2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit 3《Our Hobbies》Topic 3 Section D 教案 仁爱版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit 3Our HobbiesTopic 3 Section D 教案 仁爱版The main activities are 1 and 5. 本课重点活动是1和5。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn a new word:dish2. Review the past continuous tense: (1) What was he/she doing at about nine oclock last night? (2) My mother was doing the dishes and my father was reading the newspaper.3. Review agreement and disagreement:(1) I think so./I agree./I agree with you.(2) I dont agree./I dont think so. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/小黑板/图片/课件. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:12分钟)师生谈论,通过看图片回答问题和写句子等形式,复习上节课的重点知识,并导入新课。1. (让学生运用表示赞同和不赞同的句型进行快速练习。)(教师可以运用教室内的物品,也可以是某个学生或某个明星,进行问答练习。)T:Hello, everyone. Nice to see you all.Ss: Nice to see you, too.T:Its sunny today and we are very happy. Do you think so?Ss:Yes, we agree with you./we think so.T:You have grown up and everyone has his/her own opinions about something or somebody. Do you remember how to express agreement and disagreement in English?(教师示范:)T:S1,(指着教室内标语。)the handwriting is very nice.S1:I think so./I agree.T:S2,(指着一个高个子学生。) he is very short.S2:I dont agree./I dont think so. I think he is tall.(找几组学生,反复练习此活动。)T:Good job. What were you doing just now?Ss:We were talking about something or somebody to express our own opinions.2. (方案一)(展示图片,复习过去进行时的结构和用法。)T:Here are some pictures. Look at these pictures and say what they were doing last Sunday.Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4(师生问答,示范Picture 1。)T:What was she doing at seven oclock last Sunday morning?S3:She was doing the washing.(板书)She was doing the washing.(学生两人一组操练Picture 24。)S4: What was he doing at nine oclock last Sunday morning?S5: He was doing his homework.S6: What was he doing at four oclock last Sunday afternoon?S7: He was playing basketball.S8: What was she doing at eight oclock last Sunday evening?S9: She was watching TV.(教师在S5, S7, S9回答时,板书答语,并用彩色粉笔在过去进行时下面画线,让学生加深对过去进行时态结构的理解。)He was doing his homework.He was playing basketball.She was watching TV.(方案二)(联系学生实际,继续复习过去进行时。)T:S3, what were you doing at five oclock yesterday afternoon?S3:I was 3. (方案一)(呈现图片或课件,复习过去进行时,要求用“ when ”的句式表达。) Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3Picture 4 Picture 5 Picture 6T: Look at Picture 1 and write a sentence with the past continuous tense. For example: Jane was playing the piano when her father knocked at the door.(板书)Jane was playing the piano when her father knocked at the door.T: Now, please write sentences following the example.(让五名学生按照图意在黑板上各写一个句子,其余学生在纸上写。教师巡回指导,检查学生写句子的情况,然后大家一起检查黑板上的句子。对有错误的句子及时纠正。)(方案二)(猜动作,巩固过去进行时,并要求学生用“ when ”的句式来表达。请两位学生到台上分别表演上周日某一时间自己所做的事情。让其他同学来猜测。)(S10表演打篮球,S11表演玩电脑游戏的动作。)S12: S10 was playing basketball when S11 was playing puter games.(再找两个学生表演,其他学生猜。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)完成1。通过听录音回答问题和根据实际情况进行问答练习,训练学生的听说能力。1. (教师播放听力1录音,让学生回答小黑板上的问题。) T: Well, we were doing different things at different times last night. What were Tom, Alice and David doing at about nine oclock last night? Listen to 1 and answer the questions. (出示小黑板。)(1) What was Tom doing at about nine oclock last night?(2) What was Alice doing then?(3) What was David doing then?(核对答案。)(让学生再听1,填表格。)T: Now listen again and fill out the table in 1.(核对答案,完成1。)2. (让学生根据实际情况谈论自己昨晚九点钟正在干什么。)T:Make a similar dialog about what you were doing at 9:00 last night.S1:What were you doing at 9:00 last night?S2:I was watching TV. Were you doing some washing, S3?S3:No, I wasnt. I was taking a shower S4:Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)完成2,4a和4b。通过调查、总结、听写等形式,使学生熟练掌握本话题的目标语言。1. (用过去进行时进行师生对话,过渡到下一步。) T: I have known what you were doing at about nine oclock last night. But what were your parents doing at about nine oclock this morning? S1, do you know? S1:My mother was T:Was she doing the dishes at about nine yesterday?(教师出示洗盘子的图片,帮助学生理解。) (板书,解释生词,并要求掌握。)dish, do the dishes S1: Yes, she was./No, she was T: What were they doing at the same time the day before yesterday? S2:They were working.2. (做调查,让学生了解自己的父母在不同的时段都在做些什么,完成2。)T: Nice work. You know your parents well. Do you know what they were doing at different times in a week? Now make a survey and plete the table in 2.Ss: (由于此环节必须在课堂上完成,学生不能直接对父母作调查,可以让他们根据平时的观察来填表格。教师在此时可以向学生渗透尊敬父母、关心父母的情感态度。)(两人一组,就表格的内容进行对话练习。)T:OK. Now, please talk about your parents activities with your partner. Do you want to give us an example? S3, S4, please!S3: What were your parents doing from 6:00 to 7:00 last Sunday morning?S4: My father was taking exercise and my mother was cooking breakfast.S3: Was your father working in the office from 9:30 to 11:00 last Monday morning?S4: Yes, he was.S3: S4: 3. (播放4a录音,让学生跟读。)T: Listen to 4a. Please read after it.Ss: (引导学生归纳总结过去进行时的用法。)T: Now, Id like you to sum up the usage of the past continuous tense.S5: S6: 4. (播放4b录音,让学生写出听到的句子。)T: Well done! Listen to 4b and write the sentences on a piece of paper. (放完录音后,学生互相批改,然后教师对学生不理解的句子进行讲解。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)完成3。通过读短文回答问题,看图片或课件问答等形式,使学生能够熟练运用过去进行时。1. (让学生选择动词的正确形式填空,注意一般过去时与过去进行时的区别。完成3。) T:Please look at this passage. Its from Kangkangs diary. But he didnt finish it. Please help him to choose the correct words to plete it. Pay attention to the differences between the past tense and the past continuous tense.2. (核对答案后,让学生自己朗读这篇短文,然后用完整的句子回答下列问题,练习过去进行时。) T:Read 3 loudly. Then answer the following questions to practice the past continuous tense. (教师出示小黑板。)(1) What was Jane doing when Kangkang got to the park?(2) What was Maria doing when Kangkang got to the park?(3) What were Michael and some other boys doing when Kangkang got to the park?(4) What was Wang Wei doing while others were playing together?(采用师生问答形式,完成这些问题。)3. (让学生再读3,同时画出人们在公园里活动的场景。) T:Read 3 again. Then draw the scene of the peoples activities in the park. (展示画得比较好的作品,给予表扬。)4. (学生根据自己画的活动场面,复述短文。教师也可以提供关键词,重点练习一般过去时与过去进行时。) T:Please retell the passage according to your own pictures or the following key words. (出示写有关键词的小黑板。解释happily,并要求学生理解。)last Sundaywentplannedgategot toplaying happilyguitarkitegamessangdanced to musictook photosplayingtired (教师点评,对复述好的学生进行鼓励。)5. (学生通过图片练习过去进行时。)(方案一) (看图说话。)T: Look at the picture. One Sunday morning, the man upstairs heard the sound of children playing in the park. He looked out of his window. What did he see? What were the children and other people doing? Work in pairs. Talk about the picture with the past continuous tense.Example:S1: What was the old woman doing?S2: She was selling fruit.S3: What were the boys doing?S4: They were playing soccer.S5: Were the girls playing soccer, too?S6: No, they werent.S7: I can see that someone was fishing while four girls were rowing on the lake.S8: (方案二)(让学生看一些课件片断,说出昨天晚上不同人所做的事情。)T: It was seven oclock yesterday evening.(要求学生用过去进行时回答。)(播放片断1:某人正在唱卡拉OK。)T: What was she/he doing?Ss: He/She was singing.(播放片断2:一家人正在吃晚饭。)T: What were they doing?Ss: They were having dinner.(播放片断3:一位女士正在超市购物。)T: What was the woman doing?Ss: She was doing some shopping.(播放片断4:Jane正在看电影。)T: What was Jane doing?Ss: She was watching a movie.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)通过表演和写作,培养学生的口头表达和写作能力。1. (方案一:表演警察提审嫌疑犯,使用一般过去时与过去进行时。)T: Last night, somebody came into a supermarket and took a lot of things away. The policeman thought one of the workers did this. Now the policeman is asking the worker some questions. I need two volunteers to act it out. Who wants to have a try?(两个学生上台表演,其他同学记录两人之间的对话。)S1:What were you doing from nine to twelve last night?S2:I was drinking coffee with my friends at 9:30. Then .(方案二:学生谈论自己的爱好。)(为了完成本环节任务,教师可以课前通知一些有收藏爱好的学生,把他们平时收集的一些物品拿到学校来。)T: Please show your collections to your group members. Each group talk about your group members hobbies. Then vote one student to report.Ss: (方案三:把全班学生分成若干个小组,每小组选一人作为小记者,然后在小组内进行采访,了解学生在音乐方面的爱好情况。)T: Everyone has his/her own hobby. Some people like rock music, some people enjoy Beijing Opera, some people like folk music. Can you tell me what kind of music you like and why you like it? Now Ill divide you into several groups, then choose one student in each group to act as a journalist from CCTV or a reporter from the Youth Paper to do interviews about hobbies.(教师给出范例。)Example:A(记者): Hi, good morning. Im a journalist from CCTV. I want to know something about young peoples favorite music. Would you like to answer some questions?B: Certainly. I would love to.A: Do you love music? What kind of music do you like best? Why do you like it? Can you give me some reasons?B: (小记者可以用已有的知识问多方面的相关问题,教师也可以帮助学生拓展思路。)2. Homework:(1)写出本课中有关表示赞同及不赞同的习惯用语。(2)要求学生找出一张庆祝节日的图片,用过去进行时谈论怎样庆祝节日。板书设计:What were you doing from seven to nine yesterday?Section DWhat were your parents doing from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. last Sunday?do the dishesWere you playing puter games?What was he/she doing at about nine oclock last night?

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