2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 14 Have you parked yet?The Fifth Period教案 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 14 Have you parked yet?The Fifth Period教案 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 14 Have you parked yet?The Fifth Period教案 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 14 Have you parked yet?The Fifth Period教案 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 14 Have you parked yet?The Fifth Period教案 人教新目标版Teaching Aims and Demands1Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularyhit, appear, tour, miss, lead singer, mostly, top ten, good luck, off to a great start(2) Practise reading an article.(3) Practise writing something using the target language.2Ability Objects(1) Improve students integrating skills reading skill and writing skill.(2) Improve students speaking ability by groupwork.3Moral ObjectIt is good for us to listen to music in the busy life. Music can ,make us relaxed, and we can work better.Teaching Key PointPractise reading and writing using the target language.Teaching Difficult Points1How to improve students reading ability.2How to improve students speaking ability by groupwork.Teaching Methods1Reading method to improve students reading ability.2Writing method to improve students writing ability.3Pairwork to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids1A projetor2The blackboardTeaching ProceduresStep RevisionRevise the target language presented in this unit. Check homework. Ask some pairs to read out their conversations.Step 3aThis activity provides reading practice using the target language.Teach the new words. Show the new words tin the screen by a projector.scene n. (戏剧、歌剧等)的发生地点;背景last adj. 最近的;最后的major adj. 较大的;较大范围的hit n. 成功而轰动一时的事物(如歌曲等)appear v. 出现;露面;(公开)演出miss v. 错过;遗漏lead n.主角;领导mostly adv. 主要地;大部分some day 来日;将来某一日be off 离开;走开air n. (音乐)曲调;旋律;乐曲poem n. 诗;韵文Read the words and ask students to repeat them again and again until they can pronounce them correctly and fluently. Look at the article Dont miss the New Ocean Waves! Invite a student to read the article aloud to the class. Correct any pronunciation mistakes to make sure the student is providing a good model for the rest of the class.Look at the picture. Ask students, Whats the article about? Can you guess? (Its about a band) Go through the instructions with the students. Make sure students know what to do. Read the article carefully. Circle the things the New Ocean Waves have already done. Underline the things they havent done yet.Before students do it, give them two examples: One thing the New Ocean Waves have already done is In the last twelve months, theyve had three major concerts. Ask students to circle the words had three major concerts. One thing they havent done is Theyre going to appear on CCTV next month. Let students underline those words appear on CCTV. Get students to finish the work on their own.Check the answers with the class.AnswersCircled: had three major concerts; made a bit CD; played other peoples songs; played mostly our own songs; had a few songs in the top ten.Underlined: appear on CCTV; go on a world tour; hope to have a number one hitNotes1hitsuccessful attempt or performance, for example, hit songs, songs that win wide popularity2leadprincipal part in a play; actor or actress who plays such a part.3some dayon a day in the future; pay attention to the difference between some day and one day; one day means on a day in the past or in the future4charity(kindness in giving) help to the poor; money, food, etc. so givenStep 3bThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language. Read the instructions aloud to the class. Get a students to read the sentences at the beginning of the paragraph to the class. Tell students that they should look back at Activity 2b and finish writing the paragraph using the information in Activity 2b. Have students finish the paragraph on their own. While they are working, walk around the classroom offering help and answering questions as needed. When they finish, invite a student to read his or her pleted paragraph to the class.A sample paragraphApple Ice Cream is a rock band. They have been together for about a year. They have written their own original songs although they used to sing other peoples songs. They won “The Best New Group of the year. ” award last year. They havent made a music video yet, but theyve had six concerts of their own. They havent been on TV yet, but they have talked to Bands on Parade about doing a TV show next month.Step 3cThis activity provides writing practice using the target language.Read the instructions Write about your favorite band aloud. Then ask several students to say the name of the band they want to write about. (For example, F4, Twins, Beyond and Back street Boys.) Make sure students know enough about the band they choose to write at least five sentences.Get students to use the paragraph in Activity 3b as a sample. When they work, walk around the classroom offering more help if needed. When they finish, invite a student to read his/her position as an example, with different students contributing sentences and correcting each others information.A sample positionBack street Boys is a pop band. They have been together for nearly ten years. There are five American singers in the band. They have already written their own original songs. They have already made many music records and have had many concerts of their own. They have won many awards many times. But they havent been to China yet. I hope they can e to China to have a concert this year.Step Part 4This activity provides reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the whole class. Invite a good student to gie an example of things that he or she has done. Make sure students understand what to do. Give students a few minutes to do the surveys in pairs. Get a pair of students to model the sample dialogue.SA: Have you ever been to a concert?SB: Yes, I have. I went to the National Day Concert last year.SA : Did you enjoy it?SB: Yes, they had a great air show.Correct any pronunciation errors to make sure the students are providing a good model for the rest of the class.Have students plete the work in pairs. Get a few students to share the results of their surveys.A sample surveyHave you ever YouLi Ping (students name) Wang Gang (Students name) been to a concert National Day ConcertNew Year Concertbeen to a Zoo Beijing Zoocollected something stamps coinspainted a picture a picture of horseplayed a musical instrumentviolin guitar pianosung in front of other peopletaken a trainvisited a farm Xingsheng Farm Guangming Farmwritten a poem A Little GirlHave some pairs say their dialogues.Dialogue 1S1: Have you ever played a musical instrument?Li Ping: Yes. I have. I played the guitar last month.S1: Did you enjoy it?Li Ping: Yes, it made me happy and relaxed.Dialogue 2S2: Have you ever collected something?Wang Gang: Yes, I have. I collected coins last year.S2: Did you enjoy it?Wang Gang; Yes, I learned some knowledge from it. It was very interesting and meaningful.Noteair(old use) tuneStep SummaryIn this class, were done a lot of practice reading and writing as well as speaking.Step Homework1Read the article in Activity 3a again.2plete the article in 3c.3Do the survey in Activity 4 if students havent finish it.Step Blackboard DesignUnit 14 Have you packed yet?Section BThe Fifth PeriodAnswers to Activity 3b:Apple Ice Cream is a rock band.They have been together for about a year. They have written their own original songs. They won “ The Best New Group of the Year” award last year. They havent made a music video yet, but theyve had six concerts of their own. They havent been on TV yet, but they have talked to Bands on Parade about doing a TV show next month.


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