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2019年外研社一起一年级上册期考试卷听力部分(40分)一、听一听,标序号。(10分) () () () () () () () () ( ) ( )二、听音,选出与所听句子相同的选项。(10分)( ) 1、A. Stand up! B. Sit down! ( ) 2、A. Wheres my pen? B. Wheres the hat?( ) 3、A. How old are you? B. How are you?( ) 4、A. Open the door! B. Point to the floor.( ) 5、A. How many girls? B. This is my teacher. 三、听音填空,将你听到的单词的选项写到题前括号内。(10分) ( ) 1. Its a _ chair . A. yellow B. blue C. green ( ) 2. Hello ! Im _. A. Sam B. Lingling C. Daming ( ) 3. This is my _? A. father B. mother C. grandma ( ) 4. Point to the _ . A. door B. window C. blackboard ( ) 5. She is a _ . A. nurse B. driver C. teacher四、听音涂色。(10分)1、2、3. 4、5、笔试部分(60分)一把下列单词序号填到对应图下。(10分)A、dog B、school bag C、pencil D、cat E、eraser 二、数一数,连一连。(10分)1. six 2. five 3. seven 4. nine 5. eight 三,单词连连看。(10分)1、eraser 2、book 3、pen 4、cat 5、kite 四、根据图片选择正确的选项。(10分)( ) 1、 Wheres the cat? A、Its on the box. B、Its in the box.( ) 2、Is it an apple? A、Yes,it is. B. No, it isnt. ( ) 3、Is it a kite? A、Yes,it is. B. No, it isnt. ( )4、Whats this? A, Its a bag. B. Its a cake. ( )5、How many cats? A、six cats. B、Four cats五,选出句子正确的回答。(10分)( ) 1.Good afternoon! A. Goodbye.( ) 2. Whats your name? B. Im eight.( ) 3. Hello! C. Good afternoon.( ) 4. How old are you? D. Im Lingling.( ) 5. Goodbye! E. Hello!六、根据情景选择正确句子。(10分)( )1、“早上好”是下列哪句话?A. Good morning B. Good afternoon( )2、“How old are you ” 的意思是:. 你叫什么名字 B. 你几岁了( )3、“How are you ”的回答用语是:A. I dont know B. Im fine, thank you( )4、“black ”的中文意思是:A. 黑色的 B. 绿色的( )5、“one , five , eight ”是以下那组数字?A. 5 2 6 B. 1 5 8小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 5 页 共 5 页


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