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Module 6ProblemsUnit 1If I start after dinner,Ill finish it before I go to bed.【教学目标】词汇guitar,fail,exam,instrument,deal,habit,get into the habit of,schoolwork,necessary,shame,instead,community,knowledge,consider,last word句型1.Tonys parents want to stop him enjoying music,although they have made a deal with him before.2If I start after dinner,Ill finish it before I go to bed.3I want you to get into the habit of doing your homework as soon as you come home from school.4Thats a shame.5How does Tony feel about the work in the library?重点难点1.本单元词汇和重点句型。2if引导条件状语从句,主将从现。【重点难点】1掌握文中重点词汇和句型。2熟练运用文中出现的日常交际用语。【教学思路】1让学生以小组为单位讨论各自在生活中或学习方面遇到的难以解决的问题。然后让其他组讨论解决这些问题的办法。引导学生积极活跃地参与到课堂教学中。2结合录音、幻灯片和多媒体等辅助的教学手段,采用不同的形式,引导学生运用有关提供建议的句型进行交际。【教学准备】黑板,录音机,卡片,多媒体等。【教学过程】Step 1 Warming up1师生问候。2师生对话,导入新课。如:T:Do you need help if you have any problems in your life or study?S:Yeah,we need.T:And can you give any advice to the problems?S:Yes,we can.T:OK.Now Tony meets a problem.S:活动小结:新模块开始,教师通过与学生自由谈论生活和学习中遇到的问题,导入新课,活跃了课堂气氛,也能让学生比较迅速地进入到学习状态中,调动他们的学习积极性。消除了第一节课的紧张感。Step 2 Presentation1学习新单词。教师用多媒体和卡片两种形式呈现单词及短语:guitar,fail,exam,instrument,deal,get into the habit of,schoolwork,necessary,shame,instead,community,knowledge,last word,并领读,让学生了解它们的词性及含义。2将单元的标题写在黑板上,让学生谈论标题的含义。需要详细讲解的单词如下:(1)展示一张吉他的幻灯片,从而引出单词guitar,名词“吉他”。(2)动词fail“未能及格,未能达到”。常用词组:fail the exam考试不及格。(3)由fail the exam而引出单词exam,名词“考试”。(4)展示几张关于音乐器材的图片,从而教学单词instrument,名词“乐器,仪器”。(5)由homework“家庭作业”,引出新单词schoolwork“学生课业,功课”,不可数。(6)necessary形容词,“必要的,必需的”。(7)shame不可数名词“可惜,遗憾”。(8)knowledge不可数名词“知识,学识”。(9)consider动词,“考虑,斟酌”。(10)community名词“社区,社会”。3操练词汇。(1)给学生几分钟时间,让学生拼读单词。(2)让学生用词汇造句。活动小结:教师以图片的形式导入新单词,以图记忆,通过操练让学生加深印象。利用多种形式调动他们的学习积极性。Step 3 Practice & Listening1Listen to decide what Tonys problem is and check the true sentences.(Activities 12)(1)Let students to read the instructions and make them know what Tonys problem is.(2)Play the tape again.Then let students check the true sentences in Activity 2.(3)Ask students to say something about the dialogue after finishing two activities.2Listen to and read the dialogue to finish Activities 35.(1)Ask students to read the dialogue in pairs and summarize the language points in the dialogue.get into the habit of养成的习惯,后面跟名词或者动名词形式,get into可以用develop代替。instead of代替,而不是,作为介词短语,后面跟名词、代词或者动名词,偶尔也跟复合结构。If I start after dinner,Ill finish it before I go to bed.本句为if引导的条件状语从句,从句有两种情况:真实条件句和虚拟条件句。if的反义词是unless。引导真实条件句时,从句的谓语动词通常用一般现在时表将来;引导虚拟条件句时,注意时态的搭配。Thats not the point.那不是重点。No deal.小事情。Thats a shame.那是耻辱。(2)教师让学生采取多种形式操练以上的知识点。利用短语造句。利用学习的日常用语创编小会话等等。(3)Let students work in groups,and discuss what the problems between Tony and his father are.(4)Finish Activities 45,and check the answers together.活动小结:让学生听读对话,让他们思考问题,锻炼他们用英语思维的能力。Step 4 Pronunciation & Speaking1Listen and mark the pauses.(1)Play the tape and let students listen to the sentences.(2)Pay attention to the pauses.(3)Ask students to point out the pauses.(4)Let students listen to the dialogue in Activity 3,and ask students to pay attention to the pauses.2Talk about the problems.活动小结:让学生锻炼口头表达能力以及用英语思维的能力。Step 5 Homework1Memorize the words,main phrases and sentences in this unit.2Talk about the problems you have with your parents.【板书设计】Unit 1If I start after dinner,III finish it before I go to bed.Words and phrases:guitar,fail,exam,instrument,deal,get into the habit of,schoolwork,necessary,shame,instead of,community,knowledge,last wordSentences:1Thats a shame.2No deal.3You mean 4Thats not the point.


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