2019版七年级英语下册 Unit 6 I’m watching TV教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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Unit 6Im watching TV.课题Unit 6Im watching TV. 课时第一课时Section A(1a-2d)课型New教学目标知识目标1. 学习并掌握下列词汇、短语: newspaper, use, soup, wash, read a newspaper, make soup2. 掌握以下句型: What are you doing? -Im watching TV. Whats he doing? -Hes using the puter. Whatre they doing? -Theyre listening to a CD. 能力目标能够运用所学句型谈论人们正在进行的活动情感目标鼓励学生运用所学获取信息、促进沟通与合作, 激发学习兴趣和热情。教学重点Talk about what people are doing by using present progress tense. 教学难点1. The forms of v. -ing. 2. To use present progress tense correctly. 课前预习Preview the new words教学方法Situational approach; Listening and speaking approach; municative approach教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 1Warm up and present the new words. 1. Talk with several students: T: What am I doing? Oh, Im speaking. And what are you doing, xxx? S1: Im listening (to you). S2: Im sitting. S3: . . . 2. Show some pictures to present the new words and structures. 1. Talk to the teacher or listen carefully. 2. Look, listen and learn the new words and structures. 1. 通过师生间的真实情境交际让学生初步感受现在进行时。2. 利用图片导入新词语及现在进行时句型结构。Step 2 Look and match (1a)1. Show the Ss the pictures in 1a. 2. Get the Ss to finish 1a3. Check the answers4. Ask and answer: T: Whats the boy in Picture d doing? Ss: Hes cleaning. . . . 1. Look and match the activities with the pictures in 1a. 2. Look, listen and answer the teachers questions. 在学生匹配完之后, 进行问答练习, 即学即练即用。续表教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 3 Listening (1b)1. Help the Ss to read the names in 1b. 2. Play the tape twice. 1. The Ss read the names after the teacher. 2. Listen and finish 1b. 如果有必要先领读1b中的人名。Step 4 Practice (1c)1. Ask and answer questions about what people are doing in 1a with several Ss first. 2. Get the Ss to work in pairs. The Ss work in pairs. 此时教师注意巡视, 随时给予学生帮助、纠正。Step 5 Listening (2a-2c)1. Work on 2aT: Jack and Steve are talking on the phone. Well, what are they doing now? Lets listen to their conversation and match the questions with answers. (Play the tape twice. ) Check the answers: 1. a 2. b2. Work on 2bGet the Ss to go through the conversation in 2b first. Then play the tape twice again. Check the answers: are, doing, watching TV, listening to a CD, boring, interesting, go to3. Work on 2cFirst, get the Ss to role-play the conversation in pairs. Then, get some pairs to act it out before class. 1. Listen and match the answers with the questions. 2. Listen again and fill in the blanks. 3. Role-play the conversation in 2b. 在进行2b之前让学生浏览对话, 对空白处所缺失的词语先做一个预判很重要。 Step 6Role-Play (2d)1. Let the Ss learn about the conversation and answer the following questions: (1) What is Laura doing? (She is washing her clothes. )(2) What is Jenny doing? (She is watching TV. )(3) Are Jennys parents at home? (No, the arent. )2. Get the Ss to read the conversation after the tape twice. 3. Explain the difficulties. 4. Let the Ss read in pairs. 5. Let several pairs of the students role-play the conversation in front of the class. 1. Ss learn about the background of the conversation by going through it quickly and answer the questions. 2. Ss read the conversation together, then in pairs. 3. Role-play it. 在听力练习和小对话口语练习的基础上, 进行角色对话表演 , 开展有实际意义的交际运用活动。 Step 7 Summarize1. Guide the students to summarize how to make a phone call. 2. Guide the students to summarize what present progress tense is, when people use it and what the structure is like. 1. Summarize how to make an English phone call. 2. To discuss and summarize what present progress tense is, when people use it and what the structure is like. 培养学生合作探究、归纳总结能力。续表教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 8Consolidation教师设置巩固检测练习: . 写出下列动词的-ing形式: watch watchingclean cleaning read readingtalk talking use using make making exercise exercising . 句型转换1. Kate is making soup. (对画线部分提问)What is Kate doing? 2. He is listening to a CD. (改为一般疑问句)Is he listening to a CD? 3. Are the students running? (作否定回答)No, they arent. 4. She is talking on the phone. (改为否定句)She isnt talking on the phone. 5. Mary often reads a newspaper. (用now来替换often)Mary is reading a newspaper now. 独立完成检测练习, 进行自我评价。通过检测练习, 便于学生了解自己对本节课的词汇、句型、语法等的掌握情况。Step 9 Homework1. Copy and remember the new words and phrases in this lesson. 2. Recite 2d. 板书设计Section A (1a-2d)1. New words: newspaper, use, soup, wash, movie, just2. Phrases: read a newspaper, make soup, talk on the phone, go to the movies, eat out 3. Sentences: What are you/is he(she)/are they doing? Im/Hes/Shes/Theyre watching TV. This is Jenny. Its Laura here. We can eat out. 教学反思在本节课的教学活动设计, 能够创设丰富的语境, 设置循序渐进的学习任务, 充分发挥学生的主体作用, 引导学生合作学习、自主探究, 初步感知运用现在进行时。 课题Unit 6Im watching TV. 课时第二课时Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)课型New教学目标知识目标1. 学习并掌握下列词汇、短语: house, drink, tea, tomorrow, drink tea2. 掌握以下语法: 现在进行时现在进行时与一般现在时的区别。能力目标学会运用英语谈论人们正在做什么, 掌握现在进行时的特殊疑问句、一般疑问句及其简略回答。情感目标培养学生积极活动、爱做家务的好习惯。教学重点Present progress tense. 教学难点The differences between present progress tense and simple present tense. 课前预习Preview the new words教学方法Situational approach; municative approach 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 1Warm up and revise1. Have a dictation of the new words and expressions. 2. Let some pairs role-play the conversation in 2d. 1. Have a dictation2. Role-play 2d. 通过复习为今天的语法学习作铺垫; 并通过角色表演激发学生学英语用英语的兴趣。Step 2 Present the new wordsTo present the new words with following pictures: Look and learn the new words. 利用图片直观呈现单词, 有利于学生识记。Step 3 Grammar Focus1. To get the Ss to go through the sentences in Grammar Focus and then finish the following conversations. 你在做什么事情? What are you doing? 我在看电视。Im watching TV. 她在做什么? Whats she doing? 她在洗衣服。Shes washing her clothes. 他们在做什么? What are they doing? 他们在听CD。Theyre listening to a CD. 你在做作业吗? Are you doing your homework? 是的, 我在做作业。/ 不, 我没在做作业。我在打扫我的房间。Yes, I am. / No, Im not. Im cleaning my room. 续表教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 3 Grammar Focus他在读报吗? Is he reading a newspaper? 是的, 他在读报。/ 不, 他没在读报。他在打篮球。Yes, he is. /No, he isnt. Hes playing basketball. 他们在使用电脑吗? Are they using the puter? 是的, 他们在使用电脑。/ 不, 他们没在使用电脑。他们在体育锻炼。Yes, they are. / No, they arent. Theyre exercising. 她(现在)在体育锻炼。She is exercising(now). 她经常(每周一/每晚/每天早上)体育锻炼。She often exercises (on Mondays/every night/in the mornings/ etc. )2. Get the Ss work by themselves and check the answers with each other. 3. To help the Ss to find out the grammar rules: 现在进行时态一、用法: 表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。二、句子结构: 1. 陈述句: 主语+ be (am, is, are) (not) + v. -ing +. . . 2. 一般疑问句: Be(Am, Is, Are) + 主语 + v. -ing. . . 三、常用时间状语: now, right now或表示现在情景的look, listen等。四、 与一般现在时态的区别 一般现在时态表示经常性、习惯性的动作; 谓语动词为原形或第三人称单数形式; 时间状语常为usually, often, sometimes, on Monday, every day等。Ss work by themselves and check the answers with each other. The Ss discuss and find out the grammar rules in pairs or groups. 通过让学生研究语料, 讨论并总结归纳出语法规则, 从而培养学生的合作探究能力。注意不要直接把语法规则呈献给学生, 然后让他们去死记硬背。Step 4Practice (3a)1. Work on 3a. Now lets write sentences following the examples. 2. Ss write the sentences with the help of the words and expressions. 3. Check the answers with the Ss. 1. Ss write the sentences with the help of the words and expressions. 2. Check the answers with the teacher or others. 这个练习题是帮助同学们理解现在进行时态与一般现在时态的区别用法; 同学们应根据上述语法学习内容来造句子。首先, 应明确一般现在时态的句子结构, 和现在进行时态的句子结构。然后, 看提示词中的时间状语, 确定是用什么时态。然后, 写出正确恰当的句子。续表教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 5Practice (3b)1. Work on 3b. Tell Ss to number the sentences in order to make a telephone conversation. 2. Check the answers: 5, 8, 2, 7, 4, 1, 3, 63. Get the Ss to practice the conversation with a partner. 1. To number the sentences in order to make a telephone conversation. 2. Check the answers. 3. To practice the conversation with a partner. 解题策略: 首先, 应明确这是一个电话会谈, 因此应先通读所有的句子。然后, 理解大意的基础上, 找出首句。然后, 顺藤摸瓜, 依次找出下面的对话内容。最后, 全面的读一遍对话, 看是否通顺合理。 Step 6Role-Play (3c)1. Now lets play a game. 2. Ss play the game in a group. Work in groups: One student makes an activity. The other students in the groups guess what the activity is. Then take turns to make activities and guess. 通过游戏开展有实际意义的交际运用活动。 Step 7 Summarize1. Guide the students to summarize the rules of present progress tense. 2. Guide the students to summarize the sentence structures of the present progress tense. 1. To summarize the rules of present progress tense. 2. To summarize the sentence structures of the present progress tense. 培养学生探究、归纳总结能力。Step 8Consolidation完成句子你在做什么事情? What are you doing? 我在读书。Im reading a book. 他在读报吗? Is he reading a newspaper? 是的, 他在读报。/ 不, 他没在读报。他在喝茶。Yes, he is. /No, he isnt. Hes drinking tea. 看, 她在洗衣服。Look! She is washing clothes. 她每晚打电话。She talks on the phone every night. 独立完成检测练习, 进行自我评价。通过检测练习, 便于学生了解自己对本节课的词汇、句型、语法等的掌握情况。Step 9 HomeworkRevise the sentences structures in Grammar Focus. 板书设计Section A (Grammar Focus-3c)一、现在进行时态: 表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。 二、句子结构: 1. 陈述句: 主语+ be (am, is, are) (not) + v. -ing +. . . 2. 一般疑问句: Be(Am, Is, Are) + 主语 + v. -ing. . . 教学反思给学生一定数量的语料, 让他们去归纳总结语言规律, 充分发挥学生的主体作用, 引导学生合作学习、自主探究, 重视知识的生成过程。 课题Unit 6Im watching TV. 课时第三课时Section B(1a-1e)课型New教学目标知识目标1. 学习并掌握下列词汇: pool, shop, supermarket, man 2. 掌握以下句型: Is the man swimming in a river? No, he isnt. Hes swimming in a pool. 能力目标能够运用所学的句型谈论他人正在进行的活动。情感目标学会关注周边的人或事物的活动。教学重点Present progress tense. 教学难点How to use present progress tense correctly. 课前预习Preview the new words教学方法Situational approach; Listening and speaking approach; municative approach教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 1 Revise and warm upFree talk: T: What are you doing, XXX ? S1: Im reading a book. T: Is he reading a book? S2: Yes, he is. To make conversations with the teacher. 利用身边的人物活动, 复习现在进行时的用法。Step 2Present new wordsShow pictures and teach: pool, shop, man, etc. Look and learn the new words. 利用图片直观呈现单词, 有利于学生识记。续表教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 3Writing and oral practice (1a & 1b)1. T: Look at the pictures below. Where are they? What are they doing? Please look at the pictures and fill in the blanks. 2. Ss work in pairs. Discuss the pictures about the places and the activities they are doing. Then fill in the blanks. 3. Let some Ss read their answers to the class and check the answers. Answers: 1. supermarketshopping 2. libraryreading 3. poolswimming4. Get the Ss to ask and answer1. Ss work in pairs. Discuss the pictures about the places and the activities they are doing. Then fill in the blanks. 2. Some Ss read their answers to the class and check the answers. 3. To ask and answer. 通过两人小组合作完成1a, 从而为1b的ask and answer做好铺垫。Step 4 Listening (1c & 1d)Work on 1c: 1. T: Now I will play a recording of a conversation. Write the places and activities you hear in the chart. 2. Ss listen and write the places and activities. 3. Play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers. Answers: Alice supermarket buying milk and breadMike school playing basketball Lisa library reading1. To listen and write the places and activities. 2. To check the answers. 在播放听力之前, 要引导学生通读表格作好预判。Step 5Pair work(1e)1. Now lets make a conversation using the information in the chart. Ask some Ss to give a model: S1: Is Alice playing basketball? S2: No, she isnt. Shes. . . 2. Ss work with their partners and make their conversations. 3. Let some Ss act out their conversation. 1. Ss work with their partners and make their conversations. 2. Let some Ss act out their conversation. 通过利用“信息差”进行口语结对活动, 在交流信息过程中, 进行真实的交际问答活动。 Step 6SummarizeGuide the students to summarize how to add-ing to the words like shop, swim, etc. To summarize how to add -ing to the words like shop, swim, etc. 培养学生探究、归纳总结能力。续表教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 7Consolidation教师设置巩固检测练习: . 写出下列词的-ing形式read readingbuy buyingwrite writing use using swim swimming shop shopping . 单项选择(C)1. Is David doing homework now? No. He is_ in the river. A. swimB. swimsC. swimmingD. swiming(B)2. Where is Jenny _now? At a shop near her home. A. buyingB. shoppingC. buyD. shop(A)3. There is only one _in this school. A. man teacherB. men teachers C. man teachersD. men teacher (D)4. Is your brother doing his homework? _. He is playing tennis. A. Yes, he doesB. Yes, he is C. No, he doesntD. No, he isnt. (C)5. Where is your father, Tom? He is swimming _. A. at the shopB. at the library C. in the poolD. at the supermarket独立完成检测练习, 进行自我评价。通过检测练习, 便于学生了解自己对本节课的词汇、句型、语法等的掌握情况。Step 8Homework1. Recite new words. 2. Prepare 2a-2b. 板书设计Section B (1a-1e)1. New words: pool, shop, supermarket, man 2. Structures: Is he doing. . . . ? Yes, he is. /No, he isnt. Hes. . . 教学反思本节课内容相对简单, 应创设丰富的语境, 加大学生的听说练习。同时, 要注意双写辅音字母再加-ing的情况, 例如: swim-swimming; shop-shopping 。课题Unit 6Im watching TV. 课时第四课时Section B(2a-Self Check)课型New教学目标知识目标1. 学习并掌握下列词汇、短语: race, host, study, state, American, dragon, any, other, young, child(children), miss, wish, delicious, still, the United States, Dragon Boat Festival, living room2. 掌握以下句型: What time is it in Beijing? What does he think about his home in China? His dad and uncle are watching the boat races on TV. . . . so its like any other night for Zhu Hui and his host family. The mother is reading a story to her young children. Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi. . . . but theres still “no place like home”. 能力目标能够理解时间表达法掌握一定的阅读技巧能够运用现在进行时进行写作情感目标通过描述日常生活中人们正在做的事, 激发学生爱国爱家的思想。教学重点1. To master the key words and expressions in 2b. 2. To understand and master the structures of present progress tense in 2b. 教学难点The key words and expressions in 2b. 课前预习Preview the new words and learn the background of Dragon Boat Festival. 教学方法Situational approach; Task-based approach教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 1Revise and warm up(2a)1. T: Whats the time now? / What time is it? 2. To present the time differences: A: Hi, David ! Im calling from Sydney. B: Sydney? What time is it there? A: Its 10: 00 p. m. B: Its 4: 00 a. m. here in Los Angeles! A: Oh, I forgot about the time differences. Sorry. Go back to sleep! Ill e-mail you later. 3. Get the Ss to read and answer: What time is it in Sydney? What time is it in Los Angeles? 1. Answer the teachers question. 2. Read and answer the questions. 通过对话复习现在进行时, 引入如何询问时间以及时差问题, 激发学生的学习兴趣。续表教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 2New wordsTo show some pictures of Dragon Boat Festival and teach new words and expressions: T: Its 9: 00 in Beijing. What are they doing? S1: They are having dragon boat races/ making zongzi. . . S2: . . . To learn the new words. 在语境中呈现和导入目标语言。Step 3Reading (2b & 2c)1. Fast Reading Read the article and answer the two questions. Why are Zhu Huis family watching boat race and making zongzi? (Because its Dragon Boat Festival today. ) Does Zhu Hui like his host family? What about his home in China? (Yes, he does. He likes his home in China best. )Ss read the article quickly and find the answers to the two questions. Check the answers with the class. 2. Careful ReadingRead the article again. What are these people doing now? Then fill in the chart below. PlacesShenzhenTime900 a. m. his dad and unclewatching the boat races on TVhis mom and auntmaking zongziPlacesNew York Time900 p. m. the motherreading a story to her young childrenthe fatherwatching a soccer game on TV3. Work on 2cNow lets look at the chart in 2c. You should match the verbs in column A with the words in column B. Then use the phrase to write sentences according to the TV report. Make sure Ss know what to do. 1. Ss read the article quickly and find the answers to the two questions. 2. Ss read the article and fill in the blanks. Then check the answers with the class. 关于2c: (1) 读表格中的词汇, 根据短文内容, 将左右两栏的内容连在一起。(2)可以先将记得清楚的词汇连在一起, 最后连较为模糊的词组。(3)带着这些词组再去读短文, 找到相关词组的地方, 然后明确所连的词组是否正确。(4)比照课本上的句子, 再用这些词组造句子。学生们按老师指导的思路进行学习活动, 最后, 将所造的句子写在练习本上, 并相互检查所造句子的正确与否。 续表教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 4 Writing (3a&3b)1. The teacher show the Ss the picture in 3a and then ask: Can you find Jim in the picture? What is he doing? 2. Get the Ss to ask and answer in pairs like this: S1: Whats Jims sister doing? S2: Shes talking on the phone. Whats Jims grandfather doing? S1: Hes reading newspaper. 3. Get the Ss to go through the letter in 3a and plete it. 4. Check the answers. 5. Get the Ss to take out their own photos and talk about them in groups/pairs, and then write about them. S1: Is this your family, S2? S2: Yes, we are all in the park. S1: Oh, whats your mother doing? S2: Shes eating snacks. S1: . . . S2: . . . 6. Show some of the students articles in class. 1. Look and answer the teachers questions. 2. Ask and answer in pairs. 3. Talk about their own photos and write about them. 4. Appreciate others articles. 学生能否顺利完成写作, 关键在于老师能否引导他们打好写作的“支架”。先让学生七嘴八舌谈论照片, 后面学生就会有话可写了。Step 5 Self Check1. Get the Ss to finish Self Check by themselves first. 2. Check the answers. Finish Self Check and check the answers. 让尽可能多的同学起来说答案。Step 6Consolidation教师设置巩固检测练习: . 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Kate is an American (America) girl and she is from New York. 2. The children (child) are playing soccer on the floor. 3. Stop talking! Grandpa is sleeping (sleep) now. 4. I wish to buy (buy) a big house for my parents. 5. Here are (be) some photos for you. . 句型转换1. The children clean their classroom after school. (改为现在进行时)The children are cleaning their classroom now. 2. The students are singing in the hall. (对画线部分提问)What are the students doing in the hall? 3. Tom is playing the piano now. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)Is Tom playing the piano now? No, he isnt. 4. Whats the time in Beijing? (改为同义句)What time is it in Beijing? 独立完成检测练习, 进行自我评价。通过检测练习, 便于学生了解自己对本节课的词汇、句型、语法等的掌握情况。续表Step 7Homework1. Retell 2b. 2. Revise this unit. 板书设计Section B (2a-Self Check)1. New words: race, host, study, state, American, dragon, any, other, young, child(children), miss, wish, delicious, still2. Structures: What time is it in Beijing? What does he think about his home in China? His dad and uncle are watching the boat races on TV. . . . so its like any other night for Zhu Hui and his host family. The mother is reading a story to her young children. Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi. . . . but theres still “no place like home”. 教学反思本节课是阅读写作课, 阅读的关键在于任务的设置, 写作的关键在于“支架”的搭建与模仿。


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