2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Chapter 5 Look it up!Reading 2教案 上海牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Chapter 5 Look it up!Reading 2教案 上海牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Chapter 5 Look it up!Reading 2教案 上海牛津版Look it up!DISNEY,WALT Teaching Aim:1. Finding and understanding information,especially from encyclopaedias2. Studying the paragraph “DISNEY, WAL”Teaching Aids: puter, multi-media, encyclopaedia and so on.Teaching procedures:1. Review the paragraph “DINOSAURS”,ask some questions.2. Ask the students what their favourite things are, and help them to find the information from the encyclopaedia. (The teacher put several articles into the puter before)3. Let the students know how to find the information from the encyclopaedia.4.Learn “DISNEY, WALT”1)Listen to the cassette and read after the recording.2)The students read the paragraph.3)The students ask and answer some questions about the paragraph.Homework: Get some information from the encyclopaedia at home or in the library.链接5是一份白雪公主的中英文对白,可以在最后请学生朗诵。很久以前,在一个遥远的王国里住着一位叫白雪的可爱公主。Long ago ,in a faraway kingdom, there lived a lovely young Princess named Snow White.皇后是白雪公主的继母。为人冷酷无情而且极爱虚荣。好嫉恨每一个比她美丽的人。因此,她总是用愤怒及妒忌的眼光看着白雪公主。Her stepmother, then Queen, was cruel and vain. She hated anyone whose beauty rivaled her own, and she watched her stepdaughter with angry, jealous eyes.皇后会施展魔法及拥有一只巨大及能说话的魔镜。每天她都会站在魔镜前问道:“墙上的魔镜啊,你说谁是最美丽的!”而魔镜每天都回答说:“天下最美丽的人是皇后。” The Queen had magic powers and owned a wonderous mirror that spoke .Every day she stood before it and asked:Magic mirror on the wall,Who is the fairest one of all?And every day the mirror answered:You are the fairest of all, O Queen,The fairest our eyes have ever seen.日子一天天过去,白雪公主越来越漂亮,而皇后也越来越嫉妒她了。于是,皇后逼迫白雪公主穿着破烂的衣服,在厨房里从早到晚不停地干活。白雪公主尽管干活干得很累,但她还是那么甜美、温柔、可爱。她一天接一天不停地洗啊,拖啊,擦啊。她常常幻想有一位英俊的王子来到她身边,并把她带回王子的城堡。As time passed, Snow White grew more and more beautiful-and the queen grew more and more envious, So she forced the Princess to dress in rags and work in the kitchen from dawn to dusk.Despite all the hard work, Snow White stayed sweet, gentle, and cheerful.Day after day she washed and swept and scrubbed. And day after day she dreamed of a handsome Prince who would e and carry her off to his castle.有一天,皇后又照例去问魔镜。然而,她听到了最令她害怕的回答:“夫人,你仍然很美丽,但我看到了一位更可爱的小姐。她比你更漂亮,她的嘴唇像玫瑰一样红艳,头发乌木一样乌黑,皮肤像雪一样洁白。”皇后一听,愤怒得连声音也发抖了,大声说:“是白雪吗?哼!我决不会放她!”One day when the Queen spoke to her mirror, it replied with the word she had been dreading:Fair is thy beauty, Majesty,But hold-a lovely maid I see,One who is more fair than thee.Lips red as a rose, hair black as ebony,Skin white as snow“Snow White?” shrieked the angry Queen. She must be destroyed! 皇后召来了一个猎人,命令他说:“你必须依照我的吩咐,把白雪带到森林里杀掉!”悲哀的猎人哀求皇后饶恕白雪,皇后当然不会听猎人的话。她警告猎人:“记住,我有魔法。你一定要服从我,否则你和你全家都要受难。”The Queen sent for her huntsman.“take Snow White deep into the forest,” she asked, “and there ,my faithful one, you will kill her”The unhappy man begged the Queen to be merciful, but she would not be persuaded “Remember my magic powers,” she warned. “Obey me, or you and your family will suffer!”第二天,白雪公主跟随猎人出去,丝毫没有想到自己已处于危险之中。他们进入森林里,猎人拔出了刀。可是,猎人突然跪了下去。他哭泣着说:“亲爱的公主,我不能杀你。请原谅我吧。这完全是皇后的命令。”白雪听了,吃惊得张大嘴巴,疑惑地问:“皇后要杀我?”The next day Snow White ,never suspecting that she was in danger, went off with the huntsman.When they were deep in the woods ,the huntsman drew his knife.Then suddenly ,he fell to his knees.“I cant kill you,” he sobbed.“Forgive me, sweet Princess. It was the Queen who ordered this wicked deed.”“the Queen?” gasped Snow White.猎人说:“皇后嫉妒得快发疯了,她会不顾一切地伤害你的。快,你赶快跑,不能再回去,我会想办法回复皇后的。走,现在就走,救救你自己!”白雪公主听后,立刻惊恐地跑向森林的深处,杂乱的树枝勾破了她的衣服;尖利的小刺刮伤了她的手臂和大腿;黑暗中到处闪动著野兽们可怕的目光。白雪公主感到周围隐藏着危险。她不停的跑啊跑啊,终于筋疲力尽地倒在地上,开始哭泣起来。“shes mad with jealousy,” said the huntsman.“shell stop at nothing to destroy you. Quick run away and dont e back. Ill think of something to tell the Queen. Now go! Run! Save yourself!”Frightened, Snow White fled through the woods. tangled branches tore at her clothes .Sharp twigs scratched her arms and legs. Strange eyes stared from the shadows. Danger lurked everywhere.Snow White ran on and on. At last she fell wearily to the ground and began to weep.森林里许多的善良的动物围着她。想尽办法安慰她。然后,这些小动物们叽叽喳喳地说笑着把她带到了一个小木屋前。白雪公主一见小木屋,高兴极了,说:“噢,多可爱的小房子,简直像一所娃娃屋!”但是当进去就发现屋子里的家俱上积满了灰尘,水盆里堆满了脏碟子。白雪公主说:“让我们把一切都收拾干净吧,也许住在这里的孩子们会让我留下来照顾他们的。”The gentle animals of the forest gathered around and tried to fort her. Chirping and chattering, they led her to a tiny cottage.“Oh.” said Snow White “How sweet !” “Its just like a dolls house.”But inside, the tiny furniture was all dusty, and the sink was filled with dirty dishes.“Lets tidy everything up,” said Snow whit“Maybe the children who live here will let me stay and take care of them.”小动物们都乐于助人,不一会儿,小房间里的一切都整理得又干净又整齐了。这时,小木屋的主人七个小矮人正从他们工作的矿山往家走着。他们边走边唱:“嗨哟,嗨哟,我们收工回家唼!” The animals all helped ,and soon the place was spick-and-span.Meanwhile, the seven Dwarfs who lived in the cottage were starting home from the mine where they worked .On their way they sang:Heigh-ho ,heigh-ho,Its home from work we go他们进入屋子后对屋内的干净整齐感到惊奇。使他们更惊奇的是当他们踮着脚尖到楼上时发现睡着的白雪公主。白雪公主被惊醒了。当她看到七个小矮人时,也觉得非常惊讶,说:“嗨,原来你们不是小孩,而是小矮人!”这时,小矮人都围上来。白雪公主说:“我坐在床上读到了你们的名字。让我来猜一下:你一定是万事通,你嘛,是害羞鬼,你们分别是喷嚏精、瞌睡虫、开心果、湖涂蛋,而你一定是爱气。”The Dwarfs were amazed to find their house so neat and clean. They were even more amazed when they tiptoed upstairs and saw Snow White!Snow White woke up with a start.“why, youre not children,” she said when she saw the Dwarfs.“youre little man!” the Dwarfs gathered around her.“I read your names on the beds, ” said Snow White.“let me guess who you are ? you must be Doc.and you must be Bashful. then theres Sneezy, and Sleepy, and Happy, and Dopeyand you must be grumpy!” 白雪公主告诉了小矮人们皇后要杀她的经过。小矮人们决定让白雪公主和他们住在一起。爱生气不高兴地说:“我们会惹麻烦的。”万事通说:“但是我们不能眼看着白雪公主被邪恶的皇后抓去呀!”其他小矮人都点头表示赞同万事通的话。When Snow White told Dwarfs of the Queens plan to kill her,they decided that she should stay,with them.“Were askedin for trouble,” huffed Grumpy.“But we cant let her be caught by that kwicked Queen-I mean, wicked Queen!” said Doc. the others all agreed.当天晚饭后,白雪公主和小矮人们跳起了欢乐的舞蹈,并且还演奏悦耳的音乐。害羞鬼拉起了手风琴,开心果敲打着小鼓,瞌睡虫吹着喇叭,爱生气弹着琴,万事通和喷嚏精弦琴。糊涂蛋既不会唱歌也不会演奏,但他也有一个本领:他能灵活地摆动一对耳朵。白雪公主非常喜欢这些新朋友。她始终觉得找到了一个安全的地方。That night, after supper, Snow White and the Dwarfs danced and made merry music. Bashful played the concertina. Happy tapped the drums. Sleepy tooted the horn. Grumpy pumped the organ.Doc and sneezy played stringed instruments. Dopey didnt know how to sing or play a tune, but he was very good at wiggling his ears!Snow White loved her new friends. And she felt safe at last.但是,皇后从她的魔镜里得知白雪公主还活着。她咬牙切齿地说道:“这次我要亲手杀了她!”于是,她念了一个咒语,把自己变成了一个卖东西的老太婆。她装了一个篮苹果,把放在上面的苹果涂上了毒药然后她恶狠狠地:“只要让白雪公主吃一口,她就会永远睡着。到那时,我就是世界上最漂亮的人了。”But the Queen had learned from her mirror that Snow White was still alive.“this time,” she hissed,“Ill finished myself!”With a magic spell, she turned herself into an old peddler woman .She filled a basket with apples, putting a poisoned apple on top.“One bite,” she cackled,“and Snow White will sleep forever. then I will be the fairest in the land!”第二天早晨,小矮人们要去矿山工作了。他们告诉白雪公主好好看好门户。万事通说:“要当心陌生人。”爱生气说:“对,不要让任何人进屋。”白雪公主说:“噢,爱生气你真关心我。”她吻了爱生气和其他小矮人道别。小矮人们便高兴地去工作了。Next morning, before the Dwarfs left for the mine ,they warned Snow White to be on her guard.“beware of strangers,” said Doc.“right,” said Grumpy.“Dont let nobody or nothin in the house.”“Oh, Grumpy”, said Snow White ,“You do care! Ill be careful, I promise.” She kissed him and the others good-bye, and the Dwarfs went cheerfully off to work. 几分钟后,皇后来到了厨房的窗户下。“亲爱的姑娘,你在烤馅饼吗?”她装作热情地说:“人们最喜欢吃苹果馅饼的。来,尝尝我的苹果吧。”说着,她把那只有毒的苹果递给了白雪公主。白雪公主想起了小矮人们的警告。但她又想,“这可怜的老太婆怎么会伤害人呢?而且那粒苹果看起来是很美味啊。”于是,她咬了一口这只有毒的苹果。只听到“啊”的一声,白雪公主就倒在地板上了。A few minutes later, the Queen came to the kitchen window.“baking pies, earie ?” she asked.“Its apple pies the men love. Here, taste one of these.” she held the poisoned apple out to Snow White.Snow White remembered the Dwarfs warming.“but what harm can a poor old woman do?” She thought “And that apple does look delicious.”She bit the poisoned apple. Then, with a sigh, she fell to the floor. 小矮人得到了鸟儿和动物的报告,知道家里出了事。他们飞快地跑回木屋,看到皇后正在逃跑,连忙追了上去。这时,天上乌云密布,下起了大雨。小矮人们追着皇后来到了一座高耸入云的大山上。他们拼命地一直追到山顶。猛然间天空传来一声巨响,一道耀眼的闪电划过并击中了邪恶的皇后,把她摔到山脚下,得到了应有的报应。Alerted by the birds and animals that something was wrong, the Dwarfs raced back to the cottage. They saw the Queen sneaking off, and they ran after her.As storm clouds gathered and rain began to fall, the Dwarfs chased the Queen up a high, rocky mountain. Up, up they went, to the very top.CRACK! There was a flash of lightning , and the evil Queen fell to her doom below.但是小矮人已经来得太迟,不能及时救到白雪公主。他们把白雪公主没有生气的身体从木屋地板抬了起来。白雪公主是那样美丽,小矮人们不忍心和她分开,于是建造了一个黄金水晶棺材,日日夜夜陪伴着这们可爱的公主。But the Dwarfs seemed to be too late to help Snow White. They lifted her lifeless body from the floor of their cottage. She was so beautiful, however ,that the Dwarfs could not bear to part with her. They built her a coffin of glass and gold, and day and night they kept watch over their beloved Princess.有一天,一位英俊的王子骑着马来到森林。他一见到美丽的白雪公主就深沉地爱上了她。他跪在她身边,忍不住。轻轻地吻了她一下。奇迹出现了!白雪公主坐了起来,闪动着美丽的大眼睛甜蜜地笑了。原来,白雪公主并没有死,王子的亲吻解除了皇后的邪恶的咒语!七个小矮人欢乐地起舞。王子把白雪公主带到了他的城堡。从此,白雪公主和王子一起过着幸福美满的生活。 One day a handsome Prince came riding through the forest. As soon as he saw Snow White ,he fell in love with her. Kneeling by her coffin, he could not resist kissing her.Snow White sat up, blinked her eyes, and smiled. Snow White wasnt dead after all. The princes kiss had broken the Queens evil spell! As the Dwarfs danced with joy,the Prince carried Snow White off to his castle, where they lived happily ever after.


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