2019-2020年九年级英语上册《Unit 2 Saving the Earth》Topic 3SectionD 教案 仁爱版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册《Unit 2 Saving the Earth》Topic 3SectionD 教案 仁爱版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级英语上册Unit 2 Saving the EarthTopic 3SectionD 教案 仁爱版The main activities are 2a and 4. 本课重点活动是2a和4。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words: towel, offer2. Review some pound sentences: (1) About 35% of the garbage in Hong Kong can be recycled every year while the rest cant. (2) People produce power from coal, but it is very dirty and causes acid rain.3. Learn how to be a greener person. . Teaching aids 教具图片/一包纸巾/录音机/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)复习总结本话题环保节能的内容,训练学生的听说技能,鼓励学生成为绿色环保使者。1. (师生互动,营造英语氛围,复习前三节课的内容。)T:In this topic we have learned something about how to be a greener person. Can you tell me what are the three Rs?Ss:Reduce, reuse and recycle. T: Which means “make something less or smaller”?Ss:Reduce.T: Then what should we reduce?Ss:We should reduce the things which people can use only once. T:Which means “use it again”?Ss:Reuse.T:What should we reuse?Ss:We should reuse plastic bags.T:What should we do about recycling?Ss:We should collect waste paper or soft drink cans, and sort them so that they can be recycled. T:Its true. But remember, actions speak louder than words.2. (听句子,判断对错,训练学生的听力技能,复习总结怎样才能成为一名绿色使者。)T: We know that pollution is being a serious problem. What should we do to protect our environment? Now listen to me carefully. I will say some habits. Tell me whether theyre good or bad, and try to write down the good ones. Now be ready!(1) Throw the rubbish here and there. (2) Dont spit in a public place. (3) Draw a beautiful picture on the public walls. (4) Dont throw things away if they can be reused. (5) Go to school by bike instead of by bus. (6) Collect the rubbish and try to sort them.(7) Pour dirty water into rivers directly.(8) Turn off the lights when you go out.(教师边说边观察,如果有必要可多读两遍,要求学生一边回答一边记下来,为下一步作准备。)3. (要求学生根据上面的内容,两人一组编一个对话,谈论怎样才能成为绿色使者。鼓励学生尽可能地对本单元内容进行整合。)T:Now make your own dialog to talk about how to be a greener person with your partner. You can offer more suggestions about it.(板书并要求学生掌握。)offer(几分钟后,教师抽查。)S1:Do you want to be a greener person?S2:Of course. Can you tell me how to be a greener person?S1:Dont throw the rubbish here and there.(教师进行鼓励和评价,同时总结内容,导入新课。)T:Very good! I think you are greener persons. Now, lets play a game to test how green you are.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)让学生根据各自的日常行为做出适当选择,并根据文后分值自我检测,完成2a。1. (教师出示2a中的图片向两个学生提问题,让其他同学记录答案,判断谁是绿色使者。)T: Ill need two volunteers. Please hands up. OK, S1, S2, e here. Now Ill ask you some questions. Answer me with“Yes”or“No”. Other students write down their answers and judge which student is greener. Are you ready?Ss:Yes. T: Do you usually recycle newspaper and old books? (Yes1; No0)S1:Yes. S2:No. T: Do you often use paper towels? (Yes0; No1)(展示纸巾,板书单词且要求学生掌握。)towelS1, S2:Yes. T: When you make a short journey, do you often ride a bike? (Yes1; No0)S1:No. S2:Yes. (板书,并要求学生理解journey。)make a short journeytravel a short distanceT: S1, S2: T: Whats the score?S3: S1 gets 5 points. S4: S2 gets 6 points.(教师参考2a分值表做总结。)T: Well done, You are pale green. But S2s mark is higher than S1s. It means S2 is a greener person. Congratulations to him/her! (cheers)2. (教师继续做调查并做出相应的评价。) T:S5, whats your score? S5:Its 4 points. T: You have not started turning green yet! Be strict with yourself to protect the environment. S6, whats your score?S6:Its 10 points. T:Try harder and youll be better in protecting the environment. I believe you can. S6:Thank you!T: 3. (让学生独立完成2a,进行自我检测。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)根据上面的测试结果,让学生开展小组讨论,引导学生做总结报告,巩固2a。1. (根据学生的得分情况把学生分成四小组,让各小组同学讨论自己得分多少的原因并给出建议,使学生更加明白如何才能成为一名绿色环保者。)T: Now the students who get 0-4 points join Group 1. The ones who get 5-9 points join Group 2. The ones who get 10-13 points join Group 3 and 14-18 join Group 4. Each group finds out why you get this mark, and what you are going to do next. Later give a short oral report to the class. 2. (要求学生做总结报告,训练口语。完成2b。)3. (通过上一步,列出各小组好的建议,让学生争做绿色使者。)T: Now please listen to me. Ill tell you how to be a greener person. More and more people are being green. It means that they are trying their best to protect the environment. So you need to remember the best ways to achieve the goal. (1) We need to recycle what we can. (2) We can take a quick shower instead of a bath. (3) When we make a short journey, wed better walk or ride a bike. (4) Youd better stop them when you see others littering. (5) We take baskets for shopping. (6) Never eat fast food. (7) Never use paper towels. (8) Remember to turn off lights when you leave a room.4. (让学生两人一组互相问答,巩固2a部分内容。)T: Practice in pairs. Please do it just as what we did in 2a.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)通过听力填空,句子接龙,抢答造句等形式,呈现1,完成3a和3b。1. (听录音,完成1。) (1)T: Read the passage in 1 quickly and guess the missing words.(2)T: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.(3)(核对答案。)T: Lets check the answers.(4)T: Listen to the passage again and repeat it.2. (用句子接龙的方式复习巩固连词的用法,完成3a。)T: Now lets practice “or”, “but”, “and” and “while”. I say the first sentence, then you say the second sentence with them. T: The electric cars work well S1:But they are slow and cant run for long.T: The maglev train is quiet and clean (and it runs fast)S2:But its too expensive.T: My mother was cooking S3:While my father was reading the newspaper. (按上面的方法在同学之间进行句子接龙比赛,比比谁说的精彩有趣。)3. (通过朗读、翻译、听录音等方式,巩固本话题功能句。)(1)(复习巩固本单元的重要句型,完成3b。) T: Turn to Page 48. Lets read the useful expressions of 3b together. Then Ill ask some students to translate them into Chinese. (2)(翻译句子,强化对有用短语的应用。) T: Now please translate my sentences into English, and write them down. Pay attention to making similar sentences with the useful expressions.你不应该在这儿吸烟。你愿意对这些垃圾进行分类吗?洗完衣服后应该把水龙头关掉。(3) (听录音,注意语音语调,巩固3a,3b。)4. (教师用小黑板展示下列提示词,要求学生抢答造句,为下一步写作打下基础,同时复习本话题内容。)take part in, reduce, reuse, recycle, protect, save, love T: Now Ill give you some words or phrases. Make sentences and speak them out as soon as possible. Are you ready?Ss:Yes. T:take part in.S4:I took part in the activities to collect rubbish. T: reduce.S5:People ought to reduce plastic, coal T: S6:5. (根据学生听说内容,让学生写一篇关于如何保护环境的短文。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)继续学习和拓展环境保护话题,让学生争做绿色环保使者,使自己的家乡变得更美丽。1. (要求学生列举出一些日常不环保的行为举止,并演示给全班同学看,要求其他同学给出建议,增强学生的环保意识。)T: Maybe a few students or people dont do very well in protecting the environment. Now list the bad actions and act them out in front of the class. And then others offer some suggestions.T: Whos the volunteer? S1.S1: (做一个摘花的动作,让其他同学猜。)S2: Dont pick up the flowers. S3: ()S4: 2. (要求学生帮助Friends of the Earth的记者完成调查任务,并写出相应的调查报告,完成4。)3. Homework:Write a report. Talk about what you are planning to do to make your hometown more beautiful. 板书设计:Would you like to be a greener person?Section Dmake a short journeypaper towelsThe electric cars work well, but they are slow.My mother was cooking while my father was reading the newspaper.


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