2019高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Science versus nature 牛津译林版必修5.doc

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Unit 3 Science versus nature一、阅读理解。They say if you love your job, youll never work a day in your life. We say if you travel for work, youll never have a boring mute(上下班往返) a day in your life. If the typical 9-to-5 isnt working for you, here are some options that will pay you to travel. No matter your current skill set, you can probably do it somewhere else.Represent abroad The State Department is actively hiring Foreign Service Officers, and its probably easier than you think to bee one. Youll have to a lot of tests, but if you pass, youll spend the next years of your life working around the world. A Junior Foreign Service Officer starts at $71,000 a year. Teaching English as a Second Language abroad is one of the best ways to deepen understanding of another culture. Theres no need to be a certified English teacher in order to go abroad. In this program in China, soon-to-be teachers go abroad to obtain their Teaching English as a Foreign Language(TEFL) certifications. A beginning teacher in China will earn $2,500 for working six months, plus room and board. A cruise ship is a floating village. Therefore, any job that you could have in a village you could have onboard a ship-even auctioneering(做拍卖师). Carnival is hiring an art auctioneer to work aboard a luxury cruise ship. The only qualifications necessary are a college degree and public speaking skills. Goinggoingsold.Write the rails Writers can reimagine themselves as rail-surfing Jack Kerouacs, crossing the country and writing from coast to coast on the Amtrak Writers Residency. The application process consists of two questions, as well as the opportunity to provide up to a 20-page writing sample. Amtrak will select 24 writers to participate in the program with the help from a panel of judges. Although the project wont replace a full-time job, its really a fun opportunity. The application period for 2016 has closed, but applications will reopen in the fall.1. Which job requires a college degree?A. Representing abroad B. Teaching English in ChinaC. Selling art on the seas D. Writing the rails2. The advertisement is intended for .A. those who are tired of their present jobsB. those who want to have a job with travelingC. those who just graduate from universityD. those who want to go on vacation abroad3. What may Jack Kerouacs be?A. Director of the Amtrak Writers ResidencyB. A sportsman devoted to rail-surfingC. An applicant of the programD. A famous writer【语篇解读】这则广告是为那些想要在旅行中工作的人,推荐了一些职位。1. C【解析】细节理解题。由Carnival is hiring an art auctioneer to work aboard a luxury cruise ship. The only qualifications necessary are a college degree and public speaking skills. Goinggoingsold.可知在海上卖艺术品要求大学学历,选C。3. D【解析】细节理解题。由Writers can reimagine themselves as rail-surfing Jack Kerouacs, crossing the country and writing from coast to coast on the Amtrak Writers Residency.可知Jack Kerouacs可能是一位著名作家,选D。二、词汇练习。1. He is one of my _.He is _ to the murder case.(亲戚;与.有关)2. the _ of the studentsHe _in history at college. (大多数;主修)3. take.into _.Please_ how to do the job. (考虑)4. _by his accent, he must be from the south. (判断)make a right _5. Please _ the main idea of this article after reading it.Please write a _ of the article after reading it. (总结)6. These books are _ for the children.I came with the _of staying, but now Ive decided to leave.(打算;意图)7. 准许 v8. 可信赖的的a9. 忧虑n10. 资源n11. 收养v12. 原来的,起初的a13. 收入n14. 利润;获益n15. 饥饿v16. 证实;确认v17. from my point of view18. accurate19. profession20. in consequence21. concept22. conduct23. modify24. channelpush ahead with 三、完形填空。Im sitting at the airport watching people in the last minutes before their loved ones arrive or depart.A woman is running in circles trying to gather family members together for a _1_.When the final moment es before _2_,she wraps her arms around her son,giving him a _3_ hug that should protect him until he _4_.I sit with a book in my hands,waiting my turn to leave _5_ because the ones I love have a different _6_ from mine.I think of other departures and arrivals.I _7_ seeing my daughter.I wrapped myself around her as if shed been _8_.That year she was in her first year at university,ing home for the first time.Today my flight is two hours late.When my flight is _9_ called,I gather my book and luggage._10_ there is no one to see me off,I do not _11_ to see where I have e from._12_,I think of my husband at work _13_ if I have left yet.As I head towards the plane,I find myself _14_ yet another arrival and departure.That year,my 91yearold grandfather died.After returning from his funeral,I arrived at the airport _15_.My husband of only a year was waiting at the gate to take me in his arms.Because of my tears,_16_ was looking at us,but I didnt _17_.Life needs the important _18_ all the time.I wish that all the people who went on a _19_ could e back to find someone _20_ them.I also wish they could leave with someone to see them off.1A.lecture BgoodbyeCdinner Dparty2A.gathering BboardingCannouncing Dlanding3A.powerful BgentleCwarm Dmon4A.leaves BsurvivesCreturns Drecovers5A.frightened BanxiousCrelaxed Dalone6A.schedule BattitudeCposition Dtarget7A.imagine BenjoyCrecall Dconsider8A.stolen BcheatedClost Dpunished9A.punctually BfinallyCabruptly Drepeatedly10A.Although BWhileCTill DSince11A.slow down Bget offClook back Drun away12A.However BBesidesCInstead DTherefore13A.doubting BaskingCpredicting Dwondering14A.remembering BforgettingCplanning Drejecting15A.shouting BcryingClaughing Dwhispering16A.someone BeveryoneCnone Danyone17A.care BrespondCscold Dflee18A.arrival BchanceCdeparture Dmoment19A.journey BdietCpicnic Dholiday20A.worrying about Bsmiling atCtalking of Dwaiting for【解题导语】作者在机场看到迎接与送行的场景,回忆起与女儿和丈夫的温馨往事,意识到人生中需要欢聚与离别这些重要的时刻。【核心词汇】depart vi.离开,出发wrap ones arms around sb.用手臂搂住某人 wait ones turn to do sth.等着轮到某人做某事 think of想起,记起recall doing sth.回忆起做某事 see sb.off为某人送行at work在工作,起作用1B结合上文中出现的“arrive or depart”和下文中的“the final moment”可知,空处应该是一个告别(goodbye)的场景,故选B。2B根据语境可知,此处表示登机(boarding)前最后的时刻,故选B。3A结合下文中的“protect him”可知,母亲在儿子登机前给他一个强有力的(powerful)拥抱,故选A。gentle“温柔的”;warm“温暖的”;mon“共同的,普遍的”。4C根据语境可知,快要登机的时候,母亲给了儿子一个强有力的拥抱,自然是盼望儿子能一路平安并平安归来,故选C。leave“离开”;survive“幸存,艰难渡过”;recover“恢复”。5D根据空后的“because the ones I love have a different _6_ from mine”和下文中的“there is no one to see me off”可知,作者是一个人(alone),没有人来为她送行,所以选D。frightened“害怕的,受惊的”;anxious“焦虑的,渴望的”;relaxed“放松的”。6A根据语境可知,作者一个人离开是因为所爱之人都有不同的日程安排。schedule“日程安排,计划表”符合语境,故选A。7C结合语境可知,作者回忆起(recall)女儿上大学第一次回家的往事,所以选C项。8C根据语境可知,作者一把抱住女儿,好像她走失了很久。lost“丢失的,遗失的”符合语境,故选C。9B结合语境可知,作者等待很久之后,所乘的航班终于(finally)通知登机了,故选B。punctually“准时地”;abruptly“突然地”;repeatedly“反复地”。10D根据语境可知,“_10_ there is no one to see me off”和“I do not _11_ to see where I have e from”是因果关系,所以空处应用Since“因为,既然”。11C既然没有人来送行,作者不需要回头张望(look back)。slow down“放慢,减速”;get off“下车,离开”;run away“突然离开,逃离”。12C结合语境可知,作者没有回头张望,相反地,作者想的是,还在上班的丈夫不知道作者是否已经离开。故选C项。13D参见上题解析。wonder if.“不知道是否”符合语境,故选D。14A结合语境可知,作者发现自己记得(remembering)另一件以前的迎接与送行,故选A。15B结合下文中的“Because of my tears”可知,此处应用crying。shout“大喊,喊叫”;laugh“大笑,笑”; whisper“低语,悄声说”。16B此处指的是,因为作者哭泣,每个人(everyone)都在看着作者和她的丈夫。故选B。17A虽然大家都在看,但是作者并不在意(care),故选A。respond“回复,作出反应”;scold“训斥,责骂”;flee“逃离”。18D根据语境可知,人生中一直需要这样重要的时刻(moment),故选D。arrival“到达”;chance“机会”;departure“离开”。19A根据语境可知,作者希望所有出行(journey)的人回来时都能看到有人在等待(waiting for)他们。故选A。20D参见上题解析。四、短文改错。Studying in the UK have been a good experience for me.When I first arrived, I find life very hard as I didnt know anybody here, but I soon got to know other Chinese student at the university.Later I became interesting in municating with people from various cultures, and I made fewer friends.During my study, I chose to live in with my classmates in the dormitory.I think its better than living in British family because I can meet people from different countries easy.The courses here are excellent.I enjoy the way the teachers give lessons.We are encouraged to think for yourselves, which is quite different from that I have experienced before.答案:第一句:havehas第二句:findfound; studentstudents第三句:interestinginterested; fewermore第四句:去掉第一个in第五句:in后加a; easyeasily第八句:yourselvesourselves; thatwhat

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