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2019版中考英语二模试题1.本试卷共12页,满分60分,考试时间90分钟。2.在试卷和答题卡上准确填写学校、班级、姓名和考号。3.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。4.在答题卡上,选择题用2B铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。5.考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。知识运用(共14分)、单项填空(共6分,每小题0. 5分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.Excuse me, can I use your pen? I forgot to bringSure, here you are.A. mineB. yoursC. oursD. theirs2.Our study group often meets the school library.A. atB. onC. of D. with3.do you usually visit your grandparents?On Saturdays.A. WhyB. HowC. When D. Where4.Mike, you runthis term than last term.Yes. Ive trained hard.A. fastB. fasterC. fastest D. the fastest5.I take your order, please?Yes, Id like a sandwich.A. MustB. NeedC. MayD. Should6.Why are you so noisy?一Sorry, wethe play for the school talent show.A. practiseB. practisedC. will practise D. are practising7.My mother gets up at 6 oclock andbreakfast for us every day.A.cooksB.cookedC.is cookingD.wascooking8.How was your holiday?Wonderful! Ito Shanghai Disneyland Park with my parents.A. go B.am goingC.wentD.willgo9.I hear Tom is in hospital. What happened to him?He was hit by a bicycle when hethe street yesterday afternoon.A. crossesB.is crossingC.will crossD.wascrossing10.My sister Annaas a nurse since she finished college.A. worksB.has workedC.will workD.worked11.Have you finished your report?Not yet. Itnext Monday.A. will be finishedB. will finishC. is finishedD. finishes12.Jane, could you tell methe beautiful kite?Oh, I bought it in a shop in Nanluoguxiang.A. where will you buyB. where you will buyC. where did you buyD. where you bought二、完形填空(共8分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。A Sweet LessonMany people have clear memories of their school years. What I remember most was meeting Christopher, who had diabetes(糖尿病)at the age of four. Christopher came to my 13 right after Christmas break. He wasnt shy at all. He stood in front of the class and introduced himself with 14. Weeks passed and I realized Christopher was exactly like me. We both were funny and liked sports! But Christopher always wore a metal bracelet, which made him quite different. My classmates didnt 15 it. They stayed away from Christopher.a metal braceletThe day before spring break, we had a class party. Mrs. Rose invited ourparents too. All kinds of candies were passed out. I tasted every kind and gotsome for Christopher too, but he didnt even 16 them.“Why arent you eating, Christopher?” I asked.He answered seriously, “I cant. I kept giving candies to him then he got 17,“I told you I cant Stopit! He then stormed out of the room and his mother followed.I went home that night with a million questions. My mom told me Christopher had diabetes and that was why he couldnt eat as much sugar as everyone else. She also 18 he wore the bracelet because it had all his medical information in it, in case(万一) he was in serious danger. I felt so sorry for Christopher.When we returned to school after spring break, I asked Mrs. Rose if I could tell the class Christophers medical condition. She agreed. I told them about his diabetes. I also suggested that every snack or sweet that we brought to class should be OK for Christopher.Months went by and Christopher was 19 than ever. He had even more friends and didnt feel so left out during snack time because everyone was eating the same treat. I realized this was exactly what Christopher wantedfriends who could 20 him and love him for who he was.13. A. home B. club C. school D. party14. A. pride B. confidence C. thankfulness D. care15. A. believe B. value C. notice D. like16. A. touch B. pass C. share D. buy17. A. surprised B. excited C. mad D. afraid18. A. guessed B. doubted C. proved D. explained19.A. braver B. happier C. busier D. funnier20.A. accept B. protect C. trust D. miss阅读理解(共36分)三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共26分,每小题2分)ALANCASTER PENNSYLVANIAxx Hands-on House Run will collect money forHands-on House, Childrens Museum of Lancaster. Theevents include the 13.1-mile half marathon(马拉松),the10 kilometers (1 OK) and the 5 kilometers ( 5K). Runnersand walkers are welcome to take part in all events. Race Registration & Pricing :Register(注册)ByHalf Marathon10K Run5K RunJuly 5th$ 60$40$ 30Sept. 5th$ 65$45$ 35Race Day$ 75$ 55$45 Volunteer Check-in:All volunteers are asked to check in at Hands-on House from 4: 00-7:00 pmon Friday, September 28th. Volunteers will pick up a Hands-on House Volunteer T-shirt.Race Start :The run will start at 8:00 am. 10K and 5K runners willwait at the start line behind the half marathon runners. Afterthe half marathon starts, the 10K will start and then the 5K.Prizes :A finisher medal will be given to each half marathonrunner. Cash prizes will be given to the top three men andwomen in each age group for the half marathon, as well as tothe top five men and women for the 5K and 10K courses. Hands-on House Hours :Hands-on House will be open from 7:00 am6:00 pm on Saturday,September 29th. Children runners will receive free admission (入场)to themuseum on race day. All other admission is $ 9. 50 per person.21.How much should you pay if you register for the 10K Run by July 5th?A.$45.B. $ 40.C. $ 35.D. $ 30.22.xx Hands-on House Run will start at.A.4:00 pm on Sept. 28thB.7:00 pm on Sept.28thC. 7:00 am on Sept. 29thD.8:00 am on Sept.29th23.Each half marathon runner will get.A.a ticket for Hands-on HouseB.a finisher medalC. a Hands-on House T-shirtD.some moneyBGeorgina hated wrapping Christmas gifts. It washard to make them look good. She couldnt fold and cutcleanly, and the gifts just looked sad under theChristmas tree as if someone had sat upon them. No onepraised Georginas wrapping, and they just tore off andthrew away her wasted colorful paper straight away. But her sister, Jeannette,could wrap gifts perfectly. It was almost a shame to open Jeannettes giftssometimes because it would destroy her wrapping jobs.This year, Georgina had a new plan. She started with her brother. Heliked UFOs, so she wrapped his gifts in aluminum foil(铝箔纸)to make themshiny. They looked really nice reflecting the lights of the Christmas tree.For her perfect sister, Jeannette, it would be hard to make things perfectenough, because she was very picky. To make fun of this, all of her gifts werewrapped in pink and red paper, and small mirrors hung from the gifts, so shecould see herself when she was opening her gifts. It was a fun idea.Dad loves reading humorous stories in newspapers, so Georgina boughtsome newspapers and covered his gifts with funny stories. He would surelylaugh as he opened his gifts.Mom was so hard-working but managed to present herself at her best. Itwas hard to figure out her gift-wrapping. Finally, Georgina decided to wrap thegifts up in an apron(围裙).She was done, and she couldnt wait to see their reactions(反应)!The next morning, everyone was pleasantly surprised about howthoughtful and cool her wrapping job was. Even perfect Jeannette was amazed,and very impressed. Everyone thanked her, and they probably liked thewrapping better than the gifts inside. They had a wonderful time together, andthat was what really counted.24.Who usually wrapped gifts best?A. Georginas momB. Georginas dad.C. Georginas brother.D. Georginas sister.25.Georgina wrapped the gifts for her dad in.A. pink and red paperB. aluminum foilC. newspapersD. an apron26.What did Georginas family think of her wrapping job this year?A. It took her too much time.B. It was well planned and special.C. It wasnt cut cleanly and looked ugly.D. It was less wonderful than the gifts inside.CDo You Believe You Can Improve?There5s a high school in Chicago with an unusual grading system. If studentsdont pass a test, they get a different kind of grade “Not Yet” instead of “Failed”. Inher TED presentation The Power of Believing You Can Improve, Carol Dweck, apsychologist(心理学家),explains the power of “Not Yet”: If you get a failinggrade,you think youre nothing. But if you get the grade “Not Yet”,you understandthat youre on the way to the future.In one study led by Dweck, she wanted to see how children dealt withchallenges and difficulties. She gave l0-year-old children problems that werea bit too hard for them. “Some of them behaved in a surprisingly positive way,explained Dweck. “They said things like 1 love a challenge or 1 think Ivelearned something from this. These children had a “growth mindset”. Theyunderstood that their abilities could be developed. They didnt run from error(失误);they learned from it.But other children felt it was terrible to make an error. They felt theirintelligence(才智)had been used up. These children had a “fixed mindset”.They didnt believe they could do anything to improve the situation. In thefollow-up studies, Dweck learned these children were more likely to cheat.They looked for someone who did worse than they did so they could feel betterabout themselves. The children with a fixed mindset were operating from the“Now”,however, the children with a growth mindset were operating from the“Not Yet”.We all have things we want to improve. The problem, however, is few ofus believe we can. We believe were not smart, or we dont have enough time.We believe we cant persist (坚持)in the face of difficulties or learn fromcriticism(批评).Its a result of a fixed mindset. But the wonderful reality is wecan move from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset once we know how.First, believe you can change, now. Not tomorrow, next week, nextmonth, or next year, but now.Next, for every negative(负面的)thought, write down a positive answer.So when your self-talk says,“I tried running before and gave up after a week. ”,you can reply, “Thats because I didnt have a carefully designed plan. Now Ihave one and Im going to stick to it. Developing a growth mindset takes time and effort, but over time, with enoughpractice, youll operate less from the “Now” and more from the “Not Yet”.27.Why does the school in Chicago use “Not Yet” instead of “Failed” to gradestudents?A. To keep students from losing confidence.B. To help students realize their weak points.C. To advise students to take the test a second time.D. To make students understand their future is uncertain.28.Which of the following statements shows that the person has a “growthmindset”?A. “I failed in the task. I was nothing. B. “I cant stick to taking exercise. Im too busy. ”C. “I know math is interesting but I am not smart for it. ”D. “I didnt win the competition but I learned a lot from it. ”29.What can we learn from the passage?A. Most people believe they can improve themselves.B. Dweck did the study to help children get better grades.C. Some children cheated in the study and were punished.D. People can follow some ways to develop a growth mindset.DIn July xx, families in Marion County, Florida, got surprising newsabout the coming school year; Traditional homework will disappear, at least forprimary students.Last year, Dara, a fifth grader, had two or three hours of homework anight. “I had 12 math questions and six or seven pages of work to do forreading,” she said. Now Daras new homework is only to read for 30 minutes.She enjoys having more time for activities like painting and playing video games.But her mom misses last years assignments. “The kids knew that once theyfinished those worksheets, they were done,” she says. “Sometimes, gettingDara to sit down and read for 30 minutes is a challenge. ”Around the country, primary schools are experimenting with a no-homework policy(政策).School leaders say the new policy is based on research. Studies have shown that homework does not improve grades or test scores in primary schools. Paula Fass is the author of The End of American Childhood. She says,“Theres been controversy over homework ever since schooling became a requirement. ? Support for homework has gone up and down through the years. More than a century later, many still question the role that homework should have in kids lives.Harris Cooper, a professor, has studied more than 50 researches onhomework. In his view, homework has a positive effect on achievement. Theeffect gets larger as kids move through the grades. But even in the early grades,homework has a positive effect on simple skills. Examples include spelling andmath facts. But he warns that homework can have a negative effect as well. “Iftheres too much of it or if its too difficult, it can lead to frustration,” he says.“And thats not a good thing. Last year, Kelly Primary School in Holyoke, Massachusetts, eliminated(取消)homework. But this year,students in kindergarten through eighth grade havehomework once again. But they receive only one assignment per day. Theheadmaster explained that the school took a balanced way. “We want to buildresponsibility and structure,” she says. “But we dont want to take away theimportant time that children have with their families or practising sports.?Kelly Primary School wont be the only school to experiment with theno-homework policy. “One thing you can know is that this is part of a longhistory of fight over homework,” says Fass. “And that can be expected tocontinue. ?30.What can we learn from the second paragraph?A. Dara enjoys reading for 30 minutes every day.B. Daras mother prefers the traditional homework.C. Dara complained she had too much homework last year.D. Daras mother is happy that Dara has more time for free activities.31.What does the word “controversy” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Doubt. B. Challenge. C. Argument. D. Agreement.32.Harris Cooper may agree.A. schools should eliminate homeworkB. higher graders should have more homeworkC. homework can help lower graders with simple skillsD. homework has no effect on test scores in primary schools33.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A.Homework; Is It Necessary to Eliminate It?B. Homework; Its History and Great ChangesC. Homework; Is It Beneficial to Students Achievement?D. Homework; Its Influences on Students and Their Families四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)P. I. C. K. the Right Books for YouThe secret to learn how to choose the right book is simple. Its one wordyou can depend on when youre in a library or a bookstore. All you need toremember is “ P. I. C. K. “ P. I. C. K. ” stands for Purpose, Interest,Comprehend, and Know the Words.P= Purpose. Why are you looking for a bookreading for pleasure or trying tolearn something? Reading silently for yourself or reading out loud for someone else?Most often, your purpose for reading can be found with a quick answer.I = Interest. With the many millions of books on shelves today, there mustbe something out there for everyone. If you are interested in cars, considerbooks about history of racing, race car drivers, or car design. Even if you havea short amount of time to choose books, you can determine interest by lookingat the front cover, flipping through(快速翻阅)the pages to have a quick look atphotos or illustrations, or reading the back cover or the chapter titles.C = Comprehend. Its important to choose a book right for your level orability. How to choose such a book? If you read books at Level A, for example,youd better not choose a book at Level D. If the book isnt labeled(贴标签)with a level, you can open the book and choose a pagethen you can decidewhether the book is at a right level for you by asking yourself;Did I understand what I just read?Do I remember what I read?Was I able to read most of the words?This brings us to our final letter; K.K=Know the Words. Readers should be able to understand most of thewords on the page. The key is the Five Finger Rule” : Choose a book youwould like to read, look at a page in the middle and put one finger down forevery word you dont understand. The “Five Finger Rule” shows a general ideaof the relationship between the number of unknown words and the difficultylevel of a book;0 1 unknown word = too easy2 3 unknown words=just right45 unknown words = too difficultYou want to know how to choose books right for you一books that areenjoyable, fun and exciting. P. I. C. K. is all about giving you the tools to be astrong and confident reader.34.What does “P. I. C. K. ” stand for?35.According to the passage, what is one possible purpose for reading?36.What books does the writer advise you to read if youre interested in cars?37.What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?38.If you put three fingers down when youre reading a page, whats thedifficulty level of the book?书面表达(共10分)五、文段表达(10分)39.从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。文中已给出的内容不计如总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。题目下个月加拿大某校(a Canadian school)部分师生将要来你校访问。学校英语社团正在招募志愿者承担接待工作:带他们参观校园、向他们介绍中国文化、或者带领他们游览北京。假如你是李华,请给英语社团负责人Tony写一封申请信,说明你愿意承担哪一项工作,为什么能胜任这项工作,以及你具体打算做什么。提示词语: Chinese culture, history, be good at,teach, gift提示问题:Which job would you like to do?Why do you think you can do this job?Whats your plan for the job?Dear Tony, Im looking forward to your early reply Yours ,Li Hua题目初中三年的学校生活即将结束。在这三年里,你一定在某些方面取得了进步并积累了一些经验。你愿意和初一新生分享吗?某英文网站正在开展以“分享经验、助力成长”为主题的征文活动。请你用 英语写一篇短文投稿,主要内容包括:你在什么方面取得了进步(如学科学习、体育运动、人际交往等),你是如何取得进步的,你想给初一新生提出什么建议。提示词语: make friends, smile, in trouble, help提示问题: What progress have you made? How did you make the progress? Whats your advice for 7th graders?


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