云南省2019中考英语复习 第1部分 教材同步复习 Grade 7 Book 2 Units 4-6课堂达标演练.doc

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云南省2019中考英语复习 第1部分 教材同步复习 Grade 7 Book 2 Units 4-6课堂达标演练.doc_第1页
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云南省2019中考英语复习 第1部分 教材同步复习 Grade 7 Book 2 Units 4-6课堂达标演练.doc_第2页
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第一部分Grade 7Book 2Units 46.单项填空1Lucy sits in front of Jim. Jim sits _B_ Lucy. Ain front ofBbehindCnext to Dunder2(xx北京)Many people like pandas _D_ theyre cute.AthoughBifCwhileDbecause3Shirley is still waiting for her flight to New York City _A_ the airport.AatBinCon Dwith4(xx黄石)In fact, pandas have become so popular that they are now a _B_ of China. AsubjectBsymbol CsignDspirit5(xx海南改编)We shouldnt waste water. Instead, we should _B_ it.AprotectBsaveCkeepDlose.词形转换1Amy wishes _to_see_ her old friends at her birthday party. (see)2Its too _noisy_ outside. I cant fall asleep. (noise)3My father usually _relaxes_ for half an hour after work. (relax)4. Where is your brother?He is watching TV in the _living_ room. (live)5Do you know there are two _zoos_ in this city?(zoo)6Last week the students went skating and enjoyed _themselves_ very much.(them)7I can understand the _importance_ of the study. (important) 8Spring is warm and _windy_.(wind)9Russia is on the _north_ of China.(northern)10He works in an _American_ company.(America)11She is so clever that she can solve the math problem _easily_.(easy).词组翻译1I bought two _movie_tickets_ to Amazing China yesterday. (电影票)2Generally speaking, excellent learners have some good _learning_habits_ in common. (学习习惯)3Elephants are smart animals and they never _get_lost_.(迷路)4My father wants _to_cut_down_ the apple tree in the yard. (砍倒)5I dont want to swim in that _swimming_pool_ because the water is too dirty. (游泳池)6I love robots because they are_kind_of_interesting_.(有点有趣)7Tom is stronger than _any_other_ student in the class.(其他的)8It _sounded_like_ someone was hurt.(听起来像)9I had a great time _playing_computer_games_.(玩电脑游戏)10Last year, my family and I were _on_vacation_ in Thailand.(度假)11My grandpa is _reading_a_newspaper_.(看报纸)12The _Dragon_Boat_Festival_ is coming!We will have a dragon boat race that day.(端午节)13The _police_station_ is not far from here.(警察局)1How is everything going?_C_.AEverything is going fast BNothing has been doneCNot so bad, you know DNot doing wrong, you see2Mary, dont eat too much junk food. Its bad for your health._A_.ASorry, I wont BDont worryCIts a pity DNot at all


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