2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 3 A day out (1).doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 3 A day out (1)Teaching aims:To introduce well-known foreign cities and popular places of interestTo activate existing knowledge of the world and identify names of places and countriesTo guess meaning from picturesTeaching procedures: Step One Lead in.(Warming-up activities)1. Do you often exercise?2. How do you exercise, swimming, running, climbing the hills, riding a bike, traveling, or ?3. Why do you exercise? Do you want to look slim and pretty, keep fit or bee strong?4. Do you think if Eddie needs to exercise? Why?5. Eddie is going to climb a hill, what kind of hill is he going to climb? Step Two Learn the new ic strip.(listen, repeat and act out) Step Three Explain .1) a day out a day out 外出一天organize a day out 组织外出一天a day off 休息天have/take a day off 休假一天这里的out和off分别意为出去和休息,放在a day后面作后置修饰语。2) exercise v. 锻炼 e.g. He exercises a lot every day. You need to exercise and keep fit.n. 体操(常用复数)e.g. eye exercises, morning exercises练习,习题 (可数名词)e.g. an English exercise, do some Maths exercises锻炼,训练(不可数名词)e.g. Doing exercise is good for your health.Please finish the on Page 50.You will keep healthy if you do a lot of . in the morning is a good habbit. 3) need 作情态动词时,其后接动词原形 e.g. She neednt do her homework at school. Must I clean the classroom at once? No, you neednt. You neednt do that right now. 作行为动词时,不可与动词原形直接连用,有人称和数的变化,如否定要借助于助动词;如主语是人,其常与动词不定式连用,主语是物,其常与动词分词形式连用。 (1)You dont need to exercise every day. (2)The vegetables need watering every two days. (3)Her bike needs repairing. His clothes need (clean) now? She needs (exercise) more often. We neednt (run) in the playground on a very cold morning. Father doesnt need (cook) for us every morning. 4) keep Link v. keep + adj. (形) 系表结构 keep healthy keep clean keep closed keep + 名词/代词+形容词 (宾补) 睁着眼睛 开着窗户 关着房门 保持水资源干净 5) enjoy oneself 意为过得愉快,同义词组为 have a good timeoneself是反身代词,其构成规律如下:第一人称和第二人称由形容词性物主代词+self/selves构成;第三人称由宾格+self/selves构成。第一人称:myself, ourselves第二人称:yourself, yourselveshimself,第三人称:herself, themselvesitself,常用词组有:help yourself / yourselves (to)随便用 by oneself独自for oneself亲自hurt oneself弄伤自己teach oneself自学pull oneself拉某人自己(1) We enjoyed at the party.(2) Mike and Tom went there by .(3) Our English teacher taught Japanese last year.(4) You will believe it if you go there for .6) go past 路过 past: prep.half past eleven 十一点半 past : prep.in the past 在过去 past: n.in the past four years 在过去的四年里 past : adj.passed (pass的过去式)与past是同音异义词 (1) Its half nine. Lets go to bed. (2) Ten years but nothing happened. (3) I saw a monkey play tricks when I went the square.7) this afternoon 今天下午this morning / this evening (tonight) this year this week /this month this summer 8) a big garden with a big garden and many trees一幢有着大花园和许多树的大楼with短语是介词短语作后置定语e.g. a man with few words an American girl with blue eyes a library with a lot of useful books 9) see you soon 不久见see you this afternoon see you later Step Four Talk about the postcards and ask questions.(1)Where did Nick go? What places did he see?(2)What about Leo?(3)Did Jane go to Paris and see the Eiffel Tower too? Step Five Assign some homework.(1) 完成当堂反馈P5556。(2) 完成作业本P5354。(3) 背诵书本P3435词组。教后感:

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