2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems Reading2教学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems Reading2教学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems Reading2教学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版课题课型新授教学目标1. 知识目标:To understand how to write about problems and to express feelings2能力目标:To ask for advice重点难点1、重点:learn how to talk about problems and express feelings2、难点: To ask for advice To recognize and understand vocabulary about problems.媒体及准备1. 媒体:PPT及录音机2. 教辅:补充习题课课练导 学 过 程备注Activity One Revision.translation1.对着迷_ 2. 熬夜_3.保持清醒 _ 4.如何处理 _5.成为一个大问题_ 6.和朋友踢足球_7.放学后_ 8.呆在外面 _9.对某人严格 _ 10. 对我有价值_11.收到你的信_ 12.值得花这么多时间在作业上 _Activity Two Reading Millies letterWhat is Millies problem?(She doesnt have enough time for hobbies and homework.)She doesnt know how to deal with the problem.1.I dont know how to deal with it.我不知道怎样处理它。注意区别deal with 和do with1) 你怎样处理这个问题?_ will you deal _ the _?2) 我们不知道如何去对付这些困难。We dont know _ to do with the _.练一练:选择正确答案1) We should try our best to learn _ problems we meet. A. what to deal with B. how to deal with C. how to do with D. what to do 2) Whats the best way _ this problem? A. to deal with B. dealing with C. doing with D. to do with 2. I have no choice but to do it.我别无选择,只能去做。词性:_;词义:_;其动词形式为:_。选择做某事 _ Going to the seaside for the holiday will be a good _.She _ to study physics.她选修物理。have no choice but to do sth. _1) 这个女孩没有其它办法只好去找妈妈帮忙。The little girl had _ _ _ _ _ for her mothers _.2) 当时,他们别无选择,只能离开他们的家乡。They _ _ _ _ _ _ their hometown _ that time.3)他只有步行去那儿,别无选择。He 3 I often doubt whether it is worth spending so much time on homework.worth用形容词,意为 “值得”,可以作表语或后置定语;be (well) worth doing 表示“(很)值得做”,这里doing为主动形式,被动含义。如:1)我的汽车值3000美元。My car _ _3000. 2)这本书很值得一看。This book is _ _ _.练一练:翻译句子1)这个博物馆值得参观。The museum is 2)这部电影值得再看一次。The film is 4. Can you offer me some suggestions? 你能给我提供一些建议吗?Suggestion 可数名词 suggest 动词Advice 不可数名词 advise 动词词汇辨析:offer sb. sth.=offer sth.to sb.强调动作的“主动意愿”;provide sth. for sb. =provide sb. with sth. 强调客观的“供应;供给”练一练:同义句改写1) The area provides food and shelter for wildlife. 2) The government offered much money to the poor children. _ Activity Three Reading Simons letter1 I really do not understand why they are so strict.我真地不理解他们为什么如此严格。词汇辨析:be strict with sb. “对某人要求严格”;be strict in sth. “对某事要求严格”如:1)我们的英语老师对我们要求严格。Our English teacher _ _ _ us. 2)她对她的工作要求严格。She was _ _ her work. 练一练:翻译句子1) 我们应该对自己要求严格。We should _ _ _ _.2) 他的父亲对他要求严格,尤其对他的学习。His father _ _ _ him, especially _ his study. 2 I look forward to your valuable advice.Valuable 词性_ 词义_ 名词_Be valuable to sb = be of great value to sb对某人很有价值你的建议对我很有价值。Your advice _ _ _ me.You advice _ _ _ value to me Activity four retell their problemsMillie Simon How to deal with itHave no choice but to do itStay up late Hardly have spare time for hobbiesBe worth spending so much time on homeworkSo thatOffer sb some suggestionsBe crazy aboutThe cause of my problemAllow sb to doBe strict withStay out Achieve a balance 课堂检测一. 用所给词的适当形式填空:1. Was the instruction worth _ (pay) attention to?2. Thank you for (spare) time for me. I will have a good time with you.3. I think this piece of (suggest) is (use) to me. I wont get it.4. Your advice is of great _. It is quite to me.(value)5. People are not _ (allow) to e into the room without permission.6. Do you know what we should do (achieve) a balance between study and play?二. 翻译下列句子1) 我希望你能为我提供一些建议。I hope you can _ me some _.2) 我怀疑它是否值得如此努力工作。I _ _ it is _ _ so hard. 3) 在星期天,我只能做功课,别无选择。我正期盼看一场精彩的踢球赛。I have no _ but _ _ my homework _ Sunday. Im looking _ to _ a _ match. 4) 我们努力工作以便在今后能找到一份满意的工作.We work hard _ _ we can _ a _ job _ the _. 5) 我的父母对我要求很严格,他们要求我在考试中要得高分。My parents are _ _me. They ask me _ _ high marks _ exams. 6) 你能告诉我怎样在功课和爱好之间达到平衡吗?Can you tell me_ _ _a balance _ my homework _ my hobbies? 7) 旅游能帮助我们放松,让我们的生活丰富多彩。Traveling can _ us _ and _ our lives _ _? 8) 父母不允许我在外面玩到7点以后。Parents dont _ me _ _ outside _ 7 p.m. Homework:1 read aloud the two letters2 remember the useful expressions3introduce your problems to us or say something about how to help your friend to solve his problems板书设计:教后反思:

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