2019-2020年八年级英语Module 10 Section 2 Words and Expressions.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Module 10 Section 2 Words and Expressions1. performancen. 1. 工作;成绩 doing work; something that you do: Your performance on yesterdays test was very good. 你昨天考试考得非常好。 2. 演出;演唱;演奏 being in a play, concert, etc: The pianist gave a fine performance. 钢琴家演奏得很出色。 This is the old actors last performance. 这是那位老演员的最后一次演出。 3. 演出的时间 time when you can go to a play, etc: Shall we go to the afternoon or the evening performance of the ballet? 这次芭蕾舞我们是看下午演出还是晚上演出? The performance starts at 8.00. 演出八时开始。 4. 履行;执行;完成 do, carry out, carry into effect: The boys performance of the job showed that he had some training. 从那个男孩干的活来看,他曾经受过一些训练。 2. teahousen. 茶室3. offervt. 1. 奉送;拿出 hold something that you want to give to someone: He offered me a cup of tea. 他倒了杯茶要我喝。 They offered me a better position. 他们给了我一个更好的位置。 He offered his life to his country. 他把生命献给祖国。 2. 许诺;提供 say that you will give, do, or pay something if the other person wants it: Xiao Yang offered a suggestion. 小杨提了一个建议。 Ill offer to go if nobody will. 如果没人愿去的话,那我很乐意去。 He offered himself as an interpreter. 他毛遂自荐作一名译员。 He offered to lend me his bike. 他主动提出要把自行车借给我。 They all came to offer congratulations. 他们都来表示祝贺。 3. 给;做 give, make: He offered no answer. 他没回答。 3. 出售 present for sale: They offered their boat for sale for 2,000 dollars. 他们把船拿来出售,索价2,000美元。 I offered him a house for 1,000 pounds. 我提出愿以一千英镑把一所房子卖给他。 vi. 显示;出现 show itself, appear: No occasion offered. 没有机会。 offer sb. as first prize 作为头等奖授于某人 offer goods at low prices 低价出售货物 offer sb. the radio for 50 yuan 愿以50元把这收音机出卖给某人 offer oneself to the state 为国家献身 gratuitously offer 无偿地提供 be specially offered 被专门地提供 n. 1. C 提供;提出;提议 the act of offering: I made him an offer of help. 我向他表示愿意提供帮助。 She has received an offer of marriage. 有人向她求婚。 Thank you for your offer of help. 谢谢你要提供的帮助。 2. C 出售 putting forward for sale: The house is on offer. 这所房子出售。 3. C 出价 a suggestion: He made me an offer of 500 pounds for the house. 他出价五百英镑要买我那所房子。 4. agreev. 1. 同意;意见相同 give consent; consent; view with favour: They agreed among themselves. 他们彼此意见一致。 Does he agree with us? 他同意我们的意见吗? The verb does not agree with its subject. 动词和它的主语不一致。 I agree with what you said. 我同意你的话。 Have you agreed on the plan? 你赞同那个计划吗? They agreed upon the terms of the contract. 他们商定了合同的条件。 I agree to his proposal. 我赞同他的提议。 They agreed to our plan at once. 他们立即同意了我们的计划。 I dont agree to this. 这件事我不同意。 We agree about some books and disagree about others. 对有些书我们的意见一致,对另一些则不一致。 I dont agree in their method. 我不同意他们的方法。 My mother agreed to buy a new pen for me. 我的母亲答应给我买一支新钢笔。 We could not agree (as to) how to do it best. 这件事怎么办最好,我们大家看法不一致。 I agree that the book is well worth reading. 我同意这本书很值得一读。 2. 合适;适合 suit: The climate does not agree with me. 气候对我不适宜。 Something that he had eaten did not agree (disagreed) with him. 他吃了什么东西,觉得不舒服。 3. 符合;调和;一致 match; harmonize; correspond to; be consistent with: Your story does not agree with the facts. 你讲的情况不符事实。 5. almostadv. 几乎;近于 nearly: Almost everybody likes to play. 几乎人人都喜欢玩。 He is almost two metres tall. 他差不多有两米高。 It is almost ten oclock, we must leave in a minute. 差不多十点钟了,我们马上该走了。 He has almost finished his work. 他差不多已经完成了工作。 I almost dropped the glass. 我差点儿把玻璃杯摔了。 He has made almost no mistakes. 他几乎没有出过差错。 Dont go away, because dinner is almost ready. 别走,因为饭差不多好了。 6. impossibleadj. 不可能的 that can not be or happen: It is impossible to live on the moon. 在月球上生活是不可能的。 It was impossible for the family to make both ends meet. 要使这个家庭收支相抵是不可能的。 It is impossible that he should have missed the train. 他不可能误车。 2. 做不到的 that cannot be done: It is an impossible task. 这是一件办不到的工作。 It was impossible to hear the lecturer. 无法听到演讲人说的话。 It was impossible to explain what I meant. 要把我的意思解释清楚是不可能的。 Nothing is impossible to a willing mind. 天下无难事,只怕有心人。 3. 令人无法忍受的 not possible to endure; very unpleasant: He is impossible. 他令人讨厌。 Its an impossible situation. 无法忍受的局势。 This is an impossible state of affairs. 这是一个令人无法忍受的事态。 7. excellent adj. 优秀的,极好的 very good: He is excellent at French. 他法语极好。 He is in excellent health. 他的健康状况极好。 an excellent film 极好的电影 8. customern. 顾客;主顾 someone who buys things from a shop: There have only been six customers in the shop today. 今天店里只来过六个顾客。 Is he your regular customer? 他是你们的老主顾吗? 9. duringprep. 1. 在的期间;在过程中 for all the time of: The sun gives us light during the day. 白天太阳发光。 2. 当之际;在的时候 at some time in: He came in during the film. 他进来的时候正在放电影。 10. audiencen. 1. 听众;观众 group of people listening to a speaker, singer, etc: There was a large audience at the theatre on Saturday. 星期六剧院里有许多观众。 She was asked to sing a folk song by a large audience. 许多观众要求她唱一首民歌。 My audience were mostly foreigners. 我的听众大部分是外国人。 2. 接见 formal interview: The Premier gave an audience to the foreign ambassador. 总理接见了外国大使。 The king granted an audience to the famous general. 国王赐见一位有名的将军。 11. losev. 1. 丢失;丧失 not have something or someone that you had before: He lost his pen on the boat. 他在船上把钢笔丢了。 Ive lost my book-I cant find it. 我把书丢了我找不到它。 This is the boy whose textbook was lost. 这就是丢失课本的孩子。 Paul has lost his job because the factory has closed. 保罗因工厂倒闭而失业了。 I cant open the door because Ive lost the key. 我打不开门,因为我把钥匙丢了。 He has lost all his friends as a result of his foolish behaviour. 他行为愚蠢,因而失去了所有的朋友。 2. 错过;没有赶上 be too late for: The three passengers lost the train. 三位乘客没赶上火车。 3. 浪费,自费 waste: We have no time to lose. 我们不能浪费一点时间。(我们要来不及了。) My watch loses two minutes a day. 我的表一天慢两分。 4. 迷路;迷失 go astray: Be careful-dont lose yourself. 小心,别迷了路。 He lost his way in the woods. 他在森林里迷了路。 5. 未赢得;输掉 not to win, to be beaten: We lost the football match 1:2. 这场足球赛我们以一比二输掉了。 I wonder why our team lost. 我纳闷我们队为什么输了。 He lost the argument. 他辩论输了。 Its a lost cause. 败局已定。 12. folkn. 1. 人们 people: Some folks like beer and some dont. 有的人喜欢啤酒,有的不喜欢。 All young folks love to listen to revolutionary stories. 青少年们都爱听革命故事。 2. 家人,亲属 (常用 folks) family, relations: How are all your folks? 你家里的人都好吗? 3.(用于复合词中)民间的 (in pounds) of the mon people of a country: She sang a folk song. 她唱了一首民歌。 13. acrobaticadj. 特技表演 (似) 的; 卖艺 (似) 的 an acrobatic dance 特技舞蹈 acrobatic feats 特技,杂技

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