北师大小学英语三年级下册《Unit 12 Review》 (2)教案.doc

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教学资料参考范本新北师大小学英语三年级下册Unit 12 Review (2)教案撰写人:_时 间:_PreparationYou will need:flashcards for the vocabulary being reviewed in Units 7 through 11.1.Structure review: its o (red) train; his, her, myHold up the flashcard for train. Ask, “Whats this?” Elicit, “Its a train.” Ask, “Is it a big train?” The children should answer, “Yes, it is.”Ask what other words they can use to describe it. Elicit words like old, new, small, long, red, and yellow, in a sentence, for example, “Its an (old) train.”Collect some classroom objects from the children (books, erasers, pencils, pens, rulers). Hold up one object and have the children make a sentence to describe it. For example, “Its a (new) (book).” Repeat the procedure with the other items.When returning the items to the children, ask, “Whose pen is it?” Elicit, “Its (her) pen.” Repeat the procedure with other items., asking children by name to ensure the use of their. For example, “Theyre (their) books.”2.Set the sceneSay, “What do we say to someone if we dont want them to do something?” Elicit the term in English, Dont!Present the flashcard for ticket. Model the word and write it on the board. Have the children repeat the word after you.Ask the children what they say when they are at the train station and want to buy some tickets. Try to elicit, “I want some tickets, please.” or “How much are the tickets?/How much is the fare?” All of these are correct.3.Talk about the storyStudent Book pages 62 and 63Have the children open their books at pages 62 and 63. Ask these questionsabout the pictures:Picture 1: “What do you think Danny is asking Bobby?”Picture 2: “What are the friends waiting for?” “What color is the train?”Picture 3: “What color is this train?” “Is this the train the friend are waiting for?”Pictures 4/5: “What is Mocky looking at?”Pictures 6/7/8: “What is happening now?”Picture 9: “What is Mocky doing?” Picture 10: “Is Mocky better now?”4.Story Student Book pages 62 and 63Say, “Now we will hear what the characters said.” Play the tape and have the children look at the pictures as they listen.Play the tape again, pausing at each picture. Have the children repeat the words each time.Explain that in English people say Ouch! when they are hurt. 5.Flashcard game This game reviews the core vocabulary introduced in Units 7 through 12. You will need the flashcards for the vocabulary being reviewed. Do not use the flashcards for numbers or action verbs.Divide the class into two teams. Put all the flashcards face down on a table between the teams.Have a child in Team A pick up a card and show it to Team B.(The children should take turns picking up the cards.) The child should ask, “Are these (dolls)?/Is this a (train)?”or “Whats this?/What are these?”Together, Team B must answer, “Theyre (doffs).” or “Its a (train).”Points are scored for every correct question and correct answer.3 / 3


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