2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 1 Keeping Healthy-Topic 3(2).doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 1 Keeping Healthy-Topic 3(2)The main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions:just a moment, examine, patient, get through, care, take care of2. Learn some expressions on making a telephone call:(1) Hello! Extension 6226, please.Just a moment, please.(2) Could I speak to Dr.Li Yuping?Sorry, he isnt here right now.(3) Im afraid hes busy right now.Ill ring him up later.(4) Can I leave a message?(5) This is Kangkang speaking.(6) Ill give her the message.(7) Could you please ask her to call me back?(8) Is Zhu Ming there, please?No, he isnt in.3. Learn how to take and read a message of a telephone call. Teaching aids 教具小黑板/录音机/卡片/挂图或多媒体课件. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间:15分钟)1. (让学生四人一组表演上节课布置的采访活动,一人扮演记者,其他三人扮演医生,回答记者的提问。)T:Make an interview, four in one group. One is a journalist, the others are doctors. Which group wants to have a try? OK, your group, please.S1:Hi, doctors, may I ask you some questions?S2, S3 and S4: Sure.S1:What should we do to fight SARS?S2:We dont have to be afraid of catching SARS.S3:We should eat healthy food and do more exercise.S4:We should not go to crowded places.(教师可以选三个小组表演,并评选出最佳小组。)2.(请学生简单复述如何预防SARS以及如何与SARS做斗争,至少说出三句。)T:Everyone retells at least three sentences about how to fight SARS.Ss:.3.(教师呈现三个有关打电话的对话,先让学生读对话。)T:There are three dialogs. Now read by yourselves.(教师在黑板上板书三个对话,或用多媒体展示。)Dialog 1:S5: May I speak to Li Lei, please?S6: Im sorry, he isnt in. Whos that speaking?S5: This is Ann. Ill have a birthday party on Saturday evening.S6: Really? Where will it be?S5: In my house.S6: When will it start?S5: At 700.S6: OK. Ill give her the message.S5: Thank you.Dialog 2:S7: Is Lucy there, please?S8: No, she isnt in. Can I take a message?S7: Yes, please. This is Jim. Could I play basketball with her this afternoon?S8: When and where will you meet?S7: At 2 oclock at the school gate.S8: OK, Ill give her the message.Dialog 3:S9: Could I speak to Kangkang, please?S10: Im sorry, he isnt here right now. Do you want to leave a message?S9: Yeah. This is Betty. Our class will have a party at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday. Please tell him to bring his CDs.S10: OK, Ill give him the message.(教师要求学生两人一组,练习对话,然后让几组到台前表演。)T:Practice the dialogs in pairs. Ill ask some pairs to act them out in front of the class.(在学生操练完以后,师生共同寻找打电话的交际用语。)4.(要求学生给每一个对话写一个电话留言,教师可以先给一个示范并板书。)T:Id like you to write the telephone messages according to the dialogs.For example:Message:Li Lei,Ann called.She will have a birthday party at 700 on Saturday evening in her house.(教师示范以后,要求学生根据示范写出其他两个电话留言,对有困难的学生要及时提供帮助,学生完成以后,小组先交换检查,然后评选最佳的同学读给全班听。)T:Are you ready? Now exchange your messages with your partner. Ill ask some students to read their messages.5.(教师呈现两个电话留言,要求学生两人一组,根据电话留言编两个对话。)T:There are two telephone messages. Can you make two dialogs according to the messages?Message 1:Tony,Jennie called.Are you going to see a film with her this evening?Call her back.Message 2:Bruce,Kangkang called.Can he borrow your camera this Saturday? He will have a trip.If yes, when can he get it?(学生编完对话以后,先两人一组操练所编对话。然后教师让几组同学上台表演他们所编的对话。)T:Now practice the dialogs in pairs. Id like some pairs to act out their dialogs.6. (教师提问关于Kangkang父亲的一些情况。)T:Whats Kangkangs father?Where is he now?Why cant he go home?Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 (时间:10分钟)1. (承接学生对Kangkang父亲的回答,引出:)T:Kangkang misses his father very much. What should he do?(请同学们帮助Kangkang 想办法。)Ss:Kangkang should call his father.2. (设置并板书听力任务。让学生带着任务听录音。)T:Listen to the tape and answer the questions.(1) Can Kangkangs father answer the phone?Why or why not?(2) What is he doing now?(3) What does Kangkang tell his father?(4) What will Miss Hu do?3. (打开课本,请同学们跟读课本1a的对话,师生共同核对答案。)T:Open your books, read the dialog in 1a after the tape. Then check the answers with the teacher together.4. (师生共同总结对话中的关键词,为学生巩固对话内容做准备。板书。)T: Lets find the key words in the dialog and write them down on the blackboard.busy examine the patients ring.up sorry leave a message take careof missStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间:10分钟)1.(教师放录音1a, 示范学生跟读,用铅笔标出重读与语调。)T:Listen to the tape carefully and draw the ups and downs with your pencil.2. (教师让学生擦去所标重读与语调,先自读,然后跟录音一起读,逐句核对语音语调。)T:Clean the marks and now read and check your pronunciation sentence by sentence. Go!3.(学生两人一组练习对话。)T:Practice the dialog in pairs.4. (看第二步呈现在黑板上的关键词,学生两人一组表演1a。)T:Work in pairs. Close your book, look at the key words on the blackboard and act out the dialog.5.(再放录音,让学生根据对话完成1b电话留言。)T:Listen to the tape again. plete the telephone message according to the information from the dialog.(师生根据此电话留言来学习如何写电话留言。)T:Lets learn how to write a telephone message.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:5分钟)1. (请学生阅读2的句子,按照逻辑重新排列成对话。)T:Read the sentences in 2, put these sentences in the right order.(让学生重新排列对话后写一个电话留言。)T:Can you write a telephone message according to this dialog? OK. Lets begin.(学生写完之后,同桌之间互相交换,看谁写得好。)T:Have you finished? Now exchange your message with your partner and find whose message is the best.2.(请学生打开课本1b,仔细阅读这些电话留言,根据电话留言补充对话。)T:Open your books. Look at 1b, read these telephone messages carefully, then plete the dialog according to the information from the messages.3.(放录音,请学生跟读并核对答案。)T:Listen to the tape, then follow and check your answers.4.(再放录音,学生跟读对话。)T:Listen to the tape and repeat.(此时,师生可以根据这三个对话来归纳总结打电话的交际用语。)5.(让学生两人一组操练这三个对话。)T:Now practice the dialogs in pairs.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 (时间:5分钟)1.(教师为学生创设情景:假设你打电话给你的好朋友Li Lei,邀请他明天早上8:30一起去动物园,但Li Lei不在家,是他妈妈接的电话。你请他妈妈给他留言。两人一组编写对话,并向全班表演。表演时其他同学记录电话留言。)T:Lets make a telephone call: Suppose you are calling Li Lei. But hes not in. His mom answers the telephone call. You ask her to give him a message. Tell him to go to the zoo with you at 830 tomorrow morning.2. Homework:教师给学生一个电话留言,让学生根据电话留言编一个打电话的对话。

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