2019版七年级英语上册 满分冲刺 第17讲 常用句型讲义 (新版)牛津版.doc

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2019版七年级英语上册 满分冲刺 第17讲 常用句型讲义 (新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019版七年级英语上册 满分冲刺 第17讲 常用句型讲义 (新版)牛津版.doc_第3页
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2019版七年级英语上册 满分冲刺 第17讲 常用句型讲义 (新版)牛津版题一:sb. like(s)/ enjoy(s)/ love(s)我喜欢游泳。 _.题二:sbs favourite is/are我的朋友们特别喜欢野餐。 _. 题三:sb. be interested insb. is fond of我喜欢各种各样的花。 _. 题四:sb. be excited about你应该为自己的成功感到兴奋。 _. 题五:sb. be good at/sb. do(es) well in我爸爸对汽车感兴趣并且他擅长修车。 _. 题六:sb. always give(s) a helping hand to people in trouble.他是一个乐于助人的人,从不吝惜于伸出援手去帮助有需要的人。 _.题七:sb. like(s) making friends and get(s) on well with others. 她外向的性格让她乐于交友并且擅长与人相处。 _.题八:sb. can make people laugh and we never feel bored to be with him.格林老师很幽默,他常引人发笑,和他在一起你永远不会觉得无聊。 _.题九:It is unusual for sb. to make mistakes in the homework. 他很认真所以很少会发现他作业中的错误。 _.题十:There be我们学校有各种各样的活动。 _. 题十一:It is + adj. for sb. + to do做运动是一件令我兴奋的事。 _. 题十二:sothat李老师太幽默了我们都喜欢她的课。 _. 题十三:not onlybut also旅行不仅能让人放松还能让人亲近大自然。 _. 开头语Everyone has his/her own and so do I. My favorite isIm writing this letter to tell you about I like many kinds of , but among them, I like best. Look! Here is a photo of myI always have a lifestyle/weekend结束语This is my . What do you think about it?/What about yours?In a word, I like best. I hope/ believe/think第17讲 常用句型题一:I like/enjoy/love swimming.题二:My friends favourite activity is picnic.题三:I am fond of all kinds of flowers. 题四:You should be excited about your success. 题五:My father is interested in cars and he is good at/does well in repairing them. 题六:He is a helpful person and he always gives a helping hand to people in trouble. 题七:She is outgoing so she likes making friends and gets on well with others. 题八:Mr. Green is funny so he can make people laugh and you never feel bored to be with him. 题九:He is very careful and it is unusual for him to make mistakes in the homework. 题十:There are all kinds of activities in our school. 题十一:It is exciting for me to do sports. 题十二:Miss Li is so funny that we all like her class. 题十三:Travelling is not only relaxing but also can make people get close to nature.


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