2019高考英语一轮基础自练题 Unit 5 Theme parks(含解析)新人教版必修4.doc

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Unit 5 Theme parks*阅读理解。In the dead of winter,we dont typically think about spending time outdoors,but according to many physicians we should.The sun is our greatest source of a vitamin that is essential for good healthVitamin D.This important vitamin strengthens bones and teeth and is linked to the prevention of heart disease,cancer and many other lifethreatening diseases.The remended daily requirement is 400600 International Units(IU)In summer,people with dark brown eyes and darker skin turn sunlight from just 15 minutes outside without sunscreen into adequate amounts of Vitamin D.Even during winter,just a 10minute walk at midday can keep the bodys Vitamin D at healthy levels.During brief winter walks,we receive the greatest benefits when we wear no sunscreen and expose as much skin to the sun as possible.Vitamin D can be also obtained from foods.Salmon is one of the best sources of the Vitamin.Egg yolks(蛋黄),cheese,mushrooms and some animal organs contain smaller quantities of it.To attract consumers,food panies add Vitamin D to some of their milk products.The practice of putting the Vitamin into milk began in the 1930s.At that time,many children were suffering from rickets,an illness that is caused by a deficiency (缺乏)of Vitamin DIt made the childrens bones soft and weak.Adding Vitamin D to milk helped to solve the problem,and it has been available ever since.For people who still need more Vitamin D,there is another option:Take Vitamin D supplements(补充物)These products are widely sold in stores.However,anyone considering taking supplements should consult a physician first.1During the winter months,people _.Aarent able to meet their deadlinesBoften dont dress warmly enoughCgenerally like to remain indoorsDleave lots of work for others to do2According to the text,Vitamin D _.Acan be obtained by being exposed to the sunBcan be used to cure lifethreatening diseasesCcan be mainly found in some milk productsDcan make the childrens bones soft and weak3Why is salmon mentioned in this article?AIts seldom prepared in the correct way.BIts a useful addition to a persons diet.CIt has a huge impact on the environment.DIts advantages have been exaggerated.4The main purpose of this article is _.Ato introduce a valuable nutrientBto advertise Vitamin D supplementsCto note risks associated with a nutrientDto explain how a nutrient was discovered【解题导语】本文是一篇科普文,主要介绍了维生素D的一些情况。1C考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“In the dead of winter,we dont typically think about spending time outdoors,but according to many physicians we should”可知,在冬天人们愿意待在室内。2A考查推理判断。根据第一段第二句以及第三段第一句可知,维生素D可以通过晒太阳获得,故选A。3B考查推理判断。根据第四段可知,三文鱼是补充维生素D的食物,因此对我们的饮食是有用的补充物,故选B。4A考查主旨大意。根据全文可知,本文主要介绍一种营养成分维生素D。*语法填空。 There is a tradition in my school that when the College Entrance Examination is less than a month away, students in the _1_(low) grades, from Senior 1 to Senior 2, all gather together on the ground in front of the teaching building and cheer on the Senior 3 students who are standing upstairs. It wasnt until I _2_(person) took part in the activity that I understood the real _3_(mean) of it. I was in Senior 2 at the time. _4_that special night, all the Senior 3 students stood in the corridors (走廊) and looked down at the younger students below. _5_(vary) cheers started to resound throughout the school, wave after wave. “Believe in yourself! You deserve to win!” _6_(see) everyones smiling faces around me, I thought of _7_famous quote from the American philosopher Henry David Thoreau: What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you bee by achieving your goals. Soon it will be my turn to _8_(bless) in this way,_9_also means I will have to say goodbye to my school. Sad as it will be, being cheered on by so many students will still be one of the brightest _10_(time) of my life.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ 篇章导读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者讲述了自己学校为即将参加高考的高三学生加油鼓励的独特传统。作者认为这种祝福方式让他倍受鼓舞,且当时的场景成为他记忆中最为闪亮的时刻之一。1lower考查形容词比较级。此处暗含了对比。对于高三的学生来说,高一和高二的学生就是较低年级的学生,所以要用比较级,故填lower。2personally考查词性转换。设空处修饰动词短语took part in,应用副词,故填personally。3meaning考查词性转换。设空处作understood的宾语,应用名词形式,故填meaning。4On考查介词。此处表述:在那个特殊的晚上。在具体的某一天晚上要用介词on,句首单词注意首字母大写,故填On。5Various考查词性转换。此处应用形容词作定语修饰名词cheers,故填Various “各种各样的”。6Seeing考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处应用非谓语动词,动词see和其逻辑主语I之间是主动关系,所以要用现在分词作状语,故填Seeing。7a考查冠词。quote是可数名词,意为“引语;引文”,而且此处表示泛指概念,故填不定冠词a。8be blessed考查非谓语动词。此处表述很快就轮到“我”收到这种方式的祝福。It is ones turn to do sth.为固定句型,意为“轮到某人去做某事”,根据句意可知,此句中“我”和bless之间是被动关系,应用不定式的被动形式,故填be blessed。9which考查定语从句的引导词。两个句子中没有连词,该空指代前面一句话的内容,而且在从句中作主语,所以此处应用which引导非限制性定语从句,故填which。10times考查名词的复数。当作“时光;岁月”讲时,time为可数名词;“one ofthe形容词最高级可数名词复数”意为“最的之一”。故填times。*完形填空。I was a first officer at an airline. One Christmas Eve, I was checking instruments in 1 for my last flight of the day 2 I heard a noise behind me. I looked 3 my shoulder. Just outside the cockpit(驾驶舱) doorway was a boy of about nine 4 at the cockpit. At my glance he started to 5 . “e on in here,” I called. The boy stepped 6 into the cockpit. “My names Chad,” I said, sticking out my hand. With a shy smile he put his hand in 7 , “Im Sam.”The captain would be in any minute. Sam looked so 8 that I didnt want to cut short his fun. I told Sam the 9 of each button. Finally Captain Jim came aboard. I 10 Sam to Jim, who gave him a broad smile. “You ever 11 an airplane before, Sam?” Jim asked. Eyes wide, Sam 12 his head. Following my 13 , he carefully pressed a button as big as his hand to start the 14 , which hummed(发出嗡嗡声) to life. Sam looked like he was about to cry with 15 . We started up the other engine, 16 , and arrived in Macon about 40 minutes later.Early Christmas morning, Sams mother came by and 17 a tin of cookies with a note of thanks. Jim looked at it, 18 , and read it aloud, “Thank you for what youve done. Sam has been dreaming about being a pilot. 19 , hes got cancer.”A small 20 deed that one does can make a big difference to someone elses life.【解题导语】本文主要讲述了作者在例行检查飞机时,无意间的好心之举对一个罹患癌症的小孩儿有非凡意义的故事。1A.timeBreturnCpreparation DexchangeC解析:根据下文的“Finally Captain Jim came aboard.”可推知,当时飞机还没有起飞,作者在做一些起飞前的检查工作,与作者的身份officer呼应。2A.after BwhenCas if Deven thoughB解析:固定句型be doing.when.意为“正在做某事时,突然”, 空处与语境“I was checking”呼应,故选B。3A.over BaroundCabove DfromA解析:根据语境“I heard a noise behind me”可推知,作者当时回过头去看,over意为“从一边到另一边”,故选A。4A.glaring BaimingCshouting DstaringD解析:根据下文的“Sam looked so _ that I didnt want to cut short his fun.”可推知,小孩儿对驾驶舱很感兴趣,在盯着它看,这与下文作者给小孩儿介绍驾驶舱呼应。stare“盯着看”;glare“怒目而视”。5A.get in Bturn awayCrun out Dset offB解析:在作者的注视下,小孩儿转过脸去(turn away)。6A.cautiously BunexpectedlyCdesperately DdeliberatelyA解析:空处与下文的“With a shy smile”呼应,表示小孩儿当时很谨慎。cautiously “小心地,谨慎地”。7A.his BhimCme DmineD解析:根据上文的“sticking out my hand”可推知,作者准备和小孩儿握手,因此小孩儿羞怯地把手放在作者的手里。mine是名词性物主代词, 在此处相当于my hand。8A.thrilled BworriedCafraid DconfidentA解析:根据语境“I didnt want to cut short his fun”可推知,小孩儿当时很激动。thrilled “极为激动的”。9A.type BfunctionCproblem DregulationB解析:根据语境可知,作者给小孩儿介绍驾驶舱里每个按键的功能。function “功能”。10A.carried BreportedCintroduced DdirectedC解析:根据上文可知,小孩儿和作者是第一次见面,因此他们认识之后见到作者的同事时,作者把小孩儿介绍给了同事。introduce“介绍”。11A.saw BboardedCstarted DvisitedC解析:根据下文小孩儿在作者的指导下发动引擎可推知,此处问的是小孩儿之前是否开过飞机,与下文的“We started up the other engine”呼应。12A.raised BbowedCnodded DshookD解析:根据下文的“Following my _ , he carefully pressed a button”可推知,小孩儿之前没有开过飞机,于是他摇头。13A.signals BinstructionsCexample DscheduleB解析:根据语境可推知,小孩儿按照作者的指示开始操作按键。instruction “指导”。14A.flight BjourneyCbutton DengineD解析:空处与下文的“which hummed(发出嗡嗡声)to life”和“We started up the other engine”呼应,表示小孩儿发动了引擎。15A.happiness BanxietyCsympathy DfrightA解析:空处与上文的“I didnt want to cut short his fun”呼应,表示小孩儿很高兴看到引擎被发动了起来。16A.gave up Bpulled overCtook off Dwent outC解析:根据语境“We started up the other engine . and arrived in Macon about 40 minutes later.”可推知,飞机的引擎都发动后,起飞了,大约40分钟后抵达了Macon。17A.took BmadeCbought DleftD解析:空处与“came by”呼应,表示Sam的母亲来了,然后留下了一罐饼干和一张感谢便条。18A.sighed BsobbedCbreathed DrelievedA解析:根据下文的“hes got cancer”可推知,当时Jim看到便条后,很伤感和无奈。sigh “叹气”。19A.Strangely BEventuallyCCarelessly DUnfortunatelyD解析:结合“hes got cancer”可推知,得了癌症是一件很不幸的事情。20A.heroic BriskyCkind DhonestC解析:根据全文可推知,作者无意间做的一件好事对一个罹患癌症的小孩儿来说有非凡的意义。kind “仁慈的,友好的”。*短文改错。Recent years have seen a tendency in China that tour is growing faster. According to a recently survey made by some experts, about 47% urban residents traveled regularly. More people will join in the army of travelers in the future.Facing this tendency, we cant help explore some underlying factors that are responsible. In the very first place,as the further development of reform and opening up, Chinese peoples living standards have been greatly improved, and therefore, most of whom can afford to travel around. Whats more, it is believed that people now take more positive attitude to tourism, and regard it as a lifestyle. In additions, tourism facilities are being better and better. For example, transportation develops fast, but many scenic spots are available now.答案:Recent years have seen a tendency in China that is growing faster. According to a survey made by some experts, about 47% urban residents regularly. More people will join the army of travelers in the future.Facing this tendency, we cant help some underlying factors that are responsible. In the very first place, the further development of reform and opening up, Chinese peoples living standards have been greatly improved,and therefore, most of can afford to travel around. Whats more, it is believed that people now take more positive attitude to tourism, and regard it as a lifestyle. In , tourism facilities are being better and better. For example, transportation develops fast, many scenic spots are available now.难项分析:第一处:tourtourism考查名词辨析。根据语境可知,此处指中国的旅游业,应用tourism,而tour一般指一次具体的观光旅游。故将tour改为tourism。第七处:whomthem考查代词。此句中and连接并列分句,因而其后不可以接定语从句;后一分句缺少主语,of后的代词指代上文提到的Chinese people,故将whom改为them作介词of的宾语。第十处:butand考查连词。transportation develops fast与many scenic spots are available之间为并列与递进的关系,而不是转折关系,故用连词and连接。*


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