2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit 1《 It may be cold tomorrow》教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit 1《 It may be cold tomorrow》教案 外研版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit 1 It may be cold tomorrow教案 外研版课堂实录:设计意图:以学生耳熟能详的问候语开始,放松学生心情,使学生尽快进入上课状态。Step 2: Lead in(sound) wind T: Guess whats the sound ? Ss: wind T: How about wind , windy Ss: wind , windy T: Whats in the sky ? (Picture) Ss: Its sun. T: Whats the weather like ?(Picture) Ss: Its cloudy. T: Look at the symbol.(Picture)设计意图:通过图片、声音调动学生的积极性,改变过去单一的教学方法。贴近生活,学生会觉着亲切,学生更加乐于思考,乐于参与到课堂教学中来。Step 3 Presentation: Pictures and sounds: rain rainy picture( the symbol of rain) T: When it rains more and more heavily, what will happen ? Read one by one . Ss: storm, stormy, shower Sum up: symbol n. adj. sun sunny Show the map T: Where is it ? Whats the weather like in Beijing today ? What will the weather be like tomorrow? Show a symbol T: It is a unit for temperature. It refers to degree and centigrade. Can you read them ? -49 Between minus 4 and plus 9 degrees T: Whats the temperature today ? What will the temperature be tomorrow ? How can we know the weather We know it through the weather forecast Listen: Who knows the forecast Eg: Everyone ! Here is the weather forecast. Beijing will be . The temperature will be. Thank you for listening . Goodbye.设计意图:学生英语表达愿望在此完全释放,教师引导学生互编对话,培养了学生在实际生活中运用英语的能力,整个过程,学生在教师创设的情境中,围绕“Whats the weather like?”师生互动,生生互动,学生操练了基本的英语表达法,为学生开口说英语,用英语表演提供了机会。 Step 4: Listen and plete. Activity 5 in the Ss book . Step 5: Listen and repeat Read by themselves1. be off 2. the best time to do sth.3. probably4. better get going5. You must be joking !6. It may not even be cold.7. It might be windy.设计意图:让学生变成课题的真正主人,以愉快的心情学习知识,让优生带动全班学生,充分调动学生学习的积极性,我们可以看到学生思维火花的绽放。 Step 6: Exercise: Task 1: Show a map of China.Describe the picture.Task 2:The weather will be worse and worse. How to protect the environment ?设计意图:分层训练,让每名同学都有收获,通过听,读,说,练,动脑,动手,充分发挥学生的积极性和主动性,给学生充分的运用语言的时间和空间。 Homework : Make a new dialogue.


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