2019年高考英语总复习 第三部分 写作专题 Step One 句式类 专题五 复合句实战演练 新人教版.doc

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2019年高考英语总复习 第三部分 写作专题 Step One 句式类 专题五 复合句实战演练 新人教版.doc_第1页
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2019年高考英语总复习 第三部分 写作专题 Step One 句式类 专题五 复合句实战演练 新人教版.doc_第2页
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专题五复合句一、单句语法填空1(2017年福州高中毕业班质检)Actually, _ weve done a lot to develop a lowcarbon economy, it doesnt live up to our expectations.2It remains to be seen whether people really want to carry both a smart phone _a smart watch.3(2017年新课标卷阅读理解B)_ one group of workers carried out the rubbish, another group began removing seats and other theater equipment in preparation for the buildings end.4(2016年新课标卷完形填空)_ he got closer, he found another vehicle upside down on the road.5There are several reasons for sleep.We sleep _we need to dream.二、单句改错1A passenger realized he couldnt find his ticket but became quite upset._2Although history cant be changed, but lessons can be learned to face the future._3With you grow older, youll know better and better about yourself._4Great changes have taken place after you left this city._5Tina and I had been good friends for years.We often did things together, so one day Tina didnt talk to me and just sat by herself._三、单句语法填空1(2016年浙江卷单项填空)The study suggests that the cultures we grow up in influence the basic processes by _we see the world around us.2(2016年浙江卷单项填空)Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears, none of _ has been proved.3(2016年浙江卷单项填空)When the time came to make the final decision for a course, I decided to apply for the one _ reflected my interest.4(2016年北京卷单项填空)I live next door to a couple _children often make a lot of noise.5I made friends with the daughter of my homestay family,_ was a college student.四、单句改错1We all like our English teacher, from him we have learned a lot._2Her performances on the stage were perfect, that made a lot of people admire her._3There are three people in my family and Im the only one child, who is very mon in Chinese family._4I will never forget the day on that we went to buy guitars in the guitar store._5The students and things which you spoke of are known to us._五、单句语法填空1Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent _ you respond to it.2The new boy looked at the teacher for a few seconds and all the other students wondered _the boy would do.3In my opinion, _matters is whether we can win together as a team instead of individuals.4Half of the worlds population is under the age of 25 and when they are not involved in the decisionmaking process, they are not aware of _is taking place.5Whether the flight to New York will be delayed is _ Im especially worried about.六、单句改错1Success partly depends on if you have the patience to do simple things perfectly._2Were all pleased what we have once again overe the difficulty._3We all consider important that children should take plenty of milk as they grow._4My suggestion is we should have a discussion about this matter instead of just laying it aside._5His promise which he would give away half of the years ine to the disabled turned out a lie._专题五复合句一、1.though/although2.and3.As4.As5because二、1.butand2.去掉but或butyet3.WithAs4aftersince5.sobut三、1.which2.which3.that4.whose5.who四、1.himwhom2.thatwhich3.whowhich4thatwhich5.whichthat五、1.how2.what3.what4.what5.what六、1.ifwhether2.whatthat3.consider后加it4is后加that5.whichthat


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