七年级英语上册 Unit 1 Making New Friends句式巩固练习 (新版)仁爱版.doc

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Unit 1 Making New Friends句式巩固练习I. 单项选择。1. IsheLiPing?Yes,_.A.ImB.hesC.heis2. _ isMary? Sheisfive.A.HowoldB.whoC.how3. Whatarethese? _aredesks.A.ThisB.ThoseC.They4. Whatclassareyouin? Im_.A.inclass3,Grade7B.inClass3,Grade7C.Class3,Grade75. Whatsthis_English? Its_orange.A.in;anB.to;anC.in;a6. Look! This is _ new bike. Please give it to _ .A. she; sheB. her; herC. she; herD. her; she7. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, _.A. toB. twoC. alsoD. too8. _ are Lily and Lucy from? Theyre from London, England.A. Which B. Who C. Where D. Whose【真题链接】1. Bob can play _basketball but he cant play _ violin.A /,/ B the ,/ C / ,the D the, the2.This is Jenny, Tom. She is my friend. _ , Jenny. A. Thank you B. Nice to meet you C. Whats your name D. She is my friend, too3.This is _ English book and that is _Chinese bookAa;an Ban; a Cthe;an D. an; theII. 阅读理解。 AI am a Chinese girl. My name is Zhanghua. My English name is Mary. Im 13 years old. Im in NO.11 Middle School. At school I have a good friend, Ann. She is an American girl. She is 12. We are in Class 2,Grade 7. My English teacher is Miss Wang. She is a nice teacher. We like her.1. Maryis_girl.A. anEnglishB. aChineseC.anAmerican2. Zhanghuais_yearold.A.11B12C.133. ThetwogirlsareinGrade_.A. SixB. SevenC. Eight4. MissWangisZhanghuas _ teacher.A. ChineseB. EnglishC. Japanese5. HowoldisMissWang?A. Sheisyoung(年轻的)B. Sheis20C. Wedontknow B This is a picture of Mr. Lis family. The man in the middle is Mr. Li. The woman is Mr. Lis wife. They have two sons. The child behind Mr.Li is Li Lei. Hes thirteen. The other in front of Mrs. Li is Li Ming. He is eleven. Li Lei and Li Ming are in the same school, but not in the same grade. Li Lei is in Grade Two. Li Ming is in Grade One. They are good students.6. There are _ people in the picture. A. three B. four C. five D. six7. Li Lei and Li Ming_ in the same grade. A. is B. isnt C. are D. arent8. Mr. and Mrs. Li have _. A. one boy, one girl B. two children C. two girls D. one boy 9. Li Ming is _ brother. A. Mr. Lis B. Mrs. Lis C. Li Leis D. we dont know.10. How old are Li Lei and Li Ming? Theyre _. A. eleven and thirteen B. eleven and twelve C. twelve and eleven D. thirteen and elevenIII. 书面表达。采访两个你的新同学,分别问他们以下几个问题:1. Whats your name?2. Where are you from?3. How old are you?4. Whats your favorite subject?将你的采访记录整理成一篇为My new classmates的短文。(可适当增加采访问题,全文不少于50单词。) My new classmates_【答案与解析】I. 单项选择。1. C。答语中不能用缩略语,问句问“他是李平吗?”,答语应该是“是的,他是。”2. A。根据答语可知问句问“Mary多大了?”询问年龄用how old。3. C。用these问,应该用they来回答。4. B。在三班,介词用in;注意Class3,Grade7中的首字母要大写。5. A。用英语是介词in;orange前的冠词用an。6. B。第一个空用形容词性物主代词来修饰名词bike表示“她的新自行车”的意思;第二个空是用代词的宾格形式作宾语,she的宾格形式是her。7. D。回答Nice to meet you.的时候用Nice to meet you, too.(认识你也很高兴),too表示“也”的意思8. C。根据答语“他们来自于英国伦敦”可知问句问的是地点,对地点的提问应该用where。【真题链接】1.C。玩球类名词前不加the,玩西方乐器名词前加the。2. B。见面招呼语,“见到你很高兴”。 3.B。单词元音因素前用an,an English book;辅音音素前用a,a Chinese book。II. 阅读理解。A篇 1. B。根据文章第一句可知答案。2. C。根据“Im 13 years old.”可知答案。3. B。根据“We are in Class 2,Grade 7.”可知答案。4. B。根据“My English teacher is Miss Wang.”可知答案。5. C。文章没有提到Miss Wang的年龄。B 篇6. B。短文陈述照片里是一对夫妇,两个儿子,共四个人。7. D。由句子“Li Lei and Li Ming are in the same school, but not in the same grade.”可知。 8. B。由句子 “ They have two sons.”可知。 9. C。Li Lei是thirteen,Li Ming是eleven。 10. D。同上题答案解析。 III.书面表达。Lily and Betty are my new classmates. We are in Class Three, Grade One. Lily is from England. She is 13 years old. She is a very nice girl. And her favorite subject is English. She likes playing basketball after school. But Betty is from America. She is twelve years old, and her favorite subject is art. So she often draws pictures after class. They like Chinese people and food, and we are good friends.

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