七年级英语下册 情态动词拔高课讲义 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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情态动词拔高课(讲义)一、情态动词基本特征I can play the drums very well.She must spend an hour reading English every day. That boy may be Lindas brother.情态动词属于 ,不能单独构成谓语,后面要接动词,并且只能接 。没有人称,时态和数的变化。用来表达说话人的情绪,态度或语气。练习:()What can she do?She can _ guitar.A. playB. play theC. plays theD. playing()The girl in red maymy old friend, Jane.A. amB. isC. beD. are () Maryat home tonight because she a lot of clothes to wash.A. may; hasB. may be; haveC. must; hasD. may be ; has二、句式转换I can swim so I want to join the swimming club. I cant go to the cinema with you tomorrow.Can you play the guitar?含有情态动词的句子,变否定句时直接在 后加not;变为一般疑问句时,把 提到句首。练习:He can stay for dinner tonight.(变为一般疑问句)I may go to the countryside next month.(变为否定句)My friend can join the music club.(就划线部分提问)We must arrive in Henan tomorrow.(就划线部分提问)三、情态动词总结can1. 能够,会My sister can speak English quite well. But I cant speak English at all.can 可以用来描述某人具有某种 。2. 可以You can go home now.You can take this book away if you like it.can 可以用来表示一种_ 。3. 可以吗?Can you pass me s piece of paper?Can I stay at my friends home tonight?can 可以用来表示 ,并且通常对于关系亲近的人。肯定回答用 Yes, sb can. 否定回答用 No, sb cant.could1. 能够,会I could ride the bicycle when I was seven. He could swim when he was a little child.用来描述某人具有某种能力,用于 。The little girlspeak French very well.Ispeak a few French when I was young, but I forget all now.2. 可以吗Could you help me move the heavy box? Could I have a look at your family photos?could 可以用来表示 ,口气比 can 委婉。回答时,与 can 相同肯定回答用 Yes, sb can. 否定回答用 No, sb cant. ()Could I borrow your ruler, please?Yes, you _. But you must return it before lunchtime.A. have toB. canC. mustD. couldneedTina needs to get some sleep.I dont need to go home yetits still early. He needed to finish the work yesterday.need 作实义动词,有人称,时态的变化。接动词时,用动词不定式。Need I come here before eight tomorrow morning?No, you neednt.need 也可作情态动词,常用于否定句和疑问句中,neednt 翻译为“没必要”。练习:判断下列句子中的 need 属于实义动词还是情态动词Andy needs to have a rest. Need I pay him a visit? You neednt get here so early. must v. 必须Tom, you must listen to your teacher at school. We must stop when the traffic light is red.I must keep the habit of going to bed early.must 常用来表达一种 或者一种 。have to “不得不,必须”Do you want to play basketball with us after school?Id love to, but I have to finish my homework first. I had to leave at that time.(变为否定句)She has to look after her little brother today.(变为一般疑问句) must & have to区别 1:must 多表示主观需要或责任感的驱使有必要或有义务去做某事,多译为“ ”,而 have to 除了表示必须,也可表示环境所限,客观要求( 无奈) 而为之,多译为“ ”。You must be here on time tomorrow.I must get up early to catch the first train.I cant go out with you because I have to do my homework now.I have to leave school because my family is very poor.区别 2: 没有人称,时态的变化; 有人称,时态的变化。区别 3:否定形式的含义不同must 的否定形式 mustnt 表示“禁令”,译为“禁止,绝对不能”;have to 的否定形式 dont have to 译为“没必要”。Children mustnt swim in the river.You dont have to take a taxi. It is still early.联系:Must I hand in the homework now?Yes, you must/have to.No, you dont have to/neednt.must 提问的一般疑问句,肯定回答用 must 或者 have to;肯定回答用 dont have to 或者 neednt.()Must I be in hospital for a week, Doctor?No, you . You can go back home tomorrow.A. cantB. mustntC. needntD. mustmay1. “可能,也许”表达一种可能性I may visit my grandparents on Sunday, but I am not sure yet.I cant find my watch.It may be in your schoolbag.2. “可以”You may take this away if you like it. You may have your lunch now.3. “可以吗?好吗?”May I use your telephone? May I come in?may 表示委婉请求时,常与第一人称连用。语气比 can,could委婉。肯定回答用 Yes, sb may. 否定回答用No, you cant 或者No, you mustnt.()May I smoke here?Im sorry you . It is dangerous to smoke here.A. needntB. canC. mayD. mustnt may be & maybeShe may be at home now.Maybe she wants to go to movies with you today.may be:may 后要接动词原形。am,is,are 的原形为 be。maybe:是一个副词,意思是“也许,可能”。常放在句首。()Will you answer the telephone? Ityour mother.A. can beB. may beC. have to beD. maybe四、课堂练习()1. What must your brother do every day?He mustpiano.A. practice playB. practices playC. practice playingD. practices playing ()2. Can your brother drive? . He often drives me to work.A. Yes, he canB. No, he cantC. Yes, he drivesD. No, he doesnt drive ()3. They _ play football last Fridaybecause Simon forgot to bring his football here.A. couldB. couldntC. cantD. can ()4. Could I have another cup of coffee?Yes, of course you .A. canB. cantC. couldD. couldnt ()5. Lisa is a little poor at Chinese. I think sheneedsit every day.A. practice to speakB. to practice speakingC. practice speakingD. to practice to speak ()6.Lets take a taxi.No, we . Its not far from here.A. cantB. mustntC. couldntD. neednt()7. Do you have to make dinner for your dad? . He is always very busy.A. Yes, I amB. Yes, I doC. No, I cantD. No, I dont ()8. Itrain tomorrow.A. canB. mustC. have toD. may ()9. Westop when the traffic light is red.A. mayB. canC. cantD. must ()10. Marystay in her room because itrained heavily yesterday.A. had toB. have toC. has toD. may()11. It is so far from here.If you want, you _use my car.A. mustB. have toC. cantD. may()12. Please be quiet. Youuse your cellphone or talk to each other in the library.A. dont have toB. mustntC. canD. may()13. Youfinish the book today.You can give me back on weekends.A. canB. dont have toC. cantD. may()14. Must I finish the work before five?No, you .A. needntB. mustntC. mustD. have to()15. May I have a look at that picture?Im sorry you . Its a secret(秘密).A. dont have toB. cantC. may notD. can()16. My sisterstaying on bed now. She doesnt have to go to school today.A. maybeB. have toC. may beD. may二、用适当的情态动词填空17. Look! The boystand on his hands.Ialso do it when I was very young.18. You train.get up so early. You can also catch the second19. Tom, youlisten to your teacher at school.20. The clocktell us time.21. Itbe rainy, sunny or cloudy tomorrow. Who knows?22. I use your car? Yes, you may.三、按要求完成句子23. That thin girl can speak French.(改为否定句)24. You must return the book now.(改为一般疑问句)25. The boy may go to England next month.(就划线部分提问)26. 上学期间我们必须穿校服。(翻译句子)Weschool uniform on school days.27. Jim has to clean the classroom after school today.(就划线部分提问)28. 在我能看电视之前我必须读一本书。(翻译句子)Iread a bookbefore Iwatch TV.29. 那个穿红衣服的女士可能是我们的新老师。(翻译句子)The lady in red _our new teacher.30. 你没必要到这那么早。(翻译句子)Youget here so early.【参考答案】一、助动词动词原形BCD二、情态动词情态动词Can he stay for dinner tonight?Ii may not go to the countryside next month. What club can your friend join?When must you arrive in Henan?三、can:能力准许请求许可could:一般过去时 cancould请求许可Bneed:实义动词情态动词情态动词must:命令,规定 主观意愿have to:I didnt have to leave at that time.Does she have to look after her little sister today?必须不得不musthave toCmay:DB四、15: CABAB610:DBDDA1116:DBBABC17. can could18. Neednt19. must20. can21. may22. May23. That thin girl cant speak French.24. Must I return the book now?25. Where may the boy go next month?26. have to wear27. What does Jim have to do after school today?28. mustcan29. may be30. dont have to


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