like Wang Zilong best. He is 34 years old. He teaches Chinese in Shijiazhuang College. He said when he was only two years old, his parents began to teach him to recite Chinese poems.Do you know the young boy? He is Ye Fei, 13, from Anqing No. Two Middle School in Anhui. In one competition, he answered all the questions correctly. Now he is a young star in his school because of his love of Chinese poems.1. Who came out on top in the Chinese Poetry Competition?A. Wu Yishu. B. Bai Ruyun. C. Wang Zilong. D. Ye Fei.2. Where does Bai Ruyun come from?A. Shanghai. B. Xingtai. C. Shijiazhuang. D. Anqing.3. How long has Wang Zilong learned to recite Chinese poems?A. 34 years. B. 2 years. C. 36 years. D. 32 years.4. What do we know about Ye Fei?A. He can recite more than 2000 Chinese poems fluently.B. He learned Chinese poems when he was three years old.C. He studied in Anqing No.Two Middle School in Anhui.D. He answered all the questions correctly in all competitions.5. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Ye Fei is a thirteen-year-old student in Anhui.B. Wang Zilong teaches maths in Xingtai College.C. Bai Ruyun is from a rich family in Shijiazhuang.D. Wu Yishu feels nervous if the questions are hard.任务型完形填空I, study, cloth, different, way, common, usual, however, dress, somethingI have twin brothers, Nick and Chris. Theyre 20 years old. Although theyre twins, they are not identical (完全同样的) twins because they are different in many 1. .For a start they dont look alike. Nicks got blond hair and blue eyes, and hes quite tall. 2. , Chris isnt very tall and hes got red hair and brown eyes. Also, they never wear the same 3. . This is because our mother always 4. them alike when they were children and they hated it.5. else that they dont like is when people talk about “the twins”, not “Nick” and “Chris”. They want to be individuals(个人). However, they do have some interests in 6. . For example, they love being outdoors so they often go for long walks together in the countryside. Also, they both have great computer skills. In fact, theyre both 7. IT at university, but in different towns. Another thing is that they both hate football, which is very 8. for boys of their age. You know, almost every boy likes that sport.Finally, I must say that I love my brothers very much. Although they have 9. personalities(性格), they are both lovely brothers. Nick is quiet and quite shy, while Chris loves going to parties and telling jokes. However, both of them are always very kind to 10. , their little sister. I can tell them all my problems.V.任务型阅读理解xx天水改编In China, many people are leaving the countryside to find jobs in the cities. Because the countryside is much poorer than the city, and often there isnt much work there. Services such as hospitals and transport (交通) are usually much better in the city than in the countryside. They hope that their lives will improve when they move to the city.But in the big cities of Europe like London or Paris, people are moving out of the city. families, want, quiet, a, these, to, life, live(.) They are tired of the noise and the dust of the city, and they are also tired of the crowded streets, crowded trains and buses.Not all those who moved from the city to the countryside are happy. After two or three years, many people who have done this feel that it was a big mistake. They dont make so much money and there isnt much work to do. People in the countryside are very different and arent always very friendly.As time goes by, quite a lot of people who have moved to the countryside move back to the city. “Its wonderful to see crowds in the streets and cinema lights.” they say.1. 将文中处画线内容连词成句。(标点符号已在括号内给出)_2. 将文中处画线句子翻译成汉语。_3. 写出文中处画线句子的同义句。_4. Why are the people in the big cities of Europe moving out of the city?_5. What do they think of the countryside life after two or three years?_.口语交际xx长春改编(In New York, Claire is chatting with Wu Li from Hangzhou about gifts. A is Claire, B is Wu Li)A: Im traveling to your hometown, Hangzhou. What can I buy for my family and friends?B: Well, there are many fantastic things about Hangzhou, like tea and silk.A: Sounds good. I think my family would like to try Chinese tea. 1. B: Sure. We have different kinds of tea, such as green tea, black tea, white tea and so on.A: Wow, so many! 2. B: Green tea. The most popular green tea is Longjing tea produced near the West Lake.A: I see. 3. B: Im sure they will like it.A: I think so. What about silk?B: 4. If you want to buy silk products, you can go to any silk shop in Hangzhou.A: Great! Ill buy some silk scarves for my friends.B: And there is a silk museum in Hangzhou. 5. A: Really? That must be interesting. Thanks for your advice.B: My pleasure. Enjoy yourself!A. Which is your favorite, Wu Li?B. They dont like Chinese tea at all.C. You can find out how silk is made there.D. Ill buy some Longjing tea for my family.E. Silk made in Hangzhou is famous all over the world.F. Could you please tell me something about Chinese tea?G. I like red best.书面表达xx河北改编英语课上, 同学们正在准备举行以“真实的自我”为主题的演讲活动。请你以李华的名义写一篇演讲词, 向同学们介绍一下自己。提示: 1. What are your strong points?2. How do you improve yourself?3. What is your dream for the future?要求: 1. 短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥;2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名;3. 词数: 80词左右。(开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。)Hello, everyone!Im Li Hua and Im very happy to stand here to talk about myself. Thanks for your attention!.语法与情景对话1. B【解析】考查形容词的比较级。句意为“近年来乡村的生活条件已经极大改善了。”“农民们比起过去正过着一个_生活。”happy形容词原级;happier比较级;happily副词原级;happiest最高级。由句意及提示词than before可知此处表示过去与现在情况的比较,应用比较级。故选B。2. D【解析】考查形容词的最高级。句意为“你看过宝贝计划这部电影吗?”“当然看过。我认为这是我看过的_的电影。”根据比较范围“我所看过的”,可知要用形容词最高级形式。故选D。3. B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果你最好的朋友告诉你他的秘密,对你来说帮他保守秘密是_。通过这样做,你可以赢得他人的信任。special 特别的; necessary 必要的;possible 可能的;needless没有必要的。根据句意可知是对你来说,有必要帮他保守秘密。故选B。4. D【解析】考查副词词义辨析。句意为“又有一个人在动物园里被老虎弄伤了。”“多可惜!那对我们来说是个教训:我们必须_对待规定。”quickly快地;clearly清楚地;carefully认真地;seriously严肃地。由语境可知选。5. D【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:老师要求学生们_一个关于月球旅行的故事。give up放弃;turn up调大;cut up切碎;make up编写。结合“a story”可知此处表示“编写故事”。故选D。6. B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:比尔将作为一名_去采访即将到来的参加xx年里约奥运会的足球运动员们。guest客人;reporter记者;tourist游客;engineer工程师。根据“interview采访”可知是记者。故选B。7. B【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:这台洗衣机_。它需要被修理。worked well运转良好;broke down出故障,损坏,失败;ran up升起,迅速地登上;find out查明,弄清。根据后半句可知是洗衣机坏了。故选B。8. A【解析】考查普通不定代词的辨析。句意:河的_有许多很高的树。both两者都;all 三者或三者以上都;either两者中的任何一个;neither两者都不。根据句意可知此处指河的两边。故选A。9. A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:这三条裙子都漂亮,因此这个女孩不能决定_哪一个。choose选择;hope希望;wonder想知道;care关心。根据句意可知应是不知道选哪一个。故选A。10. A【解析】考查副词词义辨析。句意:很晚了。他_打开门,以便不吵醒他的母亲。quietly安静地;heavily重地,猛烈地;loudly大声地;angrily生气地。由语境可知选A。.完形填空【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要介绍了有的哺乳动物生下来几分钟就可以走路,而人类的新生儿生下来却不能,人一生下来,甚至不能微笑或坐立,也抬不起头,在人类出生的第一年,这些动作是一步一步逐渐学会的,对人类来说,成长需要很多努力。1. B【解析】考查名词辨析。由“They have to be able to run away”可推知逃跑是在遇到危险时的动作,选B,表示如果附近有危险时。2. D【解析】考查形容词辨析。由“They need the care of adults to live.”可知此处表示一个人类的宝宝生下来却是无助的(此处的无助指的是不能自己走和跑),故选D。3. C【解析】考查介词辨析。由“But human babies are born helpless.”可知此处表示没有大人的帮助,他们甚至不能抬起头,故选C。4. A【解析】考查副词辨析。结合语境可知此处表示他们学习翻身,支撑起自己的头,甚至是在支撑下坐立起来,故选A。5. D【解析】考查名词辨析。由下文中的“At around six months old many babies can _ an object from one hand to another.”可知此处表示婴儿也得学习使用他们的手,故选D。6. B【解析】考查动词辨析。由“It takes months for them to learn to reach for objects.”可推测此处表示大约六个月时,许多婴儿可以将一个物体从一个手移到另一个手,故选B。7. B【解析】考查表语从句。分析句子可知空格处引导表语从句作is的表语,babbling指的是人类的婴儿学习说话的方式,要用how来引导,选B。8. A【解析】考查连词辨析。根据“.they hear from adults”可推测此处表示在婴儿能够真正地说出话前要花上九个月的时间,故选A。9. C【解析】考查动词辨析。由“Somewhere around a babys first birthday he or she may stand or walk with help.”可推测出此处表示的是不久后这个婴儿会自己跑了,因为此句前描述的动作是站立和行走,之后的动作应该是跑,所以选C。10. D【解析】考查动词辨析。由上文提到的“They learn to roll over,support their heads”和“Babies also have to learn to use their hands.”可知此处表示的是婴儿时期的第一年是成长和学习的一年,故选D。.阅读理解【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。分别介绍了四位来自中国诗词大会的选手,详细介绍了他们的来历、背景,以及他们在节目上的表现。1. A【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:谁在中国诗词大会中技高一筹?根据第一位选手的介绍中“She came out on top.”可知选A。2. B【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:白茹云来自哪里?根据题干可定位至第四段对第二位选手的介绍中。根据“She comes from a village in Xingtai.”可知她来自邢台的一个村庄。故选B。3. D【解析】数字计算题。题干意为:王子龙学习背诵中国诗歌多久了?根据第五段对第三位选手的介绍中的“He is 34 years old.”和“He said when he was only two years old, his parents began to teach him to recite Chinese poems.”可知他现在34岁,他的父母在他两岁时就开始让他学习背诵中国诗词,他学习背诵古诗词已经32年了。故选D。4. C【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:我们对叶飞了解多少?A项指的是Wu Yishu,可排除;B项文章未提及,可排除;根据最后一位选手的介绍中“.from Anqing No. Two Middle School in Anhui.”可知C项正确;根据“In one competition, he answered all the questions correctly.”可知是在一次比赛中所有问题全部回答正确,而不是在所有比赛中,D项错误。故选C。5. A【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:下列哪一项是正确的?根据第四位选手的介绍 “He is Ye Fei, 13, from Anqing No. Two Middle School in Anhui.”可知A项正确;根据第三位选手的介绍“He teaches Chinese in Shijiazhuang College.”可知他是石家庄大学的一名语文老师,B项错误;根据第二位选手的介绍“.She is a farmer. She is not rich.”可知她并不富裕,C项错误;根据第一位选手的介绍“she always stays calm”可知她总是很镇定,从不紧张,D项错误。故选A。.任务型完形填空【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了“我”的双胞胎兄弟在外貌、爱好以及性格上的对比。1. ways【解析】句意:虽然他们是双胞胎,但却不完全相同,因为他们在很多_都是不同的。根据语境可知,此处表示在诸多方面存在不同。选择way;又因空前有“many”,需变为复数形式。故填ways。2. However【解析】句意:_,克里斯不是非常高,他染着红头发,有着棕色的眼睛。结合前后文可知此处说的是两人的不同点,前后为转折关系,故填However。3. clothes【解析】句意:并且,他们从来不穿相同的_。根据该句的谓语动词“wear”可知,其所缺宾语为“衣服”,故将cloth变形为clothes。4. dressed【解析】句意:这是因为我们的妈妈在他们小的时候总是把他们_的一样。根据句意并结合备选词可知应填“打扮”,选用dress。且此处讲述小时候的事,故用一般过去时,故填dressed。5. Something【解析】句意:他们不喜欢的另外的_是人们讨论“双胞胎”,而不是“尼克”和“克里斯”。根据句意可知应填“事情”,故填Something。6. common【解析】句意:然而,他们的确有一些_的爱好。前一句讲述两个人希望具有各自的特点,而该句有表示转折的词“However”,因此,此空说明他们有共同点。故填common。7. studying【解析】句意:事实上,他们在大学都_IT,但是学校在不同的镇。根据语境可知,他们在大学学习的是IT,选用study;因为空前有“be”,故需填现在分词studying。8. unusual【解析】句意:另外一件事是,他们都讨厌足球,这对他们这个年龄段的男孩来说是_。根据生活常识可知,他们这个年龄段的男生都喜欢足球,但他们不同,所以就是“不同一般的”。故填unusual。9. different【解析】句意:虽然他们有_性格,但是他们是对可爱的兄弟。根据语境可知,主句强调他们具有共性,因此存在转折关系的从句说明他们个性不同。故填different。10. me【解析】句意:然而,他们俩总是对_(他们的小妹妹)很好。根据下一句“I can tell them all my problems.”可知,他们对“我”很好,选用I。因为“to”为介词,故填me作宾语。V.任务型阅读理解【文章大意】本文是一篇议论文。在中国,很多人都离开了乡村到城里去工作。在欧洲国家,例如伦敦和巴黎,那儿的人们喜欢住在乡村。至于住在乡村好还是城市好,人们这一矛盾的心理,文中并没有给出定论。1. These families want to live a quiet life.2. 他们希望搬到城市后,他们的生活将得到改善和提高。3. To see crowds in the streets and cinema lights is wonderful.4. They want to live a quiet life.【解析】题干意为:为什么欧洲大城市的人们从城市里离开了?由文章第二段第二句可知答案。5. They are unhappy.【解析】题干意为:两三年后他们认为乡村的生活怎么样?由文章第三段第二句可知答案。.口语交际1-5 FADEC.书面表达Hello, everyone!Im Li Hua and Im very happy to stand here to talk about myself. Im a kind and helpful person. Im always ready to help others when theyre in trouble. I can sing and dance so well that I often give performances at our school party.When I think back what Ive done before, I should help my parents do more housework. Doing housework is good for my future life.As for my dream, I want to be a teacher. Ill make friends with my kids. I want to teach them everything I know!Thanks for your attention!


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