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助动词、情态动词和虚拟语气 单句语法填空1(2018江西师大附中等五校联考)It has been accepted that all the students _put on masks before going to school in case they are infected with flu virus.shall解析:在第三人称作主语的陈述句中,表示规定、制度,应用shall。2(2017天津卷单项填空)My room is a mess, but I _not clean it before I go out tonight.I can do it in the morning.need解析:由后面的“I can do it in the morning.”可知,此处表示“没必要今晚打扫”,故用need符合语意。3(2015四川卷短文改错)What do you think I should do?If you _(be) me,would you talk to them?were解析: 根据语境可知,此处If引导的虚拟条件句是对现在事实的假设,条件状语从句中的谓语动词应用过去式。4(江苏卷)It was sad to me that they,so poor themselves,_bring me food.should解析: 句意:让我难过的是,他们自己那么贫穷,竟然还给我带来食物。should可以表示说话人惊讶的语气,意为“竟然”。5(2018四川成都七中段考)The young firefighter insisted that he _(be) wellprepared and should be sent there to put out the fire.was解析: 句意:那位年轻的消防员坚持说他准备好了,并且坚持要去那里救火。当insist意为“坚持说;坚持认为”时用陈述语气,且根据主句时态为一般过去时可知,从句也应用过去时。且此处表达的是说话时所处的一种状态,故用一般过去时。故填was。6(2018安徽黄山质检)Im afraid I have to leave now, for you see,he is waiting for me.Well,if you _,at least wait till the heavy rain stops.must解析: 句意:恐怕现在我不得不离开了,因为你知道,他在等我。好的,如果你非得走,至少要等到大雨停了再走。根据语境可知填must,意为“偏要;非得”。7(2018安徽江淮十校联考)As the deadline is drawing near, no one _leave with his own work unpleted.shall解析: 句意:由于截止日期即将到来,不完成工作,任何人不许离开。shall用于第三人称陈述句中,表示命令、警告,符合句意。8(四川卷)I still remember my happy childhood when my mother _take me to Disneyland at weekends.would解析: 句意:我还记得自己快乐的童年,那时,我妈妈常常在周末带我去迪斯尼乐园。此处would表示“过去常常”,指过去习惯性的动作。9(江西卷)When I was a child,I _watch TV whenever I wanted to.could解析: 句意:我小的时候,想什么时候看电视,就什么时候看。此处发生在过去,用情态动词could表示“能够,被允许”,相当于was allowed to。10(浙江卷)They were abroad during the months when we were carrying out the investigation,or they _(e) to our help.would have e解析: 句意:在我们进行调查的几个月里,他们在国外,否则他们会来给我们帮忙的。or意为“否则”,语境中隐含了一个条件,故本句为含蓄条件句。由上句中的were可知设空处表示与过去事实相反的假设,故主句谓语应用would have done形式。 单句改错1(2018南昌十校模拟)As a result,I suggest we are given less homework and more time for outofclassroom activities.Only in this way can we live a happy and healthy life._arebe解析:虚拟语气错误。suggest在此处表示“建议”,因此其后跟的宾语从句应用虚拟语气,即从句谓语用“shoulddo”形式,且should可以省略。故此处应把are改为be。2(2018郑州预测)He became very angry, but I dared not to tell him about the game._删除to解析:考查情态动词。dare既可以作情态动词又可以作实义动词。dare的过去式为dared,此处其前没有用助动词,说明dare在此用作情态动词,故后跟动词原形。3(2016全国卷)I should available any time after school next week._should后加be解析:助动词后如果跟形容词应该加be。4(2016江苏卷)Therefore,rules should worked out and strictly observed._should后加be解析:句意:因此,应该制定规则并严格遵守。rules和work out之间是被动关系,故应用被动语态。5(2018四川成都五校联考)People neglect the fact that our parents are the dearest persons in the world, so we should nice to our parents. _should后加be解析:情态动词后用动词原形,而nice为形容词,因此其前缺少be动词,故在should后加be。6(2018河北“五个一”名校联盟联考)There will a lecture in our library, at 4:00 on Wednesday afternoon. _will后加be解析:情态动词后用动词原形,而a lecture为名词,因此缺少be动词,故在will后加be。7(2018湖南衡阳八中模拟)It is true that no one should live without money in modern society. _shouldcan解析:根据句意可知,表示“能,能够”,应用can。


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