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2019届高三英语上学期第一次限时作业试题第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。( )1. What does the woman think of the movie?A. Its amusing. B. Its exciting. C. Its disappointing. ( )2. How will Susan spend most of her time in France?A. Traveling around. B. Studying at a school. C. Looking after her aunt. ( )3. What are the speakers talking about?A. Going out. B. Ordering drinks. C. Preparing for a party. ( )4. Where are the speakers?A. In a classroom. B. In a library. C. In a bookstore. ( )5. What is the man going to do?A. Go on the Internet. B. Make a phone call. C. Take a train trip. 第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。( )6. What is the woman looking for?A. An information office. B. A police station. C. A shoe repair shop. ( )7. What is the Town Guide according to the man?A. A brochure. B. A newspaper. C. A map.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。( )8. What does the man say about the restaurant?A. Its the biggest one around. B. It offers many tasty dishes. C. Its famous for its seafood. ( )9. What will the woman probably order?A. Fried fish. B. Roast chicken. C. Beef steak.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。( )10. Where will Mr. White be at 11 oclock?A. At the office. B. At the airport. C. At the restaurant. ( )11. What will Mr. White probably do at one in the afternoon?A. Receive a guest. B. Have a meeting. C. Read a report. ( )12. When will Miss Wilson see Mr. White?A. At lunch time. B. Late in the afternoon. C. The next morning.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。( )13. Why is Bill going to Germany?A. To work on a project. B. To study German. C. To start a new pany. ( )14. What did the woman dislike about Germany?A. The weather. B. The food. C. The schools. ( )15. What does Bill hope to do about his family?A. Bring them to Germany. B. Leave them in England. C. Visit them in a few months. ( )16. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Fellow-travelers. B. Colleagues. C. Classmates. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。( )17. When did it rain last time in Jurez? A. Three days ago. B. A month ago. C. A year ago. ( )18. What season is it now in Jurez?A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn. ( )19. What are the elderly advised to do?A. Take a walk in the afternoon. B. Keep their homes cool. C. Drink plenty of water. ( )20. What is the speaker doing?A. Hosting a radio program. B. Conducting a seminar. C. Forecasting the weather. 第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分35分)第一节 单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)( )21. How did you enjoy the game? I was impressed by the energy and_ shown by the players.A. qualificationB. mitment C. investment D. privilege( )22. If you see things in a negative light, you will find faults everywhere and problems where there are really _A. none B. some C. many D. nothing( )23. Being quick-minded and good at municating, the young man was appointed to address the tough problem _ the pany.A. in terms of B. in favor of C. on behalf of D. on top of( )24. The language in the panys statement is highly _, thus making its staff confused.A. ambiguous B. apparent C. appropriate D. aggressive( )25. A group of teen mountaineers have planned to conquer the second highest mountain in Europe. _, they may succeed. A. Favorable as the condition being B. If the condition be favorableC. The condition is favorable D. The condition being favorable( )26. The Tang Dynasty is generally regarded as a golden chapter by people worldwide,_ the Chinese civilization influenced many neighboring countries.A. where B. when C. which D. who( )27. It is so good a habit to instruct children to lay things _ they belong when they are young.A. to whichB. whereC. in which D. that( )28. On Jan 1, xx, Chinas new regulation on solid waste imports officially came into effect. _, divided into four categories. A. Being prohibited from entering China are a total of 24 kinds of solid wasteB. Entering China are a total of 24 kinds of solid waste that are prohibitedC. Prohibited from entering China are a total of 24 kinds of solid wasteD. From entering China are a total of 24 kinds of solid waste prohibited( )29. Last night, I_ to be fully absorbed in my work, but found myself disturbed by noises from my neighbour upstairs.A. had intended B. were intended C. intended D. had been intended( )30. What is the psychology behind your mindless scribbles (涂鸦)? If your flower, for example, has a large circular center, _ expresses confidence and the enjoyment of a good social life.A. whichB. as C. this D. such( )31. Players of the Japanese game “Travel Frog” take care of the frogs and often e to feel _a pet owner, expressing pride in being the “mother” of diligent and disciplined children or worrying about the growth of their children. A. little more thanB. more thanC. no more than D. not more than ( )32. _you need any help, feel free to contact me. Thank you for your kindness. A. MayB. Will C. ShallD. Should ( )33. Ladies and gentlemen, we _ at Nanjing Station. Please get ready to get off the train. A. are arriving B. are to arrive C. are going to arrive D. will arrive( )34. In the film, the actor threw himself off the horse as if _to death. A. shot B. shooting C. to be shot D. having shot( )35. How e you were half an hour late for my class this morning, Mike?_. My fathers car broke down halfway.A. Yes, so what? B. No, its not my fault.C. Well, who knows? D. Sorry, but I couldnt help it.第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)There is something graceful about a well-made hurricane lamp, especially the antique ones. Mom had affection for them.I can remember 36 through countless flea markets for hurricane lamps, which are 37 to keep their light lit through the 38 of moments. Mom tried hard to buy the lamps in 39 , as her favorite of all the lamps had no mate.The spring after Moms first 40 with cancer, we went to a local craft fair to pass the time, to keep 41 . We were still waiting to hear from the doctors on the 42 of her follow-up tests. 43 to search something for my mom, I bounded ahead of her and baby brother as they 44 along the tables. I didnt 45 far before something caught my eye. Standing proud on the display table sat a lamp.I was excited, as I 46 back through the crowd to my mom. “Mom! You have to see something!” I shouted. “ 47 . I think Im going to get these lamps. What do you think?” She 48 so I could see them but I didnt even look at them. “Youve got to see what I found first,” I 49 her through the fair. When she saw the lamp, she picked up the lamp 50 , running her fingers over the bowl, over the hurricane glass, and 51 it closely. “See this?” She pointed at a very small mark in the glass. “The one at home has the same mark.” She smiled. It was the first time I had seen her 52 smile since the doctors first found the cancer.When the lamp 53 in our house, next to its mate, she cried. She went to light the lamps and sit on their glow until she could sleep. Years later, I understood her 54 for those lamps, through the darkest moments of her life. Mom was my hurricane lamp. She was inextinguishable (永不熄灭的) through the darkest moments. She lit my way without 55 . She still does.( )36. A. seeing B. finding C. living D. searching( )37. A. designed B. allowed C. decided D. evolved( )38. A. happiest B. coldest C. busiest D. hardest( )39. A. group B. double C. pairs D. packs( )40. A. acquaintance B. battle C. knowledge D. appointment( )41. A. busy B. merry C. leisure D. easy( )42. A. results B. discussions C. procedures D. processes( )43. A. Arranged B. Determined C. Required D. Permitted( )44. A. wondered B. wandered C. ran D. hung( )45. A. manage it B. do it C. make it D. carry it( )46. A. jumped B. leaped C. walked D. raced( )47. A. Hang on B. Hang about C. Hang around D. Hang up( )48. A. held them on B. held them up C. held them back D. held them down( )49. A. grabbed B. moved C. dragged D. caught( )50. A. typically B. immediately C. occasionally D. hesitantly( )51. A. inspecting B. looking C. testing D. knocking( )52. A. finally B. deliberately C. lastly D. truly( )53. A. took its way B. took its place C. took its control D. took its name( )54. A. anxiety B. care C. need D. worry( )55. A. fail B. sadness C. pain D. tear第三部分阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AFRASER DINGO FOUR WHEEL DRIVE HIREFraser Dingo Four Wheel Drive Adventures cater for groups of up to five people. They can book all the permits and more, and provide all the information, maps and itineraries needed for your trip. Ever thought of taking an overnight walk/hike on Fraser Island? Fraser Dingo Four Wheel Drive Adventures offers the only way to do this. With an organised Four Wheel Drive drop off and pickup they can help you plan your through walk with ease.FRASER MAGIC 4WD HIREWhether you are taking the family on a camping trip to enjoy the nature and wildlife on Fraser Island, a couple looking for a romantic getaway or a group of friends planning an off-road adventure, Fraser Magic 4WD Hire can help. As well as Four Wheel Drive hire, prehensive camping and acmodation packages for Fraser Island including flatboat crossings, camp gear and National Parks permits are available.AUSSIE TRAX FRASER ISLAND 4X4 SELF DRIVE TOURS HERVEY BAYAussie Trax 4X4 Rentals not only supplies the four wheel drives, but also books all ferry transfers, organizes National Park permits and has a wide range of camping and acmodated options to suit any guests wishing to package together their entire Fraser Island holiday. Through their two great locations at Hervey Bay or on the island at Kingfisher Bay, they can tailor a package to suit guests requirements.( )56. If Mr. Green wants someone to arrange all the details of his holiday on the Fraser Island, which one should he turn to?A. Fraser Dingo Four Wheel Drive Adventures B. Fraser Magic 4WD HireC. Aussie Trax 4X4 Rentals D. None of them( )57. When visiting the Fraser Island, tourists are likely to experience all EXCEPT _.A. taking an overnight walk B. having a prehensive campingC. getting close to the wildlife on the bay D. taking a flatboat crossingBThe Supreme Courts decisions on physician-assisted suicide carry important implications for how medicine seeds to relieve dying patients of pain and suffering.Although it ruled that there is no constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide, the Court in effect supported the medical principle of “double effects”, a centuries-old moral principle holding that an action having two effects-a good one that is intended and a harmful one that is foreseen-is permissible if the actor intends only the good effect.Doctors have used that principle in recent years to justify using high doses of morphine to control terminally ill patients pain, even though increasing dosages will eventually kill the patient.Nancy Dubler, director of Montefiore Medical Center, contends that the principle will shield doctors who until now have very, very strongly insisted that they could not give patients sufficient medication to control their pain if that might hasten death.On another level, many in the medical munity acknowledge that the assisted-suicide debate has been fueled in part by the despair of patients for whom modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony(痛苦) of dying.Just three weeks before the Courts ruling on physician-assisted suicide, the National Academy of Science (NAS) released a two-volume report, Approaching Death: Improving Care at the End of Life. It identifies the undertreatment of pain and the aggressive use of ineffectual and forced medical procedures that may prolong and even dishonor the period of dying as the twin problems of end-of-life care.The profession is taking steps to require young doctors to train in hospices, to test knowledge of aggressive pain management therapies, to develop a Medicare billing code for hospital-based care, and to develop new standards for assessing and treating pain at the end of life.Annas says lawyers can play a key role in insisting that these well-meaning medical initiatives translate into better care. “Large numbers of physicians seem unconcerned with the pain their patients are needlessly and predictably suffering,” to the extent that it constitutes “systematic patient abuse.” He says medical licensing boards “must make it clear . that painful deaths are presumptively ones that are inpetently managed and should result in license suspension(暂停).”( )58. From the first three paragraphs, we learn that_A. doctors used to increase drug dosages to control their patients pain.B. it is still illegal for doctors to help the dying end their lives.C. the Supreme Court strongly opposes physician-assisted suicide.D. patients have no constitutional right to mit suicide.( )59. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?A. Doctors will be held guilty if they risk their patients death.B. Modern medicine has assisted terminally ill patients in painless recovery.C. The Court ruled that high-dosage pain-relieving medication can be prescribed.D. A doctors medication is no longer justified by his intentions.( )60. Which of the following best defines the word “aggressive (line 3, paragraph 7 ) ?A. Bold. B. Harmful. C. Careless. D. Desperate.( )61. George Annas would probably agree that doctors should be punished if they _.A. manage their patients inpetentlyB. give patients more medicine than neededC. reduce drug dosages for their patientsD. prolong the needless suffering of the patientsCFor an increasing number of students at American universities, Old is suddenly in. The reason is obvious: the graying of America means jobs, coupled with the aging of the baby-boom generation, a longer life span means that the nations elderly population is bound to expand significantly over the next 50 years. By 2050, 25 percent of all Americans will be older than 65, up from 14 percent in 1995.The change poses profound questions for government and society, of course. But it also creates career opportunities in medicine and health professions and in law and business as well. “In addition to the doctors, were going to need more sociologists, biologists, urban planners and specialized lawyers,” says Professor Edward Schneider of the University of Southern Californias (USC) School of Gerontology(老年学).Lawyers can specialize in “elder law”, which covers everything from trusts and estates to nursing-home abuse and age discrimination. Businessmen see huge opportunities in the elder market because the baby boomers, 74 million strong, are likely to be the wealthiest group of retirees in human history. “Any student who bines an expert knowledge in gerontology with, say, an MBA or law degree will have a license to print money,” one professor says.Margarite Santos is a 21-year-old senior at USC. She began college as a biology major but found she was “really bored with bacteria.” So she took a class in gerontology and discovered that she liked it. She says, “I did volunteer work in retirement homes and it was very satisfying.”( )62. With the aging of America, lawyers can benefit _.A. from the adoption of the “elder law” B. from presenting their professional services to the elderlyC. by enriching their professional knowledgeD. by winning the trust of the elderly to promote their own interests.( )63. Who can make big money in the new century according to the passage?A. Retirees who are business-minded. B. The volunteer workers in retirement homes.C. college graduates with an MBA or law degree.D. Professionals with a good knowledge of gerontology.( )64. Why can businessmen gain profit in the emerging elder market?A. Retirees are more generous in spending money. B. They can employ more gerontologists.C. The elderly possess an enormous purchasing power.D. There are more elderly people working than before.DNo one has a temper naturally so good, that it does not need attention and cultivation, and no one has a temper so bad, but that, by proper culture, it may bee pleasant. One of the best disciplined tempers ever seen, was that of a gentleman who was naturally quick, irritable, rash, and violent; but, by taking care of the sick, and especially of mentally deranged(疯狂的) people, he so pletely mastered himself that he was never known to be thrown off his guard.There is no misery so constant, so upsetting, and so intolerable to others, as that of having a character which is your master. There are corners at every turn in life, against which we may run, and at which we may break out in impatience, if we choose.Look at Roger Sherman, who rose from a humble occupation to a seat in the first Congress of the United States, and whose judgment was received with great respect by that body of distinguished men. He made himself master of his temper and cultivated it as a great business in life. There are one or two instances which show this part of his character in a light that is beautiful.One day, after having received his highest honors, he was sitting and reading in his sitting room. A student, in a room close by, held a lookingglass in such a position as to pour the reflected rays of the sun directly in Mr Shermans face. He moved his chair, and the thing was repeated. A third time the chair was moved, but the lookingglass still reflected the sun in his eyes. He laid aside his book, went to the window, and many witnesses of the rude behavior expected to see the ungentlemanly student severely punished. He raised the window gently, and thenshut the window blind!I can not help providing another instance of the power he had acquired over himself. He was naturally possessed of strong passions, but over these he at length obtained an extraordinary control. He became habitually calm and selfpossessed. Mr Sherman was one of those men who are not ashamed to maintain the forms of religion in their families. One morning he called them all together as usual to lead them in prayer to God. The “old family Bible” was brought out and laid on the table.Mr Sherman took his seat and placed beside him one of his children, a child of his old age. The rest of the family were seated around the room, several of whom were now grownups. Besides these, some of the tutors of the college were boarders in the family and were present at the time. His aged mother occupied a corner of the room, opposite the place where the distinguished Judge sat.At length, he opened the Bible and began to read. The child who was seated beside him made some little disturbance, upon which Mr Sherman paused and told it to be still. Again he continued but again he had to pause to scold the little of


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