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2019届高三英语上学期第一次月考(10月)试题第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 1. How long did it take the man to get to the campus today?A. Half an hour.B. One hour.C. 45 minutes.2. What color is the blanket?A. Yellow. B. Blue. C. Green.3. Where is the woman probably?A. At an airport.B. In the mans pany. C. In her friends house.4. What is Johnson doing now?A. He is having a meeting.B. He is making a phone call. C. He is taking a walk outside.5. What will the speakers probably do next?A. Talk to a policeman. B. Visit the exhibition. C. Cancel their flight.第二节 (共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Brother and sister. B. Classmates. C. Son and mother.7. What will the girl do on Saturday?A. Visit her grandparents.B. Attend a birthday party.C. Have a class.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. Where is the woman from?A. Spain. B. Italy. C. Finland.9. Why is the woman at the conference?A. To do research. B. To represent her pany.C. To ensure puter security.10. What will the woman do next?A. Meet Robert. B. Read an article. C. Introduce the man to her friend.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. Why does the man want to get a summer job?A. To pay his brother back.B. To save for a trip.C. To save money for a course.12. How will the woman get money?A. By borrowing from her brother. B. By doing a part-time job. C. By asking her parents.13. What does the man decide to do in the end?A. Study in Spain. B. Get a job in Portugal.C. Go to Latin America with the woman.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. What does the woman probably do?A. A swimmer. B. A boxer.C. A footballer.15. What does the woman do after lunch?A. Have a break. B. Get back to the pool. C. Do track work and body exercises.16. How does the woman spend her most nights?A. Dancing at a club.B. Chatting online.C. Going to bed early.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Which place will have the strictest ban on smoking according to the text?A. Britain. B. Finland. C. Hong Kong.18. What does the government mean by saying “once and for all”?A. It cant ban smoking forever. B. It wants to ban smoking now. C. It wants to ban smoking thoroughly.19. Which public place is allowed to smoke in Hong Kong?A. Restaurants. B. Cars. C. Shopping malls.20. What would be the best title for this passage?A. Smoking and Cancer.B. Smoking in Hong Kong. C. Anti-smoking Laws.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)Official Historical Tour of Harvard Student-Led Public Walking Tour Please note: Due to ongoing construction,our tour schedule will be limited. Please check our updated tour times on the calendar. In the event of bad weather, please check the calendar or call regarding a scheduled tour time.The tour is student-led and includes an outdoor walk(please dress appropriately)through Harvard Yard,providing a history of the university,general information,and a unique view on the students individual experience.The tour is around one hour long,and pletely free of charge.There is no preregistration for general visitors,and we begin registration for each tour one hour before departure time.Currently we are only able to acmodate groups of up-to 14 people on our free,public tour.If you have a group of 15 or more,reservations are required (please see below). Group Tours and Reservations Reservations are required for tours of 15 or more people,with an absolute maximum of 125 people.We request 2 weeks notice to schedule a tour.Please note that we cannot acmodate groups that arrive without a reservation. A Self-Guided Walking Tour of Harvard Yard If you are interested in touring the campus on your own,you may want a self-guided walking tour. These tour pamphlets(册),offered in nine different languages,can be purchased from our office for a minimal charge. You may also download audio files of historical information on each of the buildings in Harvard Yard. These files, together including an Audio Tour,can also be obtained here with a simple click.What will you do on a student-led public walking tour?A. Wear whatever you like.B. Pay for admission and reservation.C. Go at any time and dont have to register.D. Learn about a students personal experience.What should a group of 20 do to visit the Harvard campus?A. Register on arrival.B. Register before leaving.C. Reserve at least a fortnight beforehand.D. Make a reservation one week in advance.Where is the text probably from?A. In a newspaper. B. In a textbook.C.On the Internet. D. In a magazine.BFor years I have lived this lie telling everyone I am allergic to peanuts because I hate the smell of peanut butter. However, whenever I used to tell people I dont like peanut butter, theyd get all defensive like “Peanut butter is amazing! How do you not like it?!”, and then Id have to go into this whole thing to defend my taste buds. But then I got tired of it and started telling people that Im just allergic to peanuts because that way its not my fault that I hate the smell of peanut butter. Now I seem like a sad little baby who can never taste peanut butter ever in her life and everyone feels sad for me. But the problem is that I really have an appetite for peanut m&ms (巧克力豆) but now I can only eat peanut m&ms when Im at home alone. The only person who knows my lie is my husband. 1 remember one evening we had a small celebration for one of our friends and they had peanut m&ms. I really wanted some but obviously couldnt eat them in public because people would know my peanut secret.When we got home after work, my husband tipped his jacket over and emptied his pockets. Peanut m&ms fell out of his pockets and he whispered, “I was sneakily accumulating them all night for you because I could see the pain in your eyes.” If that isnt love, and then I dont know what is.24. Why does the author have to lie about her taste?A. Because she is allergic to peanuts.B. Because people feel sympathy for her.C. Because lying makes people feel better.D. Because she is no longer willing to explain.25. What does everyone feel sad about?A. My health problems.B. My not being able to eat peanuts.C. My lying all the time.D. My not getting along with them.26. The underlined word “sneakily” in Paragraph 4 refers to_.A. patiently B. carefully C. secretly D. hurriedly27. The passage is intended to_.A. show the husbands deep loveB. share an unforgettable experienceC. tell how to fight against ones allergyD. express dissatisfaction with people around CAccording to a recent article in The Wall Street Journal, we might all be braggarts(大话王) in this petitive society addicted to social networking. Take a close look at your social-networking sites. Do you like to post photos of yourself in restaurants to show others what an exciting life you have? Or do you like to write about how happily you are in love? Or perhaps you are of the subtle type who constantly plain about jobs but really just want to impress others with your important position. According to the results of a series of experiments conducted by Harvard University neuroscientists(神经科学家), the reward areas of our brain-the same areas that respond to “primary rewards” such as food -are activated when we talk about ourselves. We devote between 30 to 40 percent of our conversation time to doing just that. Unfortunately, Bernstein says, some people cant tell the difference between sharing positive information that others might actually want to know and direct bragging. She suggests that bragging involves parison, whether stated or implied. “We are expected to be perfect all the time. The result is that more and more people are carefully managing their online images”. says Elizabeth Bernstein, a columnist(专栏作家) with the Wall Street Journal. But the issue is not limited to the Internet. In a fiercely petitive job market we must sell ourselves on multiple platforms and show that we are better than others. In fact, we have bee so accustomed to bragging that we dont even realize we are doing it, says Bernstein. This is harmful to our relationships and puts people off. Bernstein talked to some experts who said that people brag for all sorts of reasons: to appear worthy of attention; to prove to ourselves we are doing fine and that people who said we would fail are wrong; or simply because were excited when good things happen to us. “Feel sorry for them, because theyre doing this unconscious, destructive thing that wont help them in the long run,” said Professor Simian Valier, a research psychologist at Washington University.28. The underlined word “subtle” in Para.2 is closest in meaning to “_”.A. apparent B. hidden C. outstanding D. simple29.Which of the following is one of the features of braggarts? A. They know well how to share positive information. B. They dont pay much attention to their online image. C. Theyself-promotetostandoutintheircareer. D. They control conversation and only talk about themselves.30. What can we infer from the passage? A. People who like bragging know what they are doing. B. What braggarts do is eventually harmful to themselves. C. They care much about the feelings of others when talking. D. Braggarts always adopt parison directly to show they are excellent.31. Which would be the best title for the passage? A. Are you a braggart? B. Is bragging an art? C. Why do we keep bragging? D. How to deal with a braggart?D Imagine youre standing in line to buy an after-school snack at a store. You step up to the counter and the cashier scans your food. Next, you have to pay. But instead of scanning a QR code (二维码) with your smartphone, you just hold out your hand so the cashier can scan your fingerprint. Or, a camera scans your face, your eyes or even your ear. Now, this type of technology might not be far away. As technology panies move away from the traditional password, biometric security (生物识别技术), which includes fingerprint, face and voice ID, is being increasingly popular. In xx, Apple introduced the iPhone 5s, one of the first smartphones with a fingerprint scanner. Since then, using ones fingerprint to unlock a phone and make mobile payments has bee monplace, bringing convenience to our lives. And since last year, Samsung has featured eye-scanning technology in its top smartphones, while Apples new iPhone X can even scan a users face. But despite its popularity, experts warn that biometrics might not be as secure as wed imagined. “Biometrics, ideally, are good,” John Michener, a biometrics expert, told tech website Inverse. “In practice, not so much.” When introducing the new iPhones Face ID feature at Apples Keynote Event in September, Phil Schiller, Apples senior vice president, said, “The chance that a random person in the population could look at your iPhone X and unlock it with their face is about one in a million.” But its already been done. In a video posted on munity website Reddit on Nov 3, two brothers showed how they were each able to unlock the same iPhone X using their own face, Quartz reported. And they arent even twins. “We may expect too much from biometrics,” Anil Jain, a puter science professor at Michigan State University, told CBS News. “No security systems are perfect.” Earlier this year, Jain found a way to trick biometric security. Using a printed copy of a thumbprint, she was able to unlock a dead persons smartphone for police, according to tech website Splinter. “Its good to see biometrics being used more,” Jain told CBS News, “because it adds another factor for security. But using multiple security measures is the best defense.”32. What is the latest technology to unlock a smartphone according to the article?A. QR code scanning. B. Eye scanning.C. Fingerprint scanning. D. Face scanning.33. Whats a major problem of the iPhone Xs Face ID system?A. It often fails to recognize its owners face.B. Different faces could be used to unlock the same phone.C. Face data could be used for other purposes.D. It takes too long to unlock the phone.34. What does Anil Jain think of biometric security?A. It still needs much improvement.B. It has caused much trouble for police.C. Its more secure than traditional measures.D. It should be used with other security measures.35. The author wrote this article mainly to _.A. describe the popularity of biometricsB. show how biometrics has changed our livesC. discuss the security problems of biometricsD. point out various problems with biometrics第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) How to Survive Dorm Life Living on campus is just a challenge students must face. When you live in a colleges residence building, you may be excited to live away from home. _36_But at times you may have trouble adjusting. Here are some survival tips.Dont just shout. Talk it out. You could move in with other students from different places and have it be the best living environment or have it be the worst. _37_If theres a problem, always talk it out with your roommates first but dont shout._38_ Whether you share a space with one person or several, you should have a cleaning schedule that can be followed by everyone. Dont fall into a situation where one person is always cleaning up.Make your room represent you. Your dorm room is not only the place you study and sleep but your home. Show your personality. You can put up the posters your parents dont allow, or add a rug or colourful pillows. _39_Be open to differences. College is a place to expand your horizons and get to know about other cultures. You may meet people who behave differently and eat different foods. _40_Instead, try to get to know them and learn something new. The guy or girl might turn out to be one of those lifelong friends.A. The key to making it work is munication.B. You should talk with your friends.C. Keep the room clean together.D. You may experience seemingly unlimited freedom for the first time.E. Do whatever you can to make your room a fortable place.F. Have a time schedule.G. Dont dismiss people based on their differences.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分) One morning in early fall, I found a pair of wild geese on our pond. The beautiful sight caught me by 41 , because wed never seen geese there before. I 42 they would soon be on their way, so I enjoyed the 43 to be close to them. I wondered where they came from and why theyd 44 our pond. The next morning, the geese were 45 our guests, so I watched them at a distance to show them I meant no 46 . Still, I couldnt 47 getting a closer look. I stopped by some trees near the waters edge and quietly looked at them through the 48 . I was surprised to see that they were 49 me. As the days passed, I continued to see them every day. They craned their necks and raised their heads 50 , but seemed to realize I was a friend. Later, my 51 about why they were staying at the pond so long changed to concern. It wouldnt be long before the 52 winter came and the pond froze over. One day, as they were feeding in the grass, I discovered the reason for their 53 the male had a broken left 54 . He was unable to fly, and his mate would not leave him behind. I asked a wildlife biologist friend what I should do. He explained that sometimes a broken wing will 55 by itself and suggested that I let nature take its course.On the first day of November, I 56 sight of the geese running toward the pond, beating their wings with great effort. Both 57 climbed higher and flew over the pond. Then they turned back toward me, flying no more than 50 feet over my head as if to say goodbye. Then they were 58 . The seasons first snow fell the very next day. The birds must have 59 that winter was ing and that it was time to go. I miss them very much now and Ill never forget their 60 to each other. We can all learn a lesson or two from this pair.41.A.anger B.surprise C.terror D.sorrow42.A.denied B.imagined C.realized D.assumed43.A.opinion B.opportunity C.feeling D.message44.A.decided B.ordered C.chosen D.forgotten45.A.also B. seldom C.even D.still46.A.violence B.pain C.harm D.punishment47.A.bear B.stop C.risk D.resist48.A.windows B.forests C.villages D.branches49.A.laughing at B.shouting at C.staring at D.waving at50.A.cautiously B.positively C.skeptically D.clearly51.A.worry B.hesitation C.claim D.curiosity52.A.short B.cruel C.mild D.early53.A.love B.plan C.journey D.visit54.A.wing B.foot C.leg D.eye55.A.test B.appear C.drop D.heal56.A.fixed B.caught C.met D.remembered57.A.hopefully B.curiously C.recently D.gradually58.A.out of sight B.out of question C.out of place D.out of reach59.A.sensed B.planned C.found D.smelt60.A.advice B.respect C.devotion D.attention第二节 (共10分;每小题1.5分,满分15分)A man looking at his smartphone while walking across a railway crossing in Nanjing 61 (have) a close knock on Oct. 22. He was so 62 (absorb) in his smartphone that he didnt see a train approaching until it brushed past him, 63 (throw) him to the ground. This should serve 64 a warning that people should be aware of their surroundings, especially 65 crossing roads. 66 (lucky), the man survived a brush with death, but the incident forced the driver 67 (stop) the train. An 18-minute delay followed the incident, 68 led to a break in the running of other trains on the route.Smartphone 69 (addicted) has spread like an infectious disease. Its evident that it will do great harm to society. Whats even 70 (bad), some addicts bee impatient.Some people blame the smartphone for the tragedy, yet in fact peoples weakening self-control and self-discipline are to blame.第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分) 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Lei Haiwei, a fast food delivery man, win the championship in the Chinese Poetry Contest held in April 4. Lei has shown great interest in Chinese culture since he was a child. In his small house, there is bookshelf, the top of that is filled with poetry books. Though he is busy with his work, but Lei seizes any available moment to read books relating to ancient poems. He is total addicted to poems and he recites it while waiting for food at restaurants. “Recite poems not only enriches my knowledges, but also makes my job less boring,” the delivery man said.第二节 书面表达 (25分)家风是中华传统美德在每个家庭中的传承。假如你是李华,你的留学生朋友John最近观看了CCTV的家风(Family Rules)节目,很想了解家风。请你根据以下提示给他回复一封邮件:1. 家风的作用;2. 你家的家风以及对你的影响。注意:1.词数


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