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1. Im an office worker. 我是一个上班族。2. I have a typical 9 to 5 job.我有一份朝九晚五的工作。3. Punch in punch out .上班打卡下班打卡4. How s your project going?你的项目进行的怎么样了?5. I can handle it myself.我会自己想办法的。6. Give it a try!试一下吧。7. Which side are you on?你支持那一边?8. Im pressed for time.我时间紧迫。9. You can do it!你可以的。10.Do you have any other questions?你还有什么问题吗?11.Is everything ok?一切还好吗?12.I cant take it anymore!我再也受不了了。13.Cheer up!振作起来!14.Things happen.常有的事。15.We have to work together.我们要一起努力工作。16.I couldnt agree more.我完全同意。17.You shouldnt work so hard.你不必工作的这么累。18.Im a workholic.我是个工作狂。19.Ill do my best.我尽力而为。20.He got a pay raise.她加薪了。21.I think Im qualified for the position.我认为我能 胜任这份工作。22.I really enjoy my work.我很喜欢我的工作。23.Why did you leave your last job?你为什么辞职。24.The job pays well.这份工作收入不错。25.We have 10 paid holidays a year.我们一年又 10 天带薪休假。26.Can you make it on Saturday?可以改到星期六吗?27.I think so.我想是吧。28.Let me check my schedule.让我看看我的日程安排。29.We will contact you within one week.我们会在一周之内通知你。30.Im looking forward to it.我很期待。31.I dont understand what youre saying.我不明白你在说什么。32.Youre wasting your time.你在浪费时间。33.Do something!想点办法吧!34.Lets figure things out together.我们一起来想想办法吧。35.Do me a favor?帮个忙好吗?36.I cant get along with him.我跟他合不来。37.Im an easy-going man.我是个随和人。38.Its not as easy as it looks.这可不像看上去的那么容易。39.Ill do it.我这就做。40.Lets get back on track.让我们回到主题吧。41.Allow me to introduce请允许我介绍一下42.Its a pleasure to welcom我们非常高兴地欢迎43.You may ask me any question you have.你可以问我任何问题。44.Would you like to add anything?你想补充什么吗?45.Im really honored to be here.能来到这里我很荣幸。46.Let me introduce you to my colleagues. 让我把您介绍给我的同事。47.Let me show you around the company.让我带你参观一下公司。48.Im responsible for sales.我负责销售。49.Let me help you with让我来帮你做吧。50.Dont mention it.没关系。51.My computer is down again.我的电脑又死机了。52.Well take care of that.这一点我们会注意的。53.What seems to be the problem?问题出在哪里?54.It doesnt work.它坏了。55.See what I mean.明白我的意思了吗?56.That explains it.这就说的通了。57.I proposed a plan at the meeting.我会在会上提出一份计划。58.Good idea.好注意。59.It never really got off the ground.事情没有一点进展。60.I did the best I could.我尽力了。61.Im sorry to trouble you.很抱歉给您添麻烦了。62.Do you have a minute?你有时间吗?63.Im new at this.我还是个新手。64.She deals with many trivial things.他处理很多琐碎的事情。65.Ill fill you in.我把一切都告诉你。66.It makes no difference.这不重要。67.Its your turn.这回轮到你了。/这次看你的了。68.Dont worry about it.别担心。69.Follow the procedures,youll get it done.按照步骤走,你就能完成。70.Its been nice talking to you.能和您谈话真好。71.I have some bad news.我有些不好的消息。72.It has a look that would sell.它看起来很有卖点。73. is in charge of the whole project 负责整个项目。74.Its up to you.由你决定。75.When is the deadline?最后期限是什么时候?76.Let me make myself clear.让我把意思说清楚。77.This is a rush job.这事刻不容缓。78.You can count on me.你可以来找我。79.Lets get the ball rolling.我们开始吧。80.They are well received, both at home and abroad.这些产品在国内外很受欢迎。81.Shes so hard on me.她对我很严厉。82.Were in the same boat.我们处境相同。83.Im under a lot of pressure.我压力很大。84.Its up in the air.尚未确定。/悬而未决。85.Lets wait and see.我们看情况再说。86.I have had a change in my schedule.我的行程有变化。87.How can I reach you?我怎么联系你?88.That would be great.那真是太好了!89.How can I ever thank you?我该怎么谢谢你呢?90.Believe me.相信我。91.Whos calling please?请问您是?92.Please hold on one second.请稍等。93.I had to use a sick day today.我今天要请一天病假。94.Anything wrong?有什么不对吗?95.I got promoted.我升职了。96.Good job!做的好!97.It was(is) fine with me.我没问题。98.Grace has the floor.请 Grace 发言。99.Ill check it out.我会去看看的。100. I have a different idea.我有不同的想法。101. That surprises me.这让我很吃惊。102. Whats the real issue?真正的问题是什么?103. Thats the bottom line. 这是我的底线。104. How much are they asking?他们(你们) 要价多少?105. He is not available right now.他现在不在。106. If you say so.如果你说是的话,那就是吧。107. Ill give you a call to confirm later.我一会儿再打电话确认。108. G ahead.说吧/ 继续/ 可以109. Call me whebever necessary.有需要随时给我打电话。110. Let me know as soon as you get an answer.你一有消息就立刻通知我。111. She is off today.她今天休假。112. Its all over.大功告成。113. Will it be ok if I go home early today?我今天早走一会儿可以吗?114. Lets change the subject.我们换个话题。115. Im really proud of this.我对此感到很自豪。116. Do it over again.全部重做。117. Dont let it get you down.别灰心。118. Ill do it my own way.我用我自己的办法。119. Pay me a visit next Monday 下周一来拜访我。120. Ill put it on my credit card.我用信用卡付款。121. What have you been up to?你在忙些什么。122. It must be hard for you.真是辛苦你了。123. What do you do in your free time?你有空的时候都会做什么?124. What a good deal?真便宜!/ 真是一桩好买卖!125. How come?怎么回事?126. Lets drop it.别提了。127. How do you like your job?你觉得你的工作怎么样?128. I cant make ends meet on my small salary.挣这么点薪水根本没法生活。129. Ill get back to you in a while.我过会儿给你答复。130. He has been very helpful.他很乐于助人。131. May I have a word?我能说一句吗?132. Sorry to have kept you waiting.抱歉让你久等了。133. Sorry for interrupting.对不起,打断一下。134. Id like to make a suggestion.我想提个建议。135. Im really behind in my work.我工作落下了很多。136. Ill think about it.我考虑考虑吧。137. I see your point.我明白你的意思。138. Just one more thing.最后一件事。139. I pulled an all-nighter last night.我昨晚熬夜了。140. Its a deal.一言为定。141. Pardon me?请再说一遍。142. Can I get some feedback on my performance?我可以了解一些关于我的表现的反馈吗?143. Ive made up my mind.我已经下定决心了。144. Im afraid so.恐怕是。145. What is your complaint?你不满什么?146. You messed it up.你吧事情弄的一团糟。147. It wont happen again.这样的错误不会再犯。148. I know.我知道。149. Its over my head.太难懂了。150. I cant agree more.我非常同意。/ 我再赞成不过了。151. How is your job-hunting going?你的工作找的怎么样了?152. I have a part-time job.我做些兼职。153. Thats really impressive!这真令人印象深刻。154. Id rather you didnt.我希望你不要那样。155. Let me put it another way.让我换个说法156. I agree with you partially.我同意你的部分观点。157. Ill do it.我这就做。158. Ill accept your offer.我接受你的建议。159. Were on our way.我们已经开始干起来了。160. Well talk about it later.再说吧。161. My proposal was accepted at the meeting.我的策划案在会议中通过了。162. Theres something to it.这事有点不对劲。163. Im running out of time.所剩时间不多了。164. It slipped my mind.我忘了。165. I would like to make an appointment.我想预约。166. Could you come to my office for a while?你能来一下我的办公室吗?167. What are we going to do about that?我们该怎么办?168. Call me when youre free.你有空的时候给我打电话。169. Its been a long day.今天忙了一天。170. Are you working overtime tonight?今晚你加班了吗?171. He was already got off work.他已经下班了。172. Can I take a message?我能捎个信儿吗?173. Let me show you.我做给你看。174. Your prices seem a little high.你们的价钱高了一些。175. Put yourself in my shoes.你们该为我想想。176. As soon as possible!尽快!177. Give me a break.饶了我吧。178. I have a lot of experience in that field.我在该领域有着丰富的经验。179. We could offer you a discount.我们可以给您打个折。180. Lets talk some more.我们再多谈谈。181. Well have a meeting this afternoon.我们今天下午有个会。182. Thank you for your time.谢谢你抽出时间。183. The meeting is closed.闭会。184. Shes too talkative.她太多话了。185. Im looking for a new job now.我现在正在找新工作。186. I was offered the position.我已经得到那份工作了。187. Manager thinks highly of him.经理对他的评价很高。188. Ill keep that in mind.我会记住的。189. Dont talk back to me!别跟我顶嘴!190. Why are you picking on me?你干嘛老挑我的刺儿?191. Im calling to enquire about flights to New York.我想询问飞往纽约的航班的信息。192. Id like to book a hotel room.我想定个酒店房间。193. We made it! 我们成功了!194. Its kind of complicated.这有点复杂。195. I need it badly.我急需。196. She got the sack.她被开除了。197. Youre to blame.这是你的错。198. Take it easy.慢慢来。199. Thanks for your advice.谢谢你的建议。200. Lets call it a day.今天就到此为止吧。201. Would you like to go to the meeting in my place?你能代表我去参加这个会议吗?202. Have any advice?你(们)有什么建议?203. Got any ideas?有头绪吗?204. Let me see.让我看看。205. We would have had the work done by now.我们现在已经把工作完成了。206. Im just following orders.我就是照吩咐去做的。207. Lets drop it.别提了。208. You cant take it back!说话算话。209. Keep going!继续干活吧!210. Lets start with the first issue.让我们开始第一项议题吧。211. Theres a good chance. 这是个好机会。212. He has no sense of responsibility.他没有半点责任感。213. Hes a hard-working man.他是个努力工作的人。214. He was a brown-noser.他是个拍马屁的人。215. Im afraid I cant agree with you there.恐怕这一点上我不能同意你。216. Its not my job.这不是我的工作。217. I dont want to ge involved.我不想被卷进去。218. Dont blow it!别搞砸了!219. Which day is good for you?你哪天方便?220. I am tied up all day tommow.明天我有事情要做。221. Ill be right with you.我马上就可以见你了。222. Its a big hit.这是一个巨大的成功。223. I had a last-minute meeting today.我今天有个临时会议要开。224. Its great to finally meet you.很高兴最终和你见面了。225. Where was I?我说道哪儿了?226. It was my fault.是我的错。227. Im flattered.过奖了。228. You deserve it.你应得的。229. Im sure I can do it 我确定我能干好的。230. I promise.我保证。231. May I have you attention please?请大家注意。232. I owe him.我欠他的情。233. He has been an asset to our company.他是我们公司的骨干。234. Good for you.真替你高兴。235. Did you have trouble finding the place?你找到这里困难吗?236. I didnt see things eye to eye.我们对有些事情的看法不一致。237. I will keep up the good work.我会继续努力工作。238. Lets get moving!快点干!239. Im with you.我支持你。240. Lets not get too hasty.别操之过急。241. Hi,this is Ross Evans frome E&D company.你好,我是来自 E&D 公司的Ross Evans。242. Can you ask her to give me a call?你能让她给我打电话吗?243. How can I help you?我能帮您什么吗?244. Im just putting you through.我现在就帮你接过去。245. We are all set.我们准备好了。246. I need a definite answer.我需要一个明确的答复。247. Lets compromise.我们各退一步吧。248. I doubt it.我怀疑。249. Its now or never.现在正是机会。250. Please contact me if there are any further questions.如果有任何进一步的要求,请跟我联系。251. Sorry for being late.对不起,我迟到了。252. What held you up this morning?你今天早上怎么晚了?253. I was caught in traffic.我今天堵车。254. cant do two things at the same time. 某人只有一双手。255. He is all thumbs.他笨手笨脚的。256. Since everyone is here, we should get started.既然大家都到了,我们开始吧。257. Im all ears.我洗耳恭听。258. It sounds like weve found some common ground.我们似乎达成了共识。259. It makes sense!有道理!260. I dont really know what is on his mind.我不知道他在想什么。261. She is a smooth talker.她很会说话。262. When is this due?这个什么时候截止。263. Are you going to complete the report on time?你能按时完成报告吗?264. Ive come across some problems.我遇到了一些问题。265. Dont make any excuses!别找借口了!266. Dont jump to conclusion.别过早就下结论。267. Ive managed to sort out the problem.我设法解决了这个问题。268. Keep me informed.有事情随时通知我。269. Its a piece of cake.这事很容易。270. Need a hand?需要帮忙吗?271. I think its all set for now.我想现在事情都确定了。272. Where are we going for our business trip?我们出差要去哪里?273. Thats not what I mean.我不是那个意思。274. Im going on a business trip next week.我下周出差。275. Thats not gonna work.行不通。276. I cant do anything about it.对这事我无计可施。277. I think thats acceptable.我认为这能接受。278. Ill see what I can do.我会看看我能做些什么。279. Theres no turning back.已经不可挽回了。280. It depends.看情况。281. Pull yourself together.打起精神来。282. Hes good for nothing.他一无是处。283. He handles things quickly.他这个人做事很麻利的。284. Ill tell him as soon as he comes back.他一回来我就告诉他。285. Our manager has been expecting you.我们经理在等你。286. I bet youre right.我相信你是正确的。287. What do you think?你觉得呢?288. Its about time to get going.我差不多该走了。289. I have to send out my report before five.我要在五点前提交报告。290. Good luck to you.祝你成功。291. Leave it up to me.这事就交给我吧。292. Take a break.休息一下。293. Good point.说的好。294. Whats your point?你的重点是什么?295. Lets get back to the point.请言归正传。296. May I have one day off?我想请一天假。297. I couldnt help it!我一点办法也没有。298. I dont think youre listening to me.你根本没在听我说话。299. I will finish it somehow.我会想办法完成的。300. I think youre mistaken.我觉得你错了。


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