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Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag【复习目标】1. 熟练掌握本单元的重点词汇和短语。2. 熟练掌握本单元的重难点。【学习过程】Step 1: 词汇听写Step 2: 重难点集训1.where的用法where是疑问副词,意为“在哪里;到哪里”,常用来引导特殊疑问句,用于询问某人或某物的位置。基本结构:Wherebe动词限定词名词?其中be动词的单复数形式取决于其后的名词。如:Where is your mom?你的妈妈在哪里?She is in the garden.她在花园里。Where are those pencils?那些铅笔在哪里?They are in the pencil box.它们在铅笔盒里。学以致用.单项选择。( )1._ is my sister,Mom?In her room.AWho BWhat CWhere DHow( )2.Where _ your CDs?On the TV.Ais Bare Cbe Dam( )3._ my tape player?On the table.AWhere BWhere is CWhere are DHow is( )4.Where is that radio?_ under the chair.AThis is BThat is CIt is DThey are( )5._?Theyre on the sofa.AWhere are my books BWhere is my bookCWheres my books DWhere my books are.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。6他的书包在哪里?在课桌下面。 _ his schoolbag?Its _ the desk.7你的父母在哪里?他们在客厅里。_ _ your parents?Theyre in the living room.2.ask的用法ask作动词,意为“询问”,对应词为answer,意为“回答”。如:Can I ask you a question?我能问你一个问题吗?ask作动词,意为“要求;请求”,常用结构:ask sb.for sth.问某人要某物ask sb.for help.向某人寻求帮助ask sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事学以致用单项选择。( )8.You can ask the teacher _ your computer game.Ato Bfor Cin Dat( )9.Our teacher asks us _ hard.Astudy Bto study Cis Dto be3.and与but辨析and意为“和;又;而”,常位于句中,用来连接并列的成分,表示并列或顺承关系。如:There is a pen and a book on the desk.桌子上有一支钢笔和一本书。but意为“但是”,用来连接并列的成分,表示语义上的转折。如:I like blue,but my sister likes pink.我喜欢蓝色,但是我的姐姐喜欢粉色。学以致用.单项选择。( )10.I am looking for(寻找) my pen everywhere,_ I cant find it.Abut Band Ctoo Dfor( )11.My sister_ I are tidy,_my brother isnt.Aand;and Bbut;but Cand;but Dbut;and.用and或but完成下列句子。12I have a new watch,_ I dont like it.13These are my parents,_ those are my friends.4.in与on辨析in意为“在里”,常指某人/物在某范围空间里。on意为“在上”,强调某物在另一物体的表面上。【拓展】in the tree 与on the tree都表示“在树上”,in the tree指外来的附在树上的事物;on the tree指树本身自然生长出来的事物。学以致用.用适当的方位介词填空。14Look!There is a little cat _the tree.15Where are Jim and his father?Theyre _ the sofa.根据汉语意思完成句子16那面墙上有一些画。There are some pictures _ 17钥匙在沙发上面。The keys _ the sofa.18地图在书包里。The map _ the schoolbag.Step 3: 实战演练1在线检测:请你在平台完成Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?单元检测,提交后自己看错题及解析。参考答案重难点集训where的用法学以致用.CBBCA.Wheres ,under 7Where are ask的用法学以致用BBand与but辨析学以致用.AC. 12 but 13 andin与on辨析学以致用. 14in15on.16 on the wall17are on 18is in


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