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2019版高考英语阅读理解一轮练题(3)ATravel-worthy Destinations in Best FilmsARRIVAL Bozeman, Montana, U. S.The years best thriller, Arrival follows a professor to a military camp in Montana, where she works to translate the language ing from alien visitors. The film, set in the wide landscape of Montana, connects the vastness of the universe with the natural beauty of Bozeman. Travel to Bozeman, and youre bound to feel its quietness. In this town, the wildlife of the Bridger Mountains lives alongside the constant inflow of Montana State University students. With all its breathtaking landscape, Bozeman is the perfect place to do some soul-searching.FENCES Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U. S.Fences tells of an African-American father supporting his family during the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s. The film was shot in Pittsburgh, known for its blue collar history. Today it has grown into a center of progress and culture. It is home to the worlds first green convention center. On top of its environmental development, the city has worked to keep its diverse cultural heritage. Visitors can discover Pittsburghs history at the Heinz History Center and taste the Mediterranean food at Cure.MOONLIGHT Miami, Florida, U.S.A masterpiece of self-discovery, Moonlight follows an African-American boy in Miami who is trying to find his place in the world. Much of the film is set in a low-ine neighborhood north of downtown, but visitors to Miami will likely see a different side of the lively city. Modern art museums and restaurants fill the inner corridors, while Miami Beach is filled with music and ocean lovers. Theres something for everyone in Miami, so enjoy the party.4.What makes Bozeman a travel-worthy destination?A. The story of the movie Arrival. B. The peaceful landscape it has.C. Mantana State University. D. Alien visitors.1.Pittsburgh is known for according to Paragraph 2.A. its diverse culture B. African-American familiesC. the Civil Rights movement D. beautiful scenery2.In the movie Moonlight, audiences will see a side of Miami.A. modern B. poorC. hi-tech D. luxury3.The author wrote the passage with the intention of .A. writing a film reviewB. introducing some famous filmsC. describing how the movies were shotD. remending travelling destinations【文章大意】本文主要向读者介绍了几个最佳影片拍摄的旅游目的地。1.B 【解析】细节理解题。根据第一部分With all its breathtaking landscape, Bozeman is the perfect place to do some soul-searching.可知在它令人惊叹的风景中,Bozeman是一个完美的自我反省的地方。故选B。3.B 【解析】细节理解题。根据第三部分Much of the film is set in a low-ine neighborhood north of downtown, but visitors to Miami will likely see a different side of the lively city.可知这部电影的大部分都是在市中心北部的一个低收入社区拍摄的,因此在电影中可以看到迈阿密贫穷的一面,故选B。7.D 【解析】主旨大意题。这篇文章作者主要是向读者介绍了几个最佳影片的拍摄旅游目的地。故选D。B(2015大连高三双基测试)Any list of the greatest thinkers in history contains the name of the brilliant physicist Albert Einstein.His theories of relativity led to entirely new ways of thinking about time,space,matter,energy,and gravity.Einsteins work led to such scientific advances as the control of atomic energy,even television as a practical application of Einsteins work.In 1902 Einstein became an examiner in the Swiss patent office at Bern.In 1905,at 26,he published four of his five major research papers.The first one provided a theory explaining Brownian movement,the zigzag motion of microscopic particles in suspension(悬浮液)The second paper laid the foundation for the photon(光子),theory of light.In it he proposed that light is posed of separate packets of energy,called photons.A third paper contained the “special theory of relativity” which showed that time and motion are relative to the observer,if the speed of light is constant and the natural laws are the same everywhere in the universe.The fourth paper was a mathematical addition to the special theory of relativity.Here Einstein presented his famous formula,Emc2,known as the energy mass equivalence(等价)In 1916,Einstein published his general theory of relativity in which he proposed that gravity is not a force,but a curve(曲线) in the spacetime continuum(连续体),created by the presence of mass. Einstein spoke out frequently against nationalism,the rising of one nation above all others.He opposed war and violence and supported Zionism,the movement to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine.When the Nazis came to power in 1933,they criticized his ideas.He then moved to the United States.In 1939 Einstein learned that two German chemists had split the uranium atom.Einstein wrote to President Franklin DRoosevelt warning him that this scientific knowledge could lead to Germany developing an atomic bomb.He suggested the United States begin its own atomic bomb research.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文,主要介绍了思想家、物理学家爱因斯坦对人类的伟大贡献及其人生阅历。1Einstein left for the United States _.Abecause of political reasonsBbecause he loved the United StatesCbecause of his sickness of GermanyDbecause he was employed by the United States解析:选A。推理判断题。根据第二段第三、四句“When the Nazis came to power in 1933,they criticized his ideas.He then moved to the United States.”可知,1933年纳粹党执政后,批判了他的理论,于是爱因斯坦便去了美国;由此可推知,爱因斯坦是迫于政治原因去美国的。故答案选A。2Television is mentioned in the text as _. AEinsteins discoveryBa great invention of EinsteinCthe purpose of Einsteins work Da successful use of Einsteins work解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“Einsteins work led to such scientific advances.even television as a practical application of Einsteins work.”可知,爱因斯坦的工作成果推动了科学的发展,电视是对他的理论的实际应用。故答案选D。3According to the text,Einstein disagreed on _.AnationalismBthe defeat of the NazisCatomic bomb research in the United StatesDthe establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“Einstein spoke out frequently against nationalism,the rising of one nation above all others.”可知,爱因斯坦反对民族霸权主义。故答案选A。4According to the text,Einstein is known as the following EXCEPT a _.Aphysicist Bpolitician Cpeace lover Dthinker解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“Any list of the greatest thinkers in history contains the name of the brilliant physicist Albert Einstein.”可知,爱因斯坦是位伟大的思想家和物理学家;根据第二段中的“Einstein spoke out frequently against nationalism.opposed war and violence”可知,爱因斯坦反对民族霸权主义,反对战争与暴力,由此可知,他是个爱好和平的人。文中没有提到他是一位政治家。故答案选B。CMy 11-year-old daughter has been awarded an academic scholarship (奖学金) to a private school.Its only a small discount (折扣),but the scholarship means shell skip the waiting list-provided my husband and I can cover $20,000 a year.Should we pay the private school fees,or choose free education instead?I always assumed my children would go to a private school,like I did.Not because my family is wealthy,but because I believe that the best education is private.It took years for me to make peace with the fact that my two children attended our local public primary school.Theyll go to a private high school,I told myself.Yet here we are.My eldest is now in her last year of primary school,and my husband and I will struggle to afford private school.If were to send our girl to private school,I could increase my work hours.My law degree was supposed to be my ticket to a good job and a solid ine,but thats not quite how it turned out.The guilt and expectations are mine alone.Im terrified that my daughters potential will be wasted at the public school.And yet,I know that working more hours will crush (压垮) me.During many sleepless nights,I felt troubled by the decision.Although I want the best for my daughter,I have my own dreams too.I cant sacrifice everything for my precious girl.I explain that I want to be a positive role model for my daughter,and an unhappy parent is a terrible strain on a family.I point out that not even the privilege of private school will protect my children from disappointment or struggle.And finally,its decided.My daughter is going to the public school behind our home.She couldnt be more pleased.Its taken me a little longer,but now Im content.More than my fancy private school education,its my family that shaped me.With high school now 25 years in the past,I can no longer remember the mathematical problems and Shakespearean quotes I once knew so perfectly.The lessons from my childhood home,however,have proved impossible to forget.1.Why did the author want her daughter to go to a private school at first?A.Because her daughter earned an academic scholarship.B.Because she wanted her daughter to receive the best education.C.Because she wanted her daughter to skip the waiting list.D.Because her daughters potential was wasted at the public primary school.2.The author finally let her daughter go to a public school mainly because she realized that .A.private school doesnt guarantee a solid ineB.she didnt want her daughter to struggle in private schoolC.however hard she worked,she couldnt afford private schoolD.public school is the most balanced choice for her family3.When the decision was made,.A.the authors daughter was disappointedB.the author felt sorry and guilty about itC.both the author and her daughter were content with the resultD.the author inspired her daughter to be a positive role model at school4.What is the main message the author intends to convey in the last paragraph?A.Family influences a childs growth more than school education.B.The lessons learned during our childhood will stay with us forever.C.It always takes people a long time to make a right decision.D.Private school education is not as good as people expect.1.B细节理解题。根据文章第三段内容可知,作者希望女儿去私立学校的原因是自己认为私立学校可以提供更好的教育,因此答案为B项。2.D推理判断题。根据文章内容可知在送女儿去私立学校还是公立学校这件事上,作者挣扎了很长时间,考虑了各方面的因素,包括自己工作的牺牲、家庭的影响等等,最终做出去公立学校这一最能平衡各方面因素的选择,因此答案为D项,公立学校对她的家庭来说是最平衡的选择。3.C细节理解题。根据文章第十二段和十三段内容可知,做了这个决定后,作者和女儿都很满意,因此答案为C项,同时排除A、B两项;D项与文章意思不符。4.A推理判断题。在最后一段中作者强调家庭教育的重要性,认为比起在学校中学到的知识,家庭的熏陶和影响对一个人的作用更大,因此答案为A项。B项,根据原文,作者强调的是“lessons from my childhood home”,即在家所学的东西不容易忘记,而在学校学的数学知识等已经不记得了,因此B项错误;C项原文未提及;D项并非作者最后一段想表达的主要观点。DNearly two million drivers in the UK have had accidents due to “Baby on Board” signs and childrens toys that affect their view,according to alarming new research.One in 20 motorists says stickers and playtime paraphernalia (装备) are to blame for a collisionequivalent to 1.85 million of Britains 37 million drivers.The discovery triggered a warning by a road safety charityBrake to cut down on clutter (杂乱的东西) in the car.Deputy chief executive Julie Townsend said “Baby on Board” signs are very useful in alerting the emergency services that a child may be involved in case of a crash.“This help can bee negative if drivers display signs when their child isnt in the car,” she said.“Worse still is the danger that can be caused by drivers influencing their view by cluttering up (塞满) windows with lots of signs.Drivers priority should always be getting there safely without putting themselves,young passengers or other road users at risk.”A survey arranged by price parison website Confused. found that 37 percent of parents have displayed signs and four out of five of them believe they improve safety.But 46 percent admit doing so at all timesregardless of whether or not their child is in the carand 15 percent admit they only have them for their novelty (新奇) value.The poll of 2,000 drivers also found that 46 percent of drivers regard them as a risk and 33 percent say they are lacking in taste.“There are benefits and dangers to Baby on Board signs.They can offer useful information for medical aid in case of a crash but having too many novelty items displayed could be a safety issue,” said a Confused. spokesman.1What do we learn about the signs on the car from Paragraph 1?AThey can be dangerous.BThey are useful to avoid accidents.CThey are weled by passengers.DThey are forbidden to be used.2What is Julie Townsends attitude towards the signs?APositive.BNegative.CUninteresting.DObjective.3According to the survey,most of the drivers who use the signs think that the signs_.Acan improve safety Bare unnecessaryCcan make drivers clearDcan kill time4What is the purpose of this text?ATo solve a problem.BTo describe a threat to traffic safety.CTo tell an interesting story.DTo persuade drivers to drive safely.【参考答案】阅读理解语篇解读:本文主要介绍了英国最新的调查发现汽车车贴成为“马路杀手”的事实。1解析:推理判断题。从文章第一段介绍的英国有将近200万名司机曾因车贴和儿童玩具发生过交通事故,到车贴和玩具会模糊司机的视线并且在每20位驾驶人员中就有一位表示车贴和娱乐设备会导致发生交通事故以及Brake提醒大家清理车里杂乱的物品可推知,它们可能是危险的。答案:A2解析:态度判断题。根据第二段中的“Baby on Board signs are.isnt in the car”以及“Worse.or other road users at risk.”可知,Julie Townsend对车贴积极的一面以及消极的一面都做了客观的描述,由此可推知她的态度是客观的。答案:D3解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“four out of five of them believe they improve safety”可知,大多数司机认为这能使行驶更安全。答案:A4解析:写作意图题。本文介绍了英国最新的调查发现汽车车贴成为“马路杀手”的事实,其目的就是告诉人们当前存在的一个交通安全隐患。答案:B。EListening to music can help me focus better.Since I discovered it five years ago,Ive used music to get through boring work or to focus creatively.Ive found that it can make even the dullest jobs enjoyable and help clear mental blocks to creativity.I first noticed the good effects of music while playing video games.It was a few days before Christmas in 2012 and I was playing online video games.My parents had just given me a new MP3,so I decided to listen to music through the headphones while I played.After a few minutes I noticed a great change in my style of play.I was playing more naturally.The music relaxed me,and,to a certain extent,distracted me from the game,allowing my subconscious(潜意识的)talent to e through.The music also helped me block out the outside world.With those headphones on I was like a machine,moving from one task to the next without unnecessary thoughts or actions.Music can also have a great effect on mood.If Im in a bad mood at work,Ill listen to some of Bob Marleys and get down to business.It always takes my mind off what Im doing and makes me a happier person.The same is true for classic rock.One summer,I did a boring job collecting bottle openers by hand.Without a radio playing classic rock in the background,I would have hated life.Listening to music with relaxing rhythms and a positive message helps you forget your work and think happy thoughts.But the results you see will depend heavily on your personal tastes.Experiment with the types of music you listen to during certain tasks.By trial and error youll finally discover your best choice.Im always looking for new concentration aids,so Id love to know what type of music works best for me.1.The author first discovered the effects of music .A.from his parentsB.by chanceC.at workD.when he was a child 答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的“.Iwasplayingonlinevideogames.AfterafewminutesInoticedagreatchangeinmystyleofplay.”可知作者是在玩游戏时偶然发现听音乐的巨大作用的。2.Which of the following statements is NOT an effect of music for the author?A.It helps him block out the outside world.B.It arouses his subconscious talent.C.It helps his mind relax.D.It makes him work without any thought.答案:D解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“.movingfromonetasktothenextwithoutunnecessarythoughtsoractions.”可知,D项表述不准确,故答案为D项。3.TheauthormentionstheexperienceofcollectingbottleopenersinParagraph3to.A.tellusthatlifeisdullB.provethatmusicaffectsmoodC.tellushowtoseekhappinessD.tellusbadmoodcanaffectwork答案:B解析:推理判断题。第三段的主题句为第一句,下面举的例子是为了证明这个观点的,故选B项。4.In order to get the greatest effect of music,you are advised to .A.listen to some of Bob Marleys B.only choose relaxing music C.test all kinds of music D.listen to classic rock 答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Experimentwiththetypesofmusicyoulistentoduringcertaintasks.Bytrialanderroryoullfinallydiscoveryourbestchoice.”可知答案为C项。


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