2019版八年级英语下册 Unit 2 Travelling教案 (新版)牛津版.doc

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2019版八年级英语下册 Unit 2 Travelling教案 (新版)牛津版总 课 题8B Unit 2 Travelling 总课时7第1课时课 题Comic strip and welcome to the unit课型New教学目标1To introduce well-known attractions in foreign cities and popular places of interest2.To activate general knowledge about the world .教学重点To learn some popular tourist attractions .教学难点To talk about traveling to some famous places.教学准备Tape recorder, Computer, Pictures Read the words and the text.教学方法Listening 、reading、acting& Discussing学情分析task-centered approach 教学过程教学环节 师 生 活 动复备栏Pretask: Whiletask: Posttask:Check pre-exerciseStep1 Leading - inDiscussion:1. Each country has its places of interest. For example:(Show a picture of Great Wall)In China, there is Great Wall. At this time, write Great Wall and China on the Bb. 2. Let the Ss tell more places of interest in foreign countries and write them on the Bb.3. Ask them what people can do if they are in the famous places.Step2 Learn and read1.Show the pictures of other five places of interest on the page 21. Ask Ss read the words and do the exercise below. Lead them to read the names of places and countries.2. Show the picture of little Mermaid.T: Its little Mermaid in Denmark . its famous in the world.S1: Really ?.S2:Thats from the story by hans Christian Andersen. .Step 3 Task 1 . After reading the new words fluently, let Ss match the three parts with lines on their exercise book.Task 2. Make dialogues. Show the picture of Mount Fuji. T: Whats this? Ss: Its Mount Fuji in Japan.T: What can people do there? S1: They can climb hills/ take photos.Make dialogue about other five pictures in pairs.Task 3 Practice the dialogue before the whole class. Task 4T: Travelling is fun. Before your parents take you out to go on a trip, you should pack your things. Write the phrases on the Bb. Teach them the meaning and the pronunciation.Step 4 Comic strip T: Now Eddie is going on a trip. Lets look at the pictures one by one.Task 1. Show Picture 1. Act as Hobo. Ask: Hey, Eddie. Where are you going? Ss: Im going on a trip. ( help them answer.) Practise again.Task 2. Show Picture 2. T: You know, Eddie is going on a trip alone. But the trip must be fun. So Hobo asks: I have been there before. Can I join you ? Practise again. Task 3. Show Picture 3. Ask and answer with present continue tense. Ss: What are you doing, Hobo? T: Im getting all my things . Task 4. Show Picture 4. Show the difference between P 2 and P4. Try to get their two thoughts. Present the dialogue between them.Step 5 Do exercises(导学案)Step 6 Homework: Preview the new words in Reading 教学反思八年级下册英语教案 Date:总 课 题8B Unit 2 Travelling总课时7第2课时课 题Reading(1)课型New教学目标1.To read a letter about a holiday in Hong Kong2.To expand vocabulary to talk about traveling3.To expand vocabulary to talk about traveling.教学重点The understanding of the main idea of Reading.教学难点To analyze the sentences for the students to get a better understanding.教学准备Tape recorder, Computer, Pictures Read the words and the text.教学方法Listening 、reading、acting& Discussing教学过程教学环节 师 生 活 动复备栏Pretask: Whiletask:Posttask:Step1 Leading in1. Show the pictures of places of interests in different countries to review. 2. The last place is Mount Fuji. Talk more about Hong Kong . Show a picture of Hong Kong.Describe Hello Kittys appearance.Step2 PresentationIf the students have been there .T: you have been to Hong Kong Disneyland. When did you go there ? Can you tell us something about it.if necessary , the students can use some Chinese words in their description. or the teacher can give some key words.e.g. roller coaster, at high speed a parade of Disney characters a 4-D film ,watch the fireworks ,fantasticIf the students havent been ,the teacher can show the picture of Disney and make a brief instruction. T: This is a picture of Hong Kong Disneyland. its a wonderful place for both children and adults. Space Mountain is exciting .The parade of Disney land character is fantastic . you can enjoy a 4-D film there. Its like magic. there are many shops inside the park .you can do some shopping. You can also watch the fireworks in the evening .They are very beautiful.Step3 Reading 1 Students scan the reading materials and find the main 5 elements, and outline the reading.T: Today were going to learn about Hong Kong Disneyland from Kittys letter. Remember to find the five paints: when ,who, where , what, and how. Look at the questions in part B1 and find the answers as quickly as you can.The students finish t B1 after scanning para1,22 Teach the students how to find the details and finish B2.Now were found out that Kitty went to Hong Kong Disneyland with her parents by underground .They spent a whole day there and a fantastic time. But what did they do there? Lets read the rest of the letter and complete partB2. check the answersStep4 ActivitiesT: Millie is still in Hainan and she hasnt received Kittys letter yet . One day, Millie called Kitty and asked Kitty about her trip to Hong Kong Disneyland .Lets make a conversation between Millie and Kitty. It should have at least five questions. The students act it .Step5 Homework 1.Recite the new words 2.Find out useful words and phrases in Reading 3.Do B3 and B4 on Page 25 教学反思八年级下册英语教案 Date:总 课 题 8B Unit 2 Travelling总课时7第3课时课 题Reading(2)课型New教学目标1.To practise the main language points of the context2.To speak out the passage in their own words教学重点To understand and use the expressions in the text教学难点To speak out the passage in their own words, following the structure of the passages.教学准备Tape recorder, Computer, Pictures Read the words and the text.教学方法Listening 、reading、acting& Discussing教学过程教学环节 师 生 活 动复备栏Pretask: Whiletask:Posttask:Check pre-exerciseTranslate some phrases into English.1非常想念你 2 玩的开心3 快速行驶 4 急忙去餐馆快速的吃饭5忍不住不停的拍照 6 买一对耳环Step1 Revision T: Aak the following questions1) Where did Kitty go ? 2)When did she go there ? 3)Who did she go with ? 4)How did she go there ? 5)What did she do there ? 6)How long did she spend there ?Step 2 Discuss and fill1 Discussion in group of 4.Finish Kittys activity form with ten vocabulary that describe the time in the text2 Find the time vocabulary and fill in the place and activity.Step3 Explaining the language pointsI am going to explain the important words, phrases and sentences in the passage.Step 4 Practising and Sum upAmy went to Kittys house for supper. Kitty showed Amy her photo album. Amy was very excited and asked a lot of questions. Finish Part B3 on page 25, and then work in pairs to make the similar conversation. For stronger class, students can add more questions.Ask the students to sum up the passage.Step 5(当堂反馈)Step 6.Homework课课练 教学反思八年级下册英语教案 Date:总 课 题8B Unit 2 Travelling总课时7第4课时课 题Grammar课型New教学目标1.To recognize contexts for the use of the present perfect tense.2.To understand the verbs with for, since or ago3.To consolidate the present perfect tense4.To understand the verbs with continuous time adverbials教学重点To know have/has been and have/has gone教学难点To know verbs with for, since or ago教学准备Tape recorder, Computer, Pictures Read the words and the text.教学方法Listening 、reading、acting& Discussing教学过程教学环节 师 生 活 动复备栏Pretask: Whiletask:Posttask:Check pre-exerciseStep1.Lead-in T: Now, I am teaching you. You are listening to me carefully. Ask the students to give me more sentences written in present continuous tense. Write the structure of present continuous tense on the Bb.T: But yesterday at this time, I was sitting in my office. (Write the structure of past continuous tense on the blackboard). Underline the different verbs BE. Step2. Presentation We use have /has been to express the idea that someone went to someplace and has already come back. I have been to England twice. (Where am I now/Am I still in England? ) Millie, can you go to office to bring me the chair? Wheres Millie? She is on the way to the office, or maybe she is in the office. She has gone to the office. And she will come back in a few minutes. We use have /has gone to express the idea that someone went to someplace and is not here. Step3. PractisingDaniel is asking Millie about traveling. Complete the conversation on page 27 with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Step4 PresentationWe use for when we talk about a period of time, and we use since when we talk about a time point in the past.e.g. Mr Dong has lived here for many years. Mr Dong has lived her since he was born.Some verbs, such as come, go, buy and leave, can be used in the present perfect sense, but they cannot be used with for or since in positive statements.Step 5 since和for的区别If we want to express a continuous state, we can use another way like this.VerbUsed for a continuous stateExample : begin/starthave/has been onThe film has been on for 20 minutes.finish/stop have/has been overThe parade has been over for hours.come/go/arrive have/has been in/atKitty has been in Hongkong for two days.Leave have/has been awayShe has been away from home since last Tuesday.borrow have/has keptShe has kept this book since last week.join have/has been in or have/has been a member ofSimon has been a member of the Football Club since last year.marry have/has been marriedThey have been married for 15 years.die have/has been deadThe fish have been dead for some time.Step6 PracticeStep7 Homework 1. 复习for和since的用法。2. 复习延续性动词和非延续性动词的用法。 教学反思八年级下册英语教案 Date:总 课 题8B Unit 2 Travelling总课时7第5课时课 题Integrated skills课型New教学目标1.By reading and listening to obtain useful information2. Ask and answer questions about travelling教学重点能听懂学习活动中连续的指令和问题,并做出适当反应教学难点1.Ask and answer questions about travelling.2.By reading and listening to obtain useful information教学准备Tape recorder, Computer, Pictures Read the words and the text.教学方法Listening 、reading、acting& Discussing教学过程教学环节 师 生 活 动复备栏Pretask: Whiletask:Posttask:Check pre-exerciseStep1 Revision Translate some sentences. 1. 小明参军半年了。2. 我们上了8年学了。3. 下课10分钟了。4. 电影开始了一小时了。5. 门打开半小时了。Step2 New wordsbeauty seaside theme park sailing except view mountain business direct flight on business Step 2 Free talkHave you ever travelled to any places in China?What did you do there?Step 3 Let students see some pictures and talk about them.Step 4 Listen to the tape and answer A1.The Class 1, Great 8 students are talking about the kinds of places they like best. Listen to their conversation and match the students with the places. Write the correct letter in each box.Places for travellinga.Chinese gardens 1. Kittyb.Museums 2. Simonc.Places of natural beauty 3. Sandyd.Seaside cities 4. Daniele.Theme parks 5. MillieStep 5 Make sentences use the information in A1.如: “Kitty likes to go. Millie wants to goStep 6 Ask students talk with classmates What is important when you plan your holiday?Step7 Listen to the tape finish A2.The students are listening to a radio programme about the best time to visit some places in China. Put a tick () in the correct boxes.Step 8 Finish part A3 together. 教学反思 八年级下册英语教案 Date:总 课 题8B Unit 2 Travelling总课时7第6课时课 题Study skills课型New教学目标1.Students can ask and answer about the travel information 2.Students can use main points and details to write an article教学重点. Students can use main points and details to write an article教学难点Students can use main points and details to write an article教学准备Tape recorder, Computer, Pictures Read the words and the text.教学方法Listening 、reading、acting& Discussing教学过程教学环节 师 生 活 动复备栏Pretask: Whiletask:Posttask:Check pre-exerciseStep1 Free talk Travelling is very interesting. May Day is coming and its a good season for travelling. Amy will go traveling. Where will she go?Step 2 Listen and answer some questions.1. Where will Amy go?2. How will they get there?3. How long are they staying there?4. How long dose it take to fly to Chengdu? Step 3 Activity Students act the dialogue out.Step 4 Useful phrases 1. My Dad has been to Chengdu on business twice.on business 意思是“出差”business n. 的意思是 “公事,生意”,该词还有“职业,企业”的意思。Business is business公事公办to run a business 经营一家企业None of your business不关你的事2. Were going to take a direct flight to Chengdu. 我们将乘直飞航班到成都。direct adj. 径直的e.g.There is a direct high-speed train to Hangzhou.有一班直达杭州的高速列车。Step 5 Useful expressions How much is the cheapest?Do you have any brochures on?How long does it take to fly to?What is the weather like in this time of year?Can you recommend any good hotels in?Should I bring a credit card?I recommend a sightseeing tour ofWhat is the exchange rate for? Step 6 PresentationWhen we write about an experience or event, we can organize our ideas using the following five main points.When did it happen? Where did it happen? Who was there?What happened?How did you feel? Then we should give details to support the main points. Take Kittys day at Hong Kong Disneyland as an example: When: during the winter holidayWhere: Hong Kong Main points: Who: Kitty and her parents What: visited Hong Kong Disneyland enjoyed the Space Mountain ride watched a paradeDetail: saw a 4-D film did some shopping watched the fireworksHow: had a fantastic timeStep 7 PracticeMr wu is asking the Class1, Grade 8 students to organize the following information into main points and details. First, help them write the correct letters in the blanks. Then work pairs and talk about their trip.a Class 1, Grade 8 students; b Enjoyed the natural beauty; c Everybody felt excited ;d Flew kites; e Went fishing by the lake ; f 5 March ; g South Hill; h A visit to South Hill 教学反思八年级下册英语教案 Date:总 课 题8B Unit 2 Travelling总课时7第7课时课 题Task课型New教学目标To write an article about one of your holidays.教学重点教会学生如何安排语言材料构成文章。教学难点To write an article about one of your holidays.教学准备Tape recorder, Computer, Pictures Read the words and the text.教学方法Listening 、reading、acting& Discussing教学过程教学环节 师 生 活 动复备栏Pretask: Whiletask:Posttask:Check pre-exerciseStep1 PresentationShow students some pictures and new words.Step 2 Warming upShow some pictures about Hong Kong and introduceDisneyland is a famous theme park and it has four different parksMain Street USA, Tomorrow Land, Fantasyland and Adventure land. In Ocean Park,we can see the dolphin show and the bird show. Every year many tourists go there to have a good time especially(特别)the children.Step 3 Task 11. How does Kitty write her article? Step1 (partA): Step2 (partB): Step3 (partC): 2 Look at Kittys fact file Part A in page 32carefully and try to remember more information about Kittys trip to Hong Kong. Step 4 PresentationUseful expressionsIt took us to fly toThe next day, we went toI loved watching the interestingwas exciting/beautiful/fantasticOn the third day, we visitedWe went toon the fifth daywas the best part of the day.We enjoyed this trip very muchStep 5 Task 21. Analysis (分析) kittys article. We can group this article into 3 parts: part 1: para( )para( ) It is mainly about part 2: para( )para( ) It is mainly about part 3: para( )para( ) It is mainly about. 2.During Kittys article, Kitty used some adjectives(形容词)and adverbs(副词) to describe her article. Could you please find them out as many as you can?3. Complete Kittys article in Part B, page 33 as quickly as you can. Step 6 Useful sentences1. My parents and I left for the airport in the early morning. 我和父母一大早就前往机场。leave for 动身去The plane leaves for Hong Kong at 10:30.飞机于10:30 起飞前往香港。2. It took us about three and a half hours to fly to Hong Kong. 我们花了3个半小时飞到香港。“3个半小时”还可以表达成three hours and a half“一个半小时”的两种表达方式 one and a half hours one hour and a halfStep 7 Homework1. If you went to Beijing for a holiday last summer, try to write an article about this trip.2. What should we do and what should not we do while we are travelling? Please give more details. You can discuss and look for the information on the internet or from the newspapers and magazines. 教学反思


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