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2019版八年级英语上册Unit9Canyoucometomyparty复习新版人教新目标版Step1 Everyday listening (复习指南)Step2单词集锦1.准备(v.) _ -( n.)_-(adj.)_2.赶上(v.) _ - _-_3.悬挂(v.) _-_-_ 4.邀请(v.) _-( n.)_5.接受(v.) _-(反义词) 拒绝_6.回复(v.) _- (单三) _-(过去式)_7.没有(prep.) _- (反义词)_8.感到惊讶的(adj.人)_-(adj.物)_-(v.&n.)_9.开幕式(n.) _-打开(v.) _-(反义词)关闭_10.音乐会(n.)_ 11.客人(n.) _12.日历(n.) _13.高兴的,愿意的(adj.)_-(反义词)悲伤的_Step3 重点词组集锦P65 1.为考试做准备prepare for the exam 2.去看医生go to the doctor 3.感冒have a flu 4.周六下午on Saturday afternoon 5.来(参加)派对come to the partyP66 6.没空be not available/free 7.太多作业too much homework 8.其他时间another time 9.骑车旅行go bike riding 10.和朋友闲逛hang out with friends P68 11.后天the day after tomorrow 12.前天the day before yesterday13.照顾我妹妹look after my sisterP69 14.接受邀请accept the invitation 15.拒绝邀请refuse/ turn down the invitation16.道谢的最好方式the best way to say thank you 17.去武汉旅行take a trip to Wuhan 18.举办惊喜派对have/hold a surprise party 19.没有告诉她without telling her20.盼望收到你的来信look forward to hearing from you 21.乐意帮助他人be glad/ready to help others21.帮我解决难题 help me out.P70 22.邀请他来参加派对invite him to the party P71 23的开幕式the opening of 24.周三上午on the morning of Wednesday25.书面回复这个邀请reply in writing to the invitation 26.周五前by FridayStep4 教材回顾-重点词汇归纳1. can (1)用can发出邀请:Can you come to my birthday party?你能来参加我的生日派对吗?肯定回答Yes, Id love to.否定回答Sorry, Im afraid I cant. (2)can表示能力。Can you speak French? 你会说法语吗? 同义词组be able to 2.thank sb. for doing thank sb. for doing sth.意思是感谢某人做了某事,如:感谢她帮我 thank her for helping me感谢你邀请我Thank you for inviting me=Thank you for your invitation 3.what a good idea what a good idea意为“一个多么好的主意啊”,是一个感叹句,可以转换为“how good the idea is!” 多么糟糕的消息啊!What bad news! 变式:打篮球多么有趣啊!How interesting it is to play basketball! 课文原句再现:为了表明我们会有多么想念她,让我们给她举办一个惊喜派对吧!To show how much we are going to miss her, lets have a surprise party for her.4.so that so that意为(1)以便于(2)这样一来,后接从句 例句:你最好早点起床,这样你不会被老师惩罚.Youd better get up earlier so that you wont be punished by the teacher. sothat意为”如此以至于”例句:我起床太晚没有赶上早班车。I got up so late that I didnt catch the early bus.5.accept & receive accept和receive都有收到之意,但又有区别。accept指主观心理上的接受,而receive指客观的收到。 例句:我收到了他的信,但是我没接受邀请。 I received his letter, but I didnt accept the invitation.6.invite invite意为“邀请”,名词形式是invitation 有两种用法:(1)邀请某人去某地 invite sb. to sp. (2)邀请某人做某事 invite sb. to do sth.短语:邀请她去武汉旅行 invite her to take a trip to Wuhan7.surprised surprised意为“感到惊奇的”,修饰人,修饰物用surprising,名词及动词形式均为surprise 短语:出乎我的意料to my surprise 我对他说的话感到惊讶。Im surprised at what he said. 他们昨天举办的派对令人惊讶。The party they held yesterday was surprising.8.prepare prepare意为“准备”,名词形式是preparation形容词形式是prepared,意为”准备好的” 短语:为做准备prepare for sth.=make a preparation for sth. 能够并且愿意做某事 be prepared to do sth. 例句:他们在给Mary准备惊喜派对。 They are preparing for the surprise party for Mary.9.too much & too many Too much &too many 都表示太多,too much修饰不可数名词,too many修饰可数名词复数 短语:太多考试too much exams 太多盐too much salt 拓展:much too意为“太”,修饰形容词, 如:太晚much too lateStep5 重点句型归纳1.原句:She isnt leaving until next Wednesday. P66仿句:(简单题)直到半夜他才去睡觉。 _ (能力提升题)-Many people_ (直到朋友离开他们才意识到与他人好好相处很重要).-Yes, so we must learn to communicate with others. (until)2.原句:Bring Ms. Steen to the party without telling her so that she can be surprised. P69仿句:(简单题)不要不吃早饭就去上学。_ (能力提升题) -What did the teacher ask you? -He asked_(是否可以读更大声些以便大家都能够听清楚)next time. (so) -I_(我如此粗心以至于误把盐放进我的咖啡里了)(by) -So you were.3. 原句:Im looking forward to hearing from you.P69仿句:(简单题)-l-Have you been invited to take part in Judys party? -Sure, I_(期待参加)the party. (look)(能力提升题)-Could you tell me_ (他期盼已久的音乐会是否会在广州举行)-Yes, they are. (look)Step6重点词组检测P65 1.为考试做准备_ 2.去看医生_ 3.感冒_ 4.周六下午_ 5.来(参加)派对_P66 6.没空_ 7.太多作业_ 8.其他时间_ 9.骑车旅行_ 10.和朋友闲逛_ P68 11.后天_ 12.前天_13.照顾我妹妹_P69 14.接受邀请_ 15.拒绝邀请_/ _16.道谢的最好方式_ 17.去武汉旅行_18.举办惊喜派对_/_ 19.没有告诉她_20.盼望收到你的来信_ 21.乐意帮助他人_21.帮我解决难题_P70 23.邀请他来参加派对_ P71 24的开幕式_ 25.周三上午_26.书面回复这个邀请_


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