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专业好文档1第三部分:词汇与结构(1)(2017 网考)词汇与结构考试 5 题 15 分,此部分对于基础不是很好的同学比较难,较难突击,能掌握最好,如果无法掌握,在考试中靠感觉,或填写 C 或 B 新增部分:1、 This train is going _ the tunnel quickly. BA、down B、through C、along D、in 2. This room _ cool in summer and warm in winter. Its quite comfortable to live here. AA、feels B、is felt C、finds D、is founded3 、John succeeded _ what he wanted. CA、to get B、to getting C、in getting D、and getting 4 、_her and then try to copy what she does. DA、Mind B、See C、Stare at D、Watch5、 They sent the letter to me _ mistake. AA、by B、for C、on D、with6 、 We are disappointed to find that the quality of the products here _ very poor. CA、to be B、have been C、is D、being7 、The twin brothers are only _ in appearance. DA、like B、likely C、likelihood D、 alike8 、If I dont _ the phone home, ring me at work. DA、reply B、return C、respond D、answer9 、As a primary school teacher, one should be _ with children. This is the first standard for being a good teacher. AA patient B positive C negative D peaceful10、 Town Hall is the tallest building in the city. B_ from here?A Can it see B Can it be seen C Can be seeing D Can see 11 、The construction of the new bridge has been _ for two weeks because of the bad weather. DA devoted B developed C depended D delayed12、Who else, _ Mary, took part in the English speech contest? AA besides B additional C except D without13、He has been _ for nearly three weeks after the death of his dear pet. AA sad B satisfied C evil D joyful14 、 I dont have much free time as my work _ all my time. CA takes away B takes over C takes up D takes in15 、 The construction of the new bridge has been _ for two weeks because of the bad weather. ? DA devoted B developed C depended D delayed 16 、 Jenny is learning Japanese. _ her brother. AA So is B So does C Nor is D Nor does17 、 The rain was _ make our picnic impossible. CA hard enough B hard so to C so hard as to D so hard to 18 、 The policeman needs to see _ your ID card or your drivers license. CA every B each C either D both19 、 The computer system _ suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet. AA broke down B broke out C broke up D broke in20 、 She has been working hard day and night during these years _ she could pay for the lost necklace. 专业好文档2AA in order that B as long as C the moment D because 21 、 The new assembly line having been adopted, the factory produced _ cars in 1999 as the year before. CA as twice many B twice many as C twice as many D as many as twice 22 、 That company doesnt take credit cards, so customers have to pay _. DA dollars B finance C coins D cash 23 、 She is not only my classmate _ also my good friend. BA or B but C and D too 24 、 All the evidence points to the fact _ he is the murderer.? CA who B which C that D those 25 、 I shall love my country _. BA for sake B for ever C for best D for even26 、 It is a teachers job to make sure that everyone of his students _ confident in preparing himself for the future. BA feels B should feel C will feel D would feel 27、On my left _ a wide river; on my right, a dark forest. BA has been B was C are D would be28、Uncle Sam sent him a _ bicycle as a birthday present. DA red sports new B sports new red C new sports red D new red sports29 Either the shirts or the sweater _ a good buy. AA is B has C are D was30 If I dont _ the phone home, ring me at work. DA reply B return C respond D answer重点新增:1、 - What do you think of this novel? B- _A、Ive read it. B、Its well-written.C、It was written by my uncle. D、I bought it yesterday.2 、 - What are you majoring in? C- _A、In a university. B、Very hard.C、Mathematics. D、At nine in the morning.3、 - Have you installed the new software? C- _A、Installed. B、Uninstalled. C、No, not yet. D、Yes, not yet. 4、 - Are you going on holiday for a long time? C- _A、It was a long time. B、Two weeks ago.C、No. Only a couple of days. D、Not long time ago.5、 - How do you go to work? C- _.A、I go to work every day B、I dont go to work every dayC、By train D、By air 6 、 - Would you please show me your bankbook? B专业好文档3- _A、Sorry, I have no idea. B、Here you are.C、Come with me. D、Yes, Id like to. 7 、 - Bring me the bill, please. B- _A、You are welcome. B、Please wait for a moment, sir.C、Ill hurry up. D、Be quick.8 、 - Do you know the girl over there? C- _A、How can I know? B、Yes, I remember it now.C、Its Sam, my teachers daughter. D、She is a good girl.9 、 - Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the bus stop? A- _A Yes, go straight down this way to the end. B Why do you ask me the way?C Yes, I will. D No, I cant tell you that.10 、 -Excuse me; can I have a seat here? C- _A Be hurry. B Come on.C Yes, please. D Do you mind?11、 - Excuse me, is this the Sales Department? A- _A Im afraid you have the wrong number. B You are wrong.C Whats wrong with you? D What are you talking about?12、 - She is running a fever, but now it is under control.- _ BA She is running fast. B I will go and see her after work. C Her mother does not run. D She is running away from home. 13 、 - Good afternoon. Can I help you? - _? CA No. I dont think so. B Thank you.C I need to buy a birthday present for my son. D Yes. I think so14、 - Where is Miss Smith? A- _A Shes from England. B Shes at home.C Shes not back. D Shes very well.15 、 - Could you buy some salt on your way home? - _? AA All right. B Is that all C Just a few. D Let me see.16、 - Well done and _. - Thank you very much! BA not at all B congratulationsC thats right D you are welcome 17、 - How much is this blue tablecloth? B- _A The green one is better. B Ten dollars and thirty cents.C Its cheap. D Yes. Its beautiful. 18、 - How would you like your hair done? D- _专业好文档4A Can you do it? B Cut down.C Fell down. D Cut short. 19 、 - What is she? - _? AA She is a typist. B She is talking to her friend.C She is having a holiday. D She is my sister.2 0、 - Did you see the ad on the bulletin board?- _ AA No. Whats it about? B Yes. Whats it about?C Its still there. D Thats a good idea.21、 - Whats the most popular sport in your university? - _? AA Football, I suppose. B China against Japan.C Its a close match. D Its my favorite. 22、 - Id like to book a room, please. - _? AA Single or double B Good or bad?C Which room? D We dont have books here.23、 - I am terribly sorry! I broke the vase. - _? BA I dont want it. B Dont worry.C You meant to do it. D You buy one for me. 24、 - Hey, Linda. You look so pale. Whats the matter? C- _?A Thank you. B Are you OK?C Im just getting over the flu. D Im feeling well.25、 Excuse me, Im afraid youve overcharged me. _ ? AA Oh, really? B Thats all right.C Thats fine. D Youre welcome.26 、 - Welcome to the party! _ - Thank you! CA Excuse me! B I totally agree with you.C How pretty you are today! D Which one do you prefer?27、- You havent paid for it yet. A- _A Oh, Im really very sorry. B Thank you.C Not at all. D Of course, I know.28、 - Where is the Loan Department, please? B- _A Who are you? B This way, please.C I dont want to say anything. D What can I do for you?29、- Are you going on holiday for a long time? C- _A It was a long time. B Two weeks ago.C No. Only a couple of days. D Not long time ago.30、 - Wed like two Cokes, please. A- _A Small, medium or large? B You must pay first.C Thank you. D You are welcome.31 - Im engaged! A专业好文档5- _on your engagement! A Congratulations B PleasureC Welcome D Cheers32 - let me introduce myself. I am Tom. D- _.A What a pleasure B Its pleasureC Im very pleased D Pleased to meet you 33 - I need to go to the library today. Do you know what time it closes? C- _A No, thanks. B Im very busy now.C At about 5:30. D I dont need to go there.34 Im not an English major student. D- Are you fond of reading novels?- _A I found one novel. B No, novels cannot read.C Novels are bad. D Yes. I like reading novels.1.Fire can help people in many ways. Fire can heat water, 21 your house, give light and cook food. But fire can burn things too. Nobody knows 22 people began to use fire. One story from Australia tells about a man a very long time ago. He 23 the sun by a rope and brought fire down. Today people know how to 24 a fire with matches. Children sometimes like to play with them. But matches can be very 25 .Fire kills people every year. So you must be careful 26 matches. You should also learn to 27 fires. Fires need oxygen. Without oxygen they die. There is 28 in the air. Cover a fire with water, sand, or in an emergency, with your coat or a blanket. This keeps the air 29 a fire and kills it. Be careful with fire, and it will help you. Be careless with fire, and it might 30 you.21. A. brighten B. warm C. beautify D. lighten22. A. where B. when C. what D. how23. A. watched B. got up to C. went up to D. discovered24. A. set B. make C. cause D. catch25. A. dangerous B. bright C. unusual D. common26. A.about B.to C.on D.after27. A. lay out B. put out C. put away D. do away with28. A. fire B. moisture C. oxygen D. substance29. A. in B. on C. away D. from30. A. injure B. hurt C. destroy D. spoilKey: BBCBA ABCCA2.For the first time in our marriage, I had decided to 21 my holiday alone, without my wife. We had not 22 . My common sense told me that all habits - even good ones - should be 23 from time to time. Doing everything together with my wife had become very much of a habit with me. So I had gone off to Italy 24 my own to spend three weeks at a hotel at the seaside. I had hoped it would be nice and warm. But actually it was 35 in the shade, 25 enough to roast an ox. I walked about in shorts, my bald head 26 with a handkerchief, sweating and thirsty. And all the time I had to 27 my wife, who had gone to the mountains of North Wales and was doubtless 28 herself very much. 专业好文档6Why had I, with my sensitive English skin, gone to Italy of all places? At night, I was kept 29 by two bands 30 like mad in the bar downstairs.21 A、take B、spend C、cost D、use22 A、debated B、approved C、agreed D、quarreled23 A、broken B、taken C、separated D、formed24 A、with B、 for C、at D、on25 A、cool B、warm C、cold D、hot26 A、touching B、touched C、covered D、covering27 A、talk to B、discuss with C、hear of D、think of 28 A、enjoying B、favoring C、liking D、loving29 A、asleep B、awake C、astonished D、alike30 A、play B、compose C、composing D、playingKEYS: B D A D D C D A B D3.Last night, a fire broke out in Anns house in Manchester.Anns 21 were out of town for the weekend when something wrong in the room caused the fire to start in the middle of the night. The 22 was waken up by the family dog, Danny, who was barking loudly in the back garden. Ann smelled something 23 _. She 24 and 25 ran through the smoke-filled house to wake her old brother, Frank.When Frank would not wake up, Ann got some help from the dog. Franks unconscious body was far too 26 for the little girl to move alone , but the 27 girl brought the dog 28 and tied the dogs lend( 牵狗的皮带) to Franks left ankle. She then held her brothers right ankle, and together the girl and the dog 29 Frank to safety.The 10-year-old girl, Ann, 30 her big brother from death.21 A parents B brother and sister C friends D classmates22 A child B boy C girl D dog23 A delicious B bad C burn D burning24 A stood up B woke up C got up D put up25 A at once B at first C at last D at that moment26 A big B small C light D heavy27 A careless B busy C clever D careful28 A inside B outside C back D near29 A pushed B pulled C carded D made30 A was received B got C was saved D savedACDCA DCABD4.Man has always wanted to fly. Even as long as eight hundred years ago, an Englishman had tried. He made a pair of 21 from chicken feathers and fixed them to his 22 . Then he jumped from a tall building. As you can imagine, he did not fly very far. 23 , he fell to the ground and broke several bones. The first real attempt at flying 24 place in France in 1783. The two Mongolian brothers knew that hot air rose. 25 they could fill a large balloon with hot air, they thought it would rise into the air and 26 . They were right. They made a very large hot air balloon of cloth and paper. It measured ten meters in diameter. They filled it with hot air and the balloon got two hundred meters into the air. It 27 to earth about three kilometers 28 .At the next attempt, they arranged for a balloon to carry passengers. We do not know 29 the passengers felt 专业好文档7about the trip as they were a cock, a duck, and a sheep. But we 30 know that the trip lasted eight minutes and the animals landed safely.21 A sticks B fans C wings D flags22 A hands B feet C head D shoulders23 A Well B Differently C Instead D Hopefully24 A had B made C took D got25 A If B When C After D Since26 A go B fly C blow D flow27 A went B fell C jumped D blew28 A far B long C away D high29 A which B that C who D what30 A should B can C will D doKeys: CDCCA BBCDD重点掌握 30(必考 1-2):1. Apples here like water and sunshine. 这里的苹果喜欢水和阳光。2. Tom(人名有可能变化)was such a hardworking student that he soon came out first in the class. 汤姆是一个学习十分用功的学生,以至于不久他就成了班里学习最好的学生。3. Ted and William have lived under the same roof for five years. 泰德和威廉已经在同一个屋檐下生活了五年了。4. You neednt go there anymore. He already knows about it. 你不必去了,他已经知道那件事5. As is known to all, China is a developing country. 众所周知,中国是一个发展中国家。6. Wang Lis(人名有可能变化) father has taught English here since he graduated from Peking University. 王丽的父亲从北京大学毕业后就一直在这里教英语。7. Please give this book to whoever comes first. 请把这本书给最先来的人。8. Though it was late, they kept on working. 尽管已经很晚了,他们还在继续工作。9. Bill hit his car into a wall last night. 昨晚比尔开车时车撞到了墙上。10. Would you please help me with this heavy box? 你能帮我拾一下这个很沉的箱子吗?11. A lot of natural resources in the mountain area are to be exploited and used. 那个山区有许多自然资源有待于开发利用。12. In Foreign Languages Department, a checking machine is used to correct the students test papers. 外语系用阅卷机给学生批卷。13. The students are encouraged by their teacher to do more listening, reading and writing. 老师鼓励学生多听,多读,多写。14. The plan has been over fulfilled by now. 目前,已经超额完成计划。15. The most common samples of inorganic materials are the gases of the atmosphere, water, rocks, etc. 大气中的气体、水、岩石等都是无机物中最普通的实例。16. There is a large amount of energy wasted due to friction. 由于摩擦而损耗了大量的能量。17. This place has plentiful material resources. 这个地方有丰富的物质资源。18. Various substances differ widely in their magnetic characteristics. 各种材料的磁性有很大的不同。19. Transistors are small in size and light in weight. 晶体管的体积小,重量轻。20. John and his brother differ in personality even if their differences in age are not significant.尽管约翰和他哥哥在年纪上相差不大,但他们的个性却不相同。翻译(9 月出现频率高的 40)1. Students can study by themselves through school network. 学生可以通过学校网络自学。专业好文档82. Some football teams will have games there. 一些足球队将会在那里比赛。3. I read the local newspapers with great interest every evening. 我每天晚上抱着极大的兴趣阅读当地的报纸。4. A friend of mine from high school is working in England now. 我的一个高中朋友现在在英格兰工作。5. You and your team can discover the answers to problems together.你和你的团队可以一起发现问题的答案。6. My classmate is more clever than I. 我的同学比我聪明。7. Life is meaningless without a purpose. 没有目标的生活是毫无意义的。8. Im having a headache now. 我现在头疼。9. Youd better do that again. 你最好再做一次。10. Have you seen Tom recently? 你最近有没有看见汤姆?11. What kind of life do most people enjoy? 大多数人喜欢什么种类的生活?12. Im going to buy a monthly ticket tomorrow. 我打算明天去买一张月票。13. Trees need water to grow. 树需要水才能生长。14. It is not necessary to do this work. 这工作没有必要做。15. Ive lost interest in my work. 我对工作失去了兴趣。16. I feel satisfied with my life. 我对生活感到满意。17. People all over the world are trying to help the people in Sichuan.全世界的人们正在尽力帮助四川人民。以下部分为题库全部内容 1. This pair of shoes cost me 260 yuan.这双鞋子花了我 260 元。2. Not all Americans are interested in sports, of course.当然不是所有的美国人都对体育运动感兴趣。3. The little boy wanted to exchange his toy car for my cake.这个小男孩想用它的玩具车换我的蛋糕。4. Our teacher always encourages us to speak English bravely.我们老师总是鼓励我们要敢说英语。5. You must always remember not to cheat in exams.你必须始终记住考试不要作弊。6. I ll have to try using the search engines.我必须试着使用搜索引擎。7. I think everyone knows how to swim.我想每个人都知道怎样游泳。8. I dont know who broke the window.我不知道是谁打破窗户的。9. Did you get that E-mail from me?你收到我发的那份电子邮件了吗?10. These five boys failed in their English exam last term.这五个男孩子上学期英语考试不及格。11. The price of gasoline will come down in Chinese market.在中国市场汽油的价格会下降。12. Does the computer have instructions on it?计算机自身有操作说明吗?13. One can never succeed without enough confidence in himself.一个人若是对自己没有足够的信心是永远不会成功。14. Dont you think smoking is harmful to your health?难道你不认为吸烟对你的健康有害吗?专业好文档915. It is known to all that exercises are good for health.众所周知,运动对身体有利。16. I think the picture shows us how fruit is necessary to life.我认为这幅画给我们展示了水果对于我们的生活有多必要。17. How long will it take us to get there?我们到那里要花费多长时间?18. Im now a distance education student.我现在是远程教育的学生。19. I have no interest in what they say about me.我对他们说我的话不感兴趣。20. Traveling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages.乘火车旅行比乘飞机慢一些,但是它也有自己的优势。21. I think she will change her mind tomorrow.我想她明天将会改变主意的。22. I read the local newspapers with great interest every evening.我每天晚上抱着极大的兴趣阅读当地的报纸。23. My classmates are cleverer than I.我的同学比我聪明。24. He is in the world a famous pop star.他是世界上著名的流行音乐明星。25. In the world, soccer or football i

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