2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit 9 When was he born教案 人教新目标板.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit 9 When was he born教案 人教新目标板.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit 9 When was he born教案 人教新目标板单元教材分析:I.Teaching goals: 1. Learn to use “be born” to ask sb sth2. 掌握一般过去时态的以how long , when , where 等疑问词开头的特殊疑问句.3. 能用有关的形容词来描述人,并能用一般过去时来谈论熟知的、敬佩的人物.II. The topics单元话题1 表述自己在过去的生活经历。2 询问他人过去的一些生活经历和所取得的成绩。3 写一篇短文把自己和周围同学的生活经历写出来。4 写一篇简短的人物传记。并附上人物的小档案。III. 重要句型概览Whos that? Thats Deng Yaping. Whats her job? She is a great ping-pong player.When was she born? She was born in 1973.When did she bee a ping-pong player? She became a ping-pong player when she was 3 years old. / When she was 3 years old.When did she ? When she was years old.How long did she ? When did she stop ?When did you ? I when I was years old.I first .when I was years old. I was/felt happy/tired/excited.IV. 重要词组概览learn to do sth. 学会做某事 start doing(to do) sth.开始做某事have a party 举行一次聚会 was(were) born 出生于stop doing sth. 停止做某事 free time 业余时间see sb. do sth.看见某人做某事 begin doing(to do) sth.开始做某事at the age of在几岁(多大年龄)的时候 take part in 参加VI. Teaching important points and difficult points教学重难点用过去时态描述或谈论人和事。VII、典型课例分析研讨:Unit9 When was he born?第一课时SA(1a-2c)Step1 Warming up1. Game: How many international sports stars do you know?Ask a student to e to the front, say some sentences about a famous person or one of the classmates, including his or her birth date, occupation, and so on. And ask other Ss to guess who he or she is talking about. Later, the student gives the answer and shows the pictures. T: Now, lets play a game. Ill ask a student to e here and talk something about a famous person or your classmate, and you guess who he or she is, understand?. Step 2.Presentation1.Students think of some stars , for example: Deng Yaping, David Beckham, Tian Liang, Liu Xuan, Yao Ming, Anna Kournikova(库尔尼科娃) 2.Do you know the numbers?Revise the numbers and the years: 13,30,45,134,567,1976,1992,xx etc.3. PairworkAfter that, show some photos of other famous people on the screen and ask some pairs of Ss to make dialogues one by one.A: Whos that?B: Thats_. He is _.A: When was he born?B: He was born in _Step3 Listening 1. Listen and finish the exercises(1b)2. Groupwork: Talk about the famous person we admire .What achievement did they get ? How did they bee outstanding ? Do you want to be a well known person ?What will you do ? And so on .Step 4.Pairworkwe are going to talk about another kind of famous people. Look at this picture and the chart please. Now, we will listen to a conversation about the two people on this chart. What are their names? They are two unusual people. What did Charles Smith do? ( He had a world record for hiccupping打嗝.) What did Donna Green do? (She had a world record for sneezing打喷嚏.) Now lets see how they got the world record. Please open your books and turn to Page 54, Activity 2a. Ill play the recording twice. While listening, please fill in “How long”, “started” and “stopped” columns.Show some pictures and make dialogues:1)- How long did he hiccup? -He hiccupped for _years and _months-When did he start hiccupping?-He started in _.-When did he stopped hiccupping?-He stopped in_.2) -How long did he sneeze? -He sneezed for . -When did he start sneezing?-He started .-When did he stopped sneezing?-He stopped .Step 5 Listening 2a2bPlay the recording twice and have Ss fill in the chart on the books. Later, check the answer.Step6 Pairwork 2cT: Now, lets e to Activity 2cPairwork. Please fill in the blanks with information from the chart in Activity 2a. (Ask two pairs of Ss to practice the conversation.) Now, Id like you to work in pairs and make the same kind of conversation about Donna Green, understand? Pairwork, begin. (Ask several pairs to act it out.)Step 7 Homework写出个人从出生到现在的自传.突出自己每个第一次的经历Unit9 When was he born?第二课时SA(3a-4)Step 1 Warming up Topic : Talk about some people that you admire. Use the sentences and the words that you have learnt.Step 2 Famous person1.Let students say the famous person ,such as Tiger Woods, Shirley Temple, Mozart, Mei Lanfang, Ronaldo, Liu Xuan and so on.2. Pairwork Student A, read 3a and fill in as many blanks as you can in the chart. Student B, go to page 84.Step 3 Fill in the blanksAchievement(成就,功绩)AgeTiger WoodsShirley TempleMozartMei LanfangRonaldoLiu XuanStep 4 Now exchange information with your partner and fill in the chart.1.A: Who is Shirley Temple?B: Shes a movie star.A: When did she bee a movie star?B: When she was three years old.2. A: Who is Tiger Woods?B: He is a golfer.A: When did he start golfing?B: When he was ten months old.Step 5 Interview How old were you when? How old were you when you started doing the things below? Interview your classmates and fill in the chart.NameAchievementAgeMore informationlearned to ride a bicyclestarted learning Englishstarted playing sportsfirst went to a moviefirst had a partyStep 6 Sum upTell your classmates what you learned about one student.For example:Selina started things early. She went to her first movie when she was three years old! It was a edy calledStep 7 Homework Write something about your admired person.Unit 9 When was he born ?第三课时Section B (1a2c).Teaching ProceduresStep I Greet the class .Step II Lead- in and IntroductionToday we start to learn to talk more about people. They are different but just mon like us. Show the new words on the screen: talented loving outstanding unusual creative grandchild violinist skating skater beePoint to them and lead the students to learn them.Step III Section B 1aFirst learn the words in the yellow bar at the top of the page. Write them on the board. Then point to the words one by one and ask students to say what they mean. Have students explain the words, or use the words in several sentences to show what they mean. For example ,T: Talented. A talented person can do something very well. Deng Yaping is a talented table tennis player, Sun Yanzi is a talented singer. Who else is talented?S: Carlos is a talented soccer player.Read the instructions and point out the pictures. Ask a student to read the names of the people in the pictures. Help him if he has some difficulties in pronunciation of the names.Ask students to write one or orwo words from the list under each persons picture. Give students an example to help them understand how a possible answer is.Step IV 1b GroupworkPoint to the different people in the pictures in Activity 1a.Ask several students to read to the class the words they wrote under each picture.Read the sample sentences: A: Arthur is a loving frandfather. He spends all his free time with his grandson.Say, Now work with a group. Make your own statements about the people in the pictures using the words you wrote in your book.Ask students to tell the class what they said about some of the people.Step V 2a Read the instructions and point out the words in the list in Activity 1a. Say, Listen to the boy and girl talking about people the admire. Circle the words you hear.Check the answers.Step VI 2b Show the eight sentences on the book box. Stuents read.Check the answers.Step VII 2c PairworkPoint out the sample conversation. Ask two studnts to read it to the class.Then lead the class to read the sample conversation toghther.Have students work in pairs. Ask some pairs of students to say a conversation to the class.Step VIII SummaryToday we have learned to talk about people with words talented, loving, outstanding, unusual, beautiful, creative, kind, famous. And we listened to a story about Midori and Laura. Both of them became very famous when they were very young. Working hard makes a man. You are young, you have chances to prepare and go.Unit 9 When was he born ?第四课时 Section B 3a-4+Self-Check)Step1 Warming upMake dialogues:1)- Whos that?- Thats_. He is _.- When was he born?-He was born in _2)- How long did he ?- When did he start -ing?- When did he stopped -ing?Step 2Reading 3a 1. T: Now, lets do some reading. We will learn some famous people. Most of them started doing things when they were very young. And they became famous when they were young, too. Please look at Activity 3a. Lets read after the tape2. Ask Ss to find some key phrases and underline. Explain some key language points. (Bb)1. too + adj. +to do sth. 太而不能 e.g. The desk is too heavy to carry.Its too cold to go swimming.Its never too old to learn.2. start doing sth. 开始做某事 or we can say “start to do sth.” 3. write music 作曲 4. national team 国家队3. Then say some sentences in Chinese, and ask Ss to put into English.1、我8岁时就开始踢足球。2、他们10岁时就开始学英语。3、Tom太累了不能跑了。4、Gina什么时候开始上学?4. Have Ss look at the chart. Point out the headings in the chart. Ask Ss what they think the word achievement means. Explain that it means the important thing each person did. Ask Ss to read the article again and fill in the chart. Later, check the answers. Then ask the whole class to read the article again.Step 3 Groupwork -Interview1. Ask Ss to work in groups of four. Each group chooses a reporter. The reporter interviews other group members about when they started doing these things ( learned to ride a bike, started learning English, started going to school, learned to write, and so on.) T: Well done. Lets do an interview. Id like you to work in groups of four, and each group chooses a reporter. The reporter should ask other group members about when they started doing these things. First, suppose Im a reporter. (Interview three Ss) Understand, now? Its your turn to do this exercise. Stand up and do this exercise. When you finish, you can sit down. Now, groupwork, begin!- When did you start learning English?-I started learning English when I was ten years old.2. Ask three groups to e to the front and act out the interviews.3. Ask a student to give a report about how old he was when he did these things for the first time.Step4 SummaryT: OK, lets summarize. In this period, we have talked about some famous people. They all started doing things when they were very young. And finally they have made great success. So please remember: “You are never too young to start doing things.”(show on the screen). So much for today. Step5 Homework1.Recite Activity 3a2.Exercise on Page82-83 in Meikeyilian


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