2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Will people have robots期中考试复习提纲 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Will people have robots期中考试复习提纲 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Will people have robots期中考试复习提纲 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Will people have robots期中考试复习提纲 人教新目标版(一)、单词和词组(Words and Expressions)Unit11. 一百年以后2. 活到200岁3. 在家学习4. 爱上.5. 养一只宠物鹦鹉6. 独居7. 在大学/中学8. 在太空站上9. 看上去时髦10. 穿一套衣服11. 穿着更随意12. 飞向月球13. 世界杯14. 公司领导15. 实现16. 能,会17. 帮做家务活18. 厌倦.19. 未来,将来20. 有自己机器人21. 数以百计22. 就像.23. 似乎不可能24. 从现在开始25. 赢得比赛26. 住在公寓里27. 奥运会28. 打赌29. 纸币30. 信作卡31. 五年前32. 一张纸33. 遥远34. 似乎是.35. 对.来说做.是可能的36. 少于37. 多于,超过38. 更多的人39. 较少的污染40. 科幻小说41. 一本有用的字典42. 一条污染的河43. 令人愉快的一天44. 与.一样45. 到处46. 一遍又一遍47. 尽力做(某事)48. 使.做.49. 距.远,远离50. 在因特网上51. 在电脑上52. 做预言53. 自给自足54. 看见某人说话55. 不尽人意的工作56. 花上.(时间)57. 电动牙刷58. 在太空站生活59. 同我最好的朋友们住在公寓里60. 未来的人们61. 和我们做同样的事情62. 观看起来趣味盎然63. 到处将有更多的机器人64. 寻找在建筑物底下的人们in 100 years=100 years later=100 years from now (一段时间+from now) live to be 200 years old live=livedstudy at home study=studiedfall in love with sth. ( Fallfell掉 feelfelt感觉)keep a pet parrot keep=keptlive alone live=livedin college/high school on a space stationlook smart (look+ adj )wear a suit wear=woredress more casuallyfly to the moon fly=flewthe World Cupthe head of the panye true e=camebe able to/canhelp with the houseworkget/be bored (of)in the future have ones own robot (ones为形容词性物主代词,如my,his,her)hundreds of (数词+hundred hundreds + of)just likeseem impossible (It seems+ that从句) seem=seemedfrom now (on)=in the futurewin the match win=wonlive in an apartmentOlympicGamesbeton bet=betpapermoney creditcardfive years ago.a piece of paper far awayit seems that.It is possible for sb. to do sthless thanmore than (a lot, a little, a bit, a great deal of)(rather)(still)(no)a lot more people(修饰形容词比较级口诀歌-四A确实仍然没有任何马骑,甚至说,怎么走远)any much even farless pollution.science fictiona useful dictionary(辅音音素开头,用a)a polluted rivera pleasant daythe same asbe different fromhere and thereover and over againtry to do sthtry doing sth尝试做(某事) try=triedmake sb do sth. Make=madefar from (far away /far away from)on the Interneton putersmake predictionswork for myself work=workedsee sb talk see sb do sth看见整个动作的全过程 see sb doing sth看见某动作正在发生 see=sawunpleasant jobs.take(period of time) take=tookelectric toothbrusheslive on a space stationlive in an apartment with my best friendspeople in the futuredo the same things as usbe fun to watchThere will be more robots everywhereLook for people under buildings


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