2019年五年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 1 This dog can help him教案 外研版.doc

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2019年五年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 1 This dog can help him教案 外研版Teaching contents:The dog can help him.Can Fifi help the blind people?Teaching aims:1知识目标:A. 能在句子中正确使用单词:blind, special, can, cant, help, show, people, want, seeB. 能在图片的提示下、跟着录音在语句中正确朗读单词:blind, special , can, cant, help, show, people, want, seeC.能在听录音的过程中从语句中辨别出单词:blind, special, can, cant, help, show, people, want, seeD. 能抄写、选择或根据拼读规则补全单词:can, cant, help, see2能力目标:A能听懂课文活动1关于狗对人类的帮助的内容。B会用can和cant表达做得到或做不到的事。C能朗读Unit1活动2中的句子;能在短文的阅读中找出can和cant的相关信息。D能用can和cant进行选词填空:Can Fifi help the blind people? Yes, he can. / No, he cant.3情感目标: 培养孩子们互相关心、互相帮助的情操。Main points:巩固can和cant的一般现在时:This dog can help him.Can Fifi help the blind people? Yes, he can. / No, he cant.Difficult points:能用英语谈论过去或现在所具备的能力.Teaching aids:Picture,cassette,tape,card,CAIPeriods: 3 periods.Teaching steps:Step 1:Warmmer:1 ChantChant: Bob is an orange dog.Do the action and say: I can jump/ run2 GreetingT: Good morning, boys and girls. Today Miss Gu will introduce you a new friend, Tom.(设计意图: 通过韵律诗、说说做做等形式活跃课堂气氛,拉进教师与学生的距离,同时开门见山的引出所学课题。)老师通过TPR活动复习上节课所学知识,为本节课的学习做好准备,同时调动学生的学习兴趣。如老师边做动作边说:“learn swim, but l cant swim very well.”之后,全班分为若干个小组,让学生边做动作边描述。在这个活动中,老师要在教室里巡视,注意听学生“can”和“。ant”两个单词的发音是否正确。Step 2:Lead in.Learn to say blind, himself1)T: ( A student be a blind man) This is Tom. He is blind. He cannot see. He cannot walk well by himself. Can you guess “ blind” whats meaning?Ss: RepeatT: 书空2)Make some new sentences.Ss:He is blind. He cannot see. He cannot (say and do the action) jump/ run/ play football walk.3) Learn to say the sentence: He cannot walk well by himself.4) Chanthim, him, himself 只靠他自己 by himself.5) To be a blind man and make some new sentences.He cannot run by himself.He cannot jump/ play by himself.6) Show a picture and describe the picture.He is blind. He cannot see. He cannot walk well by himself. Who can help him?Ss: The dog.T: Yes. This dog helps him.Step 3 Learn to say the words: deaf, herself1) do the action and say: He cannot do sth by himself.Ask a girl point and say: She cannot do sth by herself.2) chant: her, her, herself 只靠她自己 by herself. 书空3)show a picture and learn: She is deaf. She cannot hear well by herself.Who can help her?Ss: This dog helps her.(设计意图:通过让学生自己编写韵律歌增加学生的记忆,同时培养学生自主学习的能力。)Step 4 Learn to say: firemen, themselvesshow a picture and ask: what are they?-firemenchantStep5 Play a mission game.Dogs can help people. So dogs are our good friends. Do you agree?今天,Miss Gu受动物委员会所托,要招聘小狗代言人。如果你能说出狗对人类的一种帮助,你就可以成为一周的形象代言人;如果你能说出狗对人类的两种帮助,你就可以成为一个月的形象代言人;如果你能说出狗对人类的三种或三种以上的帮助,你就可以成为永久的形象代言人。现在我们先来听听上一届的形象代言人是怎样介绍的。(设计意图:提出本堂课的任务,介绍狗对人类的帮助。分层次,让每个学生都有表现的机会!同时多给出课外的资料,丰富学生的知识,让学优生可以更好的发展)Step6 Learn the text.1) Listen to the tape-record2) Listen and say老师在播放录音前提出问题:“Who can help me?请学生边听边找答案,同时用笔划出词和词组。听完后,请学生回答。接着听第二遍录音,请学生跟读,提醒学生注意“can”和“cant在句中的用法和发音。继续放第三遍录音,每句话后停顿,请学生跟读并根据上下文猜测每个生词和词组的意思。老师要注意纠正学生的发音。最后,把学生分成三人一组进行练习。在小组内,学生可以互相帮助,互相观察口型,纠正发音。练完后请几个小组为全班展示,可以齐读课文,也可以分角色朗读。老师进行总结和奖励。3) Practice in pairs让学生两人一组模仿例句练习。在学生熟悉图片后,请他们分组进行接力比赛:前一个学生说句子,后一个学生指出相应的图片,老师奖励获胜的小组。Step7 Act it outHomework:背并抄写课文On the BB:Module SevenUnit 1 This dog can help himThe dog can help him.Can Fifi help the blind people?小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 5 页 共 5 页


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