2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 3教案设计 仁爱版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 3教案设计 仁爱版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 3教案设计 仁爱版 The main activities are 1a and 3.本课重点活动是1a和3。.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1.Learn some useful words and expressions:a fashion show, shopping center, hear of, model the clothes, be wearingA: What (else) did she say? B: Will you two go to see it?2.Learn how to make an appointment:Lets meet at our school gate at 800 tomorrow morning and go there together.3.Object clause:She said that the show starts at 1030 tomorrow morning.She also said many famous models are going there to model the clothes.Teaching aids 教具挂图/海报/录音机/彩笔.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间10分钟)1.(看图师生对话,复习Topic 2中一些句子。) (图略)T:What do you think of her dress?S1:Its very beautiful.S2:What a nice dress!T:Whats it made of? Guess.S3:Wool.T:No.S4:Its made of cotton.T:No.S5:I think its made of silk.T:Yes, you are very right. Oh, boys and girls, guess again. What does she do?Ss:She is a model.T:OK.2.(出示第2幅图,呈现Section A 1a中的句子。) (图略)The fashion show starts at 1030 a.m. tomorrow.T:(指图介绍3位小人物)This is Jane. This is Kangkang. She is Sarah. They are talking about a fashion show in Xidan Shopping Center in Beijing.T:What did Jane say?Ss:She said that the fashion show starts at 1030 a.m. tomorrow morning.(老师板书,并让男女生合作练习。)Jane said:“The fashion show starts at 1030 tomorrow morning.”Jane said that the fashion show starts at 1030 tomorrow morning.Girls:The fashion show starts at 1030 tomorrow morning.T: What did they say?Boys:They said that the fashion show starts at 1030 tomorrow morning.3.(学生自读对话,划出有关约会的问答句。)T:Read the dialog,then find out the sentences about making appointments.(老师可适当选择关键句来板书。)Example:Will you two go to see it?Yes,we will be free tomorrow.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 (时间5分钟)1.(老师设置问题,让学生带着问题听对话录音,老师可把这些问题分发给学生,或板书在黑板上。)When does the fashion show start?Will Sarah be free tomorrow?When will they meet?Where will they meet?Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间:5分钟)1.(学生合上课本,看图听老师范读。)2. (学生完成Section A 2) A:She also said many famous models are going there to model the clothes. B:She said a fashion show is on in Xidan Shopping Center and it starts at 1030.Step 4 Pratice 第四步 练习 (时间:10分钟)1.(三人一组练习对话1a。注意关键词。板书。) fashion show,start,meet (指导学生表演这则对话。)2.(复习有关衣服名称的词语,学生自查生词表,解决生词,然后按春、夏、秋、冬四季列 出各季节服装。)Example:A Spring clothing scarf jeans B Summer clothing T-shirt shorts C Autumn clothing sweater D Winter clothing overcoat (老师指着自己与学生的衣服与学生问答。)Example:AT: (指帽子)Whats this?S1: Its a hat.T: What color is it?S2: Its red.T: Its a red hat.BT: (指着一个学生的牛仔裤)What are those?S1: They are jeans.T: What color are they?S2:They are black.T: (指这个学生的短大衣)What is that?S3: It is a coat.T: What color is it?S4: It is a yellow coat.T: (指这个学生)What is he wearing?S5: He is wearing black jeans and a yellow coat.(学生两人一组结对对话。)3.(老师出示课本Page 94 3中五幅放大图,让学生观察图片,阅读听力内容) T:Look at the pictures and read. (老师拿起道具话筒,扮作Kangkang。) T:I am Kangkang. We hosted a fashion show last week. These are 5 models from our class in the fashion show that day. What were they wearing? Let me tell you. (学生听录音,完成3,以小组为单位汇报答案。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 (时间15分钟)1.(出示Fashion show海报放大图,听1a录音完成,1b可让学生把答案做成便条,然后贴在海报放大图的对应位置。)T:Here is a poster. Listen again, plete the blanks and write down Jane and her friends decision.2.(学生自己设计一张新颖、活泼的海报。)T:Make a poster.Example:(图略)3. Homework: According to your poster to write a dialog.

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