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.1购 销 合 同SALES Courier can not be sent to a mail box) 电 话: 传 真: Seller: Office Address: Postal Address: Tel. No.: Fax No.: 制造商:xx 水泥有限公司Manufacturer: xxi Cement Co., Ltd.Buyer : Office Address: Postal Address: Tel. No. : Fax No. : Contract No. : SSG/ /CEM/2009-001 Place of Contract : xxx, China. (Important: for claim settlement) Date of Contract : February 26, 2012 .2双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物:Seller agrees to sell and Buyer agrees to buy the under mentioned goods according to the terms and conditions as stated below:第一条 货物名称由 xx 水泥有限公司生产的普通硅酸盐水泥CLAUSE1. CommodityOrdinary Portland Cement manufactured by Yxx Cement Co., Ltd. (Important to clarify, 40 subsidiaries) 第二条 品质规格符合中国国家标准 GB 175-2007 的普通硅酸盐水泥 52.5 级。CLAUSE 2. Quality Important: Vessel confirmation a. Qingdao bulk cem loading spout unfitable b. Rizhao bulk clk loading: holds narrow and small loading rate influenced; Shipping agent can do) 第四条 包装每包重量 2.0 吨左右,准确重量应由中国进出口商品检验检疫局(CIQ)检验确定,具体参见本合同第 13 条规定。外包装为聚丙烯(PP )塑编袋;内包装为聚乙烯(PE)塑料袋。CLAUSE 4. PackingWeight per bag about 2.0 MTS, exact weight shall be determined by CIQ China as per stated in Clause 13 of this contract. Outer bag: By Polypropylene (PP) bag, Inner bag: By Polyethylene (PE) bag, (Important: “about” Weighting system CIQ compulsory surveying Quality and Quantity )第五条 单价和总值单价 :中国 xx 港平仓价 55 美元/公吨总货值:美元十一万元整CLAUSE 5. Unit Price Payment terms: L/C to T/T)第七条 装卸港口装货港:中国 xx 港的一个安全港口及安全泊位卸货港:俄罗斯港口CLAUSE 7. Loading Spelling and typing mistakes: Si02 SiO2) CCIC correction stamps 第十条 船舶指定及装船期10.1. 装运船只由买方安排,并自行承担相关费用及风险。10.2. 装货港船舶代理由卖方推荐,买方有权指定并承担相应费用。10.3. 在同卖方协商后,买方须于装船期首日前 15 天宣布一个展期为 5 天的装船期。10.4. 买方须于装船期首日前 5 个工作日指定受载船舶,买方可以在征得卖方同意后,在符合指定的装船期内有权更换受载船舶;买方须于装船期首日前 3 个工作日天向卖方提供指定船舶的规范。10.5. 指定的船舶规范必须达到卖方的接受要求,卖方应在买方提供船舶规范后 12 个工作小时内确认是否接受。10.6.卖方应在船舶抵港前 7/6/5/4 天向卖方以电子邮件预报船期,提前 3/2/1 天以电子邮件方式确报船期。(Shipping agent nominated by Seller or Buyer/Charterer/Owner?) NOR and loading time calculation: Laytime count/not count) CLAUSE 10. LAY/CAN and Seller shall confirm whether to accept or not within 12 working hours from the time of Buyers nomination advice.10.6. Buyer shall forecast the vessels daily movements to Seller by email on 7/6/5/4 days basis before expected time of arrival at loading port, and update by email the exact ETA to Seller on 3/2/1 days basis.第十一条 装船数量/重量检验11.1 装船重量由中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局(以下简称为“CIQ” )检验确定,相关费用由卖方承担。11.2 提单上面显示的重量应以 CIQ 给出的检验结果为准。11.3 装船袋数以中国外轮理货公司提供的数据为准,此结果是终局性的。CLAUSE 11. Inspection of shipping quantity and weight11.1. Exact tonnage/weight loaded on board the vessel shall be determined and executed by .6the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of P.R.China (hereinafter called “CIQ”) at Sellers cost. 11.2. Gross weight on B/L as per the survey results given by CIQ. 11.3. Number of bags loaded on board the vessel to be given by China Ocean Shipping Tally Company and shall be taken as final. (Quantity to be final by CIQ: Qingdao Loading to Korea: Master disagree CCIC quty) Tally fees: who to bear? Owner or Shipper?第十二条 装货港取样卖方应在每船货物中均匀制取样品,并将它们分成 3 份,每份 8 公斤。3 份样品应该在装运港货物生产过程中制成。每一样品应由卖方以样品桶或塑料袋密封保存并贴上注明装船日期及船名的标签,保存期限为装船期后至少 45 天,以备查。CLAUSE 12. Sampling at loading portSeller shall make average sample for each shipment and divide into 3 shares of 8kg each, 3 Samples shall be made during the manufacturing period. Each sample shall be stored into an airtight container or plastic bag, rigidly sealed and labeled with the shipment date and vessels name to be kept by Seller for at least 45 days for future reference.(By drums or plastic bags: Customs Checking; Receipt condition: very bad I.E.: Ssangyong)Time-limit: impt I.E. Quality claim from customers; Loading sample destroyed, responsibility been exempted) 第十三条 验舱条款13.1. 不论船舱是否清洁以及适合装运袋装水泥,在装货前,双方均须同意指定装运港的 CIQ 对船舱进行检验;13.2. 如果检验不合格,将立即通知船长、代理及卖方,船长必须立即安排船舶至指定锚地重新清舱直到合格,备妥通知书递交无效,应重新递交.CLAUSE 13. Holds Cleanliness Inspection13.1. CIQ at the loading port shall be mutually appointed by Seller and Buyer to inspect the cleanliness of vessel holds prior to loading commencement, whether vessel holds are clean and dry in every respect and suitable for loading bulk cement or not. 13.2. If the vessel holds failed the initial cleanliness inspection, the Master, Agent and Seller are to be notified immediately and the Master shall arrange to clean the holds at anchorage as requested to CIQS satisfaction, and the NOR shall be re-tendered unless pass the holds inspection.(Water in holds - agglomerated ; Save time for laytime calculations) 第十四条 滞期费与速遣费无速遣费,无滞期费。CLAUSE 14. Demurrage and dispatch moneyNo dispatch, no demurrage. (Not typical) 第十五条 品质异议货到目的港后,如买方经检验发现货物品质与合同规格不符,买方须立即通知卖方。卖方应将仲裁样品送交 xx SGS。Xx SGS 将作为独立的实验室对样品进行检验,且检验结果对于买卖双方是终局性的。若检验结果与本购货合同所述相符,则送样及检验费用由买方承担。若检验结果与本购货合同所述不符合,则送样及检验费用由卖方承.7担。 CLAUSE 15. Quality discrepancyIn case the quality is found by Buyer is not in conformity as per stipulated in the contract at the port of destination, Buyer shall then notify the same to the Seller immediately. Seller shall send the referee sample to SGS Qingdao office. SGS will analyze the sample as the independent laboratory and the test result shall be taken as final and binding upon both parties. In case that the test results are in conformity as per stipulated in the Contract, the cost of dispatching the sample and testing fees shall be at Buyers account. In case that the test results are not in conformity as per stipulated in the Contract, the cost shall be at Sellers account.第十六条 不可抗力16.1. 如有不可抗力情形发生,如火灾、爆炸、地震、暴风、雨雪、洪灾、干旱或禁运、罢工、战争、骚乱、叛乱、颠覆、敌对行为、海关禁令、政府行为等,卖方对延迟交货或不交货不负责任,但应该及时以邮件或传真方式通知买方。16.2. 如果买方要求,卖方应该以特快专递的方式,向买方提供由中国国际贸易促进委员会/或出口商所在地的省级国际商会组织出具的不可抗力证明。上述证明应该在买方要求之后的 30 个工作日之内出具。16.3.上述不可抗力的规定,也适用于买方。16.4.合同双方应该在该不可抗力情形结束之后 30 天内协商决定合同是否应该解除/或部分解除或继续履行/或部分履行。CLAUSE 16. Force Majeure16.1. In case of Force Majeure happens, such as fire, explosion, earthquake, storm, snow storm, flood, drought, embargo, strike, war or hostilities, riot, insurrection, hostilities, sabotage, embargo, act of governmental regulations, Seller shall not be held responsible for late delivery or non-delivery of the CARGO, but shall notify the Buyer by email or fax in time.16.2. The Seller shall deliver to the Buyer by registered mail, if so requested by the Buyer, a certificate issued by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade or the provincial Chamber of Commerce where the Seller located at. Such certificate shall be issued within 30 working days upon Buyers request. 16.3. The aforementioned force majeure shall be also applicable to the buyer. 16.4. The two parties of the Seller and the Buyer shall determine whether the contract shall be totally terminated or partially terminated or continued or partially continued within 30 days after the present force majeure event finished.(1. Claims with Spain TLand: Zibo Power supply co., Ltd2. Olympics Beijing/Cold storm/Power restriction/Government acts)第十七条 仲裁17.1. 因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应通过友好协商解决,如协商仍不能达成协议时,此争议将被提交仲裁解决。17.2. 发生仲裁情况时,双方同意将仲裁提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会/或其 xx 分会,按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力17.3. 仲裁费用由败诉方负担。CLAUSE 17. Arbitration.817.1. All disputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settled friendly through amicable negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case may then be submitted for arbitration for settlement. 17.2. In case of Arbitration happens, both parties agreed to submit the arbitration to the China International Economy and Trade Arbitration Committee (CIETAC) or its Shandong branch for settlement in accordance with its prevailing and valid arbitration rules. The decision of the Arbitration Committee shall be final and binding upon both parties.17.3 Arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party. 1. China arbitration: best choice 2. Arbitration Award: Abide by compulsorily; Newyork Convention 1958) 第十八条 适用法规本合同按联合国国际货物销售合同公约 (CISG)1980 版和国际贸易术语解释通则 (INCOTERMS 2000)2000 年版本进行解释,如二者出现不一致的情况,应遵循后者优先的原则。CLAUSE 18. Governing lawThis contract shall be explained and construed according to the provisions of “The UN convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods” (CISG) version 1980 and “International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms” version 2000 (INCOTERMS 2000). Should there are any conflicts, INCOTERMS 2000 shall be preferable.(Documentation: next phase) 第十九条 附注本合同以中、英文对照形式写成,两种文字具有同等效力。合同附件一旦经合同双方书面确认即被认为是本合同不可分割的组成部分,与合同正文具有同等的法律效力。本合同正本一式两份,双方各执一份为证。本合同经合同双方签字盖章后开始生效。双方往来的电子邮件视为双方书面的往来文件。CLAUSE 19. RemarksThis contract is written in both English and Chinese language, both two texts shall be equally valid. Any appendix of the contract shall constitute an integral part of the contract once been mutually confirmed in written by both parties, and shall have the same legal effect. This contract is made out in two original copies, one copy to be held by each party in witness thereof. This Contract shall come into effect once been mutually signed and stamped. All communicating emails between both parties shall be taken as written.卖方代表(签章): 买方代表(签章):The Sellers representative The Buyers representativexx Cement Group Ltd.9


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