2019版九年级英语下学期第六次月考试题 五四制.doc

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2019版九年级英语下学期第六次月考试题 五四制考生注意: 1. 考试时间90分钟。2. 全卷共七道大题,总分120分。第一部分 语言知识运用 (共75分)得分评卷人题号 VI VII 总分核分人得分I.单项选择题 (本题共20分,每小题1分)从A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并将其字母标号填到题前的括号内。( )1. -How heavy _ rain was!-Yes, but I love_ air after it rains. It smells so fresh. A.the; a B. a; the C. the; the ( ) 2.-The Milers must _ their daughter. -Sure they do , for she does quite well _ her schoolwork. A. take pride of; at B. take pride in; in C. be proud in; in( ) 3. In winter, the weather in Harbin is colder than in Beijing . A. it B. one C. that ( )4.-Tina used to dislike P.E.class,_? -Yes, she did. A. didnt she B. did she C.wasnt she( )5. -I cant play the piano, and _. A. neither can my sister B. My sister cant, too C. So cant my sister( )6. Tom didnt attend the meeting_ was held in the hall last night. A.where B. when C. which( )7.Not only my friends but also I _ interested in football. A. be B. am C. is ( )8.The bottle is full _water and the glass is filled _ water, too. A. of, of B. of, with C. with, of( )9. Drivers shouldnt be allowed _ after drinking ,or they will break the law. A. drive B. driving C. to drive( )10.-Bob, how long_ you _ in this school? -For three years. And Ill graduate in July. A.do;study B. will;study C. have;studied( ) 11. _fathers made them have piano lessons. A. Peters and Anns B. Peter and Anns C. Peters and Ann( ) 12. -Tom wants to know when you _ a picnic next Sunday. -Yes. But if it _, well visit the museum instead A. will have; will rain B. will have, rains C. have; will rain( )13.-Mum, must I wash the dishes right now?-No, you _. A. shouldnt B. neednt C. mustnt( )14.The girl is often sing in her room in the evening. A. heard B. heard to C. hear ( ) 15. -I dont think Kate will come today, _ she? -_, she wont. She is ill and stays at home. A. wont; No B. will; No C. will; Yes ( ) 16. I_ this book for two weeks. I have to return it now. A. have kept B. have borrow C. kept( )17. There _ an English speech contest next week. A. will have B. will be C. is going to have( )18.I dont feel well, mom. I dont feel like_ anything but lie in bed. A.to do B.do C.doing( )19.My father would rather than . A. stay at home; to go out B. to stay at home; to go out C. stay at home; go out( ) 20. We failed in the English competition. _. Everyone wants to win, but the most important thing is to learn something new. A. Good job B. Take it easy C. Well done 得分评卷人II. 完形填空(本题共10分,每小题1分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其字母标号填到题前的括号内。Each different part of China 21 its own special forms of traditional art. These usually try to 22 the things that are important in life, such as love, beauty and family. The most common things, from paper23 clay, to bamboo, are turned into objects of beauty.According to Chinese history, sky lanterns were first 24 by Zhuge Kongming. He sent them out to ask for help when25. Today, sky lanterns are used at festivals and other celebrations. They 26 bamboo and covered with paper. When the lanterns are lit, they 27 rise into the air like small hot-air balloons for all to see. They are seen as bright symbols of happiness and good wishes.Paper cutting 28 around for over 1,500 years. Paper cutting sounds very easy but it can be difficult to do. The paper, usually red, is folded before it is cut with scissors. The most common pictures are flowers, animals, and things about Chinese history. During the Spring Festival, they are put on windows, doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a happy new year.Chinese clay art is 29 because the clay pieces are so small but they look very real. The pieces are usually cute children or lively characters from a Chinese fairy tale or historical story. Th e pieces are carefully shaped by hand from a very special kind of clay and then allowed to air-dry. After drying, they are fired at a very high heat. They are then polished and painted. It takes several weeks to30everything. These small pieces of clay art show the love that all Chinese people have for life and beauty.( ) 21. A. have B. has C.is( )22. A. show B.give C.showing( )23. A. until B. as C.to( )24. A. use B. used C.using( )25. A. in needs B. in pain C.in trouble( )26. A.are made from B.are made of C.made of( )27. A. quickly B. slow C.slowly( )28. A. has B. has been C.was( )29. A.famous B. great C.nice( )30. A. complete B. completing C.to complete得分评卷人III. 情景交际(本题共15分,每小题1分)(A)从A到F中选出所给句子的最佳答案,并将其字母标号填到题前的括号内,每个选项只能用一次。( )31. What color do you want?( ) 32. What is wrong with you, young man?( )33. We have just missed the 8 oclock film.( )34. How will you spend your summer vacation?( )35. Can you sing an English song ?A:It will be on again in one hour. B. Red.C. Yes, I can. D. I have got a headache.E. Here you are. F. I plan to visit Hangzhou. (B) 完成下列交际用语,词数不限。36. A:Please pass me my book. I cant reach it. B: 37. A: B:The book is boring.38. A: B:Its half past nine.39. A: B:It was cloudy yesterday.40. A: B:There are four people in my family.(C)根据对话内容,用恰当的短语或句子将对话补充完整.BA: 41 _?B: Im looking for a pair of black shoes.A: 42 _?B: Size eight.A: Im afraid we havent got any black shoes in that size at the moment. But weve got some brown ones.B: Hmm. 43 _?A: What about those shoes over there?B: Well, that pair looks nice. 44_?A: Fifty yuan.B: Hmm! Thats a bit expensive. 45 _?A: Certainly. 得分评卷人IV. 综合运用(本题共22分,每小题1分)(A)用所给词的适当形式填空。(每空1分)46. My office is on the ( twelve ) floor of the building. 47.They enjoyed _ ( them ) at the party. 48. My parents are very ( please ) with my behavior at school. 49.He tried many times, and at last he was _( success )50.I want to be a (music) when I grow up. What about you?51.Thank you for your ( invite ), Ill go to your party.52.We have made a (decide) to help the old couple.(B)改错(每小题只有一处错误,请将错误部分的字母标号填在题后括号内,并将正确答案写在横线上,保持句意不变。每小题1分)53. My idea is quite different from you. ( ) _ A B C54. They have a little room to live. ( ) _A B C55. He left Shanghai at a cold winter night. ( ) _ A B C56. Great changes have been taken place in the past year . ( ) _ A B C57. He failed in the exam but wanted to try the second time. ( ) _ A B C(C)根据句意或中文提示完成下列句子。(每空一词,每小题1分)58. There are _ days in a week.59. The basketball match is _(值得)watching.60.My aunt has worded in the factory _ she came here.61.We are supposed to _(鼓励)the young to read more books.62.Do you want to be a doctor _ a cook?(D)英汉互译。(每小题1分)63不用则废。 64. 我想要知道我们接下来应该去哪。 65.This is his fourth time to help me out of trouble. 66.It took her father two years to finish writing the book. 67.Someone is looking for you. 得分评卷人V. 句型转换,按要求变化下列句子。(本题共8分,每空一词,每题两分)68. Youve never been to Shanghai before.(改为反意疑问句) Youve never been to Shanghai before,_ _?69. Kate is the cleverest girl in her class (改为同义句) Kate is cleverer than _ _ girl in her class .70. China has the most people in the world.(改为同义句) The _of China is the _in the world.71.Could you tell me how I should use proper language?(改为简单句) Could you tell me _ _ use proper language?得分评卷人 第二部分 阅读理解(共计35分)VI. 阅读理解 (本题共35分,其中A、B和C每小题各1分, D和E每小题各2分) (A)72._ .It can help you to develop a healthy attitude. But how to be more confident? Here are some suggestions:If you like singing, sing as much as you can. In some ways, 73_.And it will make you happy and confident.Exercise makes you tired but relaxed. A strong body helps you be full of confidence.74._. But its easy to overcome if you know that failure is part of your life. Try to start again and believe you can do better.When you are not confident, you will speak in a low voice. 75 _.The high voice can help you become more confident.Write down a list of things you did during the day to see how many things you have done well. Did you finish your homework?Did you tell a joke that made everybody laugh? 76_.根据短文内容,从下列选项中选出能填入题后空白处的最佳选项。A. a hobby can make you outstanding.B. Confidence is very important in daily life C. Fear comes along with failure(失败).D. Try to speak loudly enough so that people can hear you clearly.E .Give yourself praise(表扬)for the good things youve done. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. (B) People in southern China like famous and expensive dishshark fin soup, but no scientific studies have shown that shark fins are good for health. So why do they eat them? Do they realize that theyre killing a whole shark each time they enjoy a bowl of shark fin soup? When people catch sharks, they cut off their fins and throw the shark back into the ocean. This is not only cruel, but also harmful to the environment. Without a fin, a shark can no longer swim and slowly dies. Sharks are at the top of the food chain in the oceans ecosystem. If their numbers drop too low, it will bring danger to all ocean life. In fact, around 70 million sharks are caught and traded in this industry every year. The numbers of some kinds of sharks have fallen by over 90 percent in the last 20 to 30 years. Help save the sharks!根据短文内容判断句子正误( )77. Shark fin soup is popular in northern China. ( )78. No scientific studies show that shark fins are good for health. ( )79. Without a fin, a shark cant swim any longer and slowly dies.( )80. In fact, around 50 million sharks are caught and traded in this industry every year.( )81. We should help save the sharks. (C)Part-time Cleaning HelpAre you looking for a vacation job? Can you clean the house and cook? Then, I need you. The work is boring, but the pay is good. I need you from 2:00 pm5:00 pm, Monday to Saturday. Please come to the cleaning center or call Mrs. Johnson at 544-9968.A Fitness CampFor Overweight KidsAre you too fat? Can you run as fast as your classmates? Have you failed your PE examination?Our fitness camp can help you lose weight and get fit again. Come and join us! Please call Nathan at 475-2300.Next Wave Music StoreAfter 10 years of teaching the piano, David Smith has made his first CD!Come and meet him this weekend.Special presents for the first 50 people.Time: Sat. 7:00 pm Call Marsha at 8732059.Choose the best choice from A、B or C according to what you read.( )82 The cleaner will work _ hours one week.A. 12 B. 15 C. 18( )83. In the fitness camp, you can _ .A. clean the house B. lose weight C. meet David Smith( )84. _ needs a cleaner.A. Mrs. Johnson B. Marsha C. Nathan( )85. You can call _ , if you want to go to the fitness camp.A. 544-9968 B. 475-2300 C. 8732059( )86. If youre the tenth to come to _ , you can get a special present.A. the cleaning center B. the fitness camp C. Next Wave Music Store (D)What will our world be like in 2020? Maybe no one knows. Because we never know what will happen in the future. But its very interesting to make some predictions. Here are some exciting predictions.Languages :English should still be the most popular language, but Chinese should be the second. Now, many foreign people are studying Chinese A their second language.Water:Water will become as expensive as oil because many rivers will disappear. We will have to save water and pay more for clean water.Education and ScienceStudents wont go to school. They will stay at home and study online. Students from all over the world may study together B the Internet. We may eat more genetically (转基因) modified food. And more robots will be around us. Lots of danger housework will be done by them.Living:People will live and work under the sea. Perhaps there will be big towns, factories and farms under the sea, too. Everyone will carry a pocket computer. computer, the, answers, will, all, the, to, their, people, problems, give. Everyone will have telephones in the pockets, too, and they will be able to talk to their friends all over the world.87.任务一: 请在文中A、B 两处的横线上填入适当的单词。(每空一词)小题1: A. _ B. _88.任务二: 请将文中处句子译成汉语。小题2:_。89.任务三: 请将文中处划线句中的一个单词的错误用法找出,并改正在横线上。小题3:_90.任务四: 请将文中处的斜体单词连成句子。小题4:. _.91.任务五:The passage is mainly talking about _.Aeducation and science Bthe school life Cthe life in the future Dthe most popular language (E) You may think there is only sand in the deserts of the world, But it is not true, In the desert, as we know, there is a little rain but it is not enough for most plants. Still we can see some plants live in the desert. There is water in some places in the desert. We call these places oases(绿洲). In the oases, there are villages and towns. People grow all kinds of crops in the fields there, People also live outside the oases. They have camels, sheep and other animals. These animals depend on the desert plants for their food and do not need any water. The animals are useful to the desert people in many ways. They eat the meat and drink the milk of the animals. They use camels for carrying water, food, tents and other things. The people of the desert have to keep moving from place to place, They must always look for grass or desert plants for their animals. When there is no more food for their animals, they move to another place. The desert people are friendly. They would never refuse to help people in trouble, and they would give them food and water.根据短文内容,回答下面各题。92.Is it true that there is only sand in the desert? _93. Do people also live outside the oases? _94. What do the desert people feed animals for? _95. When do the desert people move to another place? _96. Who would the desert people help? _ 第三部分 写作部分 (共计10分)得分评卷人VII写作要求: 学会自我保护是青少年需要具备的一种意识和能力。请根据以下提示,并结合自己的观点,以“How Can We Protect Ourselves”为题,写一篇不少于80词的短文,谈谈在生活中青少年应该怎样自我保护(self-protection)。提示:1. never swim alone; 2. be careful to make friends;3. call the police when you are in danger; 4. eat healthy food;5. dont crowd(go upstairs and downstairs)英语第六次月考模拟试题答案I.单项选择题 1-5 CBCAA 6-10CBBCC 11-15ABBBB 16-20 ABCCB II.完形填空 21-25BACBC 26-30BCBAAIII.情景交际(A) 31-35BDAFC(B)36. Here you are. 37. What do you think of the book?/How do you like the book? 38.What time is it?/ Whats the time? 39.What was the weather like yesterday?/How was the weather yesterday? 40. How many people are there in your family? (C)41What can I do for you?42.What size do you want?43Have you got any other kind?44.How much does it cost?45.Can I try them on, please?IV.综合运用(A) 46.twelfth 47.themselves 48.pleased 49.successful 50.musician 51.invitation 52.decision(B) 53.C yours 54.C live in 55.B on 56.A have 57.C a second(C) 58.seven 59.worth 60.since 61.encourage 62.or(D) 63Use it or lose it. 64.I wonder/want to know where we should go next. 65.这是他第四次帮我摆脱困境 66.她父亲花了两年的时间写完了这本书 67.有人正在找你V. 句型转换68. have you 69.any other 70.population largest 71.how toVI.阅读理解( A) 72-76 BACDE (B) 77-81 TTTFT (C) 82-86 BBABC(D)87.as ,on 88.许多河流消失,水和石油一样贵。 89.dangerous 90.The computer will give people all the answers to their problems. 91.C.(E)92.No, it isnt. 93.Yes, they do. 94.They feed animals for meat,milk and carrying all their things. 95.They do that after there is no more food for their animals in a place. 96.They would help people in trouble.VII.写作How Can We Protect OurselvesSelf-protection is one of the most important skills for teenagers. But how can we protect ourselves? Here are some suggestions.First, we should be careful when we make friends, especially on line. Second, if we are in danger, we must call the police for help in time so that we can keep ourselves safe. Also, we should eat healthily and safely. Besides, we shouldnt crowd each other when we go upstairs or downstairs at school. Last, summer is coming, we must remember its dangerous to swim alone.In short, everyone needs to learn how to protect ourselves and stay away from danger.


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