2019-2020年八年级英语Module 5 Section 2 Words and Expressions.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Module 5 Section 2 Words and Expressions1. classicaladj. 1. 第一流的;古典的 best; that people have thought is the best for many years: I like classical music, particularly Beethovens. 我喜欢古典音乐,特别是贝多芬的音乐。 2. 古希腊和古罗马时期的;古典式的 of ancient Greek and Roman times: The Parthenon is a classical building. 巴台农神庙是古典式建筑。 2. bluesn. 1. U the 沮丧,忧郁 be in the blues =have the blues 沮丧, 闷闷不乐 2. U 又作 a ; 集合称 布鲁斯,蓝调(爵士音乐、歌及舞步之一种,其风格忧郁而缓慢) sing (a) blues 唱布鲁斯歌曲 The blues was were sung by a famous singer. 这些布鲁斯歌曲是一位著名歌手唱的。 adj. 布鲁斯的 a blues singer 布鲁斯歌手 3. jazzn. 1. U 【音乐】爵士乐 2. U 爵士舞 dance jazz 跳爵士舞 3. U 狂噪,兴奋; 活泼; 热闹 4. U 大话,牛皮; 无聊的话 Dont give me that jazz. 别跟我胡扯! 不要撒谎!。 and all that jazz (口语)等等 He likes drinking, dancing, and all that jazz. 他喜欢喝酒、跳舞等等。 adj. 1. 爵士乐的 a jazz band 爵士乐队 a jazz fan 爵士迷 jazz music 爵士音乐 a jazz singer 爵士歌手 2. 爵士乐式的,似爵士乐的 3. (对比强烈的) 斑驳的,杂色的 vi. 1. 演奏爵士乐 2. 跳爵士舞 3. 表现得快活 有活力 vt. 1. 把演奏 编曲 成爵士乐风格 2. 使 热闹,使活泼兴奋 Lets jazz the banquet up, shall we? 我们来使这宴会更热闹些吧!? 3. 把 弄得花里花俏 4. popn. 流行音乐 popular music: pop stars, pop groups: singers and players that make pop music 唱流行歌曲的明星;弹奏流行音乐的人 5. dramaticadj. 戏剧的;演剧的 of plays: There was a dramatic confrontation between the two leaders. 各领导人之间有一种戏剧性对抗。 6. livelyadj. 有生气的;活跃的 full of life; moving quickly: He had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting. 他有一种奇特的办法使他上的课生动有趣。 She was very lively at the party. 她在舞台上非常活跃。 He has a lively imagination. 他有丰富的想象力。 lively air 使人感到爽快的空气 a lively ball 活跃的舞会 lively colours 鲜艳之色 a lively dance 一个快活的舞蹈。 lively kittens 活泼的小猫 a lively voice 一个畅快之音 7. sadadj. 1. 令人难过的;愁苦的 not happy: The children are sad because their dog has died. 狗死了,孩子们感到伤心。 It makes me sad to hear that you have to go away. 听说你一定要走,我很难过。 He is feeling sad about his examination results. 他为自己的考试成绩不好而感到难受。 2. 使人悲伤的 that makes you feel unhappy: The corporal felt very sad over the death of the boy. 下士对男孩的死感到很悲伤。 You feel sad if your best friend goes away. 假如你最要好的朋友走了,你会感到悲伤。 8. seriousadj. 1. 动脑筋的;认真的 thinking a lot; not playing or joking: He is a serious student and works very hard. 他认真,学习非常努力。 2. 严肃的 not funny: Be serious, John! Dont make fun of me. 严肃点,约翰!别拿我开玩笑! He always looks serious and never laughs. 他的表情总是严肃的,从来不笑。 3. 严重的;危急的 very bad: He has a serious illness. 他病得很厉害。 Everyone knows how serious the danger is. 大家都懂得危险有多严重。 The storm caused serious damage to the house. 风暴对房子造成了严重的损坏。 9. rhythmn. 韵律,格律;节奏10. posern. 作曲者;作曲家 someone who makes up songs and music: Mozart was a famous poser. 莫扎特是个著名的作曲家。 11. brilliantadj. 1. 光辉的;辉煌的;耀眼的 very bright: She is wearing a brilliant jewels. 她戴着耀眼的珠宝。 2. 非常聪明的;才华横溢的 very clever: She had a brilliant idea. 她有一个极妙的主意。 She is a brilliant student. 她是一个有才华的学生。 12. prefervt. 更喜欢;宁愿(选择) like one thing better than another; to choose: Would you prefer tea or coffee? 你要茶还是要咖啡? He always prefers staying at home. 他一向比较喜欢待在家里。 He preferred to stay at home rather than go with us. 他宁愿待在家里,不愿和我们一起去。 They preferred her not to go with them. 他们宁愿她不跟他们去。 She preferred that we should have the discussion right after the lecture. 她愿意我们一听完课就讨论。 prefer.to. 宁愿不愿 I prefer tea to coffee. 我喜欢喝茶,而不喜欢喝咖啡。 I prefer doing to talking. 我宁愿干,不愿谈。 prefer.rather than 宁愿而不愿 I prefer to do this rather than that. 我宁愿做这件事而不愿做那件事。 13. fann. 1. 扇子 something that moves the air so that you feel cool: There is an electric fan in our room. 在我们屋子里有一台电风扇。 2. 迷;狂热者 someone who is very interested in something: The football fans cheered their team. 足球迷们给他们的队加油。 My brother is a film fan. 兄弟是个电影迷。 a draft fan 通风扇;吸风扇 an electric fan 电风扇 an exhaust fan 排风机,排气风扇。 a feather fan 羽毛扇 a folding fan 折扇 vt. 煽 make the air move: He fanned the fire to make it burn better. 他煽了煽火让它旺起来。 fan the coals into a blaze 把煤火扇旺 fan oneself with a handkerchief 用手绢扇风 14. musiciann. 音乐家,作曲家,乐师 someone who writes music or plays a musical instrument: He is a famous musician. 他是一位有名的音乐家。 15. guitarn. C 吉他 an electric guitar 电吉他 play the guitar 弹吉他 16. organn. 1. 琴 a musical instrument: He plays the organ every day. 他每天弹风琴。 2. 器官 a part of a plant or animal which serves some special purpose: The eyes, stomach, heart, and lungs are organs of the body. 眼睛、胃、心脏和肺都是身体的器官。 3. 工作机关;组织 means of getting work done, organization: The state is an organ of violence at service of class rule. 国家是阶级统治的暴力机器。 The auditory organ 听觉器官 the digestive organs 消化器官 The internal organs 内脏 the law making organ of the state 国家立法机关 a mouth organ 口琴 a pipe organ 管风琴 an organ of propaganda 宣传机构 play.on the organ 用风琴演奏 grind an organ 奏手摇风琴 overtax ones vocal organs 使发音器官用力过度 17. trumpetn. 喇叭;小号 sort of musical instrument that you blow: The trumpet blared (forth). 喇叭发出嘟嘟声。 flourish trumpets 响亮地吹奏喇叭 blow(=sound; blare)a trumpet 吹喇叭 blow ones own trumpet 自吹自擂 18. violinn. 小提琴,四弦提琴 musical instrument with strings: He entertained himself with his violin in his simple home. 他在简朴的家里拉小提琴消遣。 She likes playing the violin. 她喜欢拉小提琴。 He has a fine hand on the violin. 他擅长拉小提琴。 19. waltzn. 1. C 有时 the 华尔兹舞(双人跳的三拍子优雅圆舞) dance a the waltz 跳华尔兹舞 2. C 华尔兹舞 圆舞 曲 vi. 1. 跳华尔兹舞 2. 以跳舞似的步伐走路 waltz in 跳舞般地舞进 舞出 waltz out of the room 以跳舞似的步伐离开房间 3. 轻松地 顺利地 进行 waltz through an exam 轻松地考完试 vt. 带领 跳华尔兹舞; 与跳华尔兹舞 He waltzed me around (the hall) again. 他再度带领我 (在大厅中) 跳华尔兹舞。 20. orchestran. 1. C 集合称管弦乐团 a string orchestra 弦乐团 The orchestra is are preparing for a concert. 管弦乐团正为了音乐会在排练。 2. C (又作 orchestra pit) (舞台前的) 管弦乐团演奏席 3. C 【戏剧】 (舞台前的) 头等席,正厅前排席 ( (英) (orchestra-stalls) 21. dievi. 1. 死;枯萎;雕谢 e to the end of life; stop living: Shakespeare died in 1616. 莎士比亚死于一六一六年。 Plants and people die without water. 没有水,植物就要枯死,人要渴死。 He died for the country. 他为国牺牲了。 He was born poor and died poor. 他生亦穷来死亦穷(他一生贫穷)。 He died by drowning. 他因溺水而死。 2. 消逝;结束 cease to exist; e to the end: The smile died on his lips. 笑容在他嘴角消失了。 The secret died with him. 秘密和他同逝。 3. 渴望;切望 want something very much: She is dying for love of him. 她渴望得到他的宠爱。 He is dying to see you. 他迫切想见到你。 vt. 死 die: He died a glorious death. 他死得光荣。 the dead and the dying 已死的人和快死的人 22. togetheradv. 1. 在一起;紧密地 next to each other; close: We put our books together. 我们把书放在一起。 Tie the two pieces of string together. 把两根线绳结在一起。 They worked together to make a boat. 他们合作造了一条船。 Hold the sticks together and see which is longer. 把这些小棍放在一起比比看哪根长。 2. 共同;一起 with each other: Grace and Catherine always walk to school together. 格雷斯和凯瑟琳总是一起步行到学校。 Lets go home together. 我们一起回家吧。 I travelled together with my classmates. 我和同班同学们一起去旅行。 3. 同时 at the same time: We all cheered together. 我们同时都欢呼起来。 All his troubles seemed to happen together. 他的麻烦事似乎都同时发生。 23. maybeadv. 或许,大概 perhaps, possibly: Maybe well see you tomorrow. 或许我们明天会见到你。 Maybe it is right. 这可能是对的。 as soon as maybe: as soon as possible 尽量快 The rat ran as soon as maybe. 老鼠尽量快的跑了。 24. typen. 1. 种类;型号 (pl. types) sort; kind: This is a new type of dictionary. 这是一种新型的词典。 What type of plant is this? 这是什么类别的植物? A bungalow is a type of house. 平房是一种房子式样。 2. 字体 letters that a machine makes on paper: In this book, the headwords are in large type. 本书里的条目词用大号字体。 v.(用打字机往纸上)打字 make letters on paper, with a machine called a typewriter: If I want to write fast, I must learn to type. 如果我想写得快,我就得学会打字。 His secretary typed the report. 他的秘书用打字机打出报告。

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