2019-2020年初中英语 Unit8 At the weekends教案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年初中英语 Unit8 At the weekends教案 牛津版一、单元教学要求1按要求掌握以下单词: 四会: talk,weekend, often, spend, very,learnfrom, sport, catch 三会: of course, talk about, cartoon, butterfly, ant, dragonfly, firefly, bee, grasshopper, insect, primary school, other, carry, special, glow2 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:Howdoyouspendyourweekends? Ioften.SometimesI.Howdoeshe/shespendhis/herweekends? 3 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语和句型:Icanlearnalotfromit.Ofcourse,Ido.4 了解字母组合ee在单词中的读音。5 会诵读歌谣Weknow.二、单元教材分析本单元教学内容围绕周末活动展开,通过周末活动引出本单元的四会内容和昆虫类名称。涉及的句型有Howdoyouspendyourweekends?Howdoeshe/shespendhis/herweekends?本单元设计的周末活动有网上冲浪、爬山、看电视、荡秋千、看卡通片、捉昆虫等,学生对这些活动都会很感兴趣。教师在教学中应尽量为学生创设比较生动的情景,以便更有效地帮助学生复习有关动作类词组;对于昆虫类名称的学习,教师应根据学生年龄特点,充分利用昆虫标本或图片等多种形式,把昆虫类词汇的学习与实际生活紧密联系起来。 Unit 8 At the weekends(第一课时)(B Look read and learn & E Read the passage)一、教学目标1 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词catch, insect, ant, bee, butterfly, dragonfly, firefly, grasshopper, bottle, special2. 能听懂、会读、会说词组carry big things/ dance in the flowers/ glow at night/ work hard/ jump high/ primary school3. 能熟读短文Insects are our good friends,能结合已有的知识描述自己喜欢的动物或昆虫二、教学重点能正确熟练地掌握B部分出现的单词。三、教学难点本课的昆虫类单词拼读。四、教学准备1 教具准备: a 单词图片 b 本课E部分的录音本课E部分的图片 c 学生准备自己所喜爱的昆虫的玩具或图片。2 板书准备:预先写好课题 五、教学过程Step 1 Free talkT: Do you have any hobbies?S: Yes, I do. I like (Exchange)S: Do you have any hobbies?T: Yes, I do. I like catching insects. Look, I have some interesting insects.(新授insect/ insects/ catch insects)Step 2 Presentation T: Shall we go and catch some insects in the park? S: OK. Lets go! T: Here are so many beautiful insects.新授firefly T: Look at the firefly. It can fly. The fireflies are very special, they can glow at night. We can put them in bottles.新授 glow at night, put in bottles新授butterfly T: What colour is the butterfly? It can fly and dance. I like butterflies. Do you like butterflies? They dance in the flowers.新授dance in the flowers新授dragonfly T: Its thin. The eyes are big. The wings are long and big. It looks like a plane. What can butterflies do? 新授 fly high新授ant T: What colour is the ant? Its very small. The ants are very strong, they can carry big things.新授carry big things. S: Ants can carry sweets, chocolate, T: What can you carry? S:I can carry a box/ a desk 新授bee T: What colour is it? Big or small? The eyes are big, too. Theyre busy every day. What can bees do?新授work hard新授 grasshopper T: What can grasshoppers do? They can jump. 新授 jump highStep 3 Consolidation1、Listen and readT: Please pay attention to butterfly, firefly, dragonfly, they have the same words fly, they all can fly. (fly还有苍蝇的意思)2. Ask and answera. Which insect is very special?b. What can butterflies do?c. How about dragonflies?d. Can grasshoppers fly?e. Which insect is very small?f. The bees work hard, and we should study hard,too. Step 4 Chant Dragonflies, dragonflies, they fly high.Fireflies, fireflies, they glow at night.Grasshoppers, grasshoppers, they jump high.Butterflies, butterflies, they like flowers.Step 5 Work in pairs A: Which insects do you like? B:I like ,they How about you? A:I likeStep 6 Guessing game T: I have some puzzles, can you guess which insect is it? It is busy(忙的) every day. It makes honey(蜂蜜) for us. It es out in summer (夏天). It glows at night. Can you make a puzzle like this?(group work) Step 7 Enjoy the video of part E and do some exercise (True or false) ( ) 1. The boy often goes to the zoo at the weekends.( ) 2. The ants are very small but they can carry big things.( ) 3. Butterflies and dragonflies are very beautiful, but the boy doesnt like them.( ) 4. Sometimes, he catches the fireflies and puts them in bottles. Step 8 Lets say T: Say something about your favorite animal or insect 1. Talk about your favorite insect.2. Read the new words and passage.3. Try to write a short passage about your favorite animal.五、作业设计1 Copy the words2 Surf the Internet: collect some pictures about your favorite insects六、板书设计 Unit 8 At the weekends (B & E) Dateinsects catch insects ant carry big things butterfly dance in the flowersdragonfly fly highfirefly glow at nightbee small and busygrasshopper jump high七、教后记Unit 8 At the weekends (第二课时)(C Ask and answer & D Look and say)一、教学目标1 复习B部分所学词汇。2 四会掌握单词和词组: weekend(s) , often , spend 三会掌握单词和词组:cartoon, watch cartoons3 掌握句型How do you spend your weekends?及其回答I often .4 学习并掌握句型How does he/ she spend his/ her weekends?及其回答He/ She often . Sometimes he/ she .二、教学重难点1 四会掌握句型How do you spend your weekends?及其回答I often .2 四会掌握句型How does he/ she spend his/ her weekends?及其回答He/ She often . Sometimes he/ she .3How does ?中does的意义,及回答中动词第三人称单数的正确运用。三、教学准备1 教具准备:a 昆虫的玩具或图片。b 准备本课C,D部分出现的图片。2 板书准备:预先写好课题四、教学过程Step1. Warming up and revision1. Greetings 2. Free talk What do you usually do on Sundays / Saturdays ? (贴有关动词词组卡片) Whos your good friend ? What does he /she usually do on Sundays / Saturdays? (贴有关动词词组卡片) 3. Review the phrases T: Very well .Now, look at the pictures .Can you say them quickly? (Show the pictures: listen to music, watch TV, surf the Internet) Step 2. Presentation and practice1、Teach “at the weekends” T: We know there are seven days in a week. In China, Saturday and Sunday are the end of a week .So we also call them weekend. Teach “weekend” T : Saturday and Sunday we can say “ weekend ” . week + end = weekend Read and spell .So Saturdays and Sundays we can say “weekends” Today well learn: Unit 8 At the weekends 2 、 Teach “I often ” T: I like weekends very much. Because at the weekends, I can do many things. I can watch TV, listen to music, surf the Internet and so on . Now can you tell me what do you usually do at the weekends? S: I usually T: How about you? S2: I usually T: Good. You also can say “I often ” (Teach “often ” “I often ”) T: what do you often do at the weekends? S: I often T: Good. How about you? How do you spend your weekends? 3、 Teach :How do you spend your weekends? T: Can you read the words? (多媒体呈现 How do you spend your weekends ?) 点击spend 度过 出现 pen ten weekend spend Teach “spend” /e/ “spend my weekends” “spend your weekends” “spend his / her weekends” 4 、Work in pairs : 操练 “How do you spend your weekends?” “I often ” “Sometimes ” Step3. Pratice1、T: Do you want to know how do I spend my weekends ? You can ask me : “Miss , how do you spend your weekends?” S: (ask) T: (悄悄告诉两三名学生) T: Lets ask together(Ss ask together) You can tell them (让两三名学生告诉其他学生) 引导回答”She often. Sometimes she ”(板书有关含第三人称单数形式的短语) T: Boys and girls, how does Miss spend her weekends ? S: She often Sometimes she 2、T: Now, look ,who is she? Guess ! S: Perhaps she is T: She is my lovely student. Her name is YaoRui. How does she spend her weekends ? S: (guess) Perhaps she often 猜几组后呈现: How does she spend her weekends? She often reads English books . Sometimes she watches TV T (Ask) S (answer) 3、Practice : T ask S1: How do you spend your weekends ? S1: I often Sometimes T: Boys and girls, how does he /she spend his /her weekends ? S3: He/She often Sometimes (先指名再集体问答) T: Good job ! Now listen carefully ,I want to know something about your classmate, Can you help me ? Can you ? Lets Do a survey First you must ask your classmate ,then tell me: My classmate is _ He/She often _ at the weekends .Sometimes he/she _ ( S work in pairs and say ) T: Very good Lets play a game ( 教师随机点名并询问:How does spend his /her weekends ?该同学的同桌站起来回答) 操练 “He/She often Sometimes” Step4 Listen and sayT: Well done ! lets have a test ! Listen and choose . How does Gao Shan spend his weekends ? How about his father and mother ? ( Listen and choose ,check the answer ) T: How about your mother and father ? (快速操练)(ask and answer) My father often _ .Sometimes _. My mother often _ .Sometimes _. 五、作业设计 Write a letter T: Well done, boys and girls. I want to make friends with all of you . So I want to know more about you. Can you write a letter to me ? A letter Dear Miss,My name is .I am a student. I hope we can be good friends. Ill tell you something about me . I have a happy family. At the weekends, I often . Sometimes I . And my father often .Sometimes he .But my mother doesnt. She often . Sometimes she . In my school, I have many friends. I have a good friend. His/Her name is . He/She often .Sometimes he/she . Have a nice weekend!(过一个愉快的周末) Yours (署名)设计意图:本节课的学习难点在于学生能熟练地掌握第三人称单数形式,而英语课的有效性则表现在学生是否能顺利突破这一难点,所以在经历了听、说的训练后,我又将所有内容综合在这一封信中,这样一封信既可以有效的巩固学生对于第三人称单数的理解,又能够进一步提高学生写的能力,有效地创设了英语教学中的“信息沟”。六、板书设计Unit 8 At the weekends(C&D) DateHow do you spend your weekends? How does he /she spend his /her weekends ? I often watch TV He/She often watches TV Sometimes I surf the Internet Sometimes he/she surfs the Internet 七、教后记 Unit 8 At the weekends (第三课时)(A Read and say)一、教学目标1能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。2能正确地听、说、读、写单词talk, learn from, sport, of course, 3能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语和词组I can learn a lot from it. Of course, I can.二、教学重难点能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。四会单词的学习和课文的理解。三、教学准备1 教具准备:录音机、篮球、挂历、统计表格、单词卡片。2 板书准备:预先写好课题 四、教学过程Step 1. Free talk and revision1 Free talk Whatdayisittoday? Whatsubjectdoyouhavethismorning? Howdoyouspendyourweekends? Who is your good friend? Howdoeshe/shespendhis/herweekends? How does your father/mother spend his/her weekends?2 Revision 出示图片,让学生看图复习以前所学的词汇:go swimming/ climbing/ jogging, play football/ basketball, play the piano/ violin, go to the park/ cinema, watch TV, play chess .Step 2. Presentation and practice1 教授词汇和句型1) T: Lets do some sports. Can you spell “sport”? S: Yes, I can. S-P-O-R-T, sport. 教授单词sport, 然后让学生跟口令做练习。 2) T: I like swimming. What do you like? S1:I like T: How about you,? S2:I like T: Talk about your favourite sport with your deskmate, please. 学习单词talk, 及词组talk about。3) T(教师拿出一个篮球):Look, this is a basketball. I can throw it, and I can catch it.教师边说边演示把篮球抛向空中,并接住它。T: Can you catch the ball? 学习单词catch,然后让学生互相传接篮球,并在此过程中反复操练这一句型。 T: , can you throw it to me? S: Miss 。, can you catch the ball? T: Of course, I can.学习句子Of course, I can.4) T: We all like sports, because we can learn a lot from it.学习词组learnfrom及句型I can learn a lot from 让学生造句,如:I can learn a lot from my friends. I can learn a lot from storybooks2 教师出示课文投影片简介课文内容,让学生了解对话的背景,然后问学生:Look. This is Wang Bing. How does he spend his weekends? He likes surfing the Internet.通过画有电脑的投影片使学生明白该句的意思。教师接着说:I like surfing the Internet, too. I think its very interesting. I can learn a lot from it. I can read novels、learn English、play games on the Internet. How about you? 教师通过手势、表情引出单词very, surf the Internet, 教师示范发音,学生静听、模仿、跟读,并拼读。教师问Do you know how do the students spend their weekends?3 Read and say1) 学生边听录音边完成表格,统计出文中人物的周末活动。 Name ActivitiesMikeWang BingHelenYang LingSu Hai & Su Yang2) 学生听录音跟读。3) 学生自由朗读,学生小组分角色朗读。Step 3. Consolidation 1 在熟读的基础上让学生在小组内试着表演对话。2 调查你朋友一家的周末生活。五、作业设计1 Listen, read ,recite and try to act the dialogue. 2 Write a passage about your familys weekend.六、板书设计 Unit 8 At the weekends (A) Date How do you spend your weekends? How does he/she spend his/her weekends? Wang Bing surf the Internet play basketball go swimming Mike go climbing listen to music go to the cinema Helen watch TV do housework Yang Ling go to the park do housework Su Hai & Su Yang watch cartoons catch butterflies七、教后记Unit 8 At the weekends(第四课时)(F Think and guess & G Listen and repeat) 一、教学目标1 通过复习,能较熟练地掌握本单元所学的词汇.2 能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的日常交际用语.3 了解字母组合ee在单词中的读音。二、教学重点1 熟练地掌握本课出现的动词和动词短语。2 能综合运用本单元所学过的单词、句型和日常交际用语。3 能正确地运用动词的第三人称单数形式,并能在具体情景中以口、笔头形式进行交流。 三、教学准备1 教具准备:准备G部分出现的投影片。准备本课词汇的投影片和图片。2 板书准备:预先写好课题 四、教学过程Step 1. Free talk and revision1 Sing a songT: Now, lets listen to a song-We knowS: (Listen and try to sing after the tape)-表演唱英文歌曲We know.2 Free talk Whatdayisittoday? Whatsubjectdoyouhavethismorning?What insects/animals do you like? Howdoyouspendyourweekends? Who is your good friend? Howdoeshe/shespendhis/herweekends? How does your father/mother spend his/her weekends?3 Revision 1) 出示B部分词汇图片,教师快速展示图片,学生拼读单词,用竞赛的形式鼓励学生参与。2) 出示本课对话投影片,学生表演对话。3) 用本课所学句型How do you spend your weekends? I often.How does he/ she spend his/ her weekends? He/ She often . Sometimes he/ she .来调查周围同学的周末活动。Step 2. Think and guess1 游戏活动:说说、猜猜-教师示范,就一种昆虫给出一些描述,再问What is it? 让学生用Is it .?来猜答案。1) It is beautiful and it can fly. o many people call it a flying flower. What is it?OTnG&A_ mibR小学教案课件网2).Q*5NiX#RNvr小学教案课件网It usually flies high. ut when it flies low(低) it means(意味着)it will rain(下雨)soon. What is it?DbDeZJbA小学教案课件网3) q8dZ(YIVC$Ta小学教案课件网It can fly and it glows at night. What is it?3#ny! To+2=9?s小学教案课件网4) It cannot fly. ut it can jump high. it lives in the grass(草). What is it?m1OO.xR6j0S小学教案课件网2 小组开展游戏活动。3 鼓励学生自己用英语编写一些谜语。Step 3. Listen and repeat1 出示单词投影片,让学生认读bee, see, sleep, tree这四个词2 分层次朗读单词,让学生体会字母组合ee在单词中的发音,还可以让学生再试读一些单词,如:teeth, feet, weekend 3 看图,教师示范动作,让学生理解句子,并让学生听录音跟读,朗读时注意句子的节奏-I can see some bees sleeping in the tree.Step 4. Consolidation1 Write a passage about your familys weekend, and share your passages in groups.2 Finish the sentences: 1) How _ Tom spend _ weekends? He often _ . ( 做他的家庭作业) 2) How _ Mary spend _ weekends? She often _. ( 去游泳) Sometimes she _. (去看电影) 3) How _ Su Hai and Su Yang spend _ weekends? They often _ . (做家务)4) How _ you spend _ weekends? We often _. (踢足球) Sometimes we _ . (打篮球)3 Correct the sentences:( )1. How do he spend his weekend?A B C D( )2. She is at home .She is clean the bedroom. A B C D( )3. We can learn a lot on the Internet. A B C D( )4. Li Xin often catch insects with his brother. A B C D( )5. Sometime I spend my weekends with my grandparents. A B C D五、作业设计Fill in the blanks: (根据P65 E部分内容填空)The boy is a student of Yu Cai Primary School. He _ insects very much. He often _ to the park at the weekends. There are a lot of insects in the park. He _ ants. They are very small but they can _ big things. Butterflies and dragonflies are very beautiful. He _ watching them dance in the flowers. Fireflies are very special. They _ at night. Sometimes he _ them and _ them in the bottles.六、板书设计 Unit 8 At the weekends (F& G) Date bee Do you have any hobbies? see How do you spend your weekends ? sleep Does have any hobbies ? tree How does spend his/her weekends ?七、教后记 Unit 9 The English Club一、单元教学要求1 能听懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词:French, a city, visit, UK, British, USA, American, Japan, Japanese, France.2 能听懂,会说,会读和会拼写句型 Where are you from? Im/Hes/Shes/Its/Were/Theyre fromDo you speak? Yes, I do. I speak, too. No, I dont. I speak3能听懂,会说,会读日常交际语及句型 Are you from different countries? Id like to visit it.4 了解元音字母组合ea在单词中的读音。5 会诵读歌谣e here and meet us, please二、单元教学重难点1 能听懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词French, a city, visit, UK, British, USA, American, Japan, Japanese, France.2 能听懂,会说,会读和会拼写句型 Where are you from? Im/Hes/Shes/Its/Were/Theyre fromDo you speak? Yes, I do. I speak, too. No, I dont. I speak3能听懂,会说,会读日常交际用语。Are you from different countries? Id like to visit it.三、单元教材分析本单元的核心教学内容是介绍国家、国籍和语言。重点学习句型Where are you from? Do you speak? 及其答语。学生已学过China,Chinese,English,因此,教师可采用以旧带新的方法,拓展相关内容。本单元着重介绍六个国家的名称和语言。教师可以结合学生掌握情况,适当补充另外一些国家的名称和语言,为学生进一步交际提供较为广阔的训练空间。由于以前的教科书中已出现过几种水果的复数形式。本册第八单元又出现了几种昆虫的复数形式。教师可以结合本单元children. countries等单词,对名词复数的变化规则和读音进行归类整理。四、单元教学安排:四课时 a


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