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书面表达 (1)请你根据以下要点介绍你的好朋友Ann给你的同学们,字数80左右。1Ann今年12岁,她来自美国。现在和家人一起住在南京。2她又高又苗条。长头发。戴着眼镜。3她喜欢所有的功课。擅长的是英语和数学。4在她的空闲时间里,她喜欢听音乐。她经常在电视上观看排球比赛。5在学校里,她有许多新朋友。她每天步行上学。 (2)以“My family”为题, 根据下面的提示,写一篇短文,70词左右。1. 我家五口人。2. 我爸爸在一所学校当老师,妈妈是一家医院的护士。他们不在家吃午饭。3. 我早饭常吃面条和鸡蛋,有时喝牛奶。 我步行去上学。4. 我喜欢夏天。在夏天,我有时和朋友们在户外踢足球。5. 我非常爱我的家。My family (3) 根据以下英文提示介绍W111iam最喜欢的运动。词数60左右。like . very much, a member of ., play with ., after school, talk about ., watch matches,favourite football star_ (4)假如你是李明,请你按表格中的提示写一篇自我介绍,给你的笔友,可作适当发挥。词数70词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。姓名李明年龄12来自苏州居住地上海学校上海第一中学班级七年级(1)班擅长踢足球,游泳课外活动。其他喜欢新学校My name is Liming_ (5)同学们,假设你是Tom, 请根据表格内容,以“ This is me ! ”为题写一篇作文,词数:不少于100个单词。要求:语句通顺,条理清晰,书写工整。姓名Tom年龄13来自南京班级,年级七(14)学校第一中学外表又高又瘦 留着短发戴着眼镜业余爱好足球和篮球擅长跑步不擅长语文同学都友好This is me! (6)假设Ann是南京实验学校(Nanjing Experimental School)七年级一班的学生,请你根据以下要点介绍她给你的同学,字数80字左右。1. Ann 今年十二岁,她来自于美国,现在和家人一起住在南京。2. 她又高又苗条,长头发,戴着眼镜。3. 她是南京实验学校七年级一班的学生。她喜欢所有的功课,最擅长的功课是英语。4. 她喜欢体育,最喜欢的运动是排球,打得也很好。她经常周末和朋友一起打排球。5. 在她空闲的时间,她喜欢听音乐和看电视。经常观看排球比赛。6. 在中国,她很开心。她有很多新的朋友,她也很喜欢美丽的新学校。 参考答案 (1)Ann is my best friend. She is twelve years old. She comes from America. Now she lives in Nanjing with her parents. She is tall and thin. She has long hair and she wears a pair of glasses. She likes all her subjects but she is good at English and math. In her free time ,she likes listening to music. She always watches basketball games on TV. She has lots of friends in school. She walks to school every day. (2)My familyThere are five people in my family. My father is a teacher in a school and my mother is a nurse in a hospital. They dont have lunch at home. I often have noodles and eggs for breakfast, sometimes I have a glass of milk. Every day I g to school on foot. I like summer. In summer, sometimes I play football with my friends in the open air. I like my family very much. (3) William likes football very much. He is a member of the school football team. He oftenplays football with his classmates after school. They often talk about football and watch football matches on TV. His favourite football star is Messi. Messi is his hero. (4)My name is Liming. I am twelve years old. I come from Suzhou. But now I live in Shanghai.I am in Shanghai No. 1 Middle School. I am in Class One, Grade Seven. I am good at playing soccer and swimming. I always play soccer with my new friends after school.I like my new school. (5Hi, everyone! My name is Tom. I am 13 years old. I am from Nanjing. I am in Class 14, Grade 7. I am in No.1 Middle School. I am tall and thin. My hair is short. I wears glasses. In my free time, I like playing soccer and basketball. I am good at running. But I am not good at Chinese. I think it is boring. I am good with my classmates. (6)I have a good friend. Her name is Ann. She is 12 years old. She comes from America. She is a student of Nanjing Experimental School. She is tall and thin. She has long hair. She wears glasses. She is in Class 1,Grade 7. She likes all subjects and she is good at English. She also likes P.E. Her favorite sport is volleyball. She plays it well. On weekends, she always plays volleyball with her friends. In her free time, she likes listening to music and watching volleyball games. She has a good time in China. She has a lot of new friends. She also likes the beautiful school.


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