2019-2020年八年级上册 Unit5《Birdwatchers》Grammar C 学案 牛津译林版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级上册 Unit5《Birdwatchers》Grammar C 学案 牛津译林版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级上册 Unit5BirdwatchersGrammar C 学案 牛津译林版一 预习导学1 了解并掌握副词的构成与用法2 预习P83 内容并完成P84 C1 部分二 课堂导学Step 1 Revision 1 Use the Simple Present Tense to express the future.( 三个方面) A. _B. _C. _ 2 Check the homework . Talk about your own plan to go out according to the timetable on page 82 Step 2 Presentation 1 Answer the following questiong If we are going birdwatching at a wildlife park, what do we need to pay attention to ? _ _ _2 Try to finish the sentences correctly with the right adverbs of manner1). Many birds are fortable when they live in Zhalong Nature Reserve all year round. = Many birds live _ in Zhalong Nature Reserve all year round. 2.) He is always very careful when he drives. = He drives _Step 3 Explaination1 关于副词 A. 定义:表示说话者行事方式的副词,常用来回答“how”问句。B. 构成:大部分由形容词ly变来。 e.g. quietquietly. happily C. 运用:放在动词(短语)后表示行事的方式。2 Work out rules and try to memorize them well. work out the rule ( 思考回答)We form most adverbs of manner by adding _ to adjectives. 3 知识拓展 一部分形容词同时也是副词: fast fast 部分形容词和副词是两个完全不同的词:good well 一部分形容词本身就是以“l y”结尾,则不能再在词尾“l y”,这时可用介词短语的形式来表示方式。 一些形容词不能变成方式副词: A. 表语形容词: B . 表语, 定语形容词: 以辅音字母“y”结尾的副词, 要先变“y”为“i”再“ly”: 以“le”结尾的直接去“e”“y”即可特殊变化 true 去e + ly trulyStep 4 Practice (小组合作完成) 1 Use adverbs and rearrange the words to make sentences on page 85 C22 Use adverbs and rearrange the words to make sentences on page 85 C33 Write down the right adverbs of manner Adjective Change Adverb sad + ly _ sweet _ honest _ careful _ nice _ wonderful _ beautiful _ cheerful _ quiet _ fluent _ _ lazy 去y + ily lazily heavy _ noisy _ happy _ angry _ busy _ healthy _ _ gentle 去e + y gently fortable _ simple 3 Finish C2 on page 85 and check out the answers together (小组合作完成)Step5 拓展练习 (两人合作完成)1 组成句子 1). Birds/ in Zhalong / free/ fly ._ _ _2) some birds/ very noisy/ when they/ sing/ hungry/ are_3) fast/ the birds/ do not walk/ because you/ very/ will frighten _ 4) sing/ hear that/ beautiful/ you will/ birds_5)dance/ Simon/ able to/ is/ very good_ 2 Try to finish the following sentences correctly.1)在阅览室里不得大声喧哗。_2) 天正下着大雨,请开车慢点儿。_3) 这只猫正懒懒地躺在沙发上。_4) 植物有了充足的水和阳光,就会健康地成长。_5) 我的父母正生气地看着我。_Step 6 Homework1. Go over Integrated skills after class.2. Try to form adverbs from the adjectives angry _ heavy _ bad _ loud _ bright _ neat_ careful _ nice _ clear_ noisy _ close _ pleasant_ correct_ polite_ excited _possible_ free _ slow _ happy_ soft _ Feedback:方式副词是本单元语法的重点,因为大多数的方式副词是由形容词变化而来的,只要掌握变化规则,学生不必要花太大的精力去记忆单词,只要理解掌握其用法就可以了,从课堂表现来看,学生掌握的还算不错,大多数学生能顺利完成导学案上的相关练习。


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