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2019年小学英语六年级第八册复习重点一、第八册单词 形容词:any一个,一些 heavy重的 light轻的 healthy健康的 high高的 low低的 strong强壮的;有力的 weak弱的;虚弱的 early早(地) every每个(人或物) late晚的;迟到的动词:catch接住 hit打; 击(球) lose输 need需要 throw抛;扔;投 win赢;赢得 brush刷 b梳;梳理 fly飞;放飞 lie躺着 skip跳;蹦 swim游泳 begin开始 forget忘记 remember记得;想起 加强副词:very很;非常 时间副词: after在之后 before在之前连词:or或者;还是代词:someone有人;某人名词:(与运动相关的)basketball篮球 game游戏 ping-pong乒乓球 player运动员 runners运动鞋 shorts短裤 sport运动 team队;球队 T -shirt (关于身体部位的) bones骨骼 muscles肌肉 skin皮肤 teeth牙齿 face脸 (关于食物的) cabbage白菜 onions洋葱 peas豌豆 cake饼;蛋糕 cookies小甜饼 ice cream 冰淇淋 sugar糖 flour面粉 oil油(关于活动的)homework家庭作业 exercise锻炼;练习(关于时间的) minutes分钟 hours小时 days日;日子 weeks星期;周 months月份(有关夏季活动的) beach海滩 ocean洋;海洋 park公园 sand沙子 sandals拖鞋;凉鞋 swimming pool游泳池swimsuit(女式)泳衣(关于自然界的) cloud云 flowers花 grass草 leaves叶子(leaf的复数) sky天空(与晚会有关的) party晚会;聚会 flag旗子 surprise意外的惊喜二、其他词汇(一)月份 January一月 February二月 March三月 April四月 May五月 June六月 July 七月 August八月 September九月 October十月 November十一月 December十二月 (二)星期 Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期天(三)运动 jump跳 football足球 soccer足球 badminton羽毛球 run跑步 skate滑冰 ski滑雪 walk走路 skipping rope跳绳(四)季节 spring春天 summer夏天 fall秋天 winter冬天season 季节 (五)天气情况 sunny晴朗的 windy有风的 rainy下雨的 cloudy多云的 snowy下雪的(六)食物 noodles面条 dumplings饺子 soup汤 rice米饭 vegetables蔬菜 fruit水果 meat肉 juice果汁 egg鸡蛋 bread面包 toast烤面包 jam果酱 porridge粥 cereal麦片 sandwich三明治 pop汽水 milk牛奶 chicken鸡肉 strawberry草莓 apple苹果 grapes葡萄 orange橘子 banana香蕉 watermelon西瓜 water水 tea茶 hamburger汉堡包 French fries薯条 pizza比萨饼 salt盐 pepper胡椒粉 donut面包圈 hot dog热狗 carrot胡萝卜 (七)地点 school学校 house房子 apartment公寓 avenue大街 airport机场 living room起居室 kitchen厨房 bathroom浴室 bedroom卧室 bus stop公共汽车站 city城市 store商店 shop商店 gym体育馆 library图书馆 zoo动物园 classroom教室 hospital医院 hotel旅馆 restaurant餐厅 post office邮局 movie theatre电影院 train station火车站 bookstore书店 supermarket超级市场(八)颜色 red红色 brown棕色 pink粉红色 black黑色green绿色 blue蓝色 white白色 orange桔色purple紫色 yellow黄 grey灰色(九)服装 sweater毛衣 skirt裙子 pants裤子 jeans牛仔裤 dress连衣裙 coat大衣 shirt衬衫 hat帽子 scarf围巾 jacket夹克衫 boots靴子 mitts手套 shoes鞋 blouse女式衬衫 socks袜子(十)形状 shape形状 line直线 circle圆 square方形 triangle三角形(十一)交通工具 truck卡车 car轿车 taxi出租车 bus公共汽车 bicycle自行车 train火车 三、词组summer-time夏季 look like 看上去像 look at 看 go swimming去游泳 jump in跳进来 hurry up 快点儿 listen to the radio听收音机 summer holiday 暑假 last summer去年夏天 this summer今年夏天 go on a trip去旅行 go by经过;(时间)过去 run into撞上 faster and faster越来越快 刷牙brush your teeth 梳头b your hair 洗脸wash your face 起床wake up 穿上put on 洗澡take a shower/take a bath 小心watch out 投球throw the ball 接球catch the ball 互相each other 多于more than 做运动play sports 骑自行车ride a bike 放学后after school 努力学习work hard 听;听从listen to 玩得开心have fun 打扫房子 clean the house 上举reach high 下弯腰bend low 洗衣服wash clothes 看电视watch TV 看书read books 上周last week 对你有益good for you 对你有害bad for you 连蹦带跳jump up and down 蓝队加油Go, blue team 吃早餐eat/have breakfast 午餐后after lunch 晚餐前before supper 步行上学walk to school 摘花pick the flowers 不得不;必须have to 得到更多的锻炼get more exercise 做家庭作业do your homework 祝你身体健康good health to you 干得好good work 乘飞机回家fly home 开晚会have a party 接电话answer the phone 一个红色的小龙a little, red dragon 体育用品商店 sports store四、反义词arriveleave soft/easyhard rightleft/wrong onunder/off up-down clean-dirty drywet quick/fastslow quickly-slowly bigsmall/litter samedifferent far-near loud-quiet loudly-quietly/softly hot-cold warm-cool insideoutside shortlong/tall forwards-backwards open-close put on-take off this-that these-those Chinese- Western go-e new-old/young heavy-light losewin/find healthy-sick strongweak firstlast/next after-before goodbad low-high happysad expensive-cheap forgetremember early-late askanswer hungry-full inout fatthineastwest herethere teachlearnbeginend crylaugh daynightbuysell takebring catchthrow五、同音词穿着wear-在哪里where 看见see-大海sea 眼睛eye-我I 肉meat-遇见meet 也too-二two 在那儿there-他们的their 知道know-不no 四four-为for 买buy-乘;用by 新的new-知道(的过去式)knew 一周;星期week-虚弱的weak 我们的our-小时 hour 面粉flour-花flower 嗨;你好hi-高的high 听见hear-这里here 一个one-(win的过去式)won 是be-蜜蜂be 太阳sun-儿子son 六、同义(近义)词自行车bicyclebike 出租车cabtaxi 轻声地softlyquietly 小的smalllitter 连指手套mittens-mitts 快的fast-quick 电话phone-telephone 灯lamp-light 商店shop-store 好极了greatwonderful 飞机planeairplane 警察policeman-police officer 妈妈mother-mum 爸爸fatherdad 爷爷grandfather-grampa 奶奶grandmothergramma 盒子 boxcase野兔harerabbit 秋天autumnfall 有病的sickill 开始start-begin七、缩写 Let us-lets do not-dont is not-isnt are not-arent does not-doesnt can not-cant I am-Im we are-were you are-youre he is-hes they are-theyre it is-its what is-whats will notwont 八、不规则动词过去式去go-went 看见see-saw 有have/has-had 吃eatate 是am/is-was 是are-were 做do/does-did 受伤hurt-hurt 摔倒fall-fell 打破break-broke 说say-said 来e-came 忘记forget-forgot 给give-gave 带来bring-brought 买buy-bought 教teachtaught 照耀shine-shone 知道know-knew 生长grow-grew 能cancould 割cutcut 离开leave-left 躺lie-lay 输lose-lost 制作makemade 放put-put 跑run-ran 将;会will-would 感觉feelfelt 找find-found 飞fly-flew 得到get-got 击;打hithit 邮寄send-sent 游泳swim-swam 拿走take-took 告诉telltold 赢win-won 写write-wrote 读readread 学习 learnlearned/learnt 九、名词复数 1、以s,x,sh,ch结尾的加“es”。 例:bus,dish,dress ,box,watch,brush,glass,class,toothbrushbeach,sandwich2、以辅音字母加“y”结尾的“y”变“i”加“es”。例:baby-babies, body-bodies,country-countries,city-cities,library-libraries,story-stories ,strawberry-strawberries3、以“f”,“fe”结尾的“f”,“fe”变“v”加“es”。例:leaf-leaves,wolf-wolves 4、不规则变化man-men woman-women child-children tooth-teeth foot-feet fish-fish sheep-sheep十、动词现在分词1、直接加“ing”stand,brush,wash,cook,clean,work,dry,eat,watch,sleep,play,read,learn,laugh,cry,draw,sing,speak,jump,look,point,talk2、去掉末尾不发音“e”的加“ing”write-writing live-living arrive-arriving make-making smile-smiling dance-dancing take-taking e-ing have-having ride-riding leave-leaving3、双写末尾字母加“ing”sit-sitting cut-cutting swim-swimming skip-skipping shop-shopping put-putting run-running hit-hitting get-getting十一、比较级good/well-better fast-faster十二、不可数名词(没有单复数,不加a/an)cabbage skin chicken , meat, fish water, juice, tea, pop, milk, exercise, sand, sugar, salt, oil, flour, chalk, rice, paper, grass, homework, bread, coffee, hair, rain, snow, wind, soupfood, fruit, vegetable, melon 泛指不可数,表种类时可数。十三、近义词辨析 1.在:in, at. 都表示地点, 只表示在某地用at,自己在该地时用in.2.看:look, look at, see, read, watch. look 注意;留心, look at 看(后面接看的对象)如:看花look at the flowers see看见;看到,如:在圣诞节,我看见圣诞老人了。On Christmas, I saw Santa. watch观看;注视;留神观察,如:看电视watch TV,看电影watch a movie,看书用read, read a book3.将,要:be gonging to, will. 都用来表示一般将来时,后面接动词原型。be going to表示主观打算,will表示客观事实。I am going to learn English. 我打算学英语。I will learn English. 我将要学英语。4.也:too, either . too用于肯定句,either用于否定句。如:我也有运动鞋。I have runners, too. 我也没有运动鞋。I dont have runners, either. 5.一些:some, any. some用于肯定句,any用于疑问句和否定句。如:我有乒乓球。I have some ping-pong balls.你有乒乓球吗?Do you have any ping-pong balls?6.loud, loudly. loud是形容词,用在系动词am, is, are后面, loudly是副词,用于修饰动词。如: 他们声音大。They are loud. 他们大声地笑。They laugh loudly. 其他的如:quiet和quietly, quick和quickly, slow和slowly, sad和sadly等等用法相同。十四、疑问句辨析怎样how 有多少how many 多少钱how much 多远how far 多大年龄how old 多高how tall 为什么why 什么what 什么颜色what colour 什么时间what time 在哪儿where 谁who 谁的whose 哪一个which 什么时候when 多久(频率)how often多长(时间/长度)how long1.How many _? How much _? 都用于提问数量“多少?”How many 后面接可数名词复数,如:How many apples? How much接不可数名词,如:How much exercise? How much water?2.How much 也用来提问价钱。单数How much is it? How much a T-shirt? 复数How much are they? How much are these runners?3.How far提问距离“多远?”从加拿大到北京有多远?大约九千公里。How far is it from Canada to Beijing? Its about nine thousand kilometers.4. How often提问“多长时间一次?”如果句子后面有时间段,即“一段时间内几次?”格式为How often do you _ _? 后面接动词短语,如:你多长时间刷一次牙?How often do you brush your teeth? 回答_(数词)times a _(时间段). 一次也可以说once, 两次twice, 其他的用数词加“times”. 一周一次once a week 一月两次twice a month 一年五次five times a year5.How long提问多长时间,格式为How long is _?如:这次旅行多长时间?How long is the trip? 如果用How many来提问需要加上具体的时间名词,多少分钟How many minutes?多少小时How many hours.6. How提问“怎样?”如:你怎么做蛋糕?How do you make cake? 他们将怎样去商店?How will they go to the store?7. When 提问“什么时候?”回答日期。What time is it?提问“什么时间?”回答几点钟。8。What do you do? 提问“你通常做什么?”回答用动词原形。如:I play ping-pong. What did you do? 提问“你已经做过什么?”回答用动词过去式,如:I cleaned my bedroom. What will you do? 提问“你将要做什么?” 回答用will加动词原形,如:I will fly a kite. 与此相同的还有Where do you go? I go to the _. Where did you go? I went to the _. Where will you go? I will go to the _. 十一、书面表达1. My Favourite Sport I like playing sports. I like swimming, badminton, basketball, but I like ping-pong best.I have a cool paddle. I play ping-pong with my friends after school every day. Im good at it and I often win. We have a good time every time.My dear friends, whats your favourite sport? Can you tell me?2. How Can We Have Good Healthy? Its important for us to keep healthy. What do we do? First, we need exercise. We can play sports such as swimming, running and playing basketball. We go to bed at ten in the evening and get up at six in the morning. We should sleep for about 8 hours at night. We should brush our teeth twice a day. We often take a bath and wash our hands before meals. We should eat lots of fruit and vegetables. We eat all kinds of healthy food such as fish, eggs, and meat. Dont forget to eat breakfast, either.3. Summer HolidaySummer holiday is ing. Its a long holiday. We dont go to school. What will I do? I think I will get up early every morning. I will go to the park to do exercise. Then I will read some good books and learn English. Summer is hot. I will like swimming. This summer, I will go on a trip to the ocean with my parents. I will lie on the beach. I will make things with the sand. I will swim in the ocean. I will feel happy. 4. My Birthday PartyMy name is _. Im a boy/girl. Yesterday was my thirteenth birthday. My friends and my parents had a party for me. In the evening, all my friends came to my home. I felt very happy. There were all kinds of food: eggs, fish, chicken, dumplings, pork, beef and some fruits on the table. Everybody said, “Happy Birthday to you!” My mother took a birthday cake to the table. I began to blow candles. My friends gave gifts to me. Everybody was very happy. At last, we watched TV and play puter games. What a good, nice birthday party!5.Summer FunSummer is the best season of the year. In summer, Its hot, but I can eat ice cream. Ice cream is my favourite. I can eat melon,too.I can swim with my friends. Its so interesting. If it is very hot, I can stay at home and enjoy the air-conditioner.(空调) And I can watch TV or read storybooks in my cool room.I think summer is fun. I like summer best。 小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 4 页 共 4 页


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